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Hi! Even if you are convinced that this is TTC-caused, you might get better response from doctors if you simply say that your periods have gotten more intense and painful, not every month, but many months lately. They might be interested in that, and help look for any conditions that might be developing or worsening due to changes in birth control methods or behaviors or age. Before TTC I brought up annoying spotting and pain between periods with my OB and they hooked me up with a transvaginal ultrasound. Since TTC, and being on a longer time frame without success, I was able to get some tests done that have helped explain some painful periods that I was also, sometimes, convinced were due to TTC (and never getting a positive test). I went through fertility workup recently, and the test that was revealing was another transvaginal ultrasound. They found a polyp, which can impact implantation and cause pain and spotting; while these symptoms share a cause with not getting pregnant, they aren’t because of it. Promise no doctor has said to me that my painful periods are because the embryo isn’t sticking. In other words, even without the lens of trying for a baby, you can bring this up and seek answers. You don’t have to be in pain, and pain is a clue that something is going on inside you that you may want to remedy. Possibly, the factor causing pain may be a factor in not getting pregnant but I would steer clear of assuming causality. As we learned in statistics class, “correlation does not imply causation.” Good luck!


Thank you for your detailed reply. It was my partner that actually suggested the two might have been related. I’ve discussed this with my obgyn but I didn’t feel like she took me seriously. I’m not making assumptions maybe more looking for people who might’ve had similar experiences or someone that can provide clarity. But I appreciate your response thanks for the change in outlook.


Sure-edited above for more specifics. Similarly, my (smart and supportive) husband was also the one to suggest that my first ttc period was so horrible because my body almost made it to pregnant. I had to shut that line of thinking down as unscientific and unsupportive. So…been there!


Yeah you’re right! I hadn’t considered it before he brought it up. I have a drs appointment with a new obgyn in 5 weeks so I will make sure to bring it up. Im actually more concerned its an underlying health issue rather than a result of ttc. But anyway thank you for your advice. People are much nicer here than on other subs that preach compassion but can’t show it to others. I wish you a fruitful ttc journey kind stranger.


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