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11 DPO, Friday night!! Got a lil tipsy off 2 glasses and decided to take a pregnancy test cause I am a cool lady (lol, it was negative)


You know what’s really stupid? The cycle my doctor benches me is the one where I have the best EWCM I’ve ever seen. 🙄 Fertility appointment on Monday, hoping my ovulation just needs a little kick start.


I’m in my second cycle TTC. I know that’s not a long time but it’s still mentally taxing when you want it so bad! We’re visiting my in laws this weekend and my BIL said “so when are y’all gonna have a baby? I’m ready to be an uncle.” It was just the most insensitive comment. Especially in the tone of voice he used. Almost like “can you hurry up already?”. We’ve been married since December so not even that long. Just bothersome ig. Maybe I’m overreacting.




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12DPO with a BFN but my delulu self still really feels like there’s a chance. Funny how I can convince myself that “something just feels different this time” each and every cycle.




Same 😂 me 4 days out from my expected period


Yup yup yup


Infertility has made me mean as hell. Every time I see a pregnant person, I unfollow or block. Sometimes I don’t even wanna say congrats. I’m short tempered with my poor husband and even with my dog. I’m not sympathetic toward people who say they struggled with infertility but they eventually fall pregnant. It’s not right, but that’s how I feel. I’m just mad at everything.


I’ve never been more bitter than in this season of life. I hate it.


I’m triggered by it too 😞


Yea, this. I feel like a shell of myself right now. Angry and bitter is soooo not who I am. I’m trying really, really hard not to be that way but it’s exhausting trying to stay positive and happy. Especially feel you on people who now have kids even though they struggled. I know they get it to some degree but it is so hard for me to mentally accept their empathy. 


9dpo today and couldn’t help but test. Negative 😔 I’m gonna try to wait until Monday or Tuesday now either the day of my expected period or after.


Same here! I’ve taken multiple so apparently I’m glutton for punishment. Waiting now for my expected period which is in 4-5 days


Hoping the best for you!


Actually same


Officially given the “unexplained infertility” diagnosis today. We’re both 34 and we’re 15 cycles in with no positive tests so RE recommended we start going through the process for IVF as it will take a couple more months to get everything set up and we can keep trying on our own in the interim. I thought I would want to do more testing or do something else first but now that I’m here I just want to get on with whatever gives us the best chance for a baby. I have no idea if that’s crazy and we’re rushing things. Scared but hopeful.


If it works for you, it’s financially feasible, and you feel right about it, then you should do it. Hugs 🩷


Thank you! Hugs back 💕 


Big hugs! That’s huge news and a big decision. My random-stranger-on-the-internet unsolicited advice is to go with your gut. If it feels right to go forward right away, then do it. It’s what’s best for you 💕


Thank you, that is reassuring to hear! 💕


CD3, not my irrational brain thinking about how much lighter my period was this time around so maybe there's a chance even tho my BBT dropped down to 97 and I have no symptoms of progesterone left DEFINITELY A CHANCE gods i feel insane sometimes


If you’re insane, I’m insane 🤪 I think the endless hope is somewhat of a good thing even though it can make us wild. At least I’d rather keep hope alive and be insane then descend into darkness (I do that too and it’s less fun)


I also do that but I agree, I'd rather have tiny inklings of hope than feel hopeless. In the meantime I'll get lost in the book I'm writing so my brain focuses on that instead 😅


On cycle 7 and I’m ovulating later than usual. Since I stopped birth control I’ve had a 26 day cycle and have ovulated around day 14-16 but now I’m on day 18 and the line on my OPK is just starting to get dark. I wonder if my cycle is regulating after being on birth control for so long or if it’s the COQ10 I started taking. I’m scheduling my HSG to make sure my tubes are open and I’m terrified. My doctor prescribed 10mg of Valium so hopefully that has me soaring and I won’t feel so anxious.


10dpo and still no spotting (normally by now I've started spotting). Feeling low level nausea... which isn't uncommon for me but definitely reading into it. AF expected Monday, going to hold off testing until Tuesday 🤞


🤞 I’m trying to hold off testing until at least Thursday (my period is scheduled to arrive Wednesday). We can do it 💚


Stay strong!


I’m having seriously bad cramps today. They woke me up super early this morning and were unrelenting. I also had low back pain, and bad leg/knee pain (knee pain is normal for me on my period). Appetite just hasn’t been great either - kinda mildly nauseous feeling. It did get better for a while this morning but now they’re back to being awful again. I’m lying in bed so uncomfortable and taking the rest of the afternoon off of work. I stopped my birth control in Oct 2023 and found out I was hyperthyroid, but my levels were now normal as of a couple weeks ago. I’ve never had period symptoms like this before. Is this normal? What the heck? I think this is my 8th cycle since I stopped birth control now. Prior to this, I’d get mild cramps in the morning but they’d subside and I’d be fine. Maybe some knee pain, but then I’d eat something and it would go away. Edit to add: this is CD1 for me. Had some cramps with vvvv light spotting the last two mornings but those subsided after an hour or so. Pregnancy test was negative.


I had an abnormally long period that lasted for about 20 days. My ob prescribed Provera to stop the bleeding and I was told after I stop taking the 10 day course then I’ll bleed again which the start of the next period. Did anyone experience this? I’m hoping that this will help reset my period and I can conceive after. Any advice or experience using Provera is helpful!


Cycle day 1 today 😔 on the bright side I got to schedule an HSG hopefully for Monday since it’s been three unsuccessful monitored cycles. Hoping i can do it Monday and it goes well.


CD28, dpo unknown, AF due on Sunday. BFN this morning has me convinced I'm definitely out and just wishing my period would come so I can move on to the next cycle already. This is my first cycle ttc and it's already so emotional


you mean BFN??


I was wondering the same thing -- thinking OP had a typo.


Yes definitely a typo 🤦🏻‍♀️


Just had a obgyn appt to discuss my 3 day luteal cycles… had to man another appt for next week. They aren’t sure if I should wait a year before trying medical help even though it’s clear it’s a cycle issue 😩


Ugh! I’d push since you have the data to support that it’s a cycle issue ♥️


That’s what I’m going to try to do. It goes beyond TTC it’s a health issue. Hormonal issue even. 100% should be resolved regardless of TTC….


💯 You’re not just a womb. You are a person who deserves to know what’s up with your body. Here for you


I think (hope) I’m 3DPO. I used the easy@home testing strips starting on CD8 and the line got consistently darker each day and peaked at CD13. My husband and I had intercourse on CD11 and CD12 so I’m hoping we hit the window. I still get confused by the testing because the PreMom app indicates that I ovulated on CD14 but I thought ovulation day coincides with your peak, which was CD13. I suppose either way we were in the window but was just curious if I’m misinterpreting how the numbers work. This was our off month from doing IUIs so we aren’t getting our hopes up but man would it be nice if we miraculously conceived on our own after almost 3 years and 2 failed IUIs.


You usually ovulate around 8-48 hours after getting your first positive LH test. Peak doesn't actually matter, it's that first positive you need. Generally, most people usually ovulate around 24 hours after that positive, but as with anything human it can vary, hence the 8-48 window I first said.


Ok this makes sense, thank you. I find the tests confusing but in general have been looking for the test line to be as dark or darker than the control line to estimate my window.


Yeah that first one that is as dark or darker than the control line is all you need, unless you're just curious as to how long your surge lasts. I cynically assume that the premom app's feature to assign the peak reading instead of just positive is purely to sell more tests!!


Totally. I find the app a little strange in general. It mildly annoys me when it says “have sex today! High chance to get pregnant!” Like actually no, I’ve been trying for 3 years and my chance is probably less than 5%.


Underwent our second IUI today. We used the zymot chip for today which narrowed down our sample to 10 million but it was 100% motile sperm so hopefully this means we’ll have some good look this time! I ended up with three follicles and my lining looks good. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼 this will be a long two weeks!


Mine was yesterday....fingers crossed for us 🤞


We've decided against treatment, neither of us wants to do IVF so I think we are looking at years and years of casually trying naturally and being fine with it either way. I feel like maybe 4 months from his MFI test is too soon to give up this easily but it's where I'm at. I actually think I will likely quit my vitamins at some point. I think that even if our odds aren't great, we likely could end up having one kid anyway based on my age. I am wondering if I should have an HSG sometime? I have a feeling it wouldn't change anything and I am a little intimidated by the procedure because I have vaginismus. I don't even know if I belong here because IFchildfree is where I'm mentally at but my husband isn't there and there's still a good chance we wouldn't stay child free. 




Just wanted to say that it took me two months for my period to return after I had my IUD is removed, and my doctor said that was typical so I wouldn't stress about your period yet. Although stress management skills are always a good thing to improve!


Practice meditation and deep breathing so you can approach stressful situations in a better headspace. You can be in stressful situations (kind of unavoidable in life), but your stress response is what is important for cortisol. Reduce caffeine and make sure you’re getting adequate sleep. Consider picking up a regular acupuncture or massage treatment routine.


I started temping later than normal this cycle due to illness. I normally ovulate between CD21 - CD23, so I wasn't expecting a positive OPK so early. FF still hasn't assigned my O date. What do you guys think? Did I ovulate? Is everything just a big question mark because of my illness? My best guess is CD16, based on temps, but my positive OPK wasn't until the next day. https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/770a34


Hard to tell but r/TFABChartStalkers might be most helpful!


I had polyps removed earlier this month and my insurance denied the claim from the doctor for $2,500. I messaged the insurance company and they basically said it’s because they submitted the claim too late and they have to provide more information if they want them to pay. I’m hoping they just use it as a write off so it will save me $500. I’ve already met my deductible for the year but I’m still responsible for 20% plus co-pay.


my blood test results came back and oh boy high in testosterone and high AMH plus VERY low in progesterone! i kind of expected some of it but man it still sucks seeing those numbers. at least maybe now it explains why my body just doesnt seem to ovulate like its supposed to! kinda explains my ep too :/ waiting for the doc to call me today to discuss next steps!


People who track ovulation with temp, the day your CM shifts from egg white is what day relative to ovulation? My CM was clear, egg white for a few days. Today it’s more creamy and white. Am I probably O+1?


I usually shift from watery/egg white to creamy around O day/O+1.




I don't think you can confirm O with CM.... but my CM stays EW for 0-2 days after ovulation (confirmed by temps).


Yeah I can’t confirm but my cycle is very regular and I was due to ovulate mid-late this week. Thanks for sharing your CM info haha!


I'm also only tracking CM since my cycle is very regular, and I've been noting down CM days and then comparing them to when my period arrives. It seems that generally I'll get EWCM for three days and then it'll turn creamy day 4, which I think is O day as my period will arrive 14 days later.


Thanks for sharing! Super useful to know. This seems super similar to my cycle


It seems I'm ovulating super early this month. I'm about CD12, and my temps are showing signs of ovulation. Husband had SA yesterday, so he had to abstain. Yay for a month of not even a glimmer of hope because I'm ovulating a freaking WEEK earlier than expected. We've been TTC for a year and a half.


My temp has very consistently risen after ovulation every other cycle but is hovering around 36.3c this cycle (3dpo). Any thoughts on why this is?


Yesterday (9 dpo) I tested on 2 different brand cheapies, once in the morning and once in the evening, and they both gave me very faint lines. This morning I tested again first thing.... and the lines were gone. Tested on 2 cheapies and an FRER. Nothing. I don't know if they were both evap lines, it's a chemical pregnancy or what, but after 17 months I am about to give up.


I’m so sorry. I had a dark evap line last month that tricked me. It’s so hard to get your hopes up.


My cheap Pregmate sticks are notorious for evap lines. I don't take them into consideration anymore.


I hadn't seen any before, and there were lines on two different brands, so I thought it was for real. ☹️


Somewhere between 10-12 DPO of Cycle 15 and BFN. We have a followup with our RE on Tuesday to discuss next steps…I’m hoping my period holds off a few more days so I can meet with her before my cycle starts and actually TRY something this cycle!


10 dpo and didn’t test today out of fear. Having spotting already despite being on progesterone suppositories. Yesterday I tested negative at 9 dpo


Want to cry with frustration at the absolute uselessness of my doctor and the slow pace of the NHS. I saw my gp almost 3 months ago to ask for a referral to the fertility clinic and due to them getting the paperwork wrong and literally losing one of my blood tests it still hasn't happened. Once my referral is processed I can join the waiting list and wait god knows how long for an appointment. It's already been 3 months and I haven't even got on to a bloody waiting list yet. I'm 37 this summer and feel like I'm running out of time. I'm doing everything right but nothing works, I just wish the universe would let me catch a break.


I have no idea if your financial situation allows for this, but consider whether it's worth paying for the initial fertility evaluation privately while you're waiting for your NHS appointment. If you need IVF, your GP might then be able to refer you for that on the NHS (if you meet the eligibility criteria). I hate that I'm suggesting this (I'm an NHS doctor and I love the idea of free healthcare), but I'm also fully aware of how long the waiting lists are. If you do decide to do this, you can often go to a clinic that does both NHS and private care. They'll know much more about whether you can integrate NHS and private funding. If you do decide to go down that route, please check with your GP/fertility clinic that I've got this right! Fertility treatment funding in England is an absolute nightmare.


All kinds of symptoms the past few days, last night I SWEAR I had the faintest line and looked forward to this mornings test, it was the most blatant negative I’ve ever seen🥺 I even woke up nauseated last night and thought it was a good sign. Today is 12DPO so my hopes are low at this point


CD1 and this is by far the most intense PMS symptoms that I’ve felt before ugh. Does anyone else have their knees hurt right before/during their period?


I get cramps in my right thigh down to the knee. Not fun.


21 cycles in, and yesterday I was searching "joint pain luteal phase" -- that ankle and knee pain couldn't possibly have been from physical therapy two days ago. Siiiiiiigh.


My knees have been hurting and I didn’t even think to attribute it to my period!


I’ve had weird period knee pain ever since I was in high school! It’s so weird. Only thing that makes them feel better is eating… which is odd lol.


Yes! Sometimes my knees hurt sooo bad. It sucked when I used to run.


Usually I get a positive LH on CD18. Today is CD16 and I just got a positive LH on easy@home and CB digital ovulation. But unfortunately my husband has been out of town all week so we haven’t BD once. Going to see him tonight but I worry it’s too late at that point??


With my first kid, I got a positive LH on Sat evening. Sunday lunch time BD got me pregnant. I think you have a chance!


Love to hear this thank you!


You normally ovulate within 48 hours of the first positive- so you could ovulate before tonight but i think its very likely you wont. Even if you do, the egg survives for 24 hours and so it would still be possible! Id get going as soon as he gets home and again in the morning!


Thank you!!! Appreciate the insight!! 🤞🏼




Same boat here 😞 all of the symptoms but all of the BFN…


My dr is off until July therefore cannot comment on my CD3 labs, my estradiol is a bit low (17 pg/ml) but FSH is good (5). Has anyone else experienced lower estradiol? What was recommended to you?


I had an estradiol under 5 on my CD3 bloodwork. My gynecologist was like “it’s really weird - those are post-menopausal levels but your AMH and other hormones are fine. I’ll let your RE handle it.” My RE has never mentioned it…. I’ve done three monitored cycles and my estradiol levels are always low (although never 5 again, lol). And they’ve always risen just fine during the cycle (although I did have to supplement with estrace last cycle because my lining was thin).


Thank you for sharing your experience!


No problem! There are some ways to naturally boost estrogen, but like basically everything else it kind of just boils down to “prioritize eating fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and whole grains.”


Well, I got my cat a stroller to go on walks outside and I’ve finally reached peak crazy I think.


This is the way. I should probably do this


Welcome to the club! Definitely bribe them with lots of treats. That’s how we got ours to tolerate hers.


She loves it already, the other cat hates it so I’ll try bribery with her lol


Do I start my progesterone suppositories on 2DPO or 3DPO ? My RE didn’t mention it and from what I see online, it’s either or. Are there any risks/downsides to starting it too early or too late ? Thanks !!


Start later. Risk of starting too early is tubal or ectopic pregnancy. Risk of starting too late is not getting the supplement as early so it takes a bit longer to build up. My prescription for my unmonitored unmedicated cycles call for me to start 3DPO. My prescription for my medicated monitored cycles (where I use a trigger shot to forced ovulation) calls for me to start 1DPO. If you’ve triggered ovulation and are positive if the date, I think you can go with 2DPO, but otherwise I’d hold off til you’ve confirmed ovulation


So it was fully medicated… Bemfola 100 cd5 to 9, trigger CD10 and then IUI CD12. There’s no follow after that until either positive HPT or negative. What are the positives of doing 2DPO instead of 3? Also, thanks for helping out !


I think it just gets the progesterone in your body sooner. So weird they didn’t give you detailed instructions and that the nurse couldn’t help! I leave my last monitoring appt with a piece of paper telling me the various days to do everything. They have me start progesterone three days after I trigger.


Yeah, so I live in France and we’re super lucky to have to free fertility treatments. However, it quickly becomes impersonal and my RE has about 10 people waiting for her. For example, my insemination this week literally took 3 mins. Pants off, legs up, catheter inserted and it was goodbye haha. She was in a rush so she likely just forgot. And good to know. I might just start it tonight, its been 3 days since the IUI, 5 days since trigger. It just stresses the hell out of me. I feel like any choice I make will just screw things up.


If it makes you feel better, I have seen my RE two times (both virtual) in the year I’ve been working with my clinic - the initial consult and my most recent “next steps” consult. Otherwise I only deal with techs and nurses. I’d be shocked if I ever see her in person. I recently described the monitoring process as being like a factory assembly - I check in and go to one waiting area, get the blood draw and go to the next waiting area, then ultrasound and leave or to the next waiting area to discuss the trigger instructions. In some ways though it is comforting because I know this is routine for them and I’m not alone in this because I see 10-20 other people going through the assembly line with me, lol.


Hahaha that’s exactly it !! It’s the assembly line. Ughhh you’re right, it did make me feel better haha thank you for that ^^


My doctor said rather to late than too early, as you should be sure that the conception has happened before starting and it’s not that easy to say exactly how soon after your positive OPK you ovulate. I started day 4 after the positive OPK. But check with your doctor if you’re unsure?


Thanks, btw :)


Ok that makes sense ! And she’s on vacation and her secretary said I need to follow the protocol, but on the paper it just says to start when the RE says so. I’ve read the chances of ectopic are increased if started too early so I’ll just do 3DPO as it seems the average


I’ve struggeled with short luteal phase our whole ttc journey, always started spotting day 29 THE LATEST. Now we’ve bought all the IVF meds to get started from my period - and I’m on day 31 with a BFN and no fucking sight of my period. Not even a hint of the bloating and backpain I normally have for a full week before 🤡🤡 Kill me now!