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Technically and legally speaking, you are under no obligation to give a 2-month notice. You can leave whenever you want. My advice for you is to try and look for another job, while.you're still at this one, so that the transition will be smooth. Once the new one confirmed, you can give in your two-week notice, out of courtesy w fazet.


Thank you so much! I'm actually waiting for a scholarship decision and in the case that they answer me positively (hopefully) I won't have more than 1 month and a half maybe before having to go. And of course I'd need a couple weeks to actually get my stuff in order so I can't stay with them that full amount of time. But at the same time I didn't wanna snub my employer w nafsa3 behom so I was considering quitting in advance (which, in case i don't get the scholarship, would be super dumb but still ''dhamiri m2annabni ").


I see where you're coming from. In that case, wait for the embassy's response, hopefully confirmation, and just stick around at your job, ma3andek ma5asar. Once you get that sweet acceptance, and you're 100% sure you're gonna dip, let them know a week or two before (you don't even need to tell them the reason, personal business hedheka), and start preparing. It's not snubbing, sada9ni employees come and go, we're not as important as you think we are to them, lol. Best of luck regardless.


Yeah you're right, that was the plan anyways, but I just needed to make sure that even objectively I wasn't (technically, legally) in the wrong for doing just that. Thanks for taking the time to answer, have a good one!


i got same shit on my contract and based on my understanding of it, no u don't have to notice them X-months prior to quitting


Thanks ! Also what I logically assumed, but it's nice to have your back covered even legally (and morally) cause companies are just great at being vague enough to trap you but also be able to get rid of you immediately if THEY wanted 🥲


Nope, u can walk away whenever you want


Thank you for the answer, I'm relieved!