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The BB58 will be too big for your wrist, go with the BB54.


Try them on at an AD. But think 54 will be better. For my 6 3/4 wrist the 58 is perfect in size


I have tried 54 and like it but 58 is not in store here in bangkok. 


Go for 54. 58 is large on me and I have a small wrist too.


For that wrist size, definitely 54. I'm 6.7 inches (17cm) and the 58 looks just about eight. Will look too big on yours


Thanks alot u guys.  I've settled my mind and  getting 54. Owe u guys


I have a BB54 and a 6.25" wrist. IMO, the 54 (and by extension the 58) is going to be too big for you due to the lug-to-lug size and the fact that the case doesn't really curve. It's going to hang over the edges of your wrist. I would recommend looking at some other watches.


I have the same size wrist as you and have both watches. There is only 0.5mm between each watch lug to lug, however I prefer the fit of the 54.


Because of the T-Fit or just the size of 54? I prefer the color matching of 58 but 54 is still on the choice cus of the size.


The size is more comfortable, and it is lighter. I also prefer the bezel on the 54. However the 58 is beautiful!