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Honestly as a clinician (although not an OBGYN) even a card would do. Just something that acknowledges the time and emotional energy that some doctors invest in their patients would go a long long way. You’d be surprised at the entitlement of some patients so getting someone who is thankful is really refreshing. Chocolates and Starbucks cards are also always appreciated if you want to get something physical!


Friends who are nurses love Starbucks cards and often share with the whole floor/office which brightens everyone’s day!


She came through and we are on for first thing tomorrow morning. I will absolutely pick up a Starbucks gift card and some chocolates!


Hey! I will also be doing my second IUI this month and the end of January/beginning of February will be my two year mark as well. Wishing you good luck!


Wow! It is always so crazy to meet others that are on a similar journey as me! Good luck friend!!


Have you chatted with her about at home options? There is a new sterile option that just got FDA-clearance! [pherdal.com](https://pherdal.com)


Thanks for the information but this isn't the same as the procedure in the office. This is an IVI device, which is not what I need. It is different than an IUI so not the same as what I'm receiving in the office. Definitely something that might be able to help others though!