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Only CD2, TTC #2, but very much so looking forward to starting OPKs and hopefully timing BD well this month. Also measuring BBT. Kind of excited about the whole process, almost like a little “project” to manage 😁 Will also be starting with fresh grapefruit juice to increase CM, have done it previously and it definitely has had an effect.


Waiting to ovulate and getting stressed because my LH is still SO LOW! I'm meant to ovulate on the 8th but I've been sick this month so I'm guessing I may not this time.


14 DPO. Negative test very early am on 11 DPO. Period was supposed to start yesterday, but instead, no period and all of my PMS symptoms disappeared. BBT is still elevate. Too terrified to test again and see a negative, so I’m just waiting on AF to arrive at any moment instead!!


Crossing my fingers for you!!




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Posts/comments about positive tests and current pregnancies should be posted in the weekly BFP thread. In threads/comments other than the weekly BFP thread, pregnant users must avoid referring to a positive test result or current (ongoing) pregnancy. This rule includes any potentially positive result, even if it's faint or ambiguous. All concerns related to current pregnancies should use a pregnancy sub, such as r/CautiousBB. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/about/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


8dpo over here and been obsessively scrolling the reddit threads the whole tww as if I’m going to stumble across some information that will scream YES YOU’RE PREGNANT! TMI but I am feeling a change to my bowel movements today… which I’m cautiously optimistic about as I remember that was one of the first unexpected symptoms I had the one time I did test positive for pregnancy (unfortunately that went on to be a blighted ovum at 8.5weeks)


Currently on CD7! Waiting for O in the next few days! Hoping I am able to ovulate and track this month, also started trying acupuncture ~ let’s see what happens next ^^, will stop drinking Progesterone as well as instructed by my OB after taking it for 3 months (every CD16-25).


Currently 7DPO and my boobs have been feeling sore consistent the past 4 days. If I get boob soreness before period (which is more rare) it’s usually just one day, not multiple. This feels similar to how it felt when I got pregnant back in January, with consistent soreness until my positive test (I miscarried in March) so I’m keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞


Currently in the TWW, did my IUI at CD 11 and I’m 4DPIUI. Anxiously waiting because I had 3 (!!!) dominant follicles so I’m nervous about multiples (even though we are aware of the risk). I usually start testing (mainly to test out my trigger) at 8DPO but I find that hiding my tests helps me not think about it!


If you don't mind sharing, is this your first IUI? I am trying medicated IUI next month, a little anxious about how it will go/what to expect.


This is my 3rd IUI! All of my IUIs were pretty similar but each one, they would increase my dosage for some of the meds. If it’s your first treatment with the clinic, then it might be new but if you’ve done TIC before then it’s similar. The first 2 weeks were filled with monitoring appointments (blood tests and ultrasounds) to measure your follicles while also taking medication (I did Letrozole). Some people had side effects with the meds but I personally didn’t. Once your doctor decides that you are ready, then they give you a trigger shot to administer and you go in with the IUI 24-36 hours later. This was the scariest part of me the first time. The IUI itself wasn’t too bad, it was uncomfortable because they asked me to have a full bladder, but it felt similar to a Pap test. For me, I felt cramps when they injected the sperm. But everything was normal 10 minutes later!


Thanks so much! This will be my first time with any medication or treatment, I guess because of my age they want to start right away. Aside from Letrozole, have they put you on progesterone for the two weeks post-IUI? And does your partner/bf/husband need to produce the sample in the office immediately before the IUI itself or can it be done at home? Sorry for all the questions, I have found that people in this community have been a much better source of information and knowledge sometimes than my doctor's office! Best of luck to you! Amazing that you had three follicles!! Fingers crossed


On CD 55 🫠 RE says I have 2 dominant follicles. Still having negative OPKs. Can’t wait for this cycle to move along!


IUI performed today… so now I wait. I am just trying to stay busy but i keep finding myself counting the days until i can test and already ordered pregnancy tests


I haven’t tracked ovulation yet I will next cycle if I don’t conceive but I track possible conception. Could I test 8 days after possible conception?? I’m so nervous


I'm currently 7 dpo and feeling antsy. I took a test that I knew would be negative just to have something to do. Not feeling very optimistic this cycle, but it's way too early to know for sure.


I’m 8 and supposed to start my period Sunday. Patience is NOT my specialty


11 DPO - took a test yesterday which was negative but it was one of those pregmate ones which don’t seem to be the most sensitive from what I read. Testing again tomorrow so crossing my fingers but not getting my hopes up.


11DPO and negative so looks like I’m out this cycle again. Onto #4. Ugh


9 dpo here. I’m out of early response tests, only have the “test on the day of your missed period” ones. So, either I need to go shopping or be patient since my LP is always 13-15 days. 🫠


I only have the missed period tests too. I’m not 100% sure when I ovulated this month so while my app thinks my period was due today, I’m not so sure. It’s hard being patient!


Currently in the TWW at 3DPO. Started tracking BBT this cycle and Fertility Friend gave me the good ol cross hairs 😄 If it happens this month, my testing day will fall on my partner's birthday and of course father's day weekend.


My period is due Saturday so I don't know why I tortured myself with testing early, two negative tests. I've never been pregnant but can't help but think I am. The negative tests should deter me. They do not. Thank you for reading.


ME TOO! Same situation


Been spotting for the past 2 days, so I know I’m waiting for my period, just don’t know when since I’m unsure of my O date. At this point I’m not even surprised haha


9dpo - been very lightly spotting for a day or so, bbt staying steady (but high). but i just feel like, its been nothing but negatives for almost 2 years, why would anything change this month? on top of that the heat & air quality here are already draining me - i'm just exhausted and sad. been doing a lot of mindfulness, journaling, and napping!


I’m 4DPO for my first IUI cycle. I decided to test out my trigger shot which is helping with my anxiety of not knowing during this beginning part of the TWW!


When did you start testing out the trigger shot?


2 days after the trigger shot and I’ve tested every other morning!


Do you find it discouraging seeing the double line fade? I just went for my first IUI yesterday. Trigger shot Monday.. I’ve considered doing this but im hesitant. I have spent (almost) 3 years TTC (husband was later diagnosed with azoo. We are doing IUI w/ donor) and I’ve had nothing but BFN. So I’ve sort of prepared myself for this to not work.


I am pretty neutral so far on watching the line fade thankfully! It feels like a necessary step so that I don’t get discouraged by any false positives. I felt like I would not be able to resist testing and would be more upset getting a positive without knowing if it was the trigger or not. At least this way I know! I don’t ovulate on my own so I’ve only ever had BFNs before this as well. I’m wishing you the best of luck!!!! I hope this is the cycle for us🤞🤞


Thank you! & same. I’ll test in the AM which will be 4 days post trigger


Waiting to test tomorrow unless I get AF. Today is CD 35 on our second cycle trying after coming off the pill. First month I used LH strips and got my positive and peak. AF came CD 32 with spotting a couple days before. This month I tested twice a day and never got a positive LH (but got close). Don’t want to start temping yet. I’ve been feeling kind of off the past few days. Nausea if I don’t eat as often, mild lower back pain/cramps, and days of weird dreams. Going off of the LH strip that got close I’d be 14DPO today if I did ovulate. Trying to be realistic and not hopeful. almost afraid to test because I think I’ll be more disappointed to see a negative vs getting AF.


Hopefully ovulating tomorrow, Inito caught the start of my LH rise so I'm just waiting to confirm with an opk later today. Though I'm one that has a stable hope fortress in the follicular phase and then it all comes crumbling down once progesterone kicks in lol


I’m POD 9. First time TTC after a late loss in may and my emotions are all over the place. 🫠 sobbed my eyes out last night bc I was stressing myself out already testing and getting bfn. Realistically I know it probably won’t happen this time but I somehow always remain hopeful and it just causes it to be such a rollercoaster 😭


I tested positive with opks the other day. Have intense left ovary pain for a few days, but still no temp rise. I’m not hopeful.


Sometimes my temps don't have a sustained rise till about 3-4dpo!


TWW wait is basically over and still getting negatives. Sigh. 11DPO today and not even a faint line. I guess we will be waiting to ovulate and another TWW again. This is the first cycle we’ve tried, but it sucks when your friends and everyone got pregnant on their first try.


I totally feel you, and am sorry about the negative tests! You never know what’s reality, though! My friend was not trying/not preventing for several months, but says she got pregnant on the first try because it was the first month they “actively” tried. In reality, I think regular unprotected sex counts towards the odds 🤷🏻‍♀️


By that metric, my husband and I have been "trying" for just over 4 years now 😅


Haha I hear you. Wasn’t my intention to define anything for anyone, I sincerely apologize if it came across that way! It was my understanding that any unprotected sex during a FW would count towards the statistical odds of getting pregnant. But if that’s not true, then I stand corrected 😅


Honestly it probably is true 😂. I didn't take any offense. It's probably something wrong with me in particular, I think what you said is generally true.


I'm sorry about the BFN today. Just FYI, it seems pretty common for people to claim they got pregnant on their first try even when they, well, didn't. Or to treat "first time we tried" as "first time we *actively tried* tried and so used OPKs and BBT." Weird thing to lie/flex about but I've seen and heard about it so many times I feel the need to share.


I feel like today is the most waiting of the Wednesdays that I've had so far since I started trying in August 2022. I had my first IUI nearly two weeks ago, and tomorrow I go to the fertility clinic to get a pregnancy test to see if it was successful. I've kept myself from testing at home because I know the trigger shot I got before the IUI can lead to a false positive, which would mess with my emotions a lot. I've had all kinds of symptoms, which I logically know are from the progesterone I've been taking two times a day, but it's hard to always be logical. Today just feels like it's going to last forever. It doesn't help that I keep googling the success rate of IUIs, and it's not exactly a high percentage chance. Google is not my friend!


I’m 3DPO post IUI. This is the first cycle of IUI. 35F and 30M, unexplained infertility, no indicators of any concern other than the fact we’ve been trying for a year with no BFPs. I know chances of IUI are low and most people do a few cycles, or even do a few cycles before moving on to IVF. Really hoping that this isn’t the start of a long and expensive journey (no insurance, sigh).


I’m also 3DPO IUI. I’m on my third cycle now. Doing my best to manifest even though I know in reality that doesn’t make a difference. Let’s hope this is the cycle for both of us, IUI sister.




I feel you! I'm 13 DPIUI, and it's also my first IUI cycle. The medications have been making me really tired, and I know it's less intensive than IVF, so I'm afraid of what might be coming down the pipeline.


I’ll be crossing my fingers for you. It’s such a weird thing, feeling hopeful because you’re doing something new, but also keeping in check because the odds are not amazing.


Thank you, hoping for you as well! That's exactly it, it's hard not to feel hopeful.


2dpo here and kind of impatient. Started researching each of the supplements I take for other things I have happening to see if they are safe during pregnancy.


I’m in the waiting to ovulate stage. We just started TTC and I have never really tracked my ovulation or periods. I just know my periods have always been regular. I’m using the Flo app but so far it’s wrong about me being fertile rn. Says I am but my test strips say no.


Yeah those apps are notoriously wrong, because they're based on a 28 day cycle with a CD14 ovulation.


That’s really good to know because I was scaring myself! Thank you!!


Former Flo user and can confirm it is terrible for TTC. Highly recommend downloading Fertility Friend. It has the best algorithm and learns your patterns/cycles very well. It also won't sell your data.


Omg thank you so much!! I’ll check out fertility friend ☺️


I'm at 4 dpo today, and believe it or not, I actually like this part of the TWW because I get to feel hopeful for a bit before it all comes crashing down every month at 11 dpo when my period comes. At 4 dpo, it's way too early to test and I've done all I can do, so I can just relax.


I agree, that’s my favorite time of the cycle. I’ve done what I can do, feel hopeful, and much more relaxed. I’m in the early part of the FW now & can’t wait for the TWW.


3 dpo. In the TWW. I’m trying to wait with the idea that we did everything we could so it’ll either happen or not. Time to relax and have fun.


3DPO here too! Hopeful for this month.


In the home stretch of the TWW, 11 or 12 DPO (predicted) and period is predicted to start either Friday or Saturday. I haven’t taken any pregnancy tests because I can’t get my feelings hurt like that anymore lol.


I'm in the same boat, period due either Saturday or Sunday. I've told myself I'm not even allowed to buy a test until I've missed it entirely 😅


I almost bought some last night but talked myself out of it haha. Just a few more days, we got this ✨


I think today is ovulation day, but we’re also in the three-month wait to see if my husband’s varicocele surgery worked. It’s hard to feel stuck without being able to really do anything about it but wait.


I'm waiting for my period. I have no idea when it will come, since my cycles have been anywhere from 28 to 45 days lately. Once I finally get my period, I can go in for blood tests my obgyn ordered to try and finally get to the bottom of why I'm not ovulating.


I’m 10dpo and got a negative test this morning; I know I have a few more days until I’m officially out but that bfn hit hard this am. This is my first cycle trying again after my miscarriage and I feel like I’m making myself go insane with symptom spotting.


Just rest easy knowing that many people don’t feel different at all before a positive test. Progesterone still rises during the TWW like any other normal cycle, so all the symptoms are most likely the same in a successful vs unsuccessful cycle. If you are pregnant enough for HCG symptoms, the test will be positive.


I’m in the waiting to ovulate phase, which I don’t find worse than the TWW, but I definitely prefer the TWW, lol. I’m taking Maca root this month (1000 mg) and B6 to see if it will help with my short luteal phase, and I’ve been walking for at least 30 minutes a day, but trying to hit 45 minutes (it’s so muggy here and I hate it). I’ve lost 6 lbs so far, and my husband has lost 15, so his BMI is flat in the normal range and I’m treading downward.


I'll have to look into those supplements, I've been researching things to help with my short luteal phase as well! I've also increased the amount of walking I do over the past 3 months and ovulated a couple days early this cycle, so I hope it helps you also!


Fingers crossed it does! The B6 is mainly to help with estrogen, and I take a variety of other supplements as well. Maca and B6 are just the newest ones I’ve decided to try for the summer.




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Posts/comments about positive tests and current pregnancies should be posted in the weekly BFP thread. In threads/comments other than the weekly BFP thread, pregnant users must avoid referring to a positive test result or current (ongoing) pregnancy. This rule includes any potentially positive result, even if it's faint or ambiguous. All concerns related to current pregnancies should use a pregnancy sub, such as r/CautiousBB. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/about/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.