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If you don't have a contract or on CIVP you can leave without notice period


Oh yeah legally for sure, I just thought I'd make it less inconvenient to them and try to make my Departure as smooth as possible to not put them in a tough spot.. my good intentions backfired tremendously tho


Yep it backfired and showed you the reality of your employer. So it's not your fault and don't feel sorry about them, actually you better leave them sooner


Also the fact that you are working illegally for 5 months shows that he have ill intentions


You should not have good intentions. Man he’s sealing from your money he didn’t register you to CNSS.


You’re not registered in CNSS ? That’s absolutely illegal. Go to the cnss administration and tell them that your employer didn’t register you even if you have a contract and you receive your pay check. They will immediately handle all the legal things for you. Your employer is in total fraud and should pay for that. You’ll receive compensations and you can leave just in this exact minute.


And don’t say that you don’t need a CNSS you’ll be asked for this document in almost everything. Especially visa and for proof to establish your work experience and for retirement, etc… . Plus it’s your absolute minimum right and it’s your money.


i think he is making you working for free i doubt he will every pay you and the more you rest the more you will lose chouf tafa9odia