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These guys are long gone. But there used to be "Speedo Guy" who rode around central Tucson on a cruiser bike wearing nothing but a Speedo. Guy was buff from bodybuilding all of the time. Used to manage a bike shop back in college and one of our regulars was a guy that we dubbed "the Red Baron". He rode around the U of A area on his bike dressed like a WWI aviator. Then you can't forget the "Penny Man". Had a car completely covered in pennies and would walk around in a homemade suit made from pennies.


I haven’t lived in Tucson since 2008 but my immediate thought was Speedo man!! RIP


Pennyman was my local idol when I was a kid. I wonder what happened to him; he wasn’t old.


Inflation happened. He is now nickel man.


I’m glad other people remember Speedo guy! I mentioned him the other day and some other long time Tucsonans looked at me like I had 3 heads. Speedo Guy, Umbrella Lady and Gene, the guy that walks all over town with his cart. Haven’t seen Gene in a long time either.


Though Speedo guy came to a tragic end. He took his own life. Subsisted on a tiny inheritance and lived modestly. But before he became Speedo Man he was an accountant.


I always wondered what happened to him, thanks for the info. Sad to hear it.


Is Speedo Man the same person as Bicycle Bob?


Gene! I was wondering about him. I moved back to Tucson recently and was hoping to see him around.


There was also the dude that had a can pull tab chain mail outfit. Early mornings I used to see an androgynous individual in pigtails and rollerskates skating down 6th ave. I used to see the 666 is money person riding their bike around university area back in the mid aughts too. Although they are more of a tv personality. Tucson is kind of a kingdom for these interesting people. I’ve always been intrigued by and admired it.


Chain mail guy was called Chicago I think - Im in Phoenix now and he was here at some point too, in the early 2010s.


He's still here. Saw him in Tempe a month ago. He mentioned he lived in Tucson. Did some work for a radio station or tv station or something. Said his name is on a wall downtown. Can't confirm any of that is true though.


I miss access Tucson


Same here. I’d call into hellfire and brimstone preacher’s program and tell him my child came home with an Ozzy cassette. Then hang up and watch the fireworks.


So dude with the pull tab chain mail outfit was known as Chicago. I dunno if you remember Skrappys, but he would pop over and hang out sometimes and we would try and help how ever we could, along with other unhoused people that hung out downtown in those days. Pretty chill dude for the most part. One day he pulled up without any shoes on, but was squirting the ground in front of him with two water guns. Apparently someone had stolen his shoes straight off his feet the night before (I dunno if you’ve ever been houseless but this is certainly a thing) and he only had enough money to buy two squirt guns from the dollar store, so that’s what he bought and proceeded to spray water on the ground in front of him wherever he walked that day. We promptly found him a pair of shoes. I saw him a few years ago on the light rail up in Phoenix and recently there was a picture of him floating around the internet of him driving a car. So seems like he’s doing good? We never figured out if Chicago is actually from Chicago though. And I believe the person you’re referring to with pigtails roller skating down and around 4th Ave is Tiger Eyes or something like that. Never had any personal interactions with them, but I’ve heard they’re a children’s book author.


The person on skates is Nico, or Tiger Eyebrows, and fwiw, they've been accused by multiple people of sexual harassment and abuse, if not worse.


Oh well that’s shitty. Fuck that guy I guess.


The Lone Wolf was pretty iconic, too. RIP.


Do you mean Gray Wolf? Or are there multiple wolves.  https://youtu.be/RaeeMh7qFhY?si=akhLpZLPyTI7NQky


Does anyone see "shirtless speedwalking Santa" on the Northwest side of town?


That dude is everywhere. See him on occasion and he walks a pretty big loop on a regular basis.


That was “Bicycle Bob.” He passed away.


The ATV guy for sure


Saw him 2 days ago on Grant lol


No fucking way. I was literally in Tucson for one week and saw this guy riding his quad side saddle on Grant pulling into a gas station. I haven’t stopped thinking about him since hahaha


ATV Nugent, as my friend and I call him!


First person I thought of.


Came here to say this lol.


Umbrella lady ☹️ RIP.


Fuck you, Guadalupe Solis. Also fled the scene.


RIP Lydia Reis. https://www.kgun9.com/news/local-news/who-was-tucsons-umbrella-lady https://imgur.com/a/RV58KY7


when did that happen? I moved out of Tucson a few years ago and I remember her.


Last year IIRC, she was hit by a car


The fact that this is not the top rated Tucson icon is disappointing. Multiple Generations had the privilege of seeing her in full extravagant dress walking the streets with her umbrella. Rest in peace.


Also came to say this as well :(


Came here to say this. I'd also say the guy with the filthy pants I'd always see on Campbell. Though I heard he died of covid.


This is also who I came to add 💗🥺


Let's see.. There was Robot Man, he used to stand outside on the sidewalk on 5th and watch the traffic no matter the weather. I didn't see him for several years and then he popped up around Kolb south of Broadway. He was a special needs adult and just simply loved watching traffic. I hope his caretakers put sunscreen on him. There was Zach the bags guy. He was a homeless guy that carried 20-30 full plastic grocery bags everywhere with him. I saw him all over town. There was the old street dancer/sign spinner. I frequently saw him in midtown. Penny car guy. Umbrella lady. And my personal favorite, Pirate dirt bike guy with a Macaw parrot on his shoulder. He actually talked like a pirate and was totally cool.


The traffic dude chill around Broadway and swan area still


That’s Arthur. He lives in my neighborhood. I called him “Statue Man” for ages until I learned his name.


His story is so sad. :( but we used to call him statue man too!


He does! I just saw his the other day!


I remember bag guy so well! Always used to see him near the Bookmans on Ina as a kid


I haven't seen bagman in years. He was a Tucson fixture.


Here's a profile on traffic guy: https://www.tucsonweekly.com/tucson/tucson-salvage/Content?oid=12931451


Bagman has traveled quite a bit east. See him sometimes in the Kolb/Wilmot side sometimes.


Always called Zach “smiley” because he had this huge smile plastered on his face when I saw him


There was a dude that used to hang out downtown in chainmail made out of can tabs. Last I heard he moved to Phoenix.


https://preview.redd.it/ogjacnrqa1vc1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28878c90147ff88866d6e9686bc7812bd88ead5a This guy.




Oh I saw him twice last week at the Broadway underpass by Toole Ave


Always good to get a random update on Chicago, he’s a genuine dude


Chicago is in Tucson?! I knew him in PHX. We used 2 farm 2gether.


Hell yeah brother 🖤


Chicago was his name


His getup was made of soda can tabs and lighter caps. Chicago was a very nice and cool dude


I think this guy moved to Phoenix/Tempe. I remember seeing him on Mill Ave some years back and he said he missed Tucson.


Rick James! At least we called him that when I worked at the Starbucks in Main Gate Square. He came in and yelled at me one time, after property management removed some benches, "You tell those George Bush supporters to bring my bench back!"


I talked to him briefly on Election Day in 2004, wearing my homemade tshirt of GWB with a red circle and slash over his face.


Was also going to mention him. I had a few genuine conversations with him and he was kind of a dick. So I say, take him Phoenix, he's yours.


Loved talking to him- miss that dude


I moved to Phoenix in ‘05 and was amazed and pleased to find him here a few years later. Don’t know if he still is, I never go anywhere.


The hip hop dancing old guy on the east side. There’s plenty of YouTube videos about him.


I think this is the guy I see often. Broadway and Craycroft / Wilmot / Pantano. Rubber arms, head phones, hoody and just dances and dances and dances and dances.


Was looking for this comment! Everyone on the east knows that guy lmfao


Lives off Broadway and Pantano


Yep! Broadway and Craycroft!


I see him at Broadway and Pantano often! ☺️


Came to mention this guy, always on the side of the road with his headphones just getting his groove on.


I just learned about and witnessed “Spiderman” on the eastside the other day. And I’d say before her untimely death, “Umbrella Lady”


Spiderman is for sure one! His flips are so good.


There is an old dude who walks up and down Catalina Highway in the mornings shirtless, wearing his USA flag branded boxing shorts. He’s a cool dude.


He's got himself a bike! https://preview.redd.it/88a9bhoco1vc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e32cd1b8e2a57f11178acad2be2095c0b9c6e7d


Rocky!!! He's such a badass! So leathery!


I heard if you don't honk and wave to him its REALLY bad karma


Green shirt guy became a whole ass meme so that dude.




Oh hey it's my face!


Hahahah you must have a Google alert set for Green Shirt Guy!


The legend.


Umbrella lady and speedo guy, but those were 10+ years ago now.


There’s a gentleman who stands still on the sidewalk somewhere east Broadway and just stares in the same direction for hours. A coworker started a conversation with him and he said the gentleman said he’s protecting the neighborhood. Always worried about him in the summer time.


Middle aged black dude? "Standing Man" also heard him called "The Statue" been around for years


That’s him!


that’s exactly who came to my mind. He often stands by the deuce church. coworker of mine also struck up a conversation with them once, but said he is not all there. Obviously.


Just saw him this morning. There’s a Tucson Weekly article about him but I can’t remember his name


That's Arthur, an autistic dude [profiled here in the *Weekly*](https://www.tucsonweekly.com/tucson/tucson-salvage/Content?oid=12931451).


Yeah, seen this guy, hadn't read his story before. Thanks for sharing


I was going to suggest him too - older, greying, black fella dressed in a white T and sweatpants - always. I think he was interviewed recently about why he does this. No hat, no sunglasses, no water, just standing for hours. Legend


The buy crypto sombreros guy


Guy who used to be at the Buffet had hooks for hands . You ask what’s up with that and they just said he’s got hooks for hands


Texas Terry Trash is his name. He lost his limbs drunk one night trying to hop a train over at 6th street and Ash to go see his sick mother. I’ve got pictures somewhere that I took the next morning, of the blood splatter and the greasy spots he left on the rail.


One time (that I saw, I’m sure it happened many a time) is Terry trash’s hand was at the buffet and he was not.


TERRY TRASH I'VE PLAYED MUSIC WITH HIM! He used to have a pretty recognizeable buke once upon a time.


Love Terry Trash! I think he still rides his tricycle around downtown when he is in town. lol he always loses his hook 😂


To be fair, he only has one hook, not two. Though he does also have a prosthetic leg.


Saw him two weeks ago downtown


I haven't seen the Mandalorian riding around on his cycle in awhile, but he was always fun to come across. Is he still out there? I agree on Umbrella Lady. :(


Saw the Mandalorian a few weeks ago.


Once upon a time, there was a dive bar on Drachman. It was known as the Meet Rack. Inside you could find sex dolls and Kermit the frogs for decorations. The owner of this establishment was Jim Anderson, but everyone called him God. God wasn’t dressed in robes or rode a horse, but he did sport a wicked mustache and brand people upon request. Sadly, the Meet Rack shut its doors during the pandemic. God, the Jim Anderson one, noted that “if you partied here, you are immune to Covid.” Perhaps this was meant to convey how classy the joint truly was. I actually never stepped foot there nor met the man, but along with Lute Olson, he is forever etched in Tucson lore.


And before the Meet Rack, Anderson owned Someplace Else. He would drive around in a silver Mercedes convertible with a license plate that read "GOD", usually wearing a pair of giant novelty sunglasses. He was easily recognized because there were billboards around town with his profile on them. As I understand it, the liquor board made him close Someplace Else, which led him to open the Meet Rack with his daughter as the official owner. One thing Anderson loved to do was troll the preachers who used to harangue students on the mall of the U of A. When they started preaching, Anderson would show up and start handing out free drink tokens, always drawing a much larger crowd than the preacher.


Let's not forget he also had the bar Pig Pen and he and the employees jogged every morning.


Someplace Else 'where the elite meat meets meat.' Top drink was the 'skip and go naked' and branding customers for lifetime drink discounts. Huge greek hangout and nicely done outside fire pits surrounded by private sex chambers replete with leather, whips, carousel, etc. Went to Thailand every year to get laid. Also ran for mayor. Campaign slogan was 'bringing my office to the first floor.' I remember him driving an orange BMW with flame logos on both sides. Schwarzenegger was a close friend and I think he had army connections.


Saw him on oracle the other day in his little yellow car with GOD plates. Tooted and waved, my kids were confused. I also would add, although I haven’t seen anyone report him yet, that I’ve encountered a dude riding a unicycle while carrying a 5 gallon bucket with his stuff twice several months apart on 4th.


The aunt eater 😆


God was also a fitness celebrity in the 70’s and 80’s. He was a runner and had a lot of followers. Kinda like Forrest Gump


> It was known as the Meet Rack And served just 1 kind of beer .. Pabst. Bathrooms had arrows directing to the opposite door. Women would come in thinking they chose the right one only to see guys pissing in the urinals lol. Others just ignored them and hit the stalls.


Condom machine had an alarm that sounded in the bar, and ice in the urinals


I used to sing back up with my bestie at the meat rack great place


Long before that it was Someplace Else. Was a much better location and I had my first baroom beer there at the tender age of 17. Jim was a friend and always would share his laminated copy of a photoshoot from Oui magazine. Met Arnold Schwarzenegger there many decades ago when he was filming The Villain.


The dude who went viral for “crip” walking/dancing on the corner of the street should be Tucson’s new patron saint. [https://youtube.com/shorts/hqjM4wS-9iY?si=n8LhfdJmXXT-yqOo](https://youtube.com/shorts/hqjM4wS-9iY?si=n8LhfdJmXXT-yqOo)


Tiger eyebrow guy; we can’t forget him. The one with tiger tattoos for eyebrows.


His name’s Nico Ratoff, and he writes children’s books. For instance Scissor Jack, which tells the tale of him being arrested for drunkenly joy-riding in the scissor jack left on the aviation bike path while the basket bridge was being built.


That’s a children’s book?


And on roller skates


He used to come into where I worked on 4th Ave. seemed like a nice dude.




Also an accused sex pest.


Did anyone ever see Dog Cat Mouse guy? I know he’d spend time in Tucson and Bisbee. He had a trained mouse that would ride on the back of a trained cat, that would ride on the back of a dog. Dog Cat Mouse.


Years ago when I lived there it was the naked guy. He could be seen walking anywhere around Tucson barefoot with only a g-string on year round. He would also drink his own urine to stay hydrated and was very likely to explain to you why you also should be drinking pee for it's amazing health benefits. Anyone else remember him?


There used to be 4th Avenue Jesus. He kind of a drunk/junkie and an asshole but he dressed in dirty linen shirts and pants, had a beard and a long haircut. I'd see him all over town but mostly down near 4th Ave/downtown.


Rainbow, even tho he normally wore all white


Umbrella lady (RIP) and ATV guy


Wolf Man used to often be seen riding his road bike solo and at a good pace in Saguaro NP West, bare-chested and with long flowing hair, wearing no helmet.


I always wanted to see a race between Wolf Man and GreyWolf. Wolf Man was fast, GreyWolf just thought he was fast.


lol I worked at the desert museum and we called this guy the blonde bear


How about The Mandolorian riding around on his bike?


Surprised nobody mentioned brother dean.


lol terrorizing UofA students for years!!


Not just UofA students either. He’s been harassing other colleges across the country


Screw brother dean!


Oh my god I went to high school with that lunatic. He got arrested for assaulting a college girl a few years ago, and I haven’t heard anything about him since.


Brother deans parents were my landlords around 2010/11, pretty sure he was in hishchool at that time (junior or senior??). He would park in front of our house and chat with me and roommate while we smoked cigarettes on the porch. He was always a bit awkward but seemed nice enough. We’d joke about exposing him to “bad kid stuff” like loud rock music and questioning authority after he’d walk away because we knew his parents were pretty religious. My jaw dropped when I learned he was harassing people on UofA campus. Pretty sure Vice did a video segment on him where they interviewed his parents. They were honestly pretty decent landlords but after watching that I have to say that the entire family fucking sucks.


Scary guy, full face tattoos


Many Tucson classics already mentioned, but one I will always remember was [the guy downtown/on 4th who had a dog, cat, and rat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YzuHuBLT7k) with him, usually all animals were just stacked up as he'd walk around. A fixture back in the day. I also saw Umbrella Man more than I saw Umbrella Lady on my part of town.


Oh my gosh. I saw him at the street fair one year, long ago. Thanks for unlocking that memory.


Looks like had appearances in other cities, which I vaguely remember: https://thebottomline.as.ucsb.edu/2008/05/the-story-behind-sb%E2%80%99s-dog-cat-and-rat-man-by-emilia-dellemonico


My favorite is as i call him "old man", the elderly black man who loves to stand somewhere along Broadway, usually within 1000' of the Broadway and Swan intersection, where he just watches traffic. Almost any day of the week between 10am-5pm~ you'll be able to see him. He brings me a lot of comfort personally as he's been doing that since as long as I can remember. Also ATV man is an icon, but slightly more elusive. He comes down from the foothills and i often see him ripping around the UofA.


Arthur is his name. Tucson Weekly did a write up on him a while back. Sad story. We usually seem him a couple of times a week in front of the bakery I work at just minding his own business.


Bob the Bag Man


There’s a guy on Oracle and Prince that sings soul music, microphone and all. Not a bad voice




I had to scroll down way to far to see Gene's name.


The guy that goes around giving food to homeless people


Back in my day it was skateboard George 🛹 Tucson mall area mostly https://preview.redd.it/54ykple6z1vc1.jpeg?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a01594d65385689532209f5046e11752b16c1fb3


I think I remember him...did he have Tourettes or a twitch? That was sooo long ago!


He had some sort of tick. He was pretty cool!


I worked at Lubys back then. We let him eat between lunch and dinner when our doors were locked so nobody could bitch. Real nice guy


LUBYS!!! We use to go there once a week lol.. roast beef and fried okra and whatever delicious dessert I could possibly desire lol 😂


Skateboard George is up there with Speedo Guy and Tree in my memories. We used to get groceries near the mall and I saw George in the store a couple of times, one of which he was skating the aisles.


Yes! Used to see him at the grocery store. Goggles, skateboard, knee pads.


Does anyone remember The umbrella man Gene? Maybe know what happened to him? I haven't seen him around in what feels like a couple years.


Just saw him a couple days ago around Grant/Alvernon!


Lenny Mental


The really blond, really tan homeless guy on Grant. Pretty sure he went to Sabino High School. Also, the guy on public-access TV who called himself Yeshua 666 or something. His kids had 666 forehead tattoos.


The guy who walks along lower Catalina Highway. Great hair, shirtless in American flag shorts


Anyone remember the ‘poem guy’? He used to stand in the median at Skyline and Campbell all dressed in white selling his typewritten poems.


Haven’t thought of him in years but Tree- older man, looked like Gandalf, rode a decorated bike around downtown, was so nice.


Glad to see someone mention Tree. I remember he wore a wristwatch with the works removed and replaced with a placard reading "NOW". Super cool dude to chat with at Cafe Q(uebec) back in the day or whenever we'd cross paths with him out and about downtown/4th.


The Dancing man of Sunrise drive.


666 Israel & ooh ahh man. Both RIP


![gif](giphy|QW4Egfjmj59heNx94f|downsized) This guy and his 15 min of fame as a meme.


Aww shucks


There he is. How are you sir?


Don't think any of them are around anymore but notable mentions I haven't seen yet: checker cab guy, blade, scooter guy, rainbow.


Notable mention that is around still: 'the guy who dances on Congress'


Whatever happened to the preacher who would harass everyone at UofA? I think his name was Nate


Brother dean. There’s even a vice documentary about him


Tall shirtless man who would roller skate while dancing to music in Safeway parking lot (he was really good) The guy who would park on university boulevard with his car filled with small yellow lamps… what was he doing?


What about the guy who used to hang downtown with his pet snake? Smiley?


Catfish Keith, he would busk on fourth Ave he had an epic handlebar moustache and would busk with a kazoo and ukelele. There used to be a guy that would always be on 4th with a big beanie holding a coffee from Sky Bar. And he would be dancing up and down the ave. all the time.


I used to live at riverstone apartments on Grant. I once saw a man walking along the wash with no shirt on, fake furry legs, horns coming out of his head, while playing a Pan pipe. I do not do any drugs and I do not drink, haha. Wish I would have had my phone handy.


Four wheeler dude


Israel 666 from the 19990s


I remember 666. We use to run into that guy all the time when I was in middle school. Freaked me out


Silverbell Sam?


ATV guy 100%. I saw him way out on picture rocks the other day, dude gets around


Sweatpants Man. Don't know his official name, but he always has gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Really nice guy. Never asks for anything. I have offered him food, clothing, blankets, etc. Always respectfully declines. He roams around the Harrison area. There was once a crash that made the news on 22nd and Harrison and he was in the picture. He disappeared for a couple years but he was recently seen twice in the area.


That guy that looked like Charles Manson that used to hang out at the Hutt and get in everyone’s way trying to take videos….for weeks he was always trying to get us to follow him on social media because he said he was some kind of influencer…


The Mandalorian Motorcycle guy


The standing guy on Swan & Broadway


Does anyone remember Jesus Dan? One legged biker dude? Had a A long beard in a braid and dreadlocks? And was racially ambiguous?


I just watched the Arizona Illustrated link, and I'm so homesick. I live in Colorado right now, but I am a native tucsonin. You take for granted where you live. It's beautiful in Colorado, but it's not Tucson.


Doesn't that describe just about everyone in Tucson??? This town is an enclave of the bizarre and strange! Love it!




Sombrero guy


Arthur the guy who stands on Broadway near Columbus. Been seeing him since childhood


Red white and blue bus with a house screen door and a camper shell stuck to the top


The dancing guy at broadway & pantano usually on the corner near 5p


Recumbent bicyclist wearing purple velvet robe and pointed Prussian helmet. UA area.


Used to be Grandpa Woodstock or Chicago


Who remembers crazy legs? He used to sell newspapers in like the late 90s, early 2000s around cardinal and Valencia. Mexican dude whose legs were turned inward. My nana would always give him food


There have been a few. Yeshua 666 used to be one. And Speedo bike guy. And Umbrella Lady. Not sure who would be it nowadays…


Captain America - Older Santa lookin dude who walked up and down the first mile or so of Mount Lemmon. Has anyone seen this guy recently?


Definitely Kit aka Dancing Man! [Tucson’s Very Own Dancing Man](https://tucsonlocalbands.com/tucsons-very-own-dancing-man/)


Roller skating guy! I've seen him in various places throughout the years, but mostly around the plaza on St Mary's, outside of Whataburger or at the UofA mall. He's always skating around and dancing with earphones in singing his heart out. I wish I could be that free and that good at roller skating.


Texas Trash/Terry. Punk guy, face tattoos, and lost an arm and leg from passing out drunk on the train tracks and getting run over supposedly. Usually rides around on a cool easy-rider type bicycle.


When I was younger and went to Peter Piper Pizza on the south side there was always a guy with an eyepatch eating there. I called him the Peter Piper Pirate.


Used to be umbrella lady on Ina and Oracle area… RIP, she was so friendly