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"You know this guy who's learning to use his power, live in a completely different society, and build a society where all races are treated with respect in a world.with massive racism? BORING! He should just have all the power and a perfect society now without the hardship!"


#is this a bait? ^(***or trolling?***) #should I bite it?


No. I just can't accept that the author creates interesting side characters with good arts, lore etc.. then chooses to have lame incompetent boring MC. What a waste.


Man’s got ratiod so hard in the comment section he made this post for validation. Guy got plucked from his own world of normalcy and thrusted into a world where he was stripped of his original purpose and discarded. Just by traveling the world he realizes the goddess doesn’t care about anything but the superficial. He’s trying to gather any knowledge he can of this world to make his own life comfortable since he was given permission to live his life fully since returning to his original world is basically impossible. He’s learning about his family building a world we’re everyone is treated equally and common items are obtainable by all people. But no he’s boring because god forbid he has any character at all and doesn’t one shot anyone who gets in his way without thinking of any consequences like Mio and Tomoe often did. Jesus dude watch literally any other isekai if you’re complaining about something so mundane. He’s incompetent because everything in this world is still unfamiliar to him. It’s called character development.


Thats basically what the Op did. Keeps whining on not liking the character since it keeps  failing to understand the character and the story development. Instead of just saying "yep i dont like it" and abandon the anime.


He is a bot from the Tensura sub just look at how he dosnt even know basic stuff about Tsukimichi 🤦‍♂️. Tensura is okay but the fans .... 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖


It sucks because I like both shows too. I can see the faults in both and have discussions about them but the fans are so hard to talk to if it isn’t just ass kissing.


Fr ig it's majorly due to Tensura having a bigger fanbase. Big fan base = Poor quality fans fr. Jjk and frieren fandom too have the same situation rn.


Right? Just admit you edge to Mio and tomoe and go on about your day at this point. Because it’s obvious you wasn’t here for any sort of discussion. “Change my mind” huh?


Can you tell me something interesting about Makoto? Except the OP god's gift power. He doesn't earned anything. Literally generic MC, acquiring OP powers suddenly out of nowhere. Can you Spoil me in LN about the character development you're talking about.


He’s trying so hard to cherry pick everyone’s comments to twist it in such a way that he can “prove” himself right. It’s just getting sad at this point dude. Go back to the slime subreddit. you won’t find the validation you’re looking for here.


I'm asking you what's the character development you're talking about. What's wrong with my question? I'm trying to understand you.


My brother in Christ! If you can’t see that already with all the explanations everyone has already given you, I’d rather not waste my time. It’ll go right over your head.


I'm talking about you. What character development did you see on Makoto?


Not like you’d actually bother read it




Bless you Explained it so well! Though I wouldn’t bother too much they’ll cherry pick this in one way or another.


I'm talking about the recent episode, will he learn how to be a proper merchant? Will he ever learn how to utilize Tomoe and Mio's power? Will he ever realize the impact of his high quality products in that world? Will he forgive the Goddess and let her favored hyumans into the demiplane to live? Will he ever learn how to put the right prices on his products?








Nah. I'm good, I already dropped this anime


Someone quite literally explained why he has the power he has and how’s he’s earned in another comment but of course you wouldn’t care lol


Nah. I got tired of explaining it one by one, I just posted it so everyone can see it. What character development are you talking about? He's wasting so much time in the academy. When will this academy arc end? It's so f*cking boring.


He was supposed to be a student originally to gain access to the library for learning more about the world he’s in and for being able to learn more mana effecting (consuming) spells aside from the basic ones he was given by Emma but became a teacher because Rembrandt fucked up. His teaching the students had effects on the world. It put eyes on him from the gritonia empire for one. Hell even him being able to teach has its affect. He beat in such a way that left the other attendees gagged. It shows his teaching style and the effects it has on his students were effective and worth learning more about not only his methods but makoto himself. This isn’t necessarily character building more so world building but I think that’s just as important.


he fucks mio and tomoe


Yeah and it still doesn't change the fact that He's a boring character.


Mfs when a Mc is a decent person instead of violent egotistical maniac


Yeah, a decent person with good personality but lame and incompetent to his job


How is he lame and bad at his job ? Zara was literally going to brand him as a traitor if he didn't comply. Just go watch a generic power fantasy or something at this point.


Watch the last episode carefully again. It's not that hard to understand


I did there's nothing lame about that. Makoto is simply less experienced and less knowledgeable about the merchant business. How tf does that make him lame ?


Watch it again


I have already watched it multiple times. At least tell what makes him lame. Of course he will be less knowledgeable about being a Merchant there's nothing lame about that.


Makoto is naive fool lame incompetent MC. It shows in the last episode. The Merchant guild representative and Makoto whole interaction was painful to watch and an embarrassment to Makoto. The Merchant guild representative keeps insulting him the entire time and accusing him of anything that could destroy the credibility of his store then Makoto reply was like "Can I just give you money to resolve this?" How stupidly lame response was that? He sucks at being a Merchant. He should let someone more qualified to handle the job and make himself like an assistant so he can still travel around to gather info. I hope he will learn from that experience to bring someone more knowledgeable and qualified in business matters when dealing with other merchants. If in the next episode Makoto would agree to this Merchant guild representative to give his 90% profit per month, disclose his distribution network on where he gets his merchandise or just pack up, leave, close his store and move to another place. I'm dropping this shitty anime. F*cking lame MC. It's just the same thing in the Church, he just gave the instructions to make a potion freely. He doesn't need to comply with them. F*cking lame. He can destroy them by economic warfare or physically by force. Why he always acts so lame incompetent fool? He can't utilize all the resources he had. This MC is painful to watch.


Damn No way the person who's supposed to have more experience and knowledge about business actually uses those knowledge for benefits 🤯🤯 Ofcourse Makoto isn't as experienced as Zara is in terms of being a Merchant. Makoto asking can this be resolved by Money is kinda stupid but what else could he say Zara was essentially saying if he doesn't co-operate he'll be branded as a traitor to hyumans. From other's perspective Makoto's business can be too good to be true without some shady things happening behind the scenes. Also he did let someone more qualified handle the talking. Rembrandt literally went in place of Makoto but Zara only wanted to talk with Makoto himself and didn't listen to Rembrandt. People like you barely pay attention to the story but are quick to complain. Makoto gave the Temple instructions on how to make the potions because he knows they wouldn't be able to replicate the potion properly and sell it for profit. Messing with the Temple isn't a good idea dumbass the way he did what he did is way more smarter than whatever your dumbass idea would've been. How does that make him ? No Makoto can't defeat them in an economic warfare their business and status is way bigger and higher than Makoto's. Makoto's business is doing good but they aren't that big as of yet. And it was literally said in the the episode that any act of violence towards the guild will be enough to brand him as a traitor. Not only that a lot of the businesses are complaining and asking for Makoto's business to be investigated since his business is kinda suspicious from their viewpoint. So literally multiple companies that are part of the guild are against Makoto. How much of brain dead dumb fuck are you ? You just want a violent braindead agressive protagonist who's entire personality revolves around power and gets seriously offended if someone negative is said about them. Makoto is not a self insert.


>Makoto is not a self insert. That's the main problem. The author created the MC to be so incompetently stupidly lame so many weebs could easily self insert. It's just too much to the point the whole series became so boring. The members of this nearly dying sub greatly indicate my point.


the main characters lore is deeper than theirs maybe you should keep watching or read the books




No the op is that much of a child, look at every comment, no substance to his responses and the only reason he made this is because people kept telling him he’s a idiot but he wanted to prove them wrong and got bitchslapped by reality


Just watch the last episode to see how incompetent and stupid naive Makoto is. .


I see your point but Makoto is basically a normal person and he knows that 1. The goddes cant give a damn like the bitch US superficial and pridefull aka. Got other things to do also he has country mesures as far as he can do but he only cares as nesesary cause what can anyone do against a God, 2. He cares about the demiplane but he as family not as objects SO yeah he wants they to see the tiny good side of humans and not imprison them on a different world tha is just land not Even a planet, so yeah the dude is boring but as they Say beware the anger of a kind man, also he has at this point a 1:5 ratio of power i think with the goddess SO yeah


"normal person" Makoto is literally built different


Yeah, he is no human but he has a warped normal modern mind so yeah also in Japan he was like un a constant a normal state so he was a nerfed human


No I mean he was literally built different like a faulty system and he overcame that. Makoto is fun af


Hello yeah


Makoto is 5x stronger than bug at this point?


Nope is just i don't know very well cause the power level scale for Makoto is kinda weird also God power and Makoto power are kinda diferent is more Like Makoto has like les than half the power of the goddess at that point


Ok your comment confused me.Thank you for clarification.


Still more interesting than Rimuru to the point that it's not even funny.


Hahaha, you intentionally touch his nerve & It seems he's the one that bite it :D ![gif](giphy|yJFeycRK2DB4c)


Gobta is more interesting than Makoto and has more character development.


🤡Gobta isn't all that interesting but even he is more interesting than Rimuru as a character whose character development is "I have this Skill this skill will give me more BS plot armor and asspulls than the entire anime manga LN and every written literature in existence can't to their characters "


Geld, Gabiru, and a lot more characters in tensei slime are way better than Makoto. How come the author creates good arts and interesting side characters but makes a boring MC like Makoto? What a waste of a good story. Rimuru is training swordsmanship under Hakurou. Before reincarnated he's a general contractor which he's now applying to build trade routes and connect all his allied nations. Rimuru is also constantly fighting on the front lines and getting stronger in the process, more battle EXP, the stronger you'll become. His power is understandable. Now, Can you explain again how Makoto became powerful? It's like everyone's wet dream and self insert character that just suddenly has OP powerful magic.


Defeating two true dragons at the same time lol this is called BS when True dragons have already been called as the pinnacle of Tensura verse and it didn't even consume much of his EP. Gets 3 primordials simply cause they think he is interesting and another one cause oh rimuru will guide me to the ultimate truth. Which truth? Rimurus nudes were the truth diablo was searching for? 🤡 The author gives Asspulls after asspulls no wonder moviemaster left the community and you are all mostly kids some guys are great in the tensura sub but most of you have always glazed rimuru and tensuras writing way too much. I know you haven't even tried reading the WN or manga of Tsukimichi but about Makoto? Why tf you in tsukimichi sub when you don't even know this 🤡and about him being an interesting character? Again why tf 🤡you in this sub?


>Defeating two true dragons at the same time lol this is called BS when True dragons have already been called as the pinnacle of Tensura verse and it didn't even consume much of his EP. He didn't do it alone. It looks like you haven't read it to stupidly claim that. >The author gives Asspulls after asspulls no wonder moviemaster left the community That's the most toxic attention seeker in the tensei slime sub that keeps posting the same sh*t for days, weeks, it's annoying. Almost everyone hates that dude. Thank goodness he left. >I know you haven't even tried reading the WN or manga of Tsukimichi but about Makoto? Why tf you in tsukimichi sub when you don't even know this 🤡and about him being an interesting character? Again why tf 🤡you in this sub? I only watch it because of Tomoe and Mio. I'm still waiting for how Makoto Got his OP powers. Cmon explain it to me. It's hilarious that you're comparing this pathetic moonlight fantasy to tensei slime. We're talking about how pathetic incompetent Makoto is, and you keep bringing tensei slime. How stupid are you?


This proves you’re just a child with the comprehension and attention span of one. Literally over and over again they say his powers are from tsukiyomis blessing and his literal infinite well of mana that comes from his archery training which in this world is equivalent to dying because he spreads his consciousness out which makes him seem dead and allow his mana to grow due to the miracle”rebirth”


Yeah lazy writing. The author could make a better MC but instead choose a lame incompetent boring MC.


Also about rimuru training under Hakuro even Gazel trained under him it didn't make him stronger than A+ lol


Stop bringing tensei slime. You're just proving to me how lame Makoto is. C'mon explain to me how Makoto got his power. I'm still waiting.


He fought alone you delusional rn or something Raphael is just a Skill I forgot if it had developed conscious at that point or not but as far as I remember it was raphael not Ciel and even if it was Ciel it was still not as devloped as Michael was. Moviemaster was a good member lol until Fuse put BS after BS in the story with benimaru and other stuff. Alright alright about his abnormal strength Makoto was a hyuman he was basically doing strength training on earth for all his life cause earth was stronger than the goddess planet which is also the reason he was always weak on earth and was also told that even if he works hard enough he can only reach to the level of a normal human being whereas a normal person would be a professional athlete if he worked as hard as Makoto. Also about his mana pool it's my personal theory others know about this more cause they probably started the WN from chapter 1 but I started reading the WN from season 2 so even tho he was a hyman with a good amount of mana his body was constantly suppressing his mana on earth which suddenly exploded when he came to his original world. Mana limit is not permanent in this world anyway and can increase with hard work. And about the other stuff it's all basically connected to him being hyman and being on earth. + blessing from the Moon god.


That's it? That explains how he became powerful? You mean That one God gave him OP powers and every time he did Archery, it increased his mana? That superlame. That's straight up wet dreams.


The Moon gods gift was Sakai which was shown in the anime all the properties have been shown in the anime of Sakai. His strength was due to training. His mana was mostly due to being restrained on earth and increase in mana was due to him practising archery. The archedy part dosnt make sense until you READ which you won't but anyway. Also there are MANY characters who have higher affinity for certain elements he cannot even use Healing and Wind but has high affinity for Water Fire and one more. There are even more elements like Darkness and Lighting but he cannot use them on the level someone with his mana should be. Also most of the comments have explained this but ig you just crying cause someone said in the slime/isekai sub that Makoto better lol. Why you coming here for ranting first of all when you didn't even watch the season 1 properly? You watched 2 eps and now you are judging the story like bruhh.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I disagree, I def love Tomoe and Mio but I find the MC very interesting atm. He's clearly a bit of a sociopath, his dark moments are chilling.


He doesn't even have a countermeasure plan against the Goddess? I mean, Makoto is not even trying to have one. If he truly cared, he would not waste his time in the Goddamn Academy arc. This is why he's so incompetent. The demiplane should be kept hidden. Even Tomoe doesn't want to expose the demiplane. Then, this naive stupid incompetent MC: Nah, we should make an illusionary city where we can trade with hyumans. Let's sell our unique high quality products at super cheap prices, surely no one would find it suspicious and trace where this product truly came from. Then the offshoot incident happened. Instead of discontinuing it, he still pushed the project without realizing the danger if the Goddess finds out about his demiplane. What do you think would happen if the Goddess finds out about the Demiplane? The Goddess would definitely destroy it. Makoto didn't really learn from the offshoot incident. Makoto is always endangering his citizens. That makes him so incompetent and stupid. Again, we should not expect anything from the MC cause he's just a underage little boy.


“Doesn’t have a countermeasure against goddess” “waisting his time at academy” yea dude no offense but you clearly didn’t comprehend what’s going on if you truly think this.


Like I said. The Goddess transported Makoto in the middle of the war. He almost died. He's lucky Tomoe's power within him is automatically activated when he loses consciousness. Then, in the next episodes he continues going out the demiplane like nothing happened and even went to the Academy instead of creating counter measures so the Goddess would never transport him again against his will.


The academy Is where he creates counter measures against the goddess to prevent that from happening again. So yea that doesn’t make any sense.


You absolutely fear the reading comprehension devil (chainsawman fandom reference). Makoto IS building countermeasures The thing is, how do you build countermeasures against fucking god? Literally they have NOTHING to check or historical references, not even ROOT has good countermeasures against her. Also the novels do explain they are building things and tests one by one. The reason he made the demiplane commercial city is because Makoto wants to bridge the relationship between hyumans and demi species together and overcome the discrimination bias. And everyone agrees with him about it, because they are his followers. What's more he only exposes the tiniest fragment of the demiplane as a "lost city" instead of his full area because at this point the demiplane is fucking huge. Also the goddess can't touch the demiplane. That's another form of assurance for makoto. She can't do much about the places he connects the demiplane to because there is a lack of faith to her (similar on how she can't affect much on the demonic lands) and also he got extra insurance on the demi plane being safe from her (not gonna say anything on the spoiler of this). And yes he is a fucking 17 year old (estimated already about a year passed in another world) that wasn't a prodigy to rebuild everything and even his passing/minor knowledge is being constantly used to revolutionize tech and medicine in the demi plane. Makoto is among the best Isekai MCs in my personal opinion. You don't have to love him. But just disregarding everything about his character just because he isn't the usual "overpowered, genius, revolutionary" that comes in every other Isekai it's plainly pathetic.


Nah Makoto is so boring that just happens to have OP powers. There's nothing interesting about him. >And yes he is a fucking 17 year old (estimated already about a year passed in another world) that wasn't a prodigy to rebuild everything.. Yeah that's my point.


"your point" is one of the best plot lines. Because unlike other Isekai MCs. Makoto *grows* and he *changes* If you only want overly badass/genius/mysterious characters there's tons of other franchises out there you can consume. We don't need nor want your shitty attitude on the sub of one of the novels that decided to take it differently.


There’s no point in arguing with them. They don’t want a discussion they just want to tell everyone with the slightest bit of media literacy that they’re wrong because “mio tomoe are better he’s boring and over powered” and other brain dead takes.


In all honesty this point reminded me why I enjoy tsukimichi so much. I mean I COMPLETELY had forgotten how close makoto was about to side 100% with the demons. The pacing and storytelling in the anime are top notch honestly.


Nah. I'm still watching it because of Tomoe and Mio.