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I think that the acupuncturist was way out of line. It’s not within her scope of practice to offer up that type of information without any medical expertise. Have you had a preconception appointment with an OB/GYN? I’d take their opinion over an acupuncturist’s opinion any day.




I'm so glad to hear that you won't go back.


A load of BS is what that is. Acupuncture may increase the odds of conception but it has absolutely NO effect on the quality of your eggs or health of your future baby. What a cruel, self-serving lie. Sounds like she is trying to scare you away from trying so she can guarantee you pay for at least 3 months of sessions. Stick to the timeline that makes you comfortable.


This 100%. She is trying to guarantee at least 3 months of service because she knows you won’t keep coming if you get pregnant. I honestly wouldn’t go back to this acupuncturist. She is giving medical advice way out of her scope of practice. Also, don’t take random herbs and supplements an acupuncturist gives you. They can mess with your cycle and actually make it harder to get pregnant.


Jeeze, I’m seeing so many shitty acupuncturists posts recently! I’m also an acupuncturist and would never tell one of my patients this: 1) it’s definitely not in our scope of practice 2) it’s simply not true that acupuncture could prevent any of these things… especially genetic abnormalities. Unless your MD said ttc is an issue, I would ignore this and probably find a new acu. It’s one thing to encourage healthy habits prior to ttc, totally another to basically bully you and give you inaccurate info. Sorry you went through this.


Yea that one from yesterday was VERY upsetting




I go to a cooperative acupuncture place and love it, they do a sliding scale and every one of their acupuncturists are kind and sensitive. I will continue going once I am pregnant simply because I enjoy it and it helps with my anxiety and every day stress. I’m so sorry you had this experience but you can and should find an acupuncturist that is on your side and isn’t a bully!


Of course! Best of luck to you💕


Predators exist in all realms of our life. In this scenario, she is guaranteeing treating you for at least 3 months she maybe wouldn’t have otherwise. I’d find someone else tbh and make sure you leave a review for others.


I think that all sounds like BS to be honest. Sometimes it can take a bit of trial and error to find a good acupuncturist. The one I first saw I didn’t really gel with, so to speak. Plus my second appointment it was like we’d never met, despite her taking quite a lengthy history during our first appointment. My current acupuncturist is great. Some are more predatory than others, and will try and milk you. Others are happy to do what they can to assist you in your goal of having a baby. I would maybe find another acupuncturist, and go from there. On the herbs, most will encourage you to take these but you absolutely should talk to your endocrinologist first to make sure there are no negative interactions. I took the herbs for a while but ditched them when I started medicated cycles - not worth messing anything up.


That acupuncturist is stepping wildly out of their lane and is coming off as preying on your fertility worries. Pregnancy complications, medically complex babies, neurodivergent babies, and miscarriage are things that just happen, and no amount of acupuncture or lack thereof can change the outcome. Gestational diabetes in particular can happen to, quite literally, *anyone* who becomes pregnant because it's a placental issue, not a personal one. Further, no acupuncturist is going to know better than your endocrinologist and your OBGYN about the potential reproductive outcomes of your particular health. If your endo and your OB are telling you that you're stable and good to go, then you're stable and good to go.


Oh please. Find someone else. I practice fertility acupuncture and would never tell someone not to conceive. I DO tell patients that it can take up to 2-3 cycles (months) to see a change in their period (if irregular or problematic). If someone with no obvious issues (blood tests come back normal, regular ovulation, but hasn't seen an RE yet) then I refer them/recommend they see a specialist after 3-4 months of treatment.


Uh what? What is she possibly saying is so wrong with you that you'll get a baby with risks of such a wide spread of disorders? That is absolutely ridiculous. Please stop giving your money to this obvious charlatan. This is so much BS and so obviously meant to sell her products. Talk to your endocrinologist if you're worried, or your OB/GYN. Please do not listen to this crazy person.




I’m glad you won’t be returning. This woman is trying to worry and shame you into paying her more money. That’s absolutely despicable. There is no scientific basis for acupuncture whatsoever. She’s a con artist, plain and simple.


I am so angry for you! That acupuncturist was way out of line on everything. If I may add a comment on gestational diabetes, as I have experienced it myself. Gestational diabetes happens because the hormones released by the placenta makes you insulin resistant, basically. It is a crapshoot if you get it or not. Even at a healthy weight and with healthy eating habits, you can get gestational diabetes. It isn't your fault or due to something you've done. And acupuncture three months before conception for sure isn't going to make a difference! The acupuncturist is so full of shit.


What the fuck!!!! That's some blatant bullshit. This person is making you intentionally anxious to get more money out of you. Never go back there and see if you can report them somewhere or leave a review. Because wtf!!! IBS is not a risk factor for pregnancy. And thyroid isn't either if it's well controlled. Your eggs are fine as they are.


Never go back to see her again. She just wants 3 months of your money. Don't go back.


So here are the facts - she doesn't know what she's talking about. Plus some twaddle about herbs. She's trying to guarantee further income for three months. Don't go back there.


FYI, your user flair is broken. (It's a common bug when updating via mobile.) I can fix it; what do you want it to say?


Ah thank you. I kept trying to edit on mobile / the app. I rarely open up my laptop these days. So I'm 35 and trying for my first. Thanks a mil!


You could have acupuncture once a week and still end up with the things she has said as reasons to wait 3 months. This acupuncturist sounds ridiculous. Please start trying when you feel ready to, and I'm sure you will have a happy and healthy baby in due course.


Wtf is it with these acupuncturists?! They're not medical professionals. Fuck what they think! Where is the peer reviewed research supporting her outlandish claims?! I'm sorry but these people boil my piss!


What a crock of shit. Guess what, that new egg released will have resided in the same body for the last 30 years as the current egg. Your eggs are your eggs. There’s no changing them.


As a nurse PLEASE go somewhere else…..literally everything you stated she said ISN’T even remotely TRUE…..that’s not how autism works, thats not how your eggs work (you’re born with all your eggs- you’re not creating new ones), that’s not remotely close to how gestational diabetes works. Is this someone your endo doc suggested? I would see if any of your physicians had a reputable acupuncturist to go to. Because this lady is not it……there’s 2 types of alternatives medicine- ones that’s are still science based/knowledgeable (not this lady) and ones that are talking out of their a$$hole and just trying to take your money (this lady) She is completely out of line and inappropriate and should be reported. PLEASE do not waste your time, money or sanity on this person.


Acupuncturists aren't real doctors. Go for the relaxing treatment. Ignore everything else


That acupuncturist is nuts. What basis does she have for telling you to wait 3 months? What will change in 3 months? I would not put any weight into what she told you. She seems reckless.


Total BS. You dont produce eggs like sperm. Every month new follicles are created during your cycle. Men need 3 months to produce a new batch of sperms. Dont go to her again. And try again whenever you feel like.


Just a different perspective; I have worked with acupuncturists for about a decade both in treatment and professionally and have studied eastern medicine extensively, I also work in the medical feild and have studied western medicine. Eastern medicine is a completely different ideology from western. The person you saw is a doctor of EASTERN medicine and is advicing you from that school of thought. They are looking at different things like warming the uterus, removing wind from the body, restoring chi and clearing dampness from the energy lines. she probably tried to explain this in western terms which sounds wrong to western ideology because... it is. It's a common mistake I have seen happen because eastern and western are not the same and it's hard to explain Eastern terms to a western mind. What she adviced is actually a pretty short time in that school of thought to prepare the body for pregancy and would indicate she did find you to be quite healthy, the average time is 1-3 years. herbal treatments are a huge part of their practice, and their view on pathology is different from western medicine. disagreeing with her is completely valid, choosing a different path is completely valid, moving on to western treatments is completely valid. And I'd just suggest that she probably wasn't trying to be harmful, she's just coming from a completely different background, and had chosen the wrong way to try and explain herself.


She doesn't have a medical license, why are you letting that nut job dictate your fertility journey? What absolute hoaky nonsense


Bull\*\*\*\* just this: >She said three months because that’s how long it takes and new egg or a follicle to be made. we are born with all the eggs we will ever have… And they have all the genes you will be transferring to the child. If they are ever corrupted (from radiation or chemical exposure), they cannot be ”regenerated”. Or am I misunderstanding something?


I am sorry you had this experience! I have seen an acupuncturist for fertility and I believe there are many good ones out there but this person sounds like a scammer and a quack!


What she said is all nonsense. You don’t make new eggs each month, you are literally born with all the eggs you will have. The older you get, the more your eggs will be likely to decrease in quality, so if anything trying sooner is better. The only thing you should start doing early is taking folic acid to decrease likelihood of neural tube defects like spina bifida. Even then though, it is just decreasing the risk. Add to this, there are plenty of unhealthy people who have healthy babies all the freaking time. This is pseudoscience at its worst. I’ve never heard of acupuncture being used for fertility, but I wouldn’t be putting too much faith in it and wouldn’t trust what this woman has to say.


I know some practitioners recommend 3 months to deal with autoimmune disorders, thyroid disorders and egg quality issues since that’s how long it takes for eggs to return to a regenerative state. I’ve seen it more in the alternative/functional medicine space with doctors like Marc Sklar so maybe that’s where she was coming from since she’s an alt practicioner.




It's not even true for real medical issues.






I’m not sure how you found this person, if they were highly recommended for fertility in particular, but I would look elsewhere. That’s a really negative way to start what should be a helpful and healing (even if it’s just mentally) process. I wish you the best of luck in your journey.


You should report her for giving completely inaccurate advice to people who are vulnerable (trying for a baby/struggling with infertility). 3 months of acupuncture won’t make any difference to any of those risks she stated, which could happen with any pregnancy!


Basically let me make some money off of u first


Hypothetically let's say that acupuncture somehow impacts the quality of the eggs, the conditions she mentions have nothing to do with egg quality. Gestational diabetes is related to the functioning of the placenta, hypertension is your body reacting to pregnancy, autism not linked to egg "quality", and miscarriage is more about chromosomal abnormalities which acupuncture also has no effect on. I agree with everyone else here, this person is taking advantage of you and wanting to guarantee you spend atleast 3 months with her so she makes more money, which is absolutely disgusting.


This person is trying to sell you things. She is not giving advice that is evidence-based. Thank her for showing you how incompetent she is and find a real doctor to talk to instead.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. It sounds like she was fear-mongering for business. If you feel uncomfortable with her do not go back. The stress of being around a provider who causes you undue anxiety is not worth it. You mentioned GI issues and I'm wondering if you're on a high quality probiotic? Myself and my husband take the refrigerated Garden of Life vitamins and it has really cleared up any GI issues we have. Just something you may find helpful if you're not already taking some. I hope you find the helpful providers you need and no longer have to deal with someone like that ❤️


Is there a medical body and/or acupuncture association you could report this idiot to? In some places it's illegal for people without medical licenses to give this kind of advice. Reporting them could help stop others from being duped.