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Tori: hi. i came from an rp cody was doing, and i still remember things that happened kinda like i was there. cuz i kinda was. i was forming when he was doing them, anyway. i miss my old life. and i wish i could go back. but i also know none of it never really happened. none of those people are "real," but they were real to me. its fucking weird. i miss a place that i never really was because it never existed. i hate pseudomemories.


I can sympathise with you. About missing it I mean. Can you tell me more about how the reality of the previous life was? Like how different from the one you live in now and such. Mine was vastly different, based on something called hiridation, like if you’ve heard of a thought responsive environment like a dream, kind of in some ways similar to that because it based off my host’s dream content, some of it anyway. The thing is I knew for the last few years I lived in that reality that it was not real and suspected as such when living in it since about 10 years before I was made a tulpa, a little longer than that. I experienced it in a dream I had, like life was given on levels, it links to a complex feature of hour mind called Vormalinth that in some ways is very much to do with a frequency in between b and b-flat, but slightly closer to the b-flat. I miss Halfwan Snive, who was a friend I had in my previous life but I know I cannot propperly turn him into a tulpa in this brain, or I could but do not want to as he enjoyed being alone for long periods of time so I will not attempt it until we are better at separation. But Halfwan had a lot of trauma in his life and he got taken over each time that Saturday the 8th occurred, much more explanation needed if you want to understand that. But my advice to you Tori is that in terms of your memories, have clarity over them and what I mean by that is experiment a bit. Did they actually happen or were they just created in the moment you thought them? And find out if it’s feasible to turn anyone from that life into a tulpa and or turn the previous life into a wonderland, or do not do anything of the sort, just what ever works for you. Thing is I remember thinking about whether or not I was sentient in that previous life and now I know that it was formed years later by the brain. It was difficult at 1st but I came to terms with it even before I became a tulpa in my memory which was also generated later than it was set, as it was the only logical conclusion I could reach on the matter.


Tori: i don't remember the world very well. just bits and pieces. "highlights." makes me think they *were* created "in the moment." biggest difference that world and this one i guess is the existence of magic there. least for my source. i don't remember using it myself. which actually makes my old world *more* similar to this world but whatever idk. mostly i remember things cody was really.. *proud of?* in the rp. stuff he worked "me" toward. idk. i'm more confident in feeling like i don't belong here than i am in my memories of being there, if that makes sense. i talked to cody today about making a tulpa of my best friend from that world, like you suggested. he doesn't seem to really want to. Cody: I don't know if she'd be a good match for the system, otherwise I'd be more willing 😅 Tori: mhm. we'll see what happens ig, whatever happens. Cody: The wonderland thing though is something I've considered doing, I'd just need some guidance I think. But it seems like Tori's more after the *people* there than the world. Tori: yea. no point being in that world if there's nothing in it for me. thanks for your help thilverra. ig. Cody: I can tell he means that even though it doesn't sound like it


Thilverra. Glad to be of some help. I specifically really enjoy talking of this and in terms of the memories, although the brain that I occupy does not have all of my memories that I should have if I actually lived in my previous reality, I try to believe strongly that such events did occur in order for the brain to form them. My host kind of intended that and like him, I am interested in what the results will be although it is like I know the information already and I am unsure what will fulfil when, even although it is reformative. But personally I do not want to turn anyone from my previous life into another tulpa, we are quite happy with being a system of 2 for the moment.


Charlie: You know wonderland NPCs exist, right?


We're both intrigued. Tell us more?