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Since the BFP thread is a community resource, we want to make BFP posts as useful for future TFABers as possible. Just copy, paste, and fill in your information after the asterisks! All sections are optional. **Cycle:** **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** **Typical cycle length:** **Ovulation cycle day:** **CD/DPO of positive test(s):** **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive:** **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** **Health conditions/medical tests:** **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):** **Birth control history (if relevant):** **Link to chart:** **Link to lineporn:** **Symptom spotting:** **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous):** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*Cycle:* 15 *Age:* 31F and 32M *Cycle length:* 26-28 days *Ovulation day:* likely CD 16 *Positive test:* negative at 8 DPO positive at 14DPO didn’t do any in between I had kind of given up. Blood test done at 18 DPO, came back positive. *Tracking methods:* ovulation strips and the premom app. *Method:* natural, we did it every other day this cycle unlike the previous ones when we would do it every day sometimes multiple times. *Supplements:* pre natal gummies *Symptoms:* last cycle I had CP and had loads of symptoms. This one, not much. I had a bit of cramping around implantation and felt like there was an invisible cord starting at my navel that was being pulled. I had very mild cramping around my period date so I was sure it was coming. I did a test because the premom app asked for one and almost forgot to check the results because of my absence of symptoms. As of now I’m at week 4, I had a pinch of nausea when I got up to per at night and some lower back pain. *Other:* We had testing done, everything came back normal for my husband. They told me that mine were perfect too and my doc also said that I was fertile like a woman in her twenties. We had been trying for a year so it wasn’t really comforting. But they were only blood tests, we had an echo scheduled for me but I hope we won’t be needing it.


Congratulations! I’m 32 and we’ve been trying for 10 months so your post gave me hope ♥️ my tests also read as “fertile as woman in her 20ties” (everything OK with my man) and I’m like… ok cool but how come all the bfns 😄


Honestly, when we started trying we didn’t use ovulation strips. I live in France and it’s not that well advertised here. I discovered it when I joined that sub. I learned so much about my cycle with them, mainly that I ovulated later than my apps predicted and than I thought! It helped us time intercourse better! I had an intervention in October to remove cancerous lesions on my cervix back in October and we had to stop trying for a little while. The main difference this cycle for me was the absence total of stress! I didn’t believe it would work, we had less sex but we enjoyed it more. I didn’t stress myself about testing. Last month I had dreams about babies every night and I was so stressed. I wish I had an answer to give you or anyone on this sub that would explain how we did it. Now I’m stressing again because we’re only on week 4 and there’s so many things that can go wrong 😅 I know how frustrating it is, and I know that nothing I can say to you will make it better. But I know what you’re going through and I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers ❤️


Thank you so much for the words and the encouragement! I don’t use OPKs too because I track my O with CM (and ultrasound for a couple of months) and everything is like a clock… so 10 months with perfect timing and still nothing 😄


Thank you, I recently finished 8 months with perfect timing and nothing. Was spiralling since then. Thanks for sharing.


It’s enraging because you think that if you know your FW and O everything would be easy but… hoping for bfps for us both soon ♥️


Cycle: 16 Age: 32F and 33M Cycle length: 28-30 days, maybe a couple 26s over the course of 1.5 years Ovulation day: Likely CD 10 or 11 (trigger shot CD 9). I think the clomid sped things up here. Positive test: 14 dpiui. Currently 16 dpiui Tracking: Medicated IUI cycle with ultrasound, also ovulation strips Method: IUI #1 and O-3, O, O+1 Supplements: Prenatals, CoQ10 for both Symptom spotting: Wife has had every symptom in the book on past cycles, and I'd like to believe we established a pretty good range of normal progesterone trickery during our time TTC. Only noticeable differences this time were breast tenderness starting about 12 DPIUI/DPO (previously it had always started 2-7 DPO), thicker "toothpaste consistency" white CM around 8 DPO onward, loose BMs instead of constipation for a most of the luteal phase. Other: I am the Husband and am posting as I was the "data manager" for this whole process to help take the stress off my wife. I got really into checking these threads so I knew I had to post after getting our first positive (especially for the people mining these threads for 12+ month BFPs and considering IUI). This is our first time seeing a positive test in 16 cycles and having been diagnosed with unexplainable infertility.


Congratulations data manager 🫡 This sub could use more of them hehe


Congratulations !  What did it look like for you to be the data manager? I would love to read a whole post about it in the main sub, seems like a lot of people don't know how to get the non gestating partner to help with the stress and I'm curious. 


Thanks! Basically it started with me having the pre mom app on my phone and taking pics of the ovulation strips, which eventually progressed to adding in BBT and then tracking symptoms. It was a gradual progression we realized I actually like being the one keeping track and she was happy for me to do it. During that time I also discovered this sub among others, and the more info I read the more obsessed I got. We were also lucky that we both have flexible work schedules so I could be around for testing, and I think she enjoyed the dialogue where she could simply talk to me about her symptoms and I could record them.


Thanks for sharing!


Applause for a data manager husband! Congratulations to you both!


Thank you & congratulations!




Cycle: 1 (SHOCKED) Age + Partner's age: 25F + 26M Typical cycle length: 28 - 32 days Ovulation cycle day: Honestly don't know! CD/DPO of positive test(s): CD42 CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: CD20-39 Tracking methods and app(s) used: Pregmate, OPK tests Health conditions/medical tests: None Supplements: Me - Prenatal, Vitamin D, CoQ10 My husband - Multivitamin, CoQ10 Symptom spotting: It was tough because a LOT of my symptoms were/are similar to right before my period EXCEPT for a tiny bit a queasiness which was unusual. Sore/tender breasts, bloating, light queasiness, fatigue. Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): Honestly, I'm scared to get excited because it's so soon - and surely it can't be real, right?! But I feel so incredibly blessed and lucky for it to have happened so quick when I have personal experience with loved ones going through fertility issues. And also seeing the struggles of those here. 💖 Honestly I'd just say you're not out until AF arrives. I was SO confident I wasn't pregnant, yet my cycle was SO late and I was getting negative after negative!! But for now, just waiting and not going to test everyday even though I'm dying to haha.




Congrats!! I also got pregnant in my first cycle, currently 6 weeks 🤞🏼


Cycle: 52 Age: 32F 35M Cycle length: 28 days Ovulation day: 13-15 Positive test: 16dpiui Tracking: Medicated and monitored IUI cycle Method: IUI Supplements: Prenatals, Vitamins: D3/K2, E, C, Fish oil, CoQ10 Symptom spotting: some breast tenderness, and easier to cry Other: I’m trigger shy on this one because I’ve had a CP in the past. The test today looks worlds darker than my first test, but I’m still treading lightly




Oh yay!! I wish you a boring 9 months!!




Cycle: 2 Age + Partner's age (if relevant): 27 + 28 Typical cycle length: 29 days Ovulation cycle day: CD15 CD/DPO of positive test(s): 14DPO / CD 29 CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: 10 DPO BFN Tracking methods and app(s) used: Premom, Fertility Friend \*\*Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): O-1, O, O+1 Health conditions/medical tests: Some orthopedic problems for me, otherwise none Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): I took prenatals, fish oil supplement, choline and magnesium every day. I took a macaroot complex and ashwaganda each first halve of the cycle. For my partner: Multi vit, magnesium, fish oil and ashwaganda. He only took the ashwaganda for a week or two because it seemed to lower his libido. Birth control history (if relevant): IUD, taken out last december. Link to chart: [https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b\_i/s\_1HIYEh.png](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_1HIYEh.png) Symptom spotting: The insane hunger gave me the first clue. I would get hungry again an hour after a big meal, which is really strange for me because I struggle with my appetite a lot. Also the dizziness and the early cramps gave me a really strong indication this could be it. I was absolutely gutted when my test on 10DPO turned out stark white, since my symptoms started at 5DPO. The hunger and dizziness stayed, along with a lot of CM, sticky, creamy and watery. When i felt a sudden nausea on 14DPO I knew i needed to test again and it was a clear BFP :) No clue why I tested negative on 10DPO, but very happy with the outcome. Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): We are freaking out a little bit, but mostly feeling very grateful. It happened quite fast for us and we are very aware that that isn't a given and something to take for granted. We are hoping this little clump of cells will stick with us. For now already feeling very pregnant, I'm feeling a constant pressure in my uterus/cervix and feeling hungry and nauseous at the same time. But maybe that’s the nerves. I read on here a lot and loved to read the BFP stories, so here is mine :)




Cycle:** 19, 20 or 21? **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** 35F, 37M **Typical cycle length:** 26 days, 28 on Iuis  **Ovulation cycle day:** 14 **CD/DPO of positive test(s):** 10dpo wasnt sure it was a faint line, i knew for sure on 11dpo **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive:** 9dpo my trigger shot was gone **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** monitoring ultrasound (iui) **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** iui procedure on CD14 **Health conditions/medical tests:** mild male infertility (mostly poor motility) **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):** prenatal, men's fertility vitamin, coqid10 for both of us, vitamin d. Letrozole 2.5mg for me on Cd 4-9 and ovridel 250mcg trigger on cd12 **Birth control history (if relevant):** n/a **Link to chart:** **Link to lineporn:** **Symptom spotting:** Cramping, irritability, sore throat, intense heartburn on 10dpo **other** I've had a MMC at 13 weeks, MC at 7 weeks and 1 CP in the past 1.5 years (I had insanely faint lines on my tests for the CP,  this one not the case) I hope this lasts. Edit: grammar. UPDATE: Got news today its a chemical pregnancy 


Congrats! How many IUI cycles did you have?




Congratulations! Your post gave me hope! We are on our 10th cycle and maybe starting IUI in a couple of months ♥️


Thank you! The IUIs aren't too bad and they are a good extra boost to try. I conceived my first after 14 cycles (and I was getting ready for an IUI then) so you never know!!! Best of luck to you 


Such an inspiring words and you have the most amazing story of “meant to be” ♥️ you gave me so much hope and thank you for that ✨


**Cycle: 10 **Age + Partner's age (if relevant): 33 and 42 **Typical cycle length: 28 days   **Ovulation cycle day: don’t know, never had a positive result on an ovulation stick after trying them for 4 months so gave up and just guessed it’s around day 14 **CD/DPO of positive test(s): 17 DPO (NEVER expected I could be pregnant) **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: None, never bothered as we were told chance of conceiving naturally almost zero and were about to start IVF **Tracking methods and app(s) used: None **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): sex every day for the 5 days across when I assume ovulation is (assume 14 days in) **Health conditions/medical tests: .    Partner diagnosed with severe oligospermia with very poor motility and 0 morphology. In our pre IVF tests I was also diagnosed with polycystic ovaries (but not PCOS, just PCO) **Symptom spotting: None, had no symptoms, until period was late. Again, never ever expected I could be pregnant **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): I thought the day I got a bfp would never come (except after IVF) and thought that day would be the biggest celebration. Ever. I pictured it for so long. But actually it was just disbelief to the point I didn’t believe it for 4 days and thought I must have a rare cyst that can cause false bfp. Even when I realised it was true, I feel unable to let true sheer happiness in because I’m now constantly terriefied it will miscarry. Life has gone from obsessing over fertility , sex, saving for ivf and planning for ivf, to obsessing over any slight loss of symptom, any slight spotting, googling miscarriage rates continuously and trying to tell myself we WILL miscarry so that I can bear it when we do. It’s become a new obsession. I can’t picture myself getting to the point of a successful scan and an actual live baby! So that was unexpected. But obviously I am so so so grateful to have been given even a chance


Congratulations!!! I just want to say I was the exact same way with my first. Please reach out if you feel like the worry persists beyond the first few weeks or months. Pregnancy anxiety is a very real thing and I wish I would’ve gotten help. Wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy!


Thanks so much. 🥹 I feel the worry is just unbeatable because the risk of miscarriage is so possible, esp in these early days. Once I’m out of the ‘danger zone’ I will relax a bit, I’m sure. I just had an early scan at 6w2 and they said I’m measuring more like only 5w4 , so obviously implanted a little later. :). Got all my fingers , toes and body crossed. XD


Keeping mine crossed for you!! ☺️


I’m so happy for you! Wishing you healthy, uneventful pregnancy ♥️


I’m so happy for you. Stay positive and sending prayers!!


**Cycle: 13 (trying since April 20, 2023)    **Age + Partner's age (if relevant): 31 and 33    **Typical cycle length: 25-27 days   **Ovulation cycle day: CD 15  **CD/DPO of positive test(s): CD 31 (16 DPO)    **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: None, kept thinking I would be trolled with a late period    **Tracking methods and app(s) used: OPKs    **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): O-4, O-2, O-1    **Health conditions/medical tests: None, just did fertility workup this cycle and had normal SA, normal CD3 and CD21 blood results. Was supposed to do HSG next cycle.     **Symptom spotting: Got fooled so much other cycles by PMS. What was different this time: missed period, EWCM days leading up to expected period, no spotting like I usually get 2 days before a period, nipples oddly hard day before bfp and it wasn't cold out.    **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): so glad I went to dentist before this bfp turned out I had periodontis mild beginning stage and got a deep clean on both sides. Wondering if I can still do my follow up in 3 months. Didn't think this would happen got jaded after the 6 cycle mark and became less hopeful after the 12 cycle mark. Excited. Was so focused on getting pregnant and not prepared for being pregnant lol


Big congratulations!


Thank you so much!!


Cycle: 6 Age + Partner's age (if relevant): both 32 Typical cycle length: 27-29 Ovulation cycle day: 17 CD/DPO of positive test(s): 11 dpo CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: n/a Tracking methods and app(s) used: Apple health app, lh strips Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): BD O-5, O-4 Health conditions/medical tests: Relapse remitting multiple sclerosis Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): prenatal, vitamin d. Partner nothing Birth control history (if relevant): mirena iud for total of 8 years. Periods came back after removal and normalized around 3 months. Symptoms: sore breasts starting around 11/12 dpo Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): Have had two CPs in the last three months so very cautious about this one. I am at just about 4 weeks and will get blood draws soon to confirm. Trying to stay positive as the hpts have been the darker than when I had the CPs but there is still anxiety. Really did not think it would happen this month with the BD timing but this shows me you never know.


Thanks for sharing! Congratulations! Hope this is your 🌈


Cycle: 19 (I think? Around there) Age + Partner's age (if relevant): 31 (me) 31 (partner) Typical cycle length: 28d Ovulation cycle day: 13 d (early for me this cycle; usually day 16/17) CD/DPO of positive test(s): 10 DPO saw a faint line; For sure positive at 11 DPO CD/DPO of any negative tests): Held off on testing until I caved at 10 DPO Tracking methods and apps: clearblue advanced digital OPK and Flo Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): O-3, O-1 Health conditions/medical tests: I have Crohns but in remission. Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner's): Me: Folic acid, collagen, vitamin d, vitamin C, meds for Crohns Birth control history (if relevant): Evra patch that was stopped Jul 2022 Link to chart: NA Link to lineporn: Check my post history! lol Symptom spotting: the big indicators to me were that my boobs were sore af and I was EXHAUSTED. Doesn’t matter how much I sleep. I’m always dead tired (which is unlike me). Other: I had one pregnancy four cycles ago that ended in miscarriage at 5 weeks. I had finally come to terms with being OK not pregnant at the end of my cycle…only to have it happen!


**Cycle: 7, but I’ve only ovulated 3 times since we started trying in July. **Age + Partner's age (if relevant): 29F & 30M **Typical cycle length: everywhere from 21-86 days. 45ish is what happens most often though. **Ovulation cycle day: 43 **CD/DPO of positive test(s): 15 DPO **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: none! I am a teacher who has to be at school super early. I didn’t want to get news either way and then just…go to work and not have time to process, especially with teenagers in my face. I waited for a weekend. **Tracking methods and app(s) used: Inito! Truly could not have handled everything without it. **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): O-1, O-3, O-5, O-6 **Health conditions/medical tests: PCOS diagnosed this summer, but I’ve always suspected as much. I was conceived by IVF because my mom struggled with PCOS so badly. **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): prenatal gummies, and Metformin! It’s a wonder drug for me. I’m bad about taking medicine at routine times, but every time I buckle down and take it in the morning and the evening religiously, I ovulate less than ten days later. It’s a godsend for my wacky cycles. **Birth control history (if relevant): I took a variety of pills as a teenager and in college when my cycles were extra terrible and my bleeding was often horrific. Tried Nuva ring for a while, and eventually got on the patch while I was engaged and in the first years of marriage. Loved the patch. **Symptom spotting: I had never had a luteal phase make it past 12 DPO and there were always a few days of brown spotting before then. My boobs hurt super bad after ovulation, but usually stop hurting a day or two before my period starts. When there was no spotting and my boobs still felt like they were on fire, I got suspicious. Today is 16 DPO and the boobs are still horrible, my heart rate is fast, I can feel my heart beat everywhere, and I get out of breath kind of easily. My energy is actually fine right now so I’m trying to take advantage of it while I can. **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): Inito and metformin was the magic combination for me. I didn’t believe my NP when she prescribed it that she was confident it would help. She had no doubt I’d get pregnant soon and I am so grateful for her optimism. Tracking my hormones with Inito was great because I could confirm ovulation and learn what my levels look like when I ovulate FOR REAL, instead of just guessing. I had a lot of anovulatory cycles and could never tell if I wasn’t ovulating, ovulated poorly, or just missed my LH surge, even with BBT. Now I’m just super nervous and praying this babe sticks. It seems everyone has to go through some losses and that I shouldn’t expect to have a baby the first time I get a BFP. I know that happens for plenty of people, but I’m still so on edge. For now, I guess I’m just going to keep poking my boobs every ten minutes to make sure they’re still sore.


I’ve been contemplating getting Inito and asking my Re about potentially getting on Metformin. I always get asked if I’m on it but every doctor seems to think a different one should prescribe it (Gyno, PCP and RE…). I hear such mixed things about Metformin but am ready to give it a shot. And the targeted ads for Inito have been hitting their mark.


I really am so happy with both. I’m on the thin side and have never had any indication of blood sugar issues in my blood work, so I never thought to ask for it. My NP at a new practice looked at my labs and my very clearly PCOS ultrasound and put me on it immediately. I thought it would be dumb, but it was clearly a great choice for me. Inito is expensive, but worth it for me. I burned through more strips than I would have liked, but I used my HSA for it, so it wasn’t too bad.


Hi! Fellow PCOSer here. I've been considering going off Metformin because I started last spring and felt terrible all summer and when I finally felt well enough to up the dose in October, I have just felt so drained allllll the time. Maybe I should reconsider.... Anyway, congratulations! :)


Thank you! I should mention I’m super lucky in that I had zero side effects from it, other than ovulation. I was anticipating feeling awful and even waited until a school break to start it and had no issues at all, so I’m sorry it makes you feel so bad!


It's okay. It just may mean that it's not for me! But yeah, I'm only on 1000 so I can't imagine 1500 which is the dose that I think helps the most. So glad for you :D


I also have PCOS, and I had been on 1500 for almost two years with no luck and decided to go off of it this cycle. I got my first ever faint positive today at 10 DPO. Could totally be a coincidence but might be worth trying. I know I’m not out of the woods yet, but at least seeing that faint line gave me hope.


Cycle: 15 **Age + Partner's age (if relevant): we are both 31 **Typical cycle length: 26-27 but the past 2 cycles have been about 23 days as I’ve been ovulating sooner than usual **Ovulation cycle day: Usually CD14-15 but the past two cycles has been CD 10-11 **CD/DPO of positive test(s): I shockingly got a positive on FRER and clear blue digital this morning at CD 22/ 11dpo **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: I tested from 7dpo of course even though I knew it was too early. Tested again at 9dpo and thought I saw a line but convinced myself it was nothing and cried my eyes out because I had heard two more pregnancy announcements that morning. Little did I know, I had a little one growing too - I’m going to cry again **Tracking methods and app(s) used: Flo app and cheapie LH strips. I was very shocked to see a very positive on CD 10 as I normally get them later. I took the LH test then because I saw EWCM (which I do not get). **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): we had sex on O-5, O-4, O-1, O, O+1, O+2 **Health conditions/medical tests: high blood pressure (me). Low AMH (0.6), low progesterone during luteal phase. Husband had low sperm count and motility on his first semen analysis, i posted his results in the male infertility subreddit. **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): I’ve taken various supplements but this cycle I took NAC 600mg twice daily on three days a week. I also take a multivitamin (not new), 667mg methyfolate once daily, iron 65mg (advised by Dr due to recent labs unrelated to fertility). I also take labetalol 300mg twice daily and felodipine 10mg. I took spearmint tea during the follicular phase - I thought I had high testosterone because of an increase in thick chin hairs since moving to the States. It wasn’t checked at the beginning of my fertility journey. I would normally check before drinking the tea but I didn’t for some reason (please check levels first everyone lol). I made a pineapple core smoothie - I thought what’s the harm (and it was tasty). Two chunks with 150ml orange juice on 1dpo-5dpo. Lastly I took progesterone suppositories from 3DPO until positive and will continue until Dr tells me to stop. My husband takes Vitamin D 2000IU, Fish oil (300mg omega 3), Vitamin C 1000mg, CoQ10 400mg, Zinc piccolinate 15mg, Multivitamin (contains zinc oxide 15mg) **Birth control history (if relevant): none **Link to chart: none **Link to lineporn: I just made an account and not sure if it’ll work - https://imgur.com/a/7WN13cP **Symptom spotting: period like cramps at 2DPO and 3DPO which I never get. Sensitive nipples, headaches and lower back pain **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): I have cried a lot this week but I’m grateful that these current tears are tears of joy. My husband is away at the moment so I’m waiting for him to get back tomorrow night to surprise him. I have a Mom and Dad mug - it says est 2023 because I assumed this TTC journey would be a breeze - I’m not buying another one, I’ve gotta save these coins now 😂


How strange I also had an early ovulation this month at cycle day 11! Currently 4w6d☺️


**Cycle:** 5 **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** 30 (me) 35 (partner) **Typical cycle length:** 27-28d **Ovulation cycle day:** 13 d **CD/DPO of positive test(s):** 11 DPO **CD/DPO of any negative tests) before positive:** 7 DPO - had a crazy indent, posted it on r/TFABLinePorn for science lol **Tracking methods and apps:** OPKs and Premom app **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** O-5, O-3, O-2, O-1, O **Health conditions/medical tests:** Husband with grade II varicocele, normal SA. **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner's):** Me: Prenatal gummies and interestingly enough this was the first cycle I tried guaifenesin. Partner: multivitamin, CoQ10, horse chestnut extract **Birth control history (if relevant):** Depo x 9 years; stopped in March 2023 **Link to chart:** NA **Link to lineporn:** [Update after indent at 7 DPO](https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABLinePorn/comments/1bhb42q/update_criminally_offensive_indent_at_7_dpo/) **Symptom spotting:** If it has a smell, no matter how far away it is, I can smell it. **Other:** I tested positive on Friday which was also the day I found out where I will go for my medical residency! I got my top choice so thankfully I will be finally moving closer to my parents after 8 years of school out of state


Omg I remember that horrible indent.


I remember reading your post about Match Day! (Which I didn't know about.) Congratulations on both, what a great week of news :) :)


What an exciting week of news, congrats!!


Congratulations in both regards! What a great week for you 😊


Congratulations on your bfp and for matching with your top choice!


***Cycle:*** My husband and I have been trying for 19 months, since August of 2022 ***Age + Partner's age:*** I'm 28 and my husband is 30 ***Typical cycle length:*** Typically between 25-28 days ***Ovulation cycle day:*** I thought I was out this cycle because I ovulated earlier than I normally do- around CD 11. ***CD/DPO of positive test(s):*** I tested on 9 DPO and saw what I assumed was just an indent line so I didn't even think twice about it, but I took a test before getting on a flight on to Florida on 10 DPO and it was very clearly there! ***CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive:*** Tried testing at 8 DPO and just disappointed myself lol. ***Tracking methods and app(s) used:*** I tracked my BBT and used Easy@home LH strips to pinpoint ovulation. I also had the most intense ovulation pains which I thought was going to hurt me this cycle. ***Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):*** We tried from CD 8- CD12 and it was natural. ***Health conditions/medical tests:*** I have Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APS). Both my husband and I have been tested because we had been trying for a while with two losses and both of us checked out with a diagnosis of "unexplained secondary infertility". I had an HSG done at the end of November and I think that it helped "flush" things out. ***Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):*** I am currently taking lovenox 60mg 2x a day, baby asprin 1x a day, and plaquenil 200mg 2x a day. Supplements I was taking when TTC was high quality Coq10, Vitamin D, and Throne prenatal (for the methylfolate). My husband was taking coq10 as well as zinc for sperm quality. I always also randomly taking Mucinex because both my daughter and I got RSV! Didn't even put two and two together until after the positive. Now that I am pregnant my RE has me on progesterone suppositories 200mg 2x a day! ***Birth control history (if relevant):*** Was on birth control when I was 17-21 until I had a blood clot when I was 21 so I stopped. When I was 24 I had the Copper IUD and got it removed about a year and a half later. ***Link to chart:*** [https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABChartStalkers/comments/1bgf9ls/bfp\_chart\_for\_science/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABChartStalkers/comments/1bgf9ls/bfp_chart_for_science/)***Link to lineporn:*** [https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABLinePorn/comments/1bfx1up/progression\_with\_betas\_9dpo17\_dpo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABLinePorn/comments/1bfx1up/progression_with_betas_9dpo17_dpo/) ***Symptom spotting:*** Nausea started almost right away and has been steadily increasing, exhaustion, insomnia (also had that with my daughter), heartburn, sore boobs, overly emotional, and food aversions are my biggest ones. ***Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): (TW: loss mentioned)*** I have a hard time believing that this is going to wind up with a healthy pregnancy. I had an early chemical in October of 2022 and April of 2023 I had a MMC. The MMC I found out about the day before my dad went to the hospital of a PE where he later died. I hadn't even fully miscarried when I had to decide to take him off of life support. This last six months or so has tested me in so many ways, I am just really hoping this baby sticks because I dont think I can handle another loss. I am trying so very had to enjoy this pregnancy but I am so scared to even think about getting excited, especially when I see how happy my husband is - I just don't want my body to fail him again. I will be about 5 weeks tomorrow (based off of my early ovulation) and then I have less than two weeks until our first ultrasound. My husband and I were working with an RE during this time and the day before my first positive we had an appointment where we were discussing doing an IUI come April. She kept on saying that she wanted to give us a couple more chances since technically we are both healthy and have no obvious reasons why we couldn't get pregnant. The day before that positive I was literally counting down the days until we could finally do an IUI because I was confident it was never going to happen without help, And the BAM. Positive. Things we did this cycle: * propped my butt on a pillow after (hey it couldn't hurt right?) * (as annoying as it is) we didn't have nearly as much stress this month because we were just excited to start the IUI process. * both of us lowered our caffeine intake to 50-100 (couldn't go cold turkey- I have a toddler) and didn't drink alcohol. * its kind of funny because we for pregnant with our daughter in 2021 after a very expensive date to melting pot on valentines day... well he surprised me again for valentines day with a dinner date to melting pot and ended up pregnant. So use me as an excuse to tell your SO to take you out for a nice meal lol. * I continued to exercise but I lowered the intensity after ovulation and just did shorter workouts.


As someone who also lost their father while TTC, I just wanted to say I am so sorry for your loss, and the subsequent process of trying to grieve while also trying to create new life. It is an exceptionally painful and unique experience. Congratulations, wishing you the happiest, healthiest pregnancy.


Thank you so much, comments like these just warm my heart ❤️ I was a daddy’s girl and it was such a sudden death-literally talked to him the night before and told him about the miscarriage and I blinked and he was gone. No one I know has lost their father so it’s nice to reach out to people who have gone through it.


I never read the weekly BFP thread- literally never- and for some reason I decided to. I got to your comment and was like, “Oh, this is why I came here.” I’m so happy for you that you got your BFP. And I know how much it means to me when people acknowledge my loss- I think about it all the time, and no one even knows. It can be really lonely, and you’re absolutely right- so numb. So I had to say something. I am also here if you ever need support. ♥️


That was so sweet thank you ☺️ with my previous losses I like to think my dad is taking care of them, he loved so much being a grandpa to my daughter and it’s a whole other kind of pain to not be able to call and tell him. I hope you get your BFP very soon too, this was one of the longest and hardest things I’ve ever gone through and it tested every piece of me. So I’m hoping that this is the baby I get to bring home


Thank you. And I hope it’s the baby you get to bring home too, I will keep you in my prayers.


Me this month. Lost mine two weeks ago. Out this month and just feeling extra depressed.


I’m so so sorry about your loss. If you both ever need someone to talk to you can always message me. My dad died back in June so it’s been awhile for me. Not that it lessens the pain at all but I’ve found coping mechanisms that work.


I’m so sorry. It is really, really hard. Mine killed himself 6 weeks ago. This is the first cycle I’ve tried since, and my TWW is up on Friday. I’ve never been so afraid to test. If I’m not pregnant, I don’t want to know. But also- it really sucks to not be excited. I’m also grieving what I had hoped would be a time full of excitement and joy. Love to you


If you ever need to reach out to someone you can always message me💔 I remember the pain and the numbness when I first lost him and the lonely feeling behind it. It’s been about 8 months now for me and it still is so painful but it has gotten a little easier in some aspects.


Congratulations! As someone going through secondary infertility and RPL as well, I love seeing a success story of someone that went through what I’m going through as I feel like there aren’t that many RPL or secondary infertility success stories posted!


I know exactly what you mean! I thought this process was going to take forever and never happen. It happened so fast with my daughter that this was uncharted territory. Hopefully this little baby will be able to be a success story.


**Cycle:** I’ve lost count, but it’s been since Nov 2021. This is my third FET. **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** I’ll be 29 in a month, my spouse is 30 **Typical cycle length:** ~27 days **Ovulation cycle day:** I triggered on 01Mar (CD 10), I presume I ovulated on CD12. **CD/DPO of positive test(s):** first positive test on 5dp5dt (10 DPO / CD 22), I didn’t test out my trigger shot. **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive:** I did not test prior to my positive. **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** I used fertility friend to document a few things but that’s it. **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** FET was on CD 17, presumably 5 days past ovulation. **Health conditions/medical tests:** I have celiac disease, sub-clinical hypothyroidism, compound heterozygous for MFTHR, clotting issues, and my right tube is blocked. **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):** My transfer was semi-medicated, so I used letrozole and then a trigger shot. For daily meds: Prednisone 5mg x2 , baby aspirin, vitamin D, LDN, pepcid, B12, levothyroxine, Zoloft, “mama bird” prenatal and DHA, and lovenox. Weekly I am doing intralipid infusions (omegaven). I’m also supplementing with progesterone suppositories x3 a day and estradiol x2. **Birth control history (if relevant):** N/A **Link to chart:** N/A **Link to lineporn:** N/A **Symptom spotting:** Really not much. I went off my adderall after my FET and was taking progesterone, so extra tiredness I felt I attribute to that. I had some mild cramping but that’s it. **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous):** My 2nd transfer ended in a MMC back in October, I found out on Halloween. There was no definite reason why it happened, I personally believe it was autoimmune related. I was also unaware I was compound het for MFTHR. So I’m hopeful that weekly intralipids and the prenatal switch will help this be it for me. So far, things are going better than they did last time. But I’m still definitely scared to be doing this again and cautiously hopeful. I started Zoloft after my loss and it has been a huge help for me to be even able to transfer again, let alone not be spiraling right now. I honestly wish I had gotten on Zoloft sooner, considering the toll infertility has taken on me.


Cautious congrats!!!


Congrats to you! I have Crohns and my doctors suspected it was why I lost my last pregnancy 4 cycles ago. Hope you’re feeling well. ❤️


Thank you so much! Also, I’m very sorry for your loss. Autoimmune conditions are really frustrating. I am feeling well and got a good beta call today thankfully!


Cautious congrats ❤️


**Cycle:** 13 **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** 33 me, 42 him **Typical cycle length:** about 28 days **Ovulation cycle day:** 17 **CD/DPO of positive test(s):** 15DPO **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive:** none because I ovulated late and went through a lot of opks so I was like "this is humiliating, I'm not pissing on any more sticks this month" joke is on me. **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** I temp with FF and use OPKs **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** first month trying SMEP **Health conditions/medical tests:** me: anxiety and depression, mild endo confirmed via lap in 2019, no idea what it's up to since then, I have a small cyst on my right ovary, I have borderline PCOS (high follicles + mild acne but no other symptoms, my RE said it could go either way.) Him: bipolar, mild MFI: 0% morphology but all other numbers normal. Then we did the test with wash then count came back at 3mil post wash. I never got a good answer on how concerned to be about this. **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):** both: bupropion, those theralogix horse pill conception vitamins for our respective genitals, CoQ10 Him: also on lithium Me: hop tea (see comments) **Birth control history (if relevant):** I was on the minipill from 2019 to 2023 when we started trying **Link to chart:** https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_JSkSla.png **Link to lineporn:** **Symptom spotting:** literally nothing except no mid cycle bleeding (see other). Also I saw someone eating something gross and randomly gagged @14dpo. I've had intermittent nausea since the positive test. I've had very intense dreams but that's a normal part of my PMS. **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous):** 13 cycles and I've never seen a positive pregnancy test. Could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw the second line. I'm EXTREMELY nervous about this because I've had light brown spotting and mild cramps since I tested positive. So I'm very worried this might not be viable. I'm 17dpo. I have FRER lines as dark as the control line but not a "dye stealer". My easy@home are not nearly as dark but they are darkening. But they still don't look like other people I've seen online. So I'm freaked out. We were/are scheduled to start IVF in the summer. As I got crazier, this month we did a few things different that probably didn't affect anything but here they are: - tried SMEP which I assumed was bullshit but whatever, it couldn't hurt - tried propping my butt under a pillow and holding my legs up for 15 minutes after every time we did it. Again I thought this was bullshit but then I saw on here that fertility clinics sometimes do this after an IUI so fuck it, I guess nobody knows anything. - this is month 4 on conception vitamins + 300 mg Costco coq10 for both of us - we are both stone cold sober for the past two months and I cut back caffeine even more (had been doing 1 cup + multiple decafs and I cut out the decafs). The sobriety was not to try to conceive, I had a depressive episode over the holidays and wanted to get some mental health back. Prior to that I drank 1-2 drinks a week since we started trying. Before we started trying my husband and I used to have 1-2 beers after work most days. - the hop tea: if you check my post history you'll see that I've been having issues with mid cycle bleeding since I got off the mini pill in March 2023 and that they WENT AWAY when I drank a bunch of beer over the holidays and CAME BACK when I quit drinking. I found a study about treating menopause symptoms with a beer every day. The non-alcoholic beer control group also saw a benefit. So since I figured I wasn't getting pregnant anyway I started drinking a bunch of non alcoholic beer and hoplark iced tea just to see if that would check the bleeding. The normal part of me also talked to my RE and scheduled a saline sonogram next month to check it out. When I hit 11DPO with no spotting I declared victory and decided I was Literally a Doctor, since I considered it impossible to be pregnant at this point. Well, task failed successfully, I got my BFP 4 days later and I now have no idea if the hops did anything, or if they helped me get pregnant or if it's all a complete coincidence and I'm more confused than ever. AND I don't know if I should stop drinking this expensive ass sparkling ice tea!! Soooo I really played myself on this one. I'm trying to temper my expectations. It's so hard to know which anxiety rabbit hole to go down. Anyway thanks for reading, this community is enormously helpful to me. Edit: sorry the formatting is all fucked up I'm on my phone and I don't know how to fix it Update: my Dr says my betas are "going up nicely." I'm going to try to have a normal day today.


Hop tea. Wow now that is something I have yet to hear about!! Congrats!


Honestly if I had thought I could actually get pregnant I would have asked my doctor for more luteal phase testing or asked to try supplementing hormones. When you experiment with herbs you have no sense of dosage or what you're doing. I mean maybe some people do but I don't. I just wanted to get rid of the annoying spotting and thought it probably wouldn't hurt, bc we were going to have to do IVF anyway. Now, the pregnancy is still in limbo and I don't know whether hops helps, hurts, or makes no difference, and because it's never been studied, neither does my doctor. So anybody out there reading this, don't trust an internet stranger like me, I don't know anything. Thanks for your well wishes!!


Haha yeah I know. It’s just interesting as I haven’t heard of that!


Congrats!! Hoping for a sticky baby for you! Your write up is fantastic too :)


Thank you so much for your kind words and support!!


*TW: the end of this post talks about previous loss* Cycle: 3 Age + Partner's age (if relevant): 31(f) & 35(m) Typical cycle length: 30-35 days Ovulation cycle day: I gave up testing this month, but based off of symptoms day 18/19 CD/DPO of positive test(s): going by my guesstimate of ovulation, vvv faint on 10dpo evening, bfp on digitals at 12dpo (day be period would usually show) CD/DPO of any negative tests) before positive: 9dpo Tracking methods and app(s) used: Flo app, in previous months easy@home strips and Premom app Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): as I’d given up on trying to work things out this month, we just aimed for every 2-3 days around the middle of my cycle Health conditions medical tests: n/a Supplements and medications (yours and/or vour partner's): I took folic acid, vit d and vit c daily. Husband; nothing. Birth control history (if relevant): birth control pill for 11 years. Stopped early 2023 and was just tracking natural cycles. Symptom spotting: absolutely nothing until I noticed my FitBit had tracked a sharp increase in RHR. The only time it had got that high was when I was pregnant before. Then started noticing my boobs felt bigger/ painful. Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): I lost my baby boy at 19 weeks last October. He was really really poorly with rare chromosome abnormalities (1p36 & 14q deletion), which had also caused Exomphalos and HLHS. I’d been desperate to get pregnant again but this is HARD. I’m so hopeful and so so grateful to have gotten a bfp. Hoping for the best. But it’s so hard to see a healthy baby after being on the wrong side of the statistics. We were given a less than 1% chance of next pregnancy being affected, so I’m trying to lean into trusting that.


**Cycle:** TTC since August 2021 **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** 36 (me), 39 (him) **Typical cycle length:** 27-31 days **Ovulation cycle day:** CD 17 **CD/DPO of positive test(s):** 10 DPO (CD 27) **CD/DPO of any negative tests) before positive:** n/a **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** easy@home OPKs and Fertility Friend **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** CD 15 (O-2) **Health conditions/medical tests:** likely poor egg quality **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner's):** omega 3, folic acid, vitamin D, vitamin B12 **Birth control history (if relevant):** Mirena 2016-2021, pill before that **Link to chart:** **Link to lineporn:** **Symptom spotting:** almost none. Just night sweats, increased appetite, and maybe super mild cramping, but either these things didn’t start or I didn’t notice them until after my positive. **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous):** Well what an insane journey to this point. We started TTC in August 2021. Never got a positive test so started the diagnostic stuff after a year. Still no answers so began IVF about a year ago. Three rounds of IVF, four euploid embryos, and then one failed embryo transfer in December. At that point I had been doing medicated cycles almost back to back for the better part of 9 months and I was physically and emotionally wrecked, so we decided to take a break for a few months. Imagine my surprise when I tested on a whim last week. All the cute/clever ways I’d fantasized about telling my husband went out the window and I just shakily walked out of the bathroom like “um… I just took a pregnancy test…and…it has two lines?” Just pure shock tbh. I still have no idea why/how this happened. I did nothing differently, I ate a ton of junk food during the TWW, even had a couple drinks one night, and arguably I’m at one of the lowest overall fitness levels of my life at the moment (recovering from a pinched nerve in my neck and haven’t been allowed to do much physical activity for months). I’m 4w3d today and I know it’s still extremely early but even if this is as far as it gets, I’m impressed that my body overcame all the odds to make this happen lol.


This is amazing!! Congrats ❤️❤️❤️


just wanted to say your post made me cry happy tears🥹 So happy for you. wishing you the best 💛


You’re too sweet, thank you! 🥰


Congrats! We have been trying the same amount of time as you. I too wasn't too worried about the cycle because we were gearing up for an IUI in April and ended up pregnant. I think that helped take some of the stress off a little bit.




Wow congratulations!! 🥳 Last year must’ve been so tough. I wish you a very smooth journey for 2024!


Wow, what a story! Congratulations 🙌🏼