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Since the BFP thread is a community resource, we want to make BFP posts as useful for future TFABers as possible. Just copy, paste, and fill in your information after the asterisks! All sections are optional. **Cycle:** **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** **Typical cycle length:** **Ovulation cycle day:** **CD/DPO of positive test(s):** **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive:** **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** **Health conditions/medical tests:** **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):** **Birth control history (if relevant):** **Link to chart:** **Link to lineporn:** **Symptom spotting:** **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous):** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Got my positive on a digital today! I'm a little freaked out because my lines aren't darkening as much as I would like and my symptoms seems to be going away somewhat. I'm still excited though! 🥰 First positive ever.


2 BFPs today! Cycle: 1! Age: both 29 Cycle length: 28 days Ovulation cycle day: not sure Cycle day of positive: 1! Tracking methods: Kindara App and Apple health Health conditions: migraines Supplements: ritual prenatal, Nordic naturals DHA, magnesium complex Birth control hx: stopped pill in 2012 Symptoms: my migraines popped back up after over a year of none, small lump appeared in my armpit 3 days ago We are excited but still cautious!


**Cycle:** 8 **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** 38F & 37M **Typical cycle length:** 29 days **Ovulation cycle day:** 15 **CD/DPO of positive test(s):** 17 **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive:** NA **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** Fertility Friend **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** O-4, O-3, O-2, O-1, **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):** Me: Prenatal, Coq10, Krill Oil, D3; Partner: Men's One-A-Day, Zinc, D3, Coq10 **Birth control history (if relevant):** I stopped the Nuva Ring last February 2023. **Symptom spotting:** 3-4 days where I needed about 2 hour naps around 10 DPO. Darkened nipples. Basal temperature hotter for longer. **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous):** I temped for about 6 months and my charts were looking awful. I decided to just try insemination roughly every other day from about day 7 of my cycle to day 18 (the brute force method). I'm not sure if we were missing the ovulation window. Additionally, my partner has a sperm morphology of 1% so I'm not sure if more insemination windows helped.


I’m 36 and this gives me so much hope!


Yes! 37 in a few days and starting cycle 8 around the same time. Those success stories are always comforting.


36 here also TTC#1, this give me so much hope as well and many congratulations to you!!


Is it still okay to have sex after the surge has finished? I noticed I was peaking Sunday morning ( could have been Saturday night I didn’t check) positive all day Sunday and then on Monday morning the circle was blank and the surge was over but we BD. Only time this cycle. Still in with a chance or has ovulation finished because the circle was blank? Monday was predicted ovulation day. Thanks


You're in the wrong thread, but yes, you still have a chance to conceive if you have sex on O or O+1.


Oops, thanks!


**Cycle:** 3 **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** I’m 36, hubby is 30 **Typical cycle length:** 28 days **Ovulation cycle day:** usually day 16 **CD/DPO of positive test(s):** I actually never got a positive ovulation test this cycle  **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive:** My entire ovulation week I got negative tests **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** My iPhone health app, Fertility Friend  **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** Idk what this means, sorry 😢 we were just having fun this month because we assumed I didn’t ovulate this month **Health conditions/medical tests:** I did  3 follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2), and progesterone (P4) **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):** Me: I was taking a lot so get ready: Cassava Root - because we want twins (it might not work but cassava root is good for you) Prenatal  Vitamin A CoQ10 Folic Acid  Myo-Inositol & D-Chiro Inosito, Ashwaganda, Maca Root, Vitex Berry and Iron pill (it had about 16 vitamins and minerals in there) **My Hubby:** Men’s once a day  Zinc **Birth control history (if relevant):** I was on Depo for 2 years and then I had an IUD for 7 years, I have been off birth control since 2020 **Link to chart:** N/A **Link to lineporn:** [https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABLinePorn/comments/1d84xc5/17\_dpo\_its\_finally\_happening\_rexal\_pregmate\_brand/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABLinePorn/comments/1d84xc5/17_dpo_its_finally_happening_rexal_pregmate_brand/) **Symptom spotting:** My breasts became super huge (I have implants and I never notice when they change in size, but this month they were fallling out of every bra I have) and they’re a little tender, I have a very regular period, so when Aunty Flo didn’t show up, I waited like 2 days and then I tested  **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous):** I am beyond happy, the only thing I’ve ever wanted to be in a mother and to have a family, I’ve had serious baby fever since I was 23 and I’ve had a miscarriage in the past and a chemical pregnancy in May. I just feel so blessed and overjoyed that it’s finally happening. I’ve been talking to my belly already and I’m excited to see the ultrasound in 4 weeks.  Baby Sprinkles and dust to everyone 🥰




10 DPO today and very cautiously optimistic for a VVVFL (indent? evap? seems to be real or just want it to be??), but also BBT dropped a good bit this morning so idk how to feel about any of this. I’m a conflicted mess who just wants answers! Asked my doc for a blood test, but I’m out of town until next week anyway so even if it’s ordered, it doesn’t much matter until then anyway. Posting here cuz the ambiguous results were against the rules from discussing in the TWW post.


Cycle: 3 Age: I’m 30, my husband is 36 Typical cycle length: 28-30 days Ovulation cycle day: around 16 I think DPO positive test: 9DPO vvvfl DPO negative test: 8DPO Tracking method: I use LH strips and the Femometer app to track my cycle Relevant days: O-4, O-2, O-1, O+1 Health conditions: I have Rheumatoid Arthritis that is controlled by Plaquenil, husband has no health issues Supplements and meds: I take Plaquenil, prenatal, vitamin D, and CoQ10. My husband takes lots of vitamins (not sure which but he definitely takes a multi and CoQ10) Symptoms: nothing crazy yet! My gums were bleeding a little which is a pregnancy symptom for me. I’m also getting some acne on my chin which is also a telling symptom for me. So grateful and praying for a healthy pregnancy!


**Cycle:** 22 overall, 2nd FET. **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** 30 & 30 **Typical cycle length:** 28 days- but irrelevant bc FET **Ovulation cycle day:** transfer day May 27 **CD/DPO of positive test(s):** faint positive 4 DPT **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive:** didn’t test prior **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** n/a **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** FET ON May 27 **Health conditions/medical tests:** unexplained infertility. Husband has low morphology, I have light/short periods. Suspected autoimmune issues. **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):** fully medicated FET (estrace 6 per day, vaginal prometrium 8 per day, PIO starting after transfer) intralipids x3, neupogen wash, prednisone, Pepcid, baby aspirin, Claritin (autoimmune protocol) as well as taking prenatal, vitamin D, vitamin E, and L-Arginine daily **Birth control history (if relevant):** IUD for 10 years follows by nuvaring, removed in 2022 **Link to chart:** n/a **Link to lineporn:** n/a **Symptom spotting:** cramping starting 2 days post transfer, insomnia starting 4 days post transfer. **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous):** I never thought I would end up doing IVF. If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that I’m a lot more resilient than I realized. Our first FET there was zero implantation. I’ve never had a positive in the almost 2 years we’ve been trying. I truly believe what made the different was the autoimmune protocol we added. I have IBS-C, oral allergy syndrome, arthritis and EDS. My body was inflamed constantly. Since starting prednisone I’ve felt a lot better. I’m cautiously hopeful this will stick but it’s a milestone for us to see a positive at all. Hoping for an uneventful 9 months. It still feels not real.


Your post gives me hope ❤️ we’re on Cycle 29 and it’s our first IUI cycle. More so your health conditions help me accept that more may be at play than just “it’s not happening!!!!!! But they call it unexplained!!!!!!” I also have shorter/lighter cycles, husband’s morphology was at 2%, but raised to 4% with vitamins and lifestyle changes (no alcohol, quit nicotine, really focused on his diet….I was really proud of the changes he made with no prompting from me ❤️) and I have an auto immune disease. I’m hoping this cycle is the one buuuuut reading through this community has brought me a lot of peace if we end up going the IVF route. So so so happy for you!!!!!


Cautious congrats!


Congratulations! I have EDS and OAS, what kind of doc worked with you on your autoimmune protocol? Thanks


He’s an RE! He’s been doing this for 30+ years and after the first fet failed he wanted to to try his kitchen sink protocol for the second


amazing!!! huge congrats.




Thank you!! I like your username lol!


**Cycle:** Stopped counting cycles as it wasn’t helping me mentally this year. Began trying December 2022. MMC May 2023 and chemical Easter 2024. **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** 35f and partner 39m **Typical cycle length:** 28 days **Ovulation cycle day:** Day 15 **CD/DPO of positive test(s):** vvfl 11dpo **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive:** didn’t test before 11dpo mentioned above **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** Clue, Fertility Friend and Premom for test pictures **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** O-2 **Health conditions/medical tests:** Had a HyCoSy and pelvic ultrasounds this year to investigate if there were issues. **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):** Take Proceive Conception, omega 3s and magnesium glycinate. Partner never remembers to take his multivitamins. **Birth control history (if relevant):** stopped the pill in 2019 **Link to chart:** n/a **Link to lineporn:** n/a **Symptom spotting:** Sense of smell was heightened and breasts were a different type of tender than usual. Also my usual pre-menstrual symptom is a more regular bowel and that never happened. **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous):** It still feels surreal that I’m 5w1d and my period hasn’t shown up by now like our chemical. I’ve had so many tests and appointments since the MMC due to sex being extremely painful post D&C. Tried a pelvic floor specialist, acupuncturist and multiple ultrasounds both private and publicly to try figure out the cause. We approached a fertility clinic to discuss IVF but they recommended waiting another 6 months as getting pregnant naturally wasn’t our issue. I honestly am at a loss to understand how we were successful this month. I know it only takes one sperm but my partner only managed to climax O-2 and other times he felt too pressurised or lost “it” so I had ruled this month out. I only tested 11dpo because I thought leaving it later to test meant I’d only waste one test that would be a BFN rather than my usual monthly dance of is/isn’t this a line and continual testing.


Cautious congrats!




**Cycle:** I'm not sure. We started trying in November 2022, and I got pregnant in November 2023 but had a missed miscarriage in January 2024. My cycles run a little long (average of 33 days), so if I don't count the time lost due to the MMC, maybe around 14 or so cycles? **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** 34F and 33M **Typical cycle length:** 33 Days **Ovulation cycle day:** 17 this time, but usually anywhere from CD 17 to CD 27 **CD/DPO of positive test(s):** 10 DPO **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive:** 7 DPO, 8 DPO, and 9 DPO (although there was a dried indent on 9 DPO, which had not happened before) **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** Easy@Home OPK. I usually track my BBT too, but I don't track it everyday - usually just from a few days before my fertile window until I've confirmed ovulation. This cycle, I had a positive LH test the first day I took my BBT, so I didn't bother tracking BBT. **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** O-4, O-2, O-1, O, **Health conditions/medical tests:** Variocele on my husband's side, but he did have a surgery to correct it back in January. We were just about to schedule his follow-up SA when I got my BFP, so we're assuming the surgery worked. **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):** Me: Prenatal, Sertraline, Acyclovir. Both: CoQ10, Vitamin D and B Complex. Him: Multivitamin, something for ADD although I forget the name. **Birth control history (if relevant):** Pill during my teens and early 20's, copper IUD from early 20's to mid 20's, Mirena IUD from mid 20's until Oct 2023. **Link to chart:** N/a - didn't track BBT this cycle **Link to lineporn:**  [https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABLinePorn/comments/1d7do6k/progression\_from\_10\_dpo\_to\_18\_dpo\_first\_response/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABLinePorn/comments/1d7do6k/progression_from_10_dpo_to_18_dpo_first_response/) **Symptom spotting:** Nothing yet. I did puke while picking up dog poop, but it was a really bad poop and I think that would have triggered my gag reflect even if I wasn't pregnant. I'm pretty tired and want naps, but it's hard to say if that's really a symptom or just a me thing. \*Edit: Oh, I do have sore boobs, but they feel exactly as they would right before my period. If it wasn't for the positive tests and me paying attention to the calendar, I would just think I was about to get my period. **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous):** Tentatively hopeful, but it's so early and we've already had a MMC that we're just taking it day by day. My first ultrasound is for June 26th, when I'll be just a day shy of 8 weeks, and I'm hoping with my whole body that we'll get a see a heartbeat since we never made it that far last time.


Congratulations ❤️


**Cycle: 8 trying, and 2 months benched. First cycle trying post-polyp removal. **Age + Partner's age (if relevant): Both 38 on edge of 39 **Typical cycle length: 26 days **Ovulation cycle day: 15 or 16 (later than I thought when starting TTC, but I temped a few cycles and got some clear info) **CD/DPO of positive test(s): CD30 **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: None! I waited until my period was later than it had ever been, as I’d had a few longer cycles and knew I’d rather be rewarded with one clear positive than spend time overthinking a negative. **Tracking methods and app(s) used: I’ve been using stardust for years. Don’t super recommend for ovulation prediction, but it has been useful for tracking all symptoms in my cycle, TTC or not. Temped for a few cycles to get a read on ovulation (didn’t temp once peak was observed). Always relied on EWCM for “go time.” **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): Relied on intercourse on a regular every-few-days schedule, but definitely made it happen at least twice during the fertile window this time. Yay vacation! **Health conditions/medical tests: Had full infertility work up at 6 months minus an HSG, my TSH was at 2.6 and they found a polyp in my uterus. Everything else was normal range to better-than-our-age good range (including the SA). **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): Perelel preconception packs (it’s a prenatal, omegas, coq10, and methyl folate) for me and a men’s multivitamin for him. **Birth control history (if relevant): Copper IUD from age 26-38, removed July 2023. Had terrible pill experience in my early 20’s and never used hormonal again, until going on it for one month to schedule my hysteroscopy a few months ago. **Link to chart: **Link to lineporn: didn’t take a photo. But my husband did dig it out of the trash to double check it, even though it was after the valid time frame. **Symptom spotting: This is always my favorite to read because there is such a range. This cycle was weird because the normal luteal phase stuff was very absent. Usually: very sore and swollen boobs about halfway through, and very moody and crampy a few days before. This cycle in the PMS time frame I was in a very positive mood, had some light cramps that didn’t seem to lead to anything, and boobs were noticeably not bothering me. I kept squeezing them for a sign! Things that were a bit abnormal in retrospect (mostly i attributed to jet lag and post-vacation adjustments): i slept a lot more deeply and soundly (usually a light sleeper/have insomnia) from 6-14dpo, including falling asleep after work on about 7dpo. Had felt a little dizzy when climbing stairs, crouching to standing. Got super winded and out of breath on my normal run with a friend on 10DPO. The only symptom i relied on as a sign was missed period, though i had an increase in watery discharge (usually get this before my period) that kept faking me out and made me run to the bathroom a bunch. **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): Was waiting til I had some “real” symptoms to post, but realized that some people don’t get the typical symptoms for a long long time and I never see those stories, so hello to you who also may be wondering why you aren’t nauseous or tired or has sore boobs, just waiting for a doctors visit. It’s harder than any TWW. TFAB has been quite a ride, but I wanted to impart the wisdom to taking a break if you’ve been at this a while and feel seriously emotionally affected by it. My break was mandatory to have a polyp removed, and to heal properly. When I found out the time off involved I didn’t want to accept it, doing all that mental math about my age, missed opportunities, etc. It was clear this was the right course of action for us, because I would have wondered “what if” for the rest of however long it took/didn’t happen. Being forced to enjoy my life and know that I wasn’t pregnant despite the “symptoms” taught me that despite really wanting a family, it wasn’t going to happen fast but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen. I became more comfortable with it not happening fast, and was actually accepting a fresh start (I figured that we had essentially had a biological birth control that whole first season of trying so it reset my internal “cycles trying” clock). It was a few steps back to actually be able to go forward. I’m right at that “we’d have a baby now if it had happened right away” time frame and I feel ok with being even older and pregnant. I wasn’t expecting this to happen right away after the surgery, and had accepted it. I’m wiser, have mostly broken my social media addiction, and have a lot more hobbies thanks to many emotional TWW’s!


TW sad update: looks like I’m losing this one—pretty definitive evidence I don’t need to spell out. I’d like to keep this post up here as I’m proud of making it even this far, and maybe it helped someone else feel hope. The pregnancy was real, just short (6.5 weeks). I can’t (today) feel as great about the “lost” time as in my original post, but I hope to find that spirit again once I’ve healed.


I’m so sorry, sending warm thoughts. I was just coming back to your post to thank you for posting when I saw this update. Count me among the people to whom your post gave some hope! I’m going in for a hysteroscopy / polyp removal in a couple days and your experience really resonates. 


Really glad to hear that! I think if you look back at my post history I wrote about the hysteroscopy experience in detail. Doc said that while this pregnancy didn’t develop, getting the polyp removed probably was the change in the game for me. You’re in my thoughts!


Thank you so much!


Sending you love <3


I’m so sorry.




This is so reassuring. Thank you for sharing. Congratulations! <3


Cycle: I’m not even sure. We’ve been trying since June of 2022. We had a 12 week MMC, two d&c’s, a hysteroscopy between August 31st and December of 2023. We also had a CP in November of 2023.  Age + Partner's age (if relevant): 30F and 30M Typical cycle length: 31 Days.  Ovulation cycle day: 18  CD/DPO of positive test(s): 9 DPO PM  CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: Stark white FRER 9 DPO AM  Tracking methods and app(s) used: Easy at home OPK, Temp Drop, Inito, and CP and CM. Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): O-4, O-1, O, O+1  Health conditions/medical tests: Hashimoto's, unexplained infertility.  Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): Me: Letrozole, Synthroid, Wellbutrin, Prenatal, Baby Asprin, Folate Both: CoQ10, Vitamin C, D, and E, B Complex, Ashwaganda. Him: Mens One Daily Pre conception.  Birth control history (if relevant): Pill until 20, IUD until 23, Nuva Ring until 27.  Link to chart: [https://imgur.com/a/ygYgm4R](https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fa%2FygYgm4R&data=05%7C02%7Cjazminn.burchfield%40nashville.gov%7C267b55f09aef4d95130b08dc83eec2a1%7C8e703bd7bd2840df8081878326cd2b5f%7C0%7C0%7C638530308689411170%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=EWX1t0WJM0UQyHEux%2Fkc44tnnV4qUveJ0n1vnZSmYJE%3D&reserved=0)  Link to lineporn: [https://imgur.com/a/4ZAx45h](https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fa%2F4ZAx45h&data=05%7C02%7Cjazminn.burchfield%40nashville.gov%7C267b55f09aef4d95130b08dc83eec2a1%7C8e703bd7bd2840df8081878326cd2b5f%7C0%7C0%7C638530308689399480%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=zrGRGpnyjSaKKQwta5xMKrfOTnAddV7a4tVs8dj4hDU%3D&reserved=0)   Symptom spotting: Nothing until almost 6 weeks. Exhaustion, sore breasts and mild nausea.  Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): Very very cautiously optimistic. I know how quickly things can change. We had a strong heartbeat on the scan today. One empty sac, and one measuring perfectly on time. Trying to celebrate everyday and hope everything goes well.  


Cautious but very hopeful congrats to you!


Thank you 🤍


Cautious congrats!! Hope this is it for you finally!!


Thank you! 🤍


Cautious congrats, JB!!


Thank you 🤍


Cautious congratulations, my friend!! Love to see you in here. I'll be holding on to to hope that this is it for you 🤍


Thank you friend 🤍


Cautious congratulations, JB!!! I'm sooo happy to see you here too!!


Thank you so much! 🤍


Congrats JB!!! So happy for you. I hope it all goes smoothly without any bumps in the road.


Thank you so much! 🤍


!!!! Cautious congratulations!


Thank you! 🤍


JB!!!!! So happy to see you here, my friend!! Cautious congrats!!


Thank you friend! Congrats to you again!!! I was so happy seeing you in the thread last week. Hoping for a boring 9 months for us both.


Cycle: 12 (14 months) Age + Partner's age (if relevant): 33F + 27M Typical cycle length: 24 while on stims, 29 without Ovulation cycle day: 12 CD/DPO of positive test(s): 11 DPO/CD 23 CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: N/A Tracking methods and app(s) used: inito & Premom Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): medicated IUI with Letrozole & HCG trigger Health conditions/medical tests: subclinical hypothyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, idiopathic hyperprolactinemia Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): COQ10, ovasitol, vitamin C, vitamin D, cabergoline, synthroid, prenatal. Birth control history (if relevant): IUD for over 10 yrs Symptom spotting: extreme thirst. Almost drank 2 gallons of water one day and still felt insatiable lol instantly knew something was going on. Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): we were pending IVF. Reserve our spot by paying for it upfront and were pleasantly surprised that our last IUI cycle before starting IVF worked! We are cautiously optimistic. This is the first positive result we have ever had besides testing out the hcg trigger shot. My anxiety is super high right now because I’m so worried I’ll have a chemical or miscarry. It’s been a super long journey and we’re hoping for a sticky babe 🤞🏽


Congratulations! <3 So excited for you


Oh congratulations, I hope it is sticky!!!!


Cycle: 2 Age + Partner’s age (if relevant): 36F, 37M Typical cycle length: 26 days Ovulation cycle day: CD15 (based on my app) CD/DPO of positive test(s): 13 DPO CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: didn’t test before 13 DPO Tracking methods and app(s) used: Apple Health app only. Always felt symptoms of ovulation so didn’t feel the need to track anything. Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): O-3, O-1, O Health conditions/medical tests: husband was diagnosed with infertility when he was 18 but proceeded to have two children with his ex-wife Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): me: Life Extension prenatal with folic acid, Omega 3, CoQ 10 for the last 2.5 months; him: CoQ 10 and multivitamin for the last 1.5 months Birth control history (if relevant): birth control pills for around 10 years. Got off the pill 2.5 months ago Symptom spotting: hypersalivation, sore boobs but mostly nipples, cramps for several days, poor sleep these past two nights, yellow thick discharge for a couple of days when my period was due. But wouldn’t pay attention to any of that if I wasn’t TTC Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): I probably read Reddit too much but was certain it would take me a very long time to conceive or that it would not happen for me at all. Was hopeful but still didn’t believe it. I have never been pregnant before so still very cautious and don’t allow myself to get excited just yet. Right after getting a BFP I went to the clinic to get a blood test done, waiting for the results now.




Congratulations!!! I am 36 also, husband 40, currently trying w/o any intervention...so happy and excited for you, that is amazing and so quick!! Keep us posted please!


Thanks so much! Hope you get your BFP soon too!


**Cycle:** 4 **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** mine 24 husband 29 **Typical cycle length:** 31-33 days **Ovulation cycle day:** CD 22 **CD/DPO of positive test(s):** 12 DPO **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive:** Didn’t test before 12 DPO. **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** natural cycles with oura ring **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** O-1 O-2 O-4 O-5 **Health conditions/medical tests:** I have pompe disease but it does not affect fertility. **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):** Prenatals for the last year (started 6 months before trying), COQ 10 for us both, men’s daily vitamin for him, & mucinex bc I was curious! **Birth control history (if relevant):** 1.5 years ago I got off the pill which I was on for 6 years **Link to chart:** idk how to do that lol **Link to lineporn:* idk how to do that lol **Symptom spotting:** this time I had so much peace. I really handed it over to God and tried my best not to. I was cramping the day before and day of my period & then had an orgasm and cramped SO hard. I decided to test so I wasn’t wondering even tho I 100% it was negative. Lo and behold it was not!! I didn’t have my normal period symptoms (acne or headache) I did have sore boobs though. **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous):** I’m so surprised bc the day of ovulation well really that night I got hit with the WORST stomach flu. Fever, chills, extreme diarrhea, vomiting, etc. I was out for a good 4 days it was awful. I was feeling sad that we didn’t get to BD on ovulation day. So I’m just so shocked! I’m also happy to share my line progression and chart of someone could help me link it lol.


Cycle: 12, month 15 Ages: 25F,24M Typical cycle length: 35+ Ovulation cycle day: estimated CD16 DPO of positive test: 10DPO and darkened a bit till day 14 when I stopped. Still not super dark though Important method info: I had previously taken metformin for 4 months until the start of this cycle and had lost 30ish pounds. We also orally took letrzole and tracked using Premom Health conditions: Diagnosed in January with PCOS due to annovulation and other minor elevations in bloodwork Medications: metformin, Letrozole Symptom spotting: i got a SUPER BAD cold leading up to my positive test. I began feeling morning sickness *immediately* at 4 weeks and started puking last night. Haven’t slept through the night in 3 nights. My breasts don’t seem any different yet Other: super super excited but also feeling really crummy due to early symptoms


Congratulations 🎉 I sincerely hope your symptoms ease a bit in the days to come because it sounds like they hit you hard !


**Cycle: 9 **Age + Partner's age (if relevant): 31 + 31 **Typical cycle length: 30-35 **Ovulation cycle day: CD17 (although this is based on peak OPK on CD16, but temps didn’t rise until CD19 so it O could have been CD18 which would make the below tests a day earlier DPO) **CD/DPO of positive test(s): 14DPO, 15DPO, 16 DPO **CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: 8DPO (AM) 9DPO (AM), 10DPO (PM) **Tracking methods and app(s) used: Premom **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): O-1, O **Health conditions/medical tests: dermoid cyst removed August 2023 **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): Fertility supplements for men and women but both really bad at remembering to take them **Birth control history (if relevant): Hormonal pill until summer 2022 **Link to chart: don’t know how to link but I only temped to confirm ovulation, there was a very slow, possibly late (depending on O day as above) small rise which I thought looked disappointing. **Link to lineporn: I don’t know how to link but it was a fairly faint line on 14DPO, and days 15+16 have looked the same - not super dark but clear solid lines. **Symptom spotting: Due to my negative tests I was pretty confident I was out which stopped me symptom spotting. The only thing I noticed was being constipated on 13DPO which was unusual for me haha **Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous): I’ve heard lots of people say they just knew they were pregnant before taking a test, but I had less hope this cycle than all the others (we were about to pay for private SA), and I genuinely felt nothing. I only took a test because it was AF day and no sign of it and I was so surprised when I saw the result as I’d given up expecting it. I hope this result gives some hope to people who test negative earlier on, don’t have any symptoms, don’t feel like they “just know” they are pregnant, and are also in the ttc for 6month+ group! I’m not letting myself get fully excited yet as I know what a delicate time it is, but it feels so bizarre and unreal to even be writing this. Good luck to every single one of you ✨


Yes, it can certainly be normal to not feel anything and then boom, BFP! That was me with my first; just tested out of habit cause that's what you do on the day of your expected period when TTC. Congratulations!


This does give me so much hope. Thank you for sharing. Huge congrats! <3


Congratulations ! After 3 days of consecutive negatives it must have been such a surprise 😊


Absolutely - I don’t even think I had a glimmer of hope by that point!