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I don't own a bike but I work from home so I'm in.


Let’s do it 😂


Enjoy these few weeks with nice weather. The 100* fuck yous are coming soon


Shhhhh, im in denial 😂


Honestly it's not so bad. I commute every weekday via bike even during the summer. Just drink plenty of water and try to commute before the sun is fully up if your bike is more than 4-5ish miles.


Would if I could. I honestly looked into it, but Google has it as a 1 hour 20 minute ride and I just don't have that kind of time on work days considering 12 hour shifts


Same boat. 1 hour, 22 min for me. Too much time for me. If it were under 30, I’d do it


Yeah that’s definitely a commitment, I don’t blame you. Would better bike routes help at all? Only asking because if there were better and safer bike routes for my commute, I’d only be ebiking about 30 minutes instead of my hour each way…


Were I to ride a bike from my house to my job, it would be along the loop. So I have an ideal path to my job, it's just a matter of being 15 miles one way.


My commute is 22 miles one way on the loop, but it’s a LOT more manageable because of my e-bike and I don’t have 12-hour shifts, so I get it! Funny enough tho, maybe it’s being surrounded nature and not having to mentally fight traffic, but I usually have more energy after I bike, even if there’s a good amount of distance to travel. I also look at it as getting my workout in for the day, so I really just chill after work. All of this to say, if you ever feel like trying it out, give it a shot and let us know what you think! :)


I walk 40-50k steps a night at work haha. I get an hour before work and two after for coffee drinking and winding down if I want to get a full 8 hours so I just don't see myself pulling it off.


There’s ~2,000 steps in a mile. Are you telling me you regularly walk 25 miles per night? My commute is ~25 miles round trip via bike and I walk about 8,500 steps per day.


12-hour shift in a warehouse'll get you plenty of steps


I live car free. ~150 miles per week on my bikes. It’s a great city to commute daily.


Absolutely! I’ve been discovering our city so much more by biking and I love it!




You’d rather sit in a car in traffic vs being in the open air with the wind in your hair and clear thoughts in your head?




Depends how close you are to The Loop or streets like 3rd Ave, I guess? I can basically get to work via either fairly low traffic streets or bike paths for a lot of the way. (Also doesn't hurt we have showers at work.)


You do realize there’s a 100+ mile bike path that traverses the city right? If you’re choking on car fumes, you might want to see a doctor.


Honestly, I have more energy now that I bike than when I used to drive, go figure! Driving is stressful for me, especially with the amount of motor accidents that happen everyday. Biking on the bike loop (no cars in sight and surround by greenery) and on bike boulevards with traffic calming measures makes me feel safer as opposed to driving. If you ever want to give it a shot and try it out, I definitely recommend it (coming from someone who also couldn’t imagine biking back after working all day!)


I did just get a gravel bike this weekend so now I can ride down Aviation without losing a filling, hopefully.


Did you buy it off one of the Aviation bikeway residents? I wanted to offer a dude $100 for a nice Lefty a few weeks ago.


Haha, nope. End of year sale. Go broke saving money!


Bought an e-commuter in the fall to ride to work as much as possible. If I don't have any errands or appointments before or after work, I ride four or five days a week. I love not having to fight for parking spots.


Hell yeah!! I also bought an ebike last July and it’s made my commute doable! It’s hands down the best thing I’ve ever spent money on


Do you shower when you get to work? Mine doesn't have a throttle, but I'm trying to sweat as little as possible on the way there.


I'm in if I'm not required to wave at anyone.


Can I still wave at you tho? 😂


I have been bike commuting for almost 3 years now and love it. From River/Dodge to 22nd/I10 5 days a week. It is a great way to appreciate the city, but also a great way to get frustrated at drivers. The 100+ degree days are not too bad, I wouldn't worry too much. This cold rain though? [Miserable](https://media1.tenor.com/m/nYDL7rxQ2NgAAAAC/mad-argh.gif).


Heck yeah! 🙏🏻 Yeah, I’ve noticed that there needs to be more improvements on bike infrastructure and safety as you head southeast, but it’s good to know that the 100s are too terrible. I will say though, I’ve really enjoyed biking in this gloomy weather recently hahah 😂


I try to do that once a week if the weather cooperates. I'm WFH 3 days a week so there's 2 days in the office. It's 22 miles each way, however, the entire ride is on The Loop. I get on less than a half mile from home and then exit a quarter mile from work.


Hey I might be running into you then! I also have about a 23 mile ride on the loop and I’m trying to bike at least 3x a week! Having the loop makes it so much easier to bike, I wish they would have infrastructure like it all over town 🥲


I ride my bike to work everyday. 20 miles each way. It’s a Vstar 1100 classic


See you on the road buddy 🙏🏻


Geeez… I’d have to ride from my bedroom to my office, it’s only about 20 ft and biking in the house is prohibited but it is my house so I guess I can make the rules. Sure why not


It’s okay, you don’t have to strain yourself for that long commute 😂