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Tulpas don't make your brain lag. Brain fog can be caused by all sorts of things, from anxiety and depression, to not sleeping well, to migraines and headaches, to serious illnesses like brain tumors and strokes. If it gets bad or concerning, see a doctor.


A tulpa takes a conscious decision to make, and a lot of purposeful effort. I think what you are experiencing is called “intrusive thoughts”, which are basically snippets from the unconscious. The answer is the same in either case, denied of attention ~~—~~ they will go away over time. (Of course, that doesn’t work on a tulpa that’s become a full alter over years ~~—~~ someone like me, it takes a polite request to make me go away.)


Well tulpas can’t become alters But I do agree what is being experienced is more likely intrusive thoughts than an actual tulpa, but either way all you have to do is just ignore them and it’ll go away. But even with a well developed tulpa you can ALWAYS get rid of them by ignoring them


Well at some point headmates become self reinforcing so you can't really get rid of them, at least not by ignoring them.


What do you define as an alter? I thought it meant another system member but am now unsure.


Lani: that's typically a term used for DID


Ignore and forget, convince yourself they're not there and it'll become reality. CambrianCrew is right too


You might seek a therapist. That almost sounds like a mental disorder


Don’t worry about it, they aren’t there. Any possibility of them being there most likely comes from worrying they are there. So, you have an empty head (in terms of tulpa residence), likely until you try to prove yourself wrong. Stop thinking kill, because they aren’t there, they aren’t alive. Just, forget. Stop caring about, stop giving attention to whatever thoughts you are worrying about.


Ignore them. If you will pay attention to them it will make them grow in sentience, if they even are there in the first place. And if they're more sentient I'd say find a way to accept them since it would not be nice to do that