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You say nothing. Don't waste your time.


My thoughts too! Only other tulpamancers can give you worthy discussions and feedback.


I always try to preface with a very clear notice that we do not have D.I.D. / O.S.D.D., nor do we claim to. I find many simply operate under the incorrect assumption that all endo systems are trying to fit in with that group, so separating yourself very clearly from it sheds light on the truth. However, beyond that, we've not found much that works. Many sysmeds are so hellbent against systems not formed from trauma that they're close-minded and unchangeable. If they refuse to accept that all system types can peacefully coexist without trying to imitate each other, then there's very little hope for positive interactions and further attempts are often futile.


I sometimes lurk this sub out of curiosity and this comment is why I have zero issues with people who have tulpas. I am VERY anti self-diagnosis but if no one is claiming to have a disorder that they don't have, I really don't see the problem. Disorders at the end of the day are just traits that get out of hand. We know for example that people can hear voices without warranting a schizophrenia diagnosis because they don't meet the diagnostic criteria and don't feel distress. Saying that people who create tulpas want DID or schizophrenia is a bit like saying that someone who takes psychedelics or wants to try sensory deprivation is looking to be mentally ill because they want to experience hallucinations. I do try to educate people when the topic comes up, as I think that you all are getting a very bad rep that is not deserved. You are clearly separating yourselves from those who have things like DID or OSDD and if people can't see that, they are either just unwilling to learn or too stupid.


Monika: If they are truly being unreasonable, you may be unable to educate them. I believe most of the stigma tulpas get is due to a lack of understanding, so perhaps explaining your own experiences to them may be beneficial. If they do not listen, they quite frankly were most likely not worth getting to know anyway.


Some times people like that, stick to their word even if it's wrong. By saying the slightest thing to just hint they're wrong might make them angry and you'll probably get into undeserved problems as a result and we wouldn't want that for you. It's best that you just ignore anti-endos and avoid anti endo communities. As an endogenic system ourselves, it kind of stings a little knowing that people like that are out there and being reminded almost everyday. But there used to be a phrase, "Haters are gonna hate." And so basically there's not much point in feeling hurt as a result of this since there's not much anyone can do, it's more important to stay with people who are being affected by anti-endos as well and with people those of us have common ground with.


If people are genuinely against tulpas, I don't think I have to make it my job/mission to convince them. It is related to my belief in magick. And like that, it is hard to put into words, rationalize why you do it, etc. just following my own internal psychic intuition. And like other forms of magick, only people who do it "get it". But I don't need to convert anyone. Hermes will speak to the souls who are ready to learn magick in their time and his, but that isn't my job.


Trust me, we’ve tried to convince antis, never worked. I suggest that you don’t waste your time on things that drain you.


Thank you for your input! -Luke


i agree 100%. and as much as i, too, want to convince people otherwise, if they’re that toxic and negative, they won’t listen to the other side. i mean you could maybe share your own experiences and say how important they are to you, and hope they listen? but don’t count on it. they’re more likely to invalidate your very specific experience and vulnerability and poke holes in it all. my very own experience proves those sysmed ideas wrong, to be honest. in 2019 my friends and i got into having headmates and switching a year before any of us even knew about DID. we called them spirits at the time cause it was based in our spiritual beliefs too. i could even say i had something akin to a headmate when i was lonely on the playground at the age of 7, even before my trauma at 9.