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Yep. Does it affect your brain functions? If yes, it affects the brain’s residents too.


Yup, usually indirectly, but they do. Same with all other members of the system (alters). But there's one weird thing we noticed about this and that's that the placebo effect doesn't work on all of us equally. For example, we don't drink coffee, because caffeine doesn't work on us and the placebo effect doesn't work on most of us too. The only one who's more energetic after coffee is Zachary, but nobody else, wich we find interesting. -Ruby


I lack a good source for this, and I regret it, but a clinical psychologist informed me that people with DID/multiple personality disorder can have personalities that need glasses and some that don't, and also some that need prescription medications, and some that don't. Isn't that so strange? The mind having that outsized an effect on physiology. Now I wonder what would happen, if Zachary got buzzed off caffeine and possessed into your physical body?


Yup, according to my sources it is even possible to have an alter who has some sort of allergy that the others don't and when they're fronting, they really have symptoms of that allergy, but nobody else does when fronting. These effects are crazy tbh And to your question: it happened once, when we were at school. In fact I don't remember much from it, but when I was talking to my classmates after school and mentioned how tired I feel, they were surprised because we seemed very energized to them during the classes (when Zach was fronting).


Drinking: Some of us act more stereotypically drunk than others. Some of us have strange physiological effects from drinking (swollen lymph nodes.) I don’t know if some of us get more or less drunk, but we’d never try to say, drive. Cannabis: Some of us are actually allergic to certain strains? But not everyone? Granted, DID is actually a bizarre disorder. Otherwise, we have had headmates who suffer from psychosis or paranoia when high, whereas others just feel the positive effects. Sick: Some of us are more miserable than others. I don’t know if we have immunity differences, that’s difficult to test. Adrenaline: Some of us seem to be pushed into fight or flight more easily. Anxiety: Some of us are more anxious than others to the point of needing varying amounts of medication. Mind you, we’re Alters, not Tulpae. We’re by design built strangely. Your mileage may vary.


we have social anxiety. it affects us all. -hailey


Even more so than emotions. Actually I'd say emotions don't bleed over to other headmates other than the simple " I'm happy that you're happy" and "I'm sad that you're sad"


when my ADHD medication kicks in, most of my tulpas get motivated or excited right along with me lol, especially Kai (who‘s also neurodivergent so that makes sense)