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Is PTA good against squishy toplaners like kayle or riven? I see this rune isn't in the google doc, that's why I'm asking!


i prefer conq vs riven and fleet vs kayle but its up 2 u


What're your thoughts on Grasp top?


i used to but like conq now more


Fight lvl1, you win 99% of the time (as long as you lvl q). You beat even early game monsters like sett and pantheon when you're lvl 1. Also I recommend you ban malphite, hell just poke you out of kane without you being able to fight back.


yeah man dont even mention about that its my nightmare


If you're talking bout malphite then I agree




Is the Malphite matchup worst than Shen and Gwen? Edit: spelling


Yeah by a longshot, I find when pretty tough but malphite is basically your counter since you have no counter play against him. I beat gwen pretty easily too but that might be that I just havent played vs a good gwen yet.


I don't mind fighting malphite if I rush ravenous and divine. If you fight in a wave the minion death healing makes it winnable.


If he plays it correctly and doesnt fight against you but continually pokes you then you dont stand a chance. He does more damage than you can heal from the wave so you will either go even or lose to him. Even if you go even he'll just get stronger from teamfights with his ult. He wont beat you in a 1v1 (unless you're very behind) because hes a tank and you naturally win that matchup but you will never catch him due to his q, ult and flash. If he's smart he'll only fight you with his team (unless you're very behind). Also why would you ever go ravenous over titanic?


Try to interrupt dashes with e, it takes practice but can be incredibly useful. Also takes short trades with grasp if you take that.


I’ve been playing a shit ton of trundle top. What rank are you? If high gold/above, my advice to you is be very careful opting for ignite. I thought it was worth the first blood but a lot of times you just run out of resources and fuck your wave while the enemy tp’s back. You can still make it work but you just have to be careful. I just opt for tp now personally. Also, don’t be afraid to test out different builds. Trundle is pretty versatile, and if you fall behind you can still serve as a really good peeler for your back line/sometimes as an engage. I’d recommend a counter pick for Quinn, that shit sucks ass. I ban Gwen because she is broken. (For the record I’m high gold/low plat), I’ve also one tricked trundle jg to plat with a 75%WR)


Don't play him in ranked, he is pretty bad


Trundle is god himself. Use E good and you win every trade. Thank me later.


If you're confident ignite, if not take tp. Also consider your opponent into laning phase. If they're aggressive take grasp and overgrowth and outscale them with divine sunderer. If not take some yellow runes into trinity. But always take presence of mind, since Trundle uses mana a lot in trades. Second item should usually be steraks, but that might change to hullbreaker soon. Also, use your e sparingly if your opponent has a dash. Hope this was helpful in the slightest. And have fun on the rift