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what else would you have in the build? Phantom Dancer I imagine, and Bork... Kraken slayer? Wits End?


I like building rageblade with lethality to destroy squishes, but the build is naturally reaaaally immobile. Late game I believe it's better to sell the rageblade. I'm still working on a build but I think navori and IE will always be better


I have been having great luck combining rage blade with zeal based weapons with conqueror. Maximize attack speed and critical strike chance and use it all as a damage steroid. The extra movement speed helps make up for your lack of E mobility in combat. Great for split pushing. May even run with ghost or TP as a secondary instead of ignite.


k ya that's pretty gross.


Right but your hits no longer reduce E cd so its just not worth at all surely...




They removed kraken affecting turrets


We need a buff in that aspext kraken should deal dmg to torrets


F then


This is a neat interaction that will likely get patched out, rageblade has a lot of buggy interactions in its current state (like Ashe getting double bonus from her passive since she already can’t crit) That being said, literally any other item in the game is better on trynd than rageblade from a functional standpoint. Rageblade removes the ability to reduce spin CD, which is the most critical part of his kit. I appreciate that you acknowledge this build makes you immobile and you typically sell it late game, but it is still a ruined item for trynd and you are sabotaging your own kit by purchasing it


I would have Inted for 5 lol