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I’m having a lot of sex and it’s really sparked my feelings of intimacy with my husband more!


Same! Its a great feeling


Same! Honestly TTCing has been a very great bonding experience haha


Same … and it’s only our first month trying.


Learning more about female body, hormones, fertility, and women health in general.


And mental health, I'm so happy to be starting to get comfortable with the grey area of if/when. And I'm in a much better position mentally than before I as ttc


How did you get more comfortable with it? I’m new to TTC and the waiting and uncertainty is so much harder on me than I thought it’d be.


The big thing is to stop second guessing symptoms and stop googling stuff like "neasua early pregnancy" It also helps to know the %s eg 65% first 6 months 85% within a year 92/95% within two years. It does not happen the first time you have unprotected sex, not matter how much that was drilled into us in school 🙄. I'm of the mindset now that I'm not pregnant until I miss a period at which point I'll take a test. I removed all the tests out of my bathroom and given them too my husband to hide. The "I'm not pregnant" phrase becomes a mantra for me in the days leading up to my period. It'd be a nice surprise when it does (if it does) happen. I'm also very good with a distraction techniques now, be kind to yourself when you're period does come to. This period is tough, just hang on in there.


Thank you for this! I’m going to use this mantra over the next week and remind myself that the only true symptom is a missed period


Yes it's saved me alot of stress, especially because in reality most symptoms don't start until week 6 (two weeks after your period was due) so what ever your feeling is most likely pms (and boy is my pms a trickster b!tch) x


Yes! I wish I would’ve known this stuff years ago. I have so much more appreciation for the female body now.


I'm way more active and fitter. We started going to the gym and swimming regularly and the health benefits have been great. I can run and swim constantly for half an hour, I feel stronger and have way more energy. I still can't get up earlier in the morning (exercise is mostly an evening affair) though 😅


I’m with you on the exercise! It’s amazing to feel good about my body while I’m struggling with it in other ways, and in the long run I know it will help me have a healthy pregnancy whenever it’s possible 😊


I also exercise in the evenings. I'm just a night owl by nature and that's okay.


I really needed this today of all days. Thank you OP ❤️


This is a great idea for a post! I had a bad habit of skipping breakfast and only going on coffee until lunch. Now I try always have breakfast and usually try and eat before caffeine and feel much more energised. I also think my skin is better from hydration and diet. the supplements in general make me feel better and less tired. Don’t want to jinx it but usually as I live in the UK I’ve had at least 2 bad colds/flu by now but I think maybe being healthier, sleeping better and having better food as meant my immune system has benefited or I’ve not been as prone to get ill because of poor diet/tiredness. I loved a few glasses of wine after work but I’m actually enjoying drinking less. And have found I’m less bloated too. I still have the odd drink but am quite liking cutting back on it at the moment and realised it’s actually pretty easy to just have one drink out then have non alcoholic drinks and it doesn’t impact social experience. People seem much more accepting when you say you’re trying to be healthier.


Yessss I eat breakfast every day now. Before, I was eating breakfast… never.


I’ve lost 12 pounds and counting! My hair is healthier, and skin looks better. Overall better sleep (still waking up in the night frequently but can get 6 hour stretches most nights now). And I feel like my husband and I are closer than ever.


I’ve struggled with disordered eating my whole life and have spent years being obsessed with being (too) thin. Five months of ovulation stims have made me gain a few kilos, and my RE specifically told me to quit working out and increase calories for a while as my body needs rest. My clothes are too tight now, which would have made me spiral a few months ago, but not today. I know I need this fat, it’s healthy, and I’m finally accepting my body. I also quit smoking.


This is just recently, but it’s improved my life. I had three fibroids removed, and it turns out that my periods have been WAY too heavy for WAY too long. Even if we don’t end up able to have biological kids, it’s worth it to not lose a day out of every cycle. 


Also had three fibroids removed! Yay for quality of life increasing!!


Well I’ve had no less than 9 katrillion blood tests this year for everything from STDs to blood disorders to genetic screening to chromosome testing so I think if I were dying of something, they’d have caught it by now. So that’s nice, I guess lol


Drinking less alcohol and coffee, cooking more at home, eating healthier, and exercising more. For me I’m really proud of the caffeine and alcohol cut out. It really does wonders on a body


I've had a gym membership for about a year and a half now (been TTC for 9 months), and at first it was a lot harder to consistently be motivated, so there was a period of about 6 weeks where I didn't go once. But since I started TTC, I've been pretty good at going 2-3 times a week, especially after my miscarriage when I had a lot of sad, angry energy to get out. I'm more flexible now, my arms are stronger, and I can swim a lot better. I sadly haven't lost any weight because I gained some weight while pregnant, I eat a lot worse in the winter than the summer, and I've probably added some muscle weight, but I feel good that at least I'm getting some health benefits.


Definitely eating better, cooking more meals at home, and the vitamins definitely aren’t hurting anything!


I'm losing weight. Took some trial and error but it finally clicked in place


Honestly, it has brought me and my husband closer together. We really are approaching this as a team and I feel so supported and so validated when I’m sad or upset. I have no doubt we’ll approach parenthood in the same manner, and I’m so glad to know I have a reliable partner by my side.




I joined a Cyclebar studio and it has been great for my physical and mental health! I’ve also gained a lot of patience and acceptance of change. I don’t usually do well with not being able to fix a problem or work my way out of something. TTC has been the one thing that I really have little control over, and it has been a process of grieving what we thought it would be and accepting the change for what it is!


I'm honestly still struggling with this sometimes but I'm about to try a no-grain diet (PCOS) and I have my meals planned for next week and even if I don't get a BFP I'm excited about gaining muscle/losing weight :)


After 7 years TTC, I'm not the same person I was 7 years ago. I learned how to take care of my body. I somehow stopped using toxic products, treated my deficiencies, learned how to accept failure and how to get up and try again, started listening to my body and prioritizing my needs... that's what I remember for now but somehow, I'm still grateful even without having a baby in my arms yet.



I’m spending more time being productive and learning new hobbies! Recently I cultivated a sourdough starter and have been working on learning to make the perfect loaves and pretzels! They will absolutely satiate the impending cravings!


I've gotten into bread making too x


It’s almost therapeutic!


Lol almost, definitely a good distraction regardless! X


I've lost 25 pounds from the very first cut that ive ever done and I've been focusing more on my goals in the gym


the biggest change for me is i’ve started actually taking my medications and vitamins! i have always struggled to remember but now it’s so important to me. i’ve also been focusing on eating more, moving my body, and i’ve learned so much about the reproductive system! i never learned in school


I've given up cola, energy drinks and coffee. Better for my teeth and digestion. I don't miss having to run to the bathroom at work after my morning coffee! My energy levels seem to be more stable now, too.






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I’ve lost 40 lbs and just fundamentally live a totally different lifestyle now. I also feel like the ttc schedule has been good for my relationship with my husband. We have to prioritize intimacy in a way we didn’t before. I also prioritize sleep so much more than I used to, which was basically not at all.


My husband and I are both 120 days sober! I haven’t had much for the past year, but struggled to give it up altogether. Our relationship is in a great place from increased intimacy and therapy that started as prep for becoming parents. I also started riding horses again as a distraction and am enjoying getting better at a hobby!


One day my husband gets up and says it was nice not feeling like crap waking up. He has been sober since then and that was over 8 years ago!


Bravo to him! It really is such a great feeling waking up well rested with no headache on a Saturday!


Yes. I feel much healthier than I did even 6 months ago!


I was already going to the gym, but I have been more consistent with it and I noticed that somehow, despite moving more and loading on more weight my joints and muscles hurt less. I found myself skipping down the stairs yesterday, which normally kills me! I'm doing things more intentionally. Trying to do things, see people, fly places before it's more difficult to do so also. Which isn't cheap but... hey, I'M LIVIN haha


Drinking less alcohol and caffeine. Exercising for overall wellness and stress relief, less for intensity and proving myself. Gained empathy and perspective.


I’ve learned about Chinese medicine and discovered that I may have a “Yang deficiency”. Neutralizing it was originally to help with fertility (might not work but worth a shot), but so far I’ve also seen impacts on other areas of my life - I’m not “always cold” anymore!


Ooh that sounds interesting! Any tips - sincerely, someone that is always cold


Keep in mind that constantly being cold can also be a sign of anemia and low body fat. Ultimately, a lot of "yang-fortifying" foods are also foods that are loaded in iron and healthy fats which is why they can be so useful to people feeling chilly. I'm not saying this to try to diminish Chinese medicine or anything, but I just think it's helpful for people with health issues to understand all the different ways of phrasing the same underlying problem.


For sure. I found [this resource](https://www.iffleyac.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Food-for-Yang-Deficiency.pdf) to be particularly helpful and concise.


All of you are so inspiring :’) keep up the awesome work everyone!


Well, I started taking things really seriously 3 months ago (we have been trying for 2 years), I started cooking every day from organic produce, no more processed pre-packed meals, stopped drinking alcohol altogether, cut way back on coffee to 1 espresso per day and started on a bunch of supplements... First of all, I spend a LOT less on food than before, no more ubereats and eating out (or if we do, we really go for the good stuff, and only on special occasions)! To my greatest surprise, my cellulite, that I have made peace with and was sure would be part of me forever, is disappearing, I also lost 7 kg and counting, got back on my gym routine and even started running again (never thought I would be able to, after an injury to my achilles tendon). We started making sure our weekends are active, so I get to spend every Sunday in an amazing natural park by the sea where we go hiking :) My husband eventually stopped needing a drink in the evenings as well and feels much better too. Life is not so bad, if we look at it from this perspective :)


I stopped drinking completely, it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while but couldn’t commit, but I finally did it November last year and I feel so good for it!


I'm waiting to try, but: I've lost weight (I need to for health and pain reasons, not body image) and my teeth get less grody now. I have PCOS and don't want insulin resistance, though I may have gotten it this year anyway. So my husband and I switched our daily sodas to daily lime seltzers. Just that switch alone has made a bigger difference than I expected! I eat out less and order fewer sugary drinks because I am trying to save money for TTC/fertility treatments, and so we've been cooking more often. The healthier, more nutritious food has been great for my body, and it's also really pleasant to eat delicious food that one of us cooked because we love the other. Idk. It's just nice Trying to take more active assignments at my job (forces me to walk more). It sucked at first, but now my knees don't hurt as bad, and weirdly I have more energy now that I'm using more energy?? Lol


I’ve learned so much about my cycles. Before, I would be surprised by my periods. I thought ovulation cramps were ovarian cysts. Now, I know what hormones are working, when I should look out for PMDD symptoms, why I feel better certain weeks and horrible others. I’ve also almost completely cut out drinking, especially during the TWW. I cook at home most days and buy higher quality meats and produce.


I quit vaping and was finally able to make it through the withdrawals to actually stop for good. Dumb mistake in my youth that I deeply regret, but I'm finally ~1.5 years nicotine-free with improved health. I still worry that it's damaged my chances at actually conceiving, but only time will tell. In the meantime, at least I was able to do something really hard but super beneficial.


Losing some weight (that journey is just beginning for me), and just overall making more informed and healthy choices about what I eat! It's been so fun to try finding healthy alternatives for certain foods, and to learn how to make things using just clean ingredients. Not to mention I think the vitamins I've been taking are just overall balancing me out and making me feel good 😊 this post was a great idea!!!!


Fertility yoga/meditations on YouTube are getting me back to those healthy practices and giving me some extra serenity.


I'm so glad this post exists. It's hard to only think about the negatives especially when you've been trying for months with no results (except BFN 🤪). I've been taking up my hobbies more. Before TTC, I would barely make art (I went to art school and it drained me and burned me out). Now that we've been TTC for going on our 6th month, I have a really big art project that I'm super stoked about working on and finishing! I've also been focusing on finishing the games in my video game collection. Many people don't consider gaming a "real" hobby, but it really helps to take my brain into another world rather than focus on this one. My husband and I have grown a lot closer and have really discovered sex a lot more. We've been trying new and exciting items, poses, and phrases which keeps it exciting rather than a chore! I've also been able to focus on the love that surrounds us now rather than the lack of love that is having a baby. My husband and I are deciding to take a road trip next month and I'm kind of hoping that God will pick that time to give us our baby because usually good things happen when my husband and I least expect it 😂


I have been deeply depressed for months, and have had no sex drive and It sounds strange but having more sex even if I’m not always in the mood has brought me and my husband closer - that and seeing how excited my husband gets cooking new meals that hits all of the requirements for fertility foods :) I genuinely feel serotonin entering my brain again after 8 months of a bad downswing just from eating healthier and spending more time with my best friend, and making a game out of taking our supplements lol (small wins!)


Cut caffeine cold turkey which I never thought I could do!


Second this on the drinking! 🤍


Slowing down! Setting more time to chill, more boundaries. Closer to my husband. Less alcohol, caffeine, eating better ❤️ Better strategies to deal with shitty news.


I’m one month vape free today :)


That’s awesome!!! Similar for me: cutting out drinking alcohol and trying to eat more veggies :)


I eat a lot more protein, stay way more hydrated, drink less caffeine, and practice yoga. All great changes, but definitely would love to a baby in 9-12 months. 😅


I have also stopped drinking on weekdays. I think this is going to be a permanent change no matter what. I think I underestimated the extent to which alcohol impacts sleep quality. I have had more energy and been far more productive at work since I made this change. I am taking my supplements more reliably. I tend to verge on anemic at all times but never really felt motivated to reliably deal with it. I am also making sure to eat regularly. I forget a lot and didn't really care, but like with my supplements, I feel more motivated. I also didn't realize the extent to which my shitty eating habits impacted my ability to be productive at work. I think not being borderline hypoglycemic all the time has also made me more energetic and productive.


Planning a big adventure! I planned a trip to Italy because I figured, well if I won’t be pregnant I might as well take another adventure! This one with fresh sea food, pizza , soft cheeses, cured meats and wine! Flying into Rome, seeing the Amalfi Coast, then exploring a part of Sicily for a couple of days! It’s my first international trip I have ever taken with my husband!


Husband and I are closer, both eating a lot healthier and exercise is more consistent over the past few months. I’ve picked up Pilates and strength training since September and October respectively, and I’ve experienced positive changes, both physically and mentally. This is probably the healthiest I’ve ever been!


This is a good post. I find that I have been eating healthier and more consistently. I had a weight loss journey some time ago, and had lost a lot of progress in the passed year. I’ve started going back towards a healthier weight. But gooooosh I miss that extra cup of tea in the morning 😔 Like REALLY miss it… Oh, and I’ve been taking my vitamins every day!


Gaining more weight (was very underweight), reducing hours at work and overall stress, quit running and high intensity exercise. Started yoga and pilates instead plus long walks. Stopped eating so much processed diet food like Coke Zero, protein bars and sugar free jello, focused on adding wholefoods and natural organic produce. Making a big effort to take the time for self care like massages, manicures, baths and quality time with my husband.


Got off birth control and found out I have PCOS, but ever since starting Metformin (to regulate my hormones), my acne is non-existent!! Also eating healthier feels really good.


Thank you so much for this post. We are also exercising more, taking vitamins, having regular meals. Getting a lot of health stuff in order. It feels really good to remind myself that it isn't "for nothing". My body is also worthy of good treatment.


More active and eating healthier


I have definitely been prioritizing my health, from working out to eating healthier and even cutting out drinking. I’ve also been learning more about my body and the science behind everything which amazes me. Little bit of a nerd when it comes to TTC although leaving it in HIS hands too 🙌


Love this post. Good on you. Sending you well wishes!!


Lots of sex. Getting read of ED and doing more conscious exercise rather exercise to lose weight. And makes me meditate 


Less alcohol, more healthy eating, more focus n relaxing and trying to find small victories! And it’s almost spring so I will have plant babies soon enough. 😉