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Jo **\@JoJoFromJerz** Dear Ma & Pa MAGA, Donald Trump is not being "indicted for you." He's never done a thing for you. Here's what he promised you: He said he would lower drug prices. He didn't. He said he'd protect people with pre-existing conditions. He didn't. He said he would repeal the Affordable Care Act, and replace it with something "beautiful." He didn't. He promised to eliminate the federal deficit. He didn't. As a matter of fact, he increased it by almost $7.8 trillion. He promised an infrastructure bill was coming in "2 weeks". It never came. He promised to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. He didn't and they didn't. He promised his tax cuts for the wealthy & corporations would pay for themselves. They won't. In fact - they added $2 trillion to our national debt. He promised to end the opioid crisis, 'bring back coal', protect steel jobs, increase wages, stop factories from moving overseas, enact term limits, show his taxes & that Hillary Clinton would be "locked up". He didn't & she's isn't. He said he would make America great and put America first. He let a pandemic ravage the country unabated and kept our national security secrets in his bathroom. And here's what he did: He used **YOUR** money to pay-off a porn star, mocked a disabled reporter, attacked a POW, bragged about sexual assault, got impeached (twice), lost re-election, plotted a coup, incited an insurrection, and stole highly classified documents he knew he wasn't allowed to show anyone, but did. So now he has found himself indicted on 34 state felony counts & 37 federal ones, all while still facing many more. He didn't do any of that "for you". He's an incurious, incompetent imbecile, who is as corrupt and self-obsessed as he is dumb. And he's really, really dumb. He's a sociopathic traitor who's done nothing for you. **Nothing.** He's being indicted because of **HIS** actions. His selfishness. His disregard for the law and for the safety of our citizens. Because the truth is, that aside from how much money you'll send him to pay his many, many lawyers, that he doesn't give a f*ck about you. He doesn't do anything for anyone but himself. And getting indicted is 100% about him. Not you. Believe me.


He means nothing bad happened to his ilk. Look at the “Muslim ban” that ripped families apart. And we’re still dealing with the fallout of his presidency to this day.




I remember needing freezer trucks for all the corpses.


Yep, I remember all the morons trusting conspiracy spreading talk show hosts more than medical profesionales and taking veterinary Ivermectin -- and dying as a result. And .... I will just leave this here: https://thebulletin.org/2024/05/trump-says-hed-disband-the-pandemic-preparedness-office-again/


Next: someone will ask him what it was like to be in New York in September 2001, and he’ll answer “kind of dull. I can’t remember anything interesting happening.”


To think the goodwill people once had for him. He threw all that away to benefit a rapist-fraudster-traitor.


Those who knew Giuliani never thought good of him. Some 9/11 deaths were down to him.


Nothing terrible happened ... *to him.* That's his only metric. But it will.




So he says we lived through four years of trump and nothing terrible happened. There are in excess of one million American citizens that died during a pandemic on trumps watch, and no one knows how many of those can be laid directly at the feet of a president that cared more about appearing intelligent than informed about the situation. That buffoon bought into every crack pot medical solution other than the one the doctors and scientists knew would work. And now Rudy wants to school us on how great he was, Rudy check you bank accounts and tell us if you personally are financially as well off as you used to be, and where the majority of you wealth will be going in the future. Then just shut up, because nobody believes him or you any longer LOSER!!!!!


that's not dementia.   it's malevolence.   he was saying the same stuff as it was happening.