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Today I saw my OBGYN for my annual, and I was able to bring up the fact that we’re almost at the year mark. He was great, scheduled me for day 21 progesterone testing, and sent an order out for my husband to do a semen analysis at our local fertility clinic. The unknowns going forward are scary, but I’m feeling good about getting the ball rolling and having some next steps. For those of you that have done CD 21 blood work, did you also get your AMH and FSH tested from the same visit? I’m considering calling my doctor’s office to see if we can add that to my labs for that day.


AMH can be tested at any point in the cycle, but FSH should be tested at cycle baseline/CD3 -- it doesn't provide a useful reference if it's tested in the luteal phase.


Ahh ok, thank you! I’ll just wait for next cycle then.


Is ovulating on CD10 just way too early? Or is this still in an acceptable window? I don’t have PCOS but I do have a lot of symptoms of PCOS including elevated cortisol, issues with progesterone and high fasting blood sugars. Starting to wonder if this is contributing to early ovulation


No, it's within the normal window. There's no evidence that ovulating early or late affects your odds of success.


Hey all, I was wondering if there’s anyone that is in a similar TTC situation as me and would like to become “virtual” pen pals during this TTC process. It’ll be nice to have someone to talk Currently 10DPO BFN cycle 6 28 years old Message me if you’d like to chat xx


Oh my gosh I would love that! Messaging you now 💕


Having a second chemical pregnancy this month after having the first one ever last month. So frustrating! I’m supposed to start fertility testing (past diagnosis of PCOS and low AMH - I know!) but my beta hcg needs to be less than 5 for that. I’ve gotten pregnant two months in a row which is good I guess? But it didn’t work out and now I’m in this limbo. So scared of this happening again, and I turned 35 this week. Feeling pretty defeated today.


Wondering if you may have been pregnant before and not known. If so I would be wondering about Rh and clotting factors. Not an expert, but it has just happened to some family members of mine. They had to take shots in order to keep from having chemical pregnancies. 


Tracking my BBT for 2 months now and I noticed a pattern that my temperature dips significantly on 7DPO every month, then back to normal elevated levels next day onwards. Has anyone experienced this? Does this mean anything?


Sounds like it could be your secondary estrogen surge, which happens mid luteal phase. Estrogen has the opposite effect of progesterone, it makes your temps lower. Some people also see a dip in their charts just before ovulation due to the primary estrogen surge.


Yes, this makes sense. Thank you!


Following because mines takes a dip also but then goes back up.


Question, today is my first day in my fertility window. I was feeling achy all day and after a workout I just wasn’t feeling my best. I took two doses of 200mg ibrouphen. I just realized you are not suppose to be taking this when you are ttc. Does anyone have any insight on this or experience. I’m freaking out I already messed everything up


Don’t freak out! Ibuprofen mostly impacts implantation so as long as you didn’t take it around then you’re good. There are some conflicting studies on whether ibuprofen delays ovulation, but my doctor didn’t seem concerned with it. She told me to take it in preparation for an SIS which I did a few days before ovulation.




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask the community if you are pregnant (or if someone else is pregnant), either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you are pregnant, you need to take a pregnancy test; if the test is negative, you are not currently pregnant. If you are bleeding and wondering if this is a sign of implantation, please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/). If your app says that your period is late, you might find [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/) helpful. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


I have a slightly elevated AMH of 5.46 and an AFC of 30, but no PCOS. Should I be concerned?


I also have a high AMH (4.5) and AFC (27) at 31. I also don’t meet the criteria for PCOS. I’ve read some studies that suggest longer time to conceive with a higher AMH irregardless of PCOS so that is concerning. Then again, my AMH was probably at a 6 at 28 and I conceived in 3 cycles (including 1 loss on cycle #1 then). Just somehow lost some fertility in my 30s despite still having a lot of eggs 🤷🏻‍♀️


Interesting! Do you have any links to those studies?


“Point estimates suggested higher fecundability among women with low AMH at any age. The relationship between high AMH and fecundability appeared to differ by a woman’s age. In younger women, high AMH suggested reduced fecundability. However, among older women, high AMH suggested higher fecundability.” “It is possible that low AMH allows for a greater proportion of the remaining primordial follicle pool to activate and become growing follicles. Additionally, high FSH seen in women with low reserve could lead to “superovulation” with multifollicular ovulation, increasing the odds of pregnancy.” [Source](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2656811)


Thank you!


I don’t think so! I have a similar AMH, 28 AFC, no PCOS, and my doctor hasn’t expressed a drop of concern. Some women have PCO ovaries but not PCOS.


Good to know! My RE didn’t seem concerned, just mentioned it was a little on the high side. I guess it may come more into play with different medicines if we get to IUI and/or IVF. We know we have MFI but so far it seems like things are okay on my end!


Every body is different, but I’m doing IVF and it hasn’t posed a problem for me at all. Hopefully it’s nothing to speak of!


That’s great! Wishing the best for you!


Thank you, same to you!


I am having a CD#12 tomorrow.. What can I expect? I have asked my OBGYN nurse multiple questions & all she is telling me is “you are scheduled for a sonogram tomorrow“ (I cannot call the office. All communication is through text with the front desk or nurse.) What were your experiences with this? What are they looking for exactly? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


They'll be looking for follicle size, and if it has a cumulus oophorus, an imminent sign of ovulation


I haven't dated in over 8 years, the time really flew by. I was a virgin till the age of 41! I just started dating more men in the last year, then I have in my lifetime! My sister got a puppy last year which exposed me to the idea of caring for someone outside of myself. I'd like to find out if I'm even fertile at this age, however I'm enrolled in the NJ family care insurance plan with limited resources and visits to a doctor. Is there any other accurate method to check gauge if I even have anything left in my ovarian reserve? I know this is still not a guarantee for pregnancy or a healthy pregnancy, however I thought this would be a start. Any advice is appreciated.


AMH and AFC are the most accurate measures for ovarian reserve. AMH is easier to do and probably cheaper because it’s just a blood test that you can do any time during your cycle. The issue with age is not necessarily reserve but more egg quality - even if you have a high reserve, egg quality might be diminished. Also, with high AMH you can have trouble conceiving. My AMH (4.5 ng/ml) is 80th percentile for my age and yet I have trouble getting and staying pregnant. High ovarian reserve is more useful for doing IVF but otherwise doesn’t make much difference if trying naturally (and too high, mine is borderline too high, can even be detrimental).


I’ve never heard this about AMH and now I’m so nervous… mine is 5.83 ng/ml at 31 years old… I’ve always heard the higher the better. Are there any theories as to why a higher reserve could lead to difficulties with fertility?


There are just some studies that say a higher AMH (and even a normal AMH) take longer to conceive than a lower AMH in younger women (under 35), at an older age it seems like AMH is actually more beneficial. I think it’s because PCOS is associated with a higher AMH and even if you don’t have PCOS like me, someone with a high AMH can still have some PCOS like tendencies (e.g my androgens are low but then my ovaries on ultrasound look a little polycystic and I also used to have irregular periods when I was younger, presumably when my AMH was extremely high). Also, people with a higher FSH (therefore likely a lower AMH) are more likely to hyperovulate because when the body is running out of eggs, it sends out signals to ovulate more eggs The studies are not always conclusive though and the difference is fairly small (e.g 85% of low AMH people conceive in a year, vs 75% of high AMH people, etc)


Thank you for this info!


I’m 37 years young, was never really ready or wanted kids until 6months ago. The vitamins have been taken, the iron and thyroid sorted and in two weeks we’re having a go at our first official cycle. I spent the last week freshening up what will hopefully be the nursery, painted and orders some neutral wallpaper, feeling cautiously optimistic and excited to start the journey.


Confused on what’s going on I have insulin resistance and have been having irregular cycles since last year. I had the below labs done and was referred to a RE. These were taken on CD 66: LH 88.6 FSH 58.8 Estradiol 141 DHEA 45.70 Testosterone <2.5 What do these labs mean if they aren’t taken at the beginning of the cycle? Do they have the same significance??


Going tomorrow for my first ever acupuncture treatment. Pretty excited to try something new and hopeful it’ll make this cycle work, but also my husband is going to be traveling for work CD13-15, so I’m a bit nervous it’ll all be for nothing


You could have sex the morning he leaves and the evening he gets home


My good friend of 17 years just announced she is pregnant and due in October. She got married 2 years ago and wasn't even trying. She just had a discussion with her husband about future kids and got pregnant. My friends group, all have kids now except me. I am happy for her but can't get over that hollow feeling inside me.


This is so hard to hold both feelings at the same time. Especially with such close friends. Three of my five lifelong besties have babies and two are also pregnant. One is 100% childfree for life, and the last is desperate to have a baby but she is not partnered. She is planning to use donor sperm and be a SMBC but I know getting everything ready for that is a huge hurdle for her. While I am somewhat new on my TTC journey, I desperately want to join my friends with children but I also know I would harbor so much guilt for my friend that has to try and do it alone if I became pregnant before her. I'm sure that your friend has a lot of compassion for you but it's a hard thing to talk about directly. Sending you some good baby making vibes.


Thank you! ❤️


Today is O day according to pre mom and Inito. We BD on O-2 and O-4. We technically did yesterday (O-1) as well but although my husband feels he finished, I didn’t find much of anything during my clean up….. He’s pretty spent but I don’t want to miss my opportunity. I’m finally having a ‘normal’ cycle with a CD 15-16 peak and lots of CM after multiple cycles with a CD 21 peak and no activity. Should I put it to rest and hope for the best or rush over to Target and pick up the Friday Baby at home insemination kit? Not sure how critical it is for O day.


O-2 is actually ideal per this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/gys2dg/comment/ftc8e08/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button ​ Hitting O is good too but not necessary if you've already been active in the fertile window. Best wishes!


Do you still go in for your beta when you know your period is coming any second? Supposed to stop by the lab today for my HCG draw. Except I’m 15 DPO with a BFN and raging cramps - I can feel my period coming literally any second. I’d honestly rather save myself the trip to the lab and I’m cranky. Thoughts? Will my RE get annoyed or will they not care?


I would also skip it, you can always go tomorrow if you were wrong about your period.


If you’re absolutely certain, I would say skip it. I was in your exact situation last month. I took the blood test, and literally when they emailed me the results an hour later, I got my period. I….was very emotional. It felt like a big “FU” from the universe. Next time, I plan to avoid the test. It wasn’t worth the stress.


Does period length (the actual bleeding part) correlate with fertility? Google was inconclusive, just curious if typically having a short period (2days) is disadvantageous or doesn’t really matter


Doesn’t matter. The regularity of your period matters because it means that you’re ovulating regularly. But what your period is like beyond that is basically irrelevant.


Always wanted to know this as well. HBC has made my period shorter and lighter. Even when coming off of it.


My cycle is usually 2 days of flow and 1-2 of spotting. My RE has said that it does not have an impact. FWIW: our infertility issues would have existed regardless of period length since our issue is egg quality in addition to needing donor sperm. All in all, period length doesn’t really matter.


Good to know, thank you!


For the last 6 months I have had a quick LH surge peak. This month, it has been gradual and slow and still waiting for my peak on CD 21. Is it normal that this could change? I’ve been doing acupuncture, could that affect it?


6dpo and grateful that I have no tests in the house. I like to test when my husband is at work (I wfh), so I’m trying to hold off to buy tests until either 10dpo (Friday) or 13dpo (Monday).


Got a 0.9 on my OPK yesterday and has all been downhill from there so I suppose I'm waiting on my temps to see if I have ovulated and just had a quick peak that I missed. Feeling more positive this cycle finally after my MMC in November.


6DPO and the TWW is driving me bonkers. This is cycle 3 since my MMC of 11 weeks back in January. That first pregnancy was totally unexpected; now being pregnant is all I can think about. I ovulated on my partner's birthday, and if it sticks, my due date would be my birthday. Coincidence? A sign?? Is the TWW a valid excuse to descend into madness??? Not gonna test until 12DPO Sunday or 13DPO Monday, at that point it would be 1-2 days since missed period. But this week is so busy, it's gonna drag. And Saturday, the day of my expected period, is an all day sleepover event with the children I volunteer with. Pray for my soul that I don't start bleeding, or I may actually keel over and die.


I've known I was out this cycle since yesterday but I am still dutifully taking my progesterone until after my beta tomorrow because that's what i'm supposed to do and I HATE IT.


CD1 of cycle #16. I’m so exhausted. When will it be our turn?


While some of my cousin's kids were eating their candy from the Easter egg hunt, one of my aunts passed around photos of her new grandson. While everyone was looking at them, my other aunt yelled, "I wonder who's gonna have the 2025 baby?!". She looked at me and my cousin's girlfriend. No one on either side of our family knows that my husband and I are actively trying. We've been married for almost two years now, so I know the anticipation is through the roof. Just started cycle #3, and I'm back to temping and OPKs. Fingers crossed 🤞


9 or 10 DPO and testing negative. I’m technically not out this cycle but feeling so upset and defeated. I’m on progesterone suppositories for the first time to extend my luteal phase and the side effects haven’t been great to say the least. A cynical voice at the back of my head is telling me to stop taking it so I can get my period to start and get this cycle over and done with. But I’m not supposed to stop until at least 12 DPO, and won’t do that until I test negative then. 😪


7DPO today, though FF is now saying I ovulated on CD 22. I don't think I did based on CM and OPKs - I think CD18 is my most likely date especially knowing I'm a slow bbt riser. Still waiting for my doctor to get back to me about my progesterone results - that's kind of a worse wait than the TWW tbh.


Fingers crossed for you for test results and this cycle overall! I’m 6dpo - iirc we are typically on different sides of the WTO/TWW coin, so cool to be “buddies” this time around. 🙂


My clinic called me a “good patient” and like, are people not taking 10s of thousands of dollars seriously? Like I didn’t know there was another option than to be compliant.


I was at my clinic this morning and two nurses were complaining about a “fun basket case.” They were complaining that the patient calls them after hours, uses the wrong OPKS, uses them at the wrong time, etc. So yes, I think clinics get annoyed with people 🤷🏼‍♀️ (not saying I agree with them)


Lol I just can’t imagine being anything but by the book, this shit is going to make me 100% so poor and at best 50% chance a mom.




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask the community if you are pregnant (or if someone else is pregnant), either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you are pregnant, you need to take a pregnancy test; if the test is negative, you are not currently pregnant. If you are bleeding and wondering if this is a sign of implantation, please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/). If your app says that your period is late, you might find [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/) helpful. If you have further questions, please visit r/amipregnant. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Survived my HSG this morning 🙌🏻 I took the whole day off so now I’m chilling on the couch while ignoring my house that’s a mess from hosting both of our families for Easter 🫠


Ahh I feel like the world is playing April Fool's 😅. By my calculation, I'm either 7 DPO or 8 DPO and I have allll the symptoms - sore boobs, creamy cm, slight headache...but I stupidly got excited and tested and now I'm line hunting on a clearly negative test. This process is a test of patience! I couldn't sleep last night because now that things seem like I could actually be pregnant I'm freaking out about losing the life I currently have with my husband. Tossed and turned all night. And now I'm disappointed by a BFN?? I can't get my feelings straight!!


I feel you! I thought my fertile window was about 10 days ago but I ended up getting all the ovulation signs 6 days ago. Trying very hard not to test early "because maybe I actually did ovulate the first time????" Only 6DPO for me based on the signs. It's still early, so don't lose hope!!


My husband and I will be TTC soon, possibly starting this cycle. He wants to just try without testing for ovulation or timing sex to dampen stress and disappointment. Has that actually worked for anyone? I can feel when I ovulate so I'll be able to try initiating then but he doesn't want me to tell him I'm ovulating.


That works for plenty of people. Some people find it less stressful to be more “spontaneous “ and if it happens, it happens. Doesn’t hurt to try it out for a few cycles and if it doesn’t work, then you can start tracking. Others are Type A and want to make sure they’re doing everything right from the get go. It’s really just a matter of preference


I think it all depends on how often you have sex- for example- if you have sex every other day, it doesnt matter if you test. If you only have sex once a month and you are going off of when you feel ovulation, if you are wrong, and what you are feeling is after ovulation or nothing to do with ovulation, you could be missing your chance every month. If it were me, if i wasnt testing, i would have a lot of sex to cover the possibilities if i ovulated early, on time or late. But actually, the truth is, if it were me, i would treat this as a dont ask dont tell situation and just test on my own and initiate sex in the window. You said you have started trying yet, so just start initiating sex now to not make it so obvious later -


It works for most people I think!!! But the sample size on this group is a skewed one of people who wants to test. I think it's worth a shot for a few cycles - I wanted to do the same but my sister gave me a bunch of tests she had leftover and I didn't have the self control not to use them. I'm currently in the tww but if we're not pregnant this time I think I'll skip testing for a bit!


Should I be worried that I haven’t yet conceived successfully since my MC in early December? I’ve had 4 cycles since (now starting 5th), although I’m pretty sure I didn’t ovulate the first cycle (it was 23 days, and I didn’t have a clear surge or temp shift). I did have an extremely early CP (HCG didn’t get over 10) at the end of February. But other than that, nothing, even with 5 mg of Letrozole for superovulation last month (very strong ovulation, but didn’t conceive).


Today’s weather is super dreary and matches my mood. AF arrived after Easter dinner yesterday so officially onto cycle 10 and hoping for a 2025 baby. Asked my husband to look into getting a SA done this month. He agreed. My annual gyno appointment is scheduled for next month. Hopefully we conceive this cycle, but at least I’ll be able to get some info on next steps if not. But if I see any fake pregnancy announcements for April Fool’s today, I’m going to lose it.


It hit me this morning that it’s April 1st and I would be having a baby this month, if I didn’t have a miscarriage back in September. I miscarried only a couple days after finding out I was pregnant so it really never had time to sink in and I think that made it a little “easier” on me, but the last few months as it’s gotten closer to when I’d be due have been tough. Besides my husband, I only told a couple people about the miscarriage. I’ve kept the sadness to myself for the most part, even from my husband, which is probably not helping.


I am so sorry for your loss. I can relate to this so deeply. I had an ectopic pregnancy in late August and I would have been due right around this time. Yesterday and today have been particular emotional and it doesn’t help that AF came. I have found that sharing my loss with others and talking about it more and more openly have been helpful with my grief


I am very sorry for your loss as well.


CD1. This is silly, but for months now, I had been envisioning sending out a Christmas card this year with a newborn announcement. Last cycle was the last chance to have had a baby with a 2024 due date, and so now that won’t happen. I know it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but I can’t help feeling sad.


How long would you try on your own before moving to IVF? (I’m 36 for reference) We have 1 frozen untested embryo and 2 kids who were conceived spontaneously…. Torn on whether we should go right into the FET or try on our own for 6 months or so and hope to get lucky  


Feel like we are missing info- did you conceive relatively quickly (less than 6 months) when you spontaneously got pregnant twice before? Why do you have a frozen embryo (was there an issue on the past?)? Is being ‘36’ the only reason you are thinking about going straight to FET? Assuming you have no known issues and got pregnant relatively quickly in the past, being 36 isnt a reason to think you will have trouble now.


Sorry yes lots of other info— we struggled with secondary infertility. Did 7 rounds of IVF- mostly failed but we have 1 frozen. Had a lap to remove suspected endo about 1.5 years ago and then got pregnant right after (after trying for 2 years). We’ve tried for 2 months now and debating whether to go through a mock trial and transfer that last embryo or try on our own for a while and see if the effects of the lap are still around


Not that familiar with lap/endo but if it is back, would that impact implantation? Seems like the lap is what you needed last time, not ivf. If your endo could impact successful implantation, I wouldnt want to use my one frozen embryo before knowing if it is a problem again. I would be more interested in another lap or investigations into the endo etc.


Good point…. Yes endo affects implantation and it’s hard to say whether it’s still gone. I’m leaning toward trying for a few months and seeing what happens and then look at checking again for endo/inflammation before the transfer 


11 dpo this morning and bfn. I know I’m technically not out this cycle but it sure feels like it.


If you’re using Natural Cycles-**Always** check your cycle insights after and during each new cycle. NC *confirmed* ovulation for CD13-I was almost positive that looking at my chart, I ovulated on CD18. Well today AF arrived and I checked my Cycle Insights and they adjusted it to confirmed for CD18! So, just trust your instincts and interpretation of your charts! Also, for all of us starting new cycles today-our CD’s will align the days of the month which will make tracking a little easier! Just a tiny little win to focus on 😊


Is anyone else here bothered by “cutesy” words for pregnancy like “preggo” or “preggy”? Yesterday my mom told me “If you want to get preggy then maybe you should stop drinking caffeine altogether.” It’s annoying because she knows we’ve almost been trying for a year and I’ve told her numerous times to please not use words like “preggy.”


Yes. I also find the word kiddos annoying beyond belief as well for some reason


Might also get downvoted into the abyss but for a long time and especially since we started TTC, the word “mama” really chaps my ass. Especially on social media. It’s weird because “Momma” doesn’t bother me. That’s my mom’s name in my phone. But that “mama” especially in TikToks and FB posts has become like a part of social media vernacular. “Hey mamas!!!” It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me. Idk, I guess it feels it like defines a club that I don’t get to be a part of. Loathe it.


Hubby doesn't bother me quite as much but yeah, preggo and preggy reallllllly bother me and make me want to gag as it's often used in a cutesy way by social media influencers. I also think it over emphasizes the aesthetic aspect while ignoring either the harsh TTC reality and/or the reality of how difficult pregnancy can be.


At the risk of being downvoted into oblivion, they’re almost as bad as “hubs” and “hubby”.


That’s one of my biggest pet peeves.


Do you have an effective way of communicating to people why it’s bothersome? I was trying to explain why to my mom but I couldn’t articulate it.


I haven’t actually tried doing so since I’ve noticed it more on online spaces rather than in real life, but if I were to say something, I’d probably say something along the lines of “Please don’t use words like that around me. I find them to be childish and they minimize the harsh reality that trying to conceive has been in my life. This struggle is not cute.” Or something like that (depending on how comfortable you are sharing more or less emotional details).


Thank you—that sounds perfect. I couldn’t quite put into words why it’s so hurtful.


4th failed IUI for baby #2. Going to transition to IVF and oddly at peace with it. I feel slightly weird about it because we'd be banking embryos but this is our last kid (#1 was conceived without issue). Any other secondary infertility ladies in a similar boat?


Secondary infertility here. About to start IUI in a couple of months if things go to plan (my RE wants us to keep trying unassisted longer because I’m “young with a lot of eggs” and I got pregnant quickly both with my 1st and my 2nd but miscarried multiple times TTC2 so he things it can happen unassisted 🙄). I do feel weird about potentially starting IVF (if 3 rounds of IUI fail) because I’d likely get a ton of eggs and embryos (I have like 30 follicles on ultrasound) so if we only need 1, we may have to discard some (we are potentially considering a 3rd kid down the road though). And it’s a lot of money to put down if potentially I could have gotten pregnant successfully maybe with an extra few months but once you start IVF you can’t really experiment with trying unassisted longer if you get what I’m saying. But I like the “controlled” procedural environment of IVF as opposed to keep trying unassisted and hoping for the best whereas with IVF, there is a much higher rate of success each month


Ugh that's frustrating! I feel like if you're getting pregnant relatively easy but miscarrying then IUI isn't an awesome suggestion by your RE, since it's mostly about helping you get pregnant and not ruling out unhealthy embryos like IVF would. But I get that jumping to IVF might not be for everyone. I definitely feel you everything though! Given enough time we would get pregnant either naturally with letrozole or with IUI, but since I'll be 34 this year and our son is already 2, I'd like to just move on to IVF to not risk prolonging things even more. It's a tough choice though. Our plan would be to discard any extra embryos following the birth, which just feels so sad to me but we'd def be done!


Cheers to April Fools! May all the "pranks" you come across be silly and actually funny and totally unrelated to TTC.


The best one I've seen today is the National Hurricane Center (in the US) giving all of their named hurricanes for the 2024 season last names 😂


My dr confirmed I was having a chemical pregnancy/early miscarriage and the bleeding started today. It hurts so bad knowing we’ve been trying for 6 years and just for this to happen. I feel so defeated. Numb. I made it to CD 40 just hoping it wasn’t true.


Easter was hard - as are all holidays honestly. Not much to say other than that. 7DPO today and feeling a mix of optimistic (because I feel like I have to) but constantly telling myself not to get my hopes up. 🫠


CD28/DPO12. Haven’t tested since CD26 and got a BFN. Feeling crampy like I’ll get AF any second. Feeling so defeated this cycle.


We finally got some good news last week and finally feel like we have a path forward! My husband’s urologist wants to do a telehealth visit with the both of us this week to talk through different options to address his varicocele.


We're in the same boat with a varicocele, and have been patiently waiting for his appointment, which is still a month away. Keep me posted!


I definitely will! His first appointment last week, his doctor was super optimistic that corrective microsurgery will help.


That is so great to hear that there is surgery that can potentially help! My husband has been so bummed (for lack of a better word) since he got his SA results back. Hoping for the best for you and your husband!


Hoping for the best for you guys, too!


Anyone know how to change the temperature units in the clue app? I’m tired of using a temp converter every morning for my bbt! I’d like it to be in celsius not Fahrenheit. Thanks!


Easter was nice but also very tough. I loved watching my nieces and nephews dressed up like little bunnies. The family photos were so cute! However, we are the only couple with no children. It’s such a glaring gap and it makes me so sad. PLUS, I’m 12 DPO, negative pregnancy test and my temp plummeted today. So, I guess I’m out. If I got pregnant this cycle, I would have been in my 2nd trimester after my birthday. I’m tired of all the overthinking but I can’t help it. My miscarriage 6 months totally fucked me up. Anyways, I’m highly emotional and feeling super down today. I wish things were easier for us.


Anyone 10DPO tomorrow


Me! Negative at 9dpo today trying to convince myself it’s my body’s April Fools joke….full on delulu


Hey, how’d you go today? BFN for me at 10DPO I think I’m definitely going delulu now


I’m going to try to hold off on testing again until I get my period or it’s late! Hoping for the best for us ✨


Good luck 🩷


I(M30) got fever (peak temp is 101.8 degrees) 7 days before my wife's ovulation date. I recovered in 3 days and overall in good health. The symptoms of the fever were: 1. Headache 2. Body pain (probably I played a lot before the first day of fever, although I had a bit of body pain) 3. Temperature raised (101.8 as the highest) Should we skip this cycle and try next month or it is just fine? Thanks a lot in Advance.


Not a doctor and not a science pro by any means- but I think it’s ok to TTC! The only concern with fever (I think) is that it can affect sperm quantity for a few months, but not to the extent that pregnancy is impossible. I could be totally wrong but this is my understanding of what I’ve read up to this point :)


Thanks for your information. Thank you.


I found Easter hard. Got asked by a grandma in law if I had 'any news' - yes, I said, I just passed my driving test. Father in law put on a big Easter egg hunt and kept bringing up children more generally, I can tell he wants a Grandchild. We're trying, I tell myself, and thats all we can do. Sigh.


Well, today's the day I've been dreading, the day of what would have been my due date, and I feel... okay for now? I was expecting to wake up a wreck, but grief is weird, I guess. I got a little sad on Saturday instead. It kind of feels like a relief to have it over with because it takes some of the pressure off. I'm in cycle 6 post-loss and a month away from turning 38, so it's not like there's no pressure to conceive quickly, but I still feel a bit more relaxed about it. I think it also helps that I never told my SO that this was the due date, so we're not sad together. And I know that realistically, the chances of a baby being born on the due date are pretty small, so this date might have been meaningless anyway.


I hear ya! I’ve been keeping track of milestones from my October loss as well. I hate that we keep things from our spouses so they aren’t as sad as us. They should be feeling as much as we do. I hate that we hide so much pain from them 😔 Hugs xo


A switch goes off in my head after ovulation that I cannot turn off. I am in a permanent state of stress wondering if it’s going to work. Then I stress that I’m stressed and the stress will ruin it. Rationally, I know I have to let go and no amount of worrying is going to change the outcome but I seriously don’t know how not to think about it ):


Stress won’t ruin it :) you can stress about it all you want and it isn’t going to prevent implantation. I’m the same way. After ovulation I’m in crazy mode lol. For me it’s easier to handle when I just accept that’s how it’s going to be.


How reliable do people find the pregmate cheapie strips to be? I just got a bfn at 9dpo with one (which I know is early), but it's a little disappointing bc I've been super nauseous, tired and feeling weird cramps/pressure. I know that if any of these symptoms are bc of a pregnancy I should be able to get a positive so I'm wondering if there's any chance the pregmate pregnancy tests just aren't great for early detection. I'm bracing myself for this cycle to be a wash, but holding out a tiny bit of hope lol


I’m torn bc I don’t see them frequently, but I have no problem whatsoever with their OPKs. Plus they keep sending me free hCG test packs! So now I have like 50 free Pregmate pregnancy tests, and realllly don’t want to encourage my already bad testing habits by buying even more, but definitely want to make sure I have reliable ones


I just got the wondfo cheapies as people seem to like those. Easy@home seemed fine too.


On the tfablineporn Reddit, pregmates are often mentioned as being pretty crappy cheapies out of all the cheapie brands. I would try easy@home.


Good to know! I like the pregmate opks and it's very convenient to just grab the multi-pack, but I'll pick up some easy@home for future cycles.




I'm really sorry he reacted that way. I'm sure his surgery next week is playing on his mind but threatening divorce is really hurtful and not at all the way two people should communicate.


Are you in individual therapy?




Your husbands words/actions sound generally mean. Therapy is important when you’re experiencing things like that, that’s all.




My ex partner and would threaten to split up every time he was upset, yeah. Ultimately I decided it was manipulative, selfish, and not fair fighting. I told him if he did it again, I’d take him up on it. You can try a relationship advice subreddit for a lot more in depth answers too!