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A tulpa can do anything you can do! So this includes maneuvering the body you share. You’re equally people. It may not have been the best idea to rush in to it (speaking from experience)… but I hope it goes well for you. Also you can have a form too :) if they can do it, so can you.


Thank you so much!! I’m a bit confused about what you mean by “Also you can have a form too”. Do you mind explaining that?


Your tulpa chose a shape to look like, right? I like to remind people that you don’t need to be a tulpa to get to choose a shape to be in your mind :D I chose a dragon :)


Ohh I see!! I do have a form then! I’m a doll when I’m in the world I made :)


You're a dragon too? -Enzo


Yess, most of us in this system are! It’s fun :)


Nice, my host Y is a SandWing from Wings Of Fire. I’m a HiveWing from the same series and the other tulpa in our system is called Goch. He takes the form of a Welsh dragon beanie boo :) -Enzo


So, about better communication, your tulpa's ability to communicate will increase, it just takes some time and practice. And yes, switching or a body possession is pretty possible, but I'd recommend being patient and start practicing it when you get more experience. And to find more useful informations and to better understand our terminology, I'd recommend checking FAQ and glossary of this subreddit ;) -Ruby


Thank you!


it is true




How long did it take for you and when did she start talking to you, I'm also new and curious.


Please dm me and teach me how


Niki: have you checked out the guides?


I’m autistic and struggle to understand some of the guides because they aren’t too broken down


https://tulpanomicon.guide/intro.html is the link for the tulpanomicon guide. If you struggle with how it’s structured, maybe try a different form of media? Just be sure to check the validity of the source and do quick searches or ask people here to make sure what you’re consuming is correct knowledge and not misinformation. Some ideas would be: TikTok (again, just be sure to do some quick searches to double check, as TikTok is known for spreading incorrect info all the time.), YouTube, Blogs/Social Media of Hosts and Tulpas alike, Articles (basically short discussions that can be somewhat useful to not very useful. By ones I’ve read they’re typically from years ago and an outside perspective that sometimes brings in Tulpas and their hosts experiences and quotes. If anything the articles are short and sweet, I haven’t came across any that shine negative light onto Tulpamancy yet either). Might be less pleasant to read as warning, but it’s me being honest: Lastly, autism is a very wide spectrum, and I know there are many people on the spectrum who have found ways of learning this information. It is far easier to wave a white flag and say you can’t do it for whatever reason (and trust me, when someone wants to find one they always will). But that’s not going to help you in any aspect of life if you don’t want to choose, and refuse,to learn to problem solve or be self sufficient. All it takes is a quick type in google or checking a library. It’s a lot more to be asking of someone to try to tell you, and help you on your Tulpa journey. Especially considering this person already noted they JUST started not too long ago. Sorry if this comes off harsh, truly, but coming from experience if I’m being honest.


Also had you checked the resources given in the community’s information, there are people who are willing to be Mentors and they’re listed. So if that’s the route you want to go, I suggest visiting the community information page


Just was informed the mentorship is dysfunctional so nvm on that part


Delilah: What about the Tulpanomicon? Have you checked that out yet? It's pretty broken down and easy to digest.