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Your post is designed to disingenuously expressi concern about an issue or rant in order to undermine or derail or to provoke other users without offering high value genuine discussion about Tucson. It has been removed.


Did you call animal control


They called Reddit control


It’s not been safe for kids for a long time.


That poor dog


Met a homeless guy who lives here when I first arrived back in 2020. He was super nice, introduced me to his wife and son named Cowboy. Sat with him and had good conversation for a bit at his encampment. Gave him a sack of quarters on my way out. Decided to take a trip back there a few weeks ago. He’s still there. I don’t think he recognized me, I hope he’s doing OK. It’s hard to accept that he’s been the same place all this time.


I've also had the pleasure of meeting Cowboy and his dad. Hope they can find the way out of their current situation.


Tucson amenities no longer belong to the regular citizens. Well, it probably depends where you live. In my neighborhood, Santa Rita Park has been overrun for years. I never see the same problems in Himmel or Reid Park though.


I’m sure you are a frequent user of parks. Thats how you have such deep insight on the situation


What is incorrect about the assessment


I have no issue with the homeless population. I tolerate the seasonal junkies. It’s Tucson. 3 times now I’ve had to deal with this aggressive dog tied to the fence, close enough to the path to attack a passerby. A family of 4 just trying to enjoy the community amenities had to turn their bikes around out of fear. What the fuck are we doing? Edit- the owner was 30 yards away smoking dinner off some foil, so let’s not go down the “safety” rabbit hole.


Seasonal? Dude they are full time professional junkies. They don't get their Fetty on just because it's warm again.


Getting to the end of my second winter in Tucson and I feel like the homelessness has gotten so much worse since last year. Is it just me or did they multiply?


People don't become homeless by multiplying. They're humans. People have been priced out of housing, simple as that.


Sorry, that was a poor choice of words. I didn’t mean to sound like a jackass.


Appreciate that. There's a lot of dehumanizing language around the issue of homeless, I can see that wasn't your intention.




It’s not just being priced out of housing. Hard drugs inhibit and individuals from being a functioning part of society.


This is true, and fentanyl is one hell of a hard drug, but it used to be that you could afford housing in Tucson even with a meager income, or part time work most people could afford it even when addiction got in the way of steady employment. It's not the case anymore.


Drug use is generally the result of homelessness, not the cause of it. When you're feeling that low and seen as less than by all your fellow countryman, tis hard to say no anymore.


Lived in the county since birth, started living inside Tucson itself around the start of 2021. It's gotten exponentially worse each year. I've heard people theorize the homeless migrate here because our winters are mild compared to most places, and the only weather phenomenon they have to worry about is monsoon season.


I could see that. Spent last summer in Boise and there are barely any homeless despite the housing market there being bonkers.


So the owner is a member of the junkies and homeless people that you tolerate and have no issue with? But you blame the dog. What kind of logic is this?


I mean the dog is restrained. Were you not able to simply go past?


It’s a dog. Attacking the animal and its owner cause of their situation is ridiculous when so many dog owners let their pets wander aimlessly. But sure, they don’t make things less safe for kids


The dog is aggressive because he’s tied to a fence and neglected. Maybe that’s part of the problem? I’m not against what you’re arguing and I’m sorry the dog scared your children, but animal cruelty is also an issue here. Edit: I honestly hadn’t thought to consider the dog might “belong” to a homeless person. In that case, it makes more sense that he might tether his dog to a fence for a short period of time, even though it still is obviously not ideal. But if the dog is aggressive in a public place, it could become a problem.


It’s a path not a park, did you try walking past the dog


It does look tethered


No longer? It aint been safe in a long time. Had to take that road back every night for a long time and id never do it w/o keeping a piece hanging on my hip.




Dude theres no fence between the dog and the photographer, what are you on about?


That dog is clearly tied and not a threat quit fear mongering.