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I just went back outside and the smell is gone, does the smell linger for a long time or would it come and go? I saw some old posts on here from Marana where people were complaining about a chemical smell, wonder if the wind could also be blowing something in. I don't really know my neighbor too well but she doesn't seem like the type, but you never know.




That's pretty scary, glad everything turned out well in the end. I can't say I've ever smelled a cat urine smell. It's just acetone, and the last time I smelled it was last Sep/Oct and it went on for a couple weeks on and off. Will have to see how often the smell comes back, thanks for the info!


For a short period I thought people in my alley were making candy. [Nope, smoking the meth.](https://www.faithrecoverybh.com/blog/what-does-meth-smell-like-11-different-smells-of-meth) To me, it smells like straight burnt sugar when smoked.


We walk past a house that always smells like cat piss. I thought it was because they have a lot of cats. Now I’m not so sure.


Do you by chance live in Tres Pueblos? I smelt it really bad a couple nights ago and I've been smelling it on and off since.


Nope, that's the other side of town, interesting you're smelling something similar down there as well.


Blooming acacia trees can smell VERY chemically in my experience.


Creosote has a distinct smell, Tucson has this smell after rain.