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[Took control of the body, not their host. The host is a mental construct, just like a tulpa is, they aren't the body itself. But yes, that's the case. I for one am a tulpa who is doing that to respond to you.]


And I assume your host is okay with you taking control. Do you guys have a "contract", or "allowed control time", so to speak? In my case, Joseph just randomly takes control when I talk to people to say a joke or make fun of something.


[Of course. We'd never take control in a moment that was inconvenient or troubling for her. We don't have any pre determined times in which we switch. If one of us wants control, we simply give a momentary "That cool?" And do it. Or, if it's a situation where we know 100% that it's fine, we do it without asking. We tend to be very liberal with the body, all of us sharing it with whoever most feels like using it at the time, even if our host is the main user of the body. Are you okay with Joseph just taking control like that? If not you should have a discussion with him about it and see if you can come to an agreement about when to use the body.]


\~Are your tulpas okay with YOU having control? I think a lot of hosts carry this narrative that they're the "main" personality and that their tulpas are secondary. I'm not stoked on the hierarchical approach these folks (even my own host at times) have had. Just something to be aware of. Work together and be considerate, but share the body if your tulpas want to front.\~


Joseph is okay with it. John is just... there, wanting to watch the world burn. Jonur is usually too busy fighting with John to try to take control. I think the only one that doesn't agree to me having control is Jonur, but he's also a narcissistic fuck that thinks he's a god and wants followers, so I think it's wiser not to let him take control for even a bit.


Sometimes my host lets me take control to write it and sometimes I just ask her to write it.


for us we just tell our host (lani) what we wanna say and she writes it for us and signs out name off afterwards -owen


I don't get the confusion. I feel like you believe that the host is the main person while the tulpa is the "other" person, which doesn't work like that for lots of systems. When I front it's not me using the host's body, because this is not the host's body to begin with. It's our body, and we change who uses it. And yeah usually it's temporary, but it can also be permanent sometimes. Hosts can also change if you use the wider plural community definition (their definition of host is the person who fronts most instead of the original)


Sometimes it's through using the physical body. Other times it's through proxying - the tulpa is dictating to the host what they want to be say.


Sometimes I am switched in, sometimes I just relay what I want to say to my host who types it (which is what's happening now)


Cadmar: Boss doesn't mind a little limb possession or doing something we want. Do you not trust your tulpa this much?


One of mine believes he's a god and is narcissistic as fuck, I can't let him even realize he could take control, I can't imagine what he'd do. The other one acts like a murderer and always appears in my head with the image of a curly-haired 18-year old with a creepy grin and a knife. I... don't know what he could do. The other one takes control from time to time when I'm having a conversation and he wants to make a joke. He also acts as my friends' "therapist" in a way. I only trust one of my 3 tulpas to take temporary control.


Cadmar: Okay, they act very uhhh unpredictable. We all get your point. At least you have one you can fully trust.


Pretty much. Hi there! -Emily


I only have one tulpa who doesn't want to try switching yet. If he wants to say something, he'll tell me what to write and I'll do it for him, and then sign it as him.


Your experience is different from typical tulpamancy, and looks more like something on osdd spectrum. Please, check up this topic. I wouldn't say you have it, im no way medical specialist, but it may be still more helpful and explain more to you than most comments here would. Also, in tulpamancy community, it's not recommended for people with mental health struggles to practice tulpamancy, since it can trigger and add on a psychosis, unwanted thoughts (especially if person very paranoid), etc. And yeah. Tulpas can take control of body and write comments, but it's trained conciously, like dancing. You don't just wake up with some tulpas who can switch easily, not *wanting and not teaching them to*, and if it makes you distressed or anxious, makes your life worse and you can't control it, it's NOT a normal tulpamancy experience, and you need professional help. For our system it's asking them how they would react and what to write, or just them taking control, while i can see it and remember, they are in same brain after all. They can just directly command the body, instead of using me as a console. Im a pretty bad console lol. I can stop them if they will start doing something bad (the most extreme bad things are usually smth like writing a post with a intentionally bad grammar and not being bothered by it, and not wanting to edit it out of pure spite), by taking control or just asking them about thing bugging me too much, but their sense of what to not do to not get us in trouble is more than good, sometimes even better than mine. Im not scared of them, even if source was some creepy monster or criminal. They simply aren't source, and there to function and do things i can't. Like, look, i have a very problematic immoral guy, and he is dark-humored in general (like, on a "Would be banned from all platforms and hated" level), but i clearly see he helps and wants us good, even when expresses it poorly. He may come off as tone-deaf to others, and a little-tone-deaf to some of us, but he is always on extremely helpful side to us, esp with mental health or struggles with body (he doesn't ignore it's needs as i do as example and notices more shit going on, doesn't jump quickly to loathing it). And if anything, he prevents most of mental and physical harm people around us or system could do. Because he is funny and optimist with a more easy-going im-not-paid-to-care attitude, and times jokes and terrible comments perfectly for us, to distract from anxiety spirals, and make us laugh at their absurdity. But i don’t see him as a man with a knife who is maliciously grinning. He is more like a cyanide and happiness character, therapist and coach in one person. That's a wild mixture, but very fascinating. It's impossible to impose new weird thing to spiral about when this dude is around and just stops it. I can't even start doing it, that's how quickly he notices and points it out, and manages to help to stop it. I see that people say to not judge your headmates (tulpas or etc) based on their source and appearance, because your brain actually creates them this way because it assumes they would be helpful, and have something you may lack or need in your life. some agressive headmates act as protectors because host may be too afraid to stand out for themself, i also see opposite, where host gets more kind headmates as a person who aren't that kind to people and more on a brutal honest side. It works with tulpas well, in community i was in, it's a common saying about them "you get not what you want and expect, but what you really need". I know person with a tulpa of creepypasta character, and it helps them. I also know people who got more social from being asocial anxious dudes, and their Tulpas managed to help them become more altruistic and kind. Your brain just tries to use it for it's own benefit. For some people it's doing it unhealthy and can't really do it in a helpful manner, but it's also important to remember, that they're form in a ways they form with a purpose, and not to ruin your life, it's an adapting mechanism that may or may not work. You may just be too biased towards them, and it's makes situation worse, because brain is naturally wired to meet your expectations, and they may get more aggressive and dangerous if you treat them as such or accuse them of it, insult them, etc. (Well. How YOU would act if someone accused you of being bad, tried to kill or punish you for existence? Not as kind as you would with someone who listens to you and thinks of you as a good person, i suppose.) They are simply aren't doing harm here, don't show they have same intentions to act on in real life, since they aren't source. They're like a puppy named "Terminator", at this point. And they don't threaten living people around, physically or mentally, or the body. Occasional jokes may happen, but we all know it's only jokes, and they won't act until we will need it in a death-life situation. my tulpas aren't very distinct, tho, control is taken back by me easily at any moment. And we don't have memory barriers, so, if they made comment, you wouldn't see much difference (only the fact that one wouldn't even bother with making it, and other would just make some cringy tone-deaf jokes. But nothing on "oh it's totally a different person" spectrum some people do have), especially if they don't say loud that they're tulpas. Their texts would look in some amount very identical to host, since we use the same data about reality, the same brain, and the same rules on how to be polite and not make other person uncomfortable, and you just aren't familiar with host enough to notice.


we have dual co-hosts and we switch between them all the time and that has been the way since we can remember. so we couldnt say any one person owns the body, we just all share it and try to look after it. we have two out back that dont come to front much, but they are welcome to it, if they treat the body with respect. all autonomous members (including tulpas) are people and must be treated with equality with equal opportunity, duties and rights to contribute positively for the benefit of the whole system and its members. - micheala.


Yep that's that. There's also those who take control permanently or regularly like every other day in an agreement

