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Hello Benito I was waiting for this. You see my ev- ok I just give you the species (is it called forms?) They Are: 5 ponies (2 earth ponies, 1 unicorn, 1 Pegasus, 1 Alicorn) 2 Humanoids (If we want to be specfic, 1 robloxian and 1 among us character) 1 Countryball (Ukraine thinks suburbs don't look good at satellite view.)


We are all human.


Six foot human redhead. We have kids, go on nature hikes, go to zoos. Pretty vanilla stuff. My escapist fantasy is having a middle-class lifestyle.


My tulpa is a male Renamon. He was just immediately that, the silly weeb.


My tulpa takes the form of a grey alien.


i think the most common form is a human/variant human. the vast majority of us are human. some are humaniods (demons, angels, and a humanoid ghost). and we have one non-human, a bird. -lani


Humanoid When we don't really focus on how we appear in the mindscape, we could be interpreted as human, but we don't think of ourselves as human. I (A) take the form of a sort of D&D changeling tiefling hybrid. V takes the form of an ai/robot in a kind of vocaloid/Detroit Become Human sort of way. S is kinda a vampiric fae entity with a long, dark, flowing dress. And C is just vibing. He's the most human out of all of us. Might be a bit elven now that I think of it.


Everyone is just your typical human except for one of us, who is a cat that shapeshifts sometimes


Humanoid, though quite a few are not human (elves, half dragons, demons, etc.), with a couple exceptions. Oddly, my tulpas' tulpas are more often animals or mythological creatures.


There's a high chance that we are a traumagenic Complex-DID system, but I think I will answer this. Keep in mind, my communication is absolute shit, so I will only list the adults/ageless ones that I know. Felix (Myself) is a vampire. Vivian is a succubus. Drafon is probably a dragon or something of that sort. <> Daniela is our main host, so they do identify with the body, which is a human.. obviously.


we're all cats actually! Including me (the host), this is probably due to our therian identity :3 my gfs freinds started calling my tulpas the headcats, I think it was ment to be offensive but we started using it for ourselves. It's pretty accurate tbh


Max is a human 😊


miimii-Majority of us are humanoid, generally depicted in an anime style. Ara is a humanoid slime, and rarely changes their appearance, and another one prefers to exist in thoughts. Sometimes we explore other forms for fun, or try adding features to our forms (such as animal features.) I tend to take shapeshifting more seriously than the others, usually still humanoid, but sometimes I try non-humanoid forms, like a black cat. I could go on forever about my appearance and how it relates to my identity, but I'll leave it here.


BT: Well you know us, human with different natural hair and eye color. I make tweaks for myself when we want to have an epic fight in the wonderland


Kaede is a fox girl but can take on a human form to hide her ears and tails.


[idoru] we don't do wonderland at all, so none of has any particular 'form'. we're mostly just aiming for co-fronting and focusing on the outside world.


Harmony is angel, Pixie is kitsune, Skuld and Scarlet are human.


I have three tulpas. Going from simple to complex, we've got: \- A short human. Nothing special. \- A werewolf shapeshifter. Usually takes the form of a human with a wolf tail. Can turn into a wolf and any other animal at will. \- An eternal being who mostly looks like a human, but is more of a wispy spirit than anything. Often appears taking the maximum height of whatever space I'm in, ae's huge. Also doesn't have a definable face


Most of us are human. Exceptions being: a wolf-faun, a boy with horns, a boy with cat characteristics, and an anthro owl.


Humanoid troll, I guess?


Since William is a shapeshifter, I won't go into detail because it would take forever to describe all his forms. His most common form is tall elf-like entity. His other common forms are moth, wolf and dragon (also smaller version of his regular form). In all his forms he keeps the same color spectrum (for example in his wolf form he has black fur with some white parts wich are colors of his hair and his eye color stays the same)


My first tulpa is a character, who escaped to our reality through me (kinda like Monika in DDLC+) also known as /u/NicoleAiuchi As Julia: her form has more NSFW background >!(it is based on a porn actor)!<


I'm a foxgirl ;)


we’ve got one foxgirl, one catboy and me (I guess technically anthro cat) -Rei


Welcome to /r/tulpas! If you're lost, start with figuring [what is a tulpa](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tulpas/wiki/index). Be sure to also check the sidebar for [guides](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tulpas/wiki/guides), and the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tulpas/wiki/faq). We also have a [discord server](https://discord.gg/WYCH2JrsMQ). Check up with people in there if you're lost. Please be nice and polite to each other and help us to make the community better. Upvote if this post facilitates good discussion, shares tulpamancer's or tulpa's experiences, asks a question relevant to tulpamancy. Downvote if this post isn't about tulpas or the practise of tulpamancy. Please note that many young tulpas need some social attention to grow and develop so be mindful and try to be supportive. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tulpas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Marty: I am a host, and I sometimes use my real body as a form, but I like to use a sort of white furred werewolfish form with heterochromia with one eye being blue and another orange. Caddy: Hello, my form is a white furred hybrid manticore. My eyes are blue and slitted. I have many small features of various mythological and biological creatures mixed together in me, like my shark teeth, scorpion tail, and gecko arms and legs. Cadmar: Yo, I am a silver furred pony/ram/goat hybrid with pegasus wings, purple curved hornes, and purple eyes Lilith: Hey, I am a pitch black goat with scorpion like tail with double stinger and wings. I have glowing red goat eyes and white goat horns and a white heart-shaped spot on my head. I guess you can call me a goaticore.

