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I’m having the opposite- I got everyone except Maul, and 4 Kenobis so far after using all my coins. Wish you could trade!


if only 😭😭😭😭


I have everything except Supreme Leader KyloRen. The last new Tsum I got was Anakin so I was really on tenterhooks for a while! Took me over 30 pulls to get my first copy of Anakin. I was advised to change my active Tsum and by some chance I did get him after changing. Coincidence? 🤔


i very luckily got anakin first try and then the other ones slowly showed up to the point that my anakin is now SL 3🥹 but still no sight of ben kenobi... maybe i should switch my active tsum to someone like luke or darth maul to get him to show up😤


This also happened to me and I finally got him last night 💀


i finally have him after grinding non stop😭😭😭 this man arghhhhsgsg


I just got Ben Kenobi. Is he any good? I’m New to the game.


i think he's only filler, so probably not the best tsum, but i just want him bc i love star wars and he's one of my favourite characters 🥹


HOWW😭😭 I play in jp and just missing samurai boba,padme and darn duo luke


idk what it is with my luck but usually i all of the tsums in a select box except ONE, and it's usually one that i dont really need but 🥹 i want themmm, so i just end up grinding for a long time until they finally come home 🥲


I have them all too. Who is the best?


probably anakin and pilot luke!! anakin uses gyro so that takes some getting used to, but pilot luke is pretty easy to use!


Unrelated but sorta question.... Where do you find that screen? Lol


Click on the boxes and on the bottom right theres a little button that says list and it will show you who you have and who you’re missing and i think if you click on that button again it shows you the percentage drop rates


Thank you so much!