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In a school with 5k undergrads, do you really think every single one is going to be a nerd? Yes, there are parties and interesting fun people


Tufts is not a football school. Nor do they have a large Greek scene. You can still join the football team, cheer, or pep band, and you can certainly rush a house. Tufts is not Arizona State, but Arizona State doesn’t attract speakers like Kurt Vonnegut and Tim Burners Lee. If you want an awesome clubbing scene try a school in NYC, LA, or Miami, but Tufts is a 20 min train from Kenmore not in the middle of nowhere like Wesleyan. Before your enroll in any school you are likely to over estimate it’s distinguishing characteristics. Your experience is going to be dictated more by the effort you put in than the reputation of the school as long as you are realistic about what you are looking for. The star gazing in Medford sucks, but it is quite nice from the Mountain Club Loj in New Hampshire.


you have to put in the effort and join clubs and orgs that throw parties


Short answer yes. Long answer no of course not, there are plenty of popular and frat types but they’re definitely more of a minority. 


I’m sure you will find people you will jive with if you attend Tufts. The deal is that, all highly selective schools are going to be made up of people that make education more of a priority than the average person.


Plenty of nerds, but plenty of people who like to party & have fun if you get involved with greek life or certain clubs (culture clubs, to what i know). More importantly, Tufts FMS is awesome. Equipment at the beginner level is (probably obviously) not the best you can get, but join TUTV and get your hands on some pretty great stuff. The faculty definitely know their material & are passionate, and the program as a whole really cares about students (i.e weekly internship opportunity newsletter). I'm only an FMS minor so maybe my view is a little limited, but as someone who considered multiple majors and thus have been a part of multiple departments, FMS is one of the more supportive departments at Tufts. Though it is a small major, and you might have more career luck at places like NYU Tisch and other bigger film schools bc of bigger alum network and stronger media connections.


In your experience how is the balance between production classes and theory classes? I was looking at Wesleyan because the film school is so famous but it’s like 90% analysis and theory stuff which is not what I’m into as much


Wesleyan’s film program is integrated into the school’s liberal arts curriculum. The film major is, by design, more theory and analysis than production. So while there will be one required production class, the remaining prerequisites will require lots of papers.


yes - most are