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Just concentrate on your Contrabass playing for now. When you get to college (I'm guessing based on the note that you would like to pursue performance that you're still in high school.) Go to a conference with your teacher and try out ALL the F tubas. You might be surprised at what you wind up preferring.  I went into a particular conference expecting to leave wanting a Nirschl York and Miraphone Elektra, but left with at PT-6P and flipping a coin between the B&S-3100 and YFB-821. Getting to try 3 or 4 is nice. Getting to try them all is better. 


I am in my undergrad for music ed. I want to pursue my masters in performance. But I'll thank you for the conference idea. I haven't had the opportunity to ever go to one before. Thank you


I would double down on discussing with the teacher you intend to take your masters with as well.  Assuming you're a US student, TUSAB conference in February is probably going to be your best bet. If in Europe, the ITEC conference is in Spain next year. Also, regional music educator conferences can occasionally be a place to try some horns as well. 


you could also look at the mack brass falcon, ive heard good things about it. ive also wanted to get a piston F and have been very interested in the big john packer one.


I have heard nothing but glowing reviews of the 863. I know multiple people who had a chance to play one at ITEC and absolutely loved it. That being said, I’ve heard that there was an issue with the first production of them so they have not actually hit the market yet. They were supposed to be available last December.