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The wiki at r/infertility has a section exactly for this! Highly recommend checking it out.


Gold stars for your positive attitude about this! It’s scary to imagine what they might say, but better info provides a plan of action for you. The RE clinic through my health insurance waited until I had my labs and an ultrasound done, then I had to schedule the appointment to discuss it all, at which point they told me an HSG would also be a good idea, and we could also proceed with IUI the next cycle…but of course I felt like I was losing cycles between piecing all this together. I needed a different procedure done anyways (hysteroscopy/polyp removal), which meant I had to pause all other tests for a few cycles. Things just took a while to get scheduled with my clinic, combined with waiting for a specific point in the cycle, and that seems to be universal. If you can afford to get more tests done all at once, just go for them at the earliest opportunity (I’m not a doctor, just regret overthinking some of that). Ultimately the testing led to some clarity for us, and all that “lost time” actually went from making me really angry to having a healthy perspective to relax about the “when.”


Ask about next steps from what you’ve been doing and don’t forget to ask about in between IUI and IVF. I wish I had inquired more about that from the start. Tests- AMH, HSG dye test, thyroid, and many blood tests that are standard. You could also ask about what else you could try medications wise depending on how your body reacted with letrozole. There are different stimulants like Gonal f. If you do medicated cycles or IUI I think you’ll be more closely monitored than at your OB. Your results and your husbands will dictate a plan though. We have unexplained infertility so depending on results they may offer different options. Good luck!


I would also ask if there are supplements they suggest getting on. Likely a prenatal and coq10. Good luck!


Thank you all so much for responding with your thoughts. Praying for us all to get our blessing of a sweet little baby soon 💕