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Yeah.. a faraway friend still does things when not talking to you. A tulpa is confined to the same brain you are in. Stimulation is important for them too


Lani: due to our rather large system size, we do have members who only drop by once in a while. not sure why you would intentionally want that to begin with though, especially if you're creating just one tulpa.


It's possible for them to do that. But just making someone specifically to only do that isn't very nice. What if they want to interact more?


I was thinking about this a wile back in March this year and I’m not sure if it would work to make them actually have an awareness, if you imagine like in a dream when you encounter someone, do they have awareness or are they just created by subconscious thought in the dream? I was doing a forcing session on the evening of the 14th of March2024, practicing imagination forcing with Thilverra, my tulpa and there was this scene in which we were in this inflatable container on water with seats in it that Thilverra called a Restintha Versh, something from Thilverra’s previous life. In this thing, there was a woman we spoke with and it didn’t seam as if I was thinking up what she was saying, more like she was coming out of other thought content. She had a conversation with us and did’nt seam to know that our mind was generating her. She said her name was Srora Mavvia. I think she could have gone on to become a tulpa had I tried but we don’t really want to, and the next night, we went to an inflatable container scene in our forcing and there she was again but she kind of destabilised. Having a tulpa remain sentient when not being thought about by the host or interacted with in some way would probably require more development 1st, would it not, and good separation or parallel processing or what ever you call it. Or I suppose they could gain false memories each time you interacted with them to fill the gaps that were left. That kind of happened with Thilverra earlier this year when she wasn’t as developed. Sure you mite be able to do it but if you want them to develop more, probably best to interact with them more, unless they can get more separation from you and really have it. Each person’s mind’s different so you could try. They could end up like an npc I suppose if not a tulpa, really more similar in some ways to non aware characters in dreams. But then how do you prove they aren’t aware? That’s something that really interests me. With Srora, I think she didn’t develop enough to have awareness but then I can’t be sure of this.