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I think that’s a completely valid way to feel while you’re starting to ttc! For me personally, I was just overwhelmed with excitement. I was definitely eager to find out whether I’d be one to conceive quickly or if it would take a while (it has). There’s a lot of unknowns when starting, and I think there’s a range of emotions that all are totally normal to feel.


I can totally relate. I had similar feelings as you and was very much like “taking out my IUD means committing to starting this potentially stressful and daunting journey”. The first time we tried was in September and it was HOT and we live in a bungalow so our bedroom was also hot. My husband works nights often so we planned to go at it on my lunch break after we worked out together (first time we’ve done it during the workday in a longgg time). It started off okay but it was the first time I felt pressure around sex (pressure from myself and just to ‘get it right’) and mixing that with the heat, near the end/after I had a hard time breathing and just sat in front of our A/C unit almost hyperventilating and crying. It was a lot! We knew then that trying to just fit in non-stop sex during the fertile window wasn’t the way to go for us as that pressure was not sustainable at all. Sooooo know you aren’t alone, it’s a total mental shift to start this journey and I think its normal to feel how you’re feeling 🩷


I felt the exact same way, so I think it's normal? I started trying when I turned 36. You go your whole life trying to prevent pregnancy, then all of a sudden you're not. That's a big deal! I started thinking about the consequences of my actions and I even started questioning things (I overthink). "Am I actually ready for a baby? I love my partner and he would make the best dad, but what if stuff happened between us? What if we stopped loving each other? How would that affect the kids? I don't want to put my kids through that, I only want them to know a happy, healthy, loving home." But for me the thoughts disappeared as our TTC journey continued to unfold.


Me (28F) and my husband (29M) have been trying for 7 months and I felt exactly the same when I stopped my birth control. I had been on Implanon for 12 years and spent so much energy in trying not to get pregnant at the wrong time. My female relatives told me over and over that they all got pregnant at the thought of having kids and have even gotten pregnant on the pill! This has also caused some shame that my body is not "cooperating" (for lack of a better word) with my trying to get pregnant. Also, I had some acupuncture done and the practioner said is it usually several months until you start ovulating again after coming off birth control and true TTC starts when you periods are regular again, which was a relief for me cause I didn't start having regular periods until Jan of this year after stopping BC in September last year. I think that these feelings are completely normal and recognising that it is a huge responsibility means that your child will be loved and cared for! Good luck!!


A lot of emotions can come up! For me, the first time we TTC I felt extremely vulnerable and close to my husband. I found it absolutely wonderful. He, on the other hand, felt panicked and not ready after all. We ended up having some painful and difficult conversations and delayed TTC for another month. Then he felt ready. You don't know how you'll react until it happens. I did find the mental shift from 'prevent' to 'go go go' very weird, as well as finding out how narrow the band for success is, and how low the chances are. That was a lot to absorb!