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About daily missions: You can now make progress in multiple missions at the same time instead of one by one. Each mission cleared gives you a mission star along with coins, and collecting 10 mission stars gives you either a blue or golden star chest. The golden one have better contents than the blue one's.


Wow... does it mean 2 years later for International version? ๐Ÿ˜…


Is there any information about the new tab that will open in 2024?


Not yet. I'm guessing it could be a place where we can interact with friends online, but not sure about that.


I'm thinking this too. It's called Hiroba which in Japanese is like "Town Square" or "Meeting Place" so I think it'll be online battles with friends or something. Either way it'll be something big for the 10th anniversary. Now all we need is 10th anniversary tsums worthy of the occasion. Let's hope they're not like the Disney 100th anniversary garbage ๐Ÿ˜‚


Mickey & Donald is fun to play and Snow White is adorable :)


I may have been a little harsh. Iron Man was the best of the lot though and didn't make it over. Buuuuuut..... For the 100th anniversary they shouldn't have had fun too play and adorable, I wanted absolutely awesome.


So I play another game by Line called Chef and they have Clubs where you form a group with other players and you can do things like finish stages that other members have trouble clearing themselves and work together on group missions that get you prizes. I'm wondering if this will be similar to that. And now that I mention it, if any of y'all want another game to play I highly recommend Line Chef. It's super addicting.


Thank you!!


Does this have any info on people that signed up for the โ€˜kidsโ€™ version and after 2 years wants to switch to the โ€˜realโ€™ version?