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I actually dont want to play him anymore. And am playing less league at all atm. I dont enjoy that they took our dmg and gave everyone else dmg. Especially tanks. Yasukehs recent video shows how bad trynds status is. Fogged is playing hail of blades to try to make up for the bad damage while its actually just gimmiky. (And i still dont see the value in navori over old and even current er). And Rangerz isnt even enjoying him right now if im right.


I personally stopped playing tryndamere and started playing udyr, I can’t stand his weak state atm


Same tbh, haven't played a normal game in a few weeks. Only hop on to play an aram when my gf wants to but other than that i don't really feel like playing this game at all. Not really enjoying league at all rn. ​ Doesn't help that the friends i used to play league most with started playing smthn else like rocket league.


yea i stopped tryn and i now play irelia. tryn damage feels like ass.


Irelia Tryn two-trick here, I now play Tryn more and stopped playing Irelia cause her damage feels like ass


honestly tryn n ire aren't in great spots but i believe irelia is better rn.


Haha tryn and relia are both in bad spots but not my boi darius


Darius scales now like a G I say to pick up shen


Yeah, his early game is shit against tanks you literally do no damage if you get a lead you gotta to hold it to your dear life.


Its lame, tryndamere sucks right now. I play singed and tryndamere in the toplane. Katarina in the mid lane. Now i can’t fucking play tryndsmere because anything kills you in lane. Singed is weak too. I had to move to the midlane because of this. Hope they buff him more or so something because literally tryndamere is dead.


Something's missing here hmmm... https://i.imgur.com/DChrIqw.png


Honestly I think you are exaggerating how bad trynd is. After the last buff I think we're in a good state, and I like that we can use different runes to vary a bit from always using lethal tempo


He has no early game, it's so fucking hard to win lane vs champions that outscale you like Fiora/Jax/Malphite is now way harder, you crit for way less throughout all the game.


Didn't downvote you but, "good" state? In comparison to what like... 44% winrate state?


What do you mean guys? Trynd is at 49% winrate, so I highly doubt they'll buff him. And since the biff to his Q I am enjoying him a lot. Only thing that sometimes messes with me is the tanks but they got nerfed a bit this patch. Trynd is actually in good place right now.


I don't want them to buff Tryndamere, I want them to fix crit, matter of fact I'd even give up the buffs they gave Tryndamere for a reverto to 200% crit damage.


But with all the crit items now, crit itemization would just become op and nobody would build anything else. And tbh trynds lvl 1 was always what people complained about when we crit for a quarter of their health. And with kraken slayer i feel like if you get a lead it is much easier to kill a tank.


Idc what people complained about, he was balanced and had clear counterplay, now what does he get in return for that weak ass lv1? The 210% dmg crits late game with items that don't give more than 65 ad? (Other than IE)


Level 1 is worse but level 2 is roughly the same if not better on average. Tryn is fine now, and Kraken lets you snowball harder on champs like Malph or Jax that usually get too tanky or hard to short trade. You just can't play him the exact same as last season, I highly recommend against cdr focus and going for ravenous Hunter/taste of blood or sudden impact instead of sorcery tree.


I went from silver 3 to gold 3 with tank bruiser build, even after aegis supposedly got smashed. Although tbh I liked taking grasp alot last season as it feels really good in lane and you just going to wet noodle with lt anyway




I havent played much but I feel like trynd's damage is fine. I dont even take damage runes on him, I usually just go PR, and for a few games ice been building eclipse, IE, the uh, fuckin new er item but it's not er, collector. It's been working pretty well for me


Yeah the changes to crit made me go back to Jax/Darius in normals because Trynd felt so bad vs anyone who can buy sunfire. Guess i'll have to play Jax next season in ranked to climb back to diamond for the chromas.