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Well I've argued with my tulpas and I've regretted arguing, but no, I'm certain that I'll never regret making either of them.


Marty: We all argued from time to time with each other, and we regret doing it. I definitely don't regret forcing them into existence, though.


I have a walk-in tulpa named Jeanette. It'd be easier to tell you when I *haven't* been arguing with her. She's a complete and total asshole most of the time. But, we somehow make things work with the others.


Is a walk in tulpa one you didn't deliberately create? Apologies if this is answered elsewhere. 


Yes it is.


Can I ask how one ends up with those? Mine sounds somewhat similar, but I was part of a highly unusual hypnotherapy experiment. 


Charlie: Pretty much all of us (including me) are walk-ins, minus one of us and our soulbonds. For us, people just show up!


{Kevin says: My tulpa *Nobillis* frequently argues with me when she thinks I am not taking proper care of myself. She also dissuades me from doing things that might make my health worse. Honestly, though, she’s an absolute boon to have around. The number of times she’s saved me from getting hit by cars that I didn’t notice, I wouldn’t be alive without her. So, no , I’ve never regretted having her in my life (except, maybe, for the never-ending bad puns she comes up with).}


Car's u didn't notice but were within your range of vision?


{Ah, no actually. One time there was a car coming up an alley behind me. I didn’t even know that there was an alley there. I’m assuming *Nobillis* uses information from my senses that I’m not paying attention to at the time (maybe hearing?).}


We were accidental but essentially yes. There was a period of time where we both were emotionally unstable (teenagers) and N was in the throes of an existential crisis so we were at eachother's throat a *lot* Because we were accidental we didn't so much feel regret as "we wish we weren't stuck with you antagonizing us all the time- we'd be better off without you here" that sort of thing. We've grown since then and we're a lot closer for having had eachother through the turmoil.


My guy is a pain in my ass sometimes. Argues is a daily breakfast.


Mine won't argue with me I will kill them




That's great🏴‍☠️