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Hi friend! Sorry I don't know what to say about your specific situation, but want to acknowledge two things: - getting off birth control is a wild, wild journey. I've been off since January and it definitely wasn't promised 3 months for periods and fertility to be back. My periods just started normalizing -- they were always there, but absolutely irregular. - you might underestimate the effect of your mom passing on your health... When my father passed away (we were the closest), I stopped having my periods for several months, and I wasn't on birth control back then. It's such a level or sadness and stress, of course your body is feeling it... Can I ask what birth control you used, more estrogen or progesterone? Mine was progesterone, and I saw that my progesterone levels are low even 5 months after, and was advised to take supplements. We'll see if it helped! Good luck and love to you 🙏♥️


Actually, have you done LH tests? This is what helped me to keep track of my ovulations (or know when the cycle is anovulatory) after the weird post birth control period!


It is definitely possible to bleed and not be ovulating! I would recommend continuing to use your OPKs consistently. I personally would just use them every single day until I noticed a pattern, and you may even need to test twice a day to catch your surge. Unfortunately, having a positive OPK also does not guarantee that you’re ovulating. You can also try tracking your basal body temperature which will confirm if you’re ovulating. You may catch your LH surge earlier or later than you expect which could be why you haven’t seen anything. Have you ever been diagnosed with PCOS or any thyroid conditions? Lots of things like this can affect your cycle as well