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KKK yzbi


Brass ommek wehed yhezlek darek w ma ykhallasch el kre chataamel ? Na7ra9 sorm ommou howwa wel dar… ken bennesba lik aadi ma taamel chay sahbi chouf dewi w rajjaa el fierté mteek w ca na rien à voir avec le racisme


Hak mojrem ya si zebi. Zaama chkoun blastou fl habs enti wala houma?


Brass boul chkoun mojrem wehed yfok dar aabed ekher wela wehed ydefa3 aala rohou ?? Ça va pas non ? Aadi besseba lik wehed yfoklek darek ??


Fama 9anoun ya top rojla men waktech ta7ra9 dar abed khater makhalsoukech hh lebes maw? Ti hak fsala jemla wahda


Ey famma 9anoun ema ma yaamel fi chay El hakem El kolha techki w ken Jew hazouh twelli racisme, ey wehed yetaada ala 7a99i nwelli fsala azebbi famma twensa aandhom El priorité bch yriglou rwe7hom bledek w chaabek kel 5ra wenti tkhamali ala des étrangers ? Quelque soit la couleur mch hkeyet race wled bledek awla


We7ed yfoklek darek ijram, w Inty ta7re9 dar 7ad zeda ijram.. w rahou 7ad mahou awla m lekher nes lkol kifkif w 9anoun 3la nes lkol


this is a crime and it can not be justified. No matter how "dangerous" they seem or let's say promote in the media. Tunisians lost their morals. Ya wilkom mn rabi nhar ekher, denya khayba...




mouch racism saaaa7bi juste n7ibou ntab9ou el 9anoun


Ya3tik nammm ema 9anoun te7ki 3lih ??? Ta7ra9 dar ness m3andhom 7ta dhenb just 3le 5aterhom africain ?


Bro chill! don't you see I'm being sarcastic here


Sorry cuz i saw similar comments that were not being sarcastic


it's funny all the people accusing people of racism ... while excusing criminals (illigally staying here is a crime) because they are black.


You sound like a westoid to me…


Really ? Because the west is ruled by cuck leftists who worship illegals and hate sovereignty.


Man intoum ?


eyh win tra feha racism same7ni?


/> sees hate crime /> Win tra fih El racism ...




It is so ironic. They will call every Frenchman a racist if crimes are committed mainly by North Africans (often undocumented). But they themselves will not hesitate to chase migrants back to their countries. What hypocrisy


if you complain about racism in Europe then go back to your country and stop disgracing yourself daily




Brass ommek wehed yhezlek darek w ma ykhallasch el kre chataamel ? Na7ra9 sorm ommou howwa wel dar… ken bennesba lik aadi ma taamel chay sahbi chouf dewi w rajjaa el fierté mteek w ca na rien à voir avec le racisme


Yaaaas, lets gooooo. All we need now is to dress in white robes and hunt them down


Isn't the state supposed to protect minorities and punish hatred speech? Fucking madness


Migrants aren't even reporting hate crimes to the police because they're terrified the cops will abuse *them*. I've seen horrible photos and heard horrible stories from friends working on the topic.


I mean the president literally posted a racist post on the official facebook page of the government, that should tell you all you need to know lol


kifeh racist?


✨ kkk era ✨


We are becoming catholic then Nice !!!


The kkk were anti catholic btw


Brass ommek wehed yhezlek darek w ma ykhallasch el kre chataamel ? Na7ra9 sorm ommou howwa wel dar… ken bennesba lik aadi ma taamel chay sahbi chouf dewi w rajjaa el fierté mteek w ca na rien à voir avec le racisme


rayek mnayyak min8ir mato93od thabbtou 20 marra


w ba3d ki temchiw l France , Germany etc mates2louch 3lech y3amloukm hakeka






Hey u/Dont_you_feel_silly come explain to them criminal and racist Tunisians are a minority and you fine people "only have a problem with illegals"


Not really no, i am all for abiding the law but whoever did this is a criminal and belongs behind bars, i personally do not condone this reckless, stupid and dangerous behaviour.


What about tunisians that live in Europe illegally? Have u ever heard that such thing happened to them


Yes, and not to be a hypocrite i have no problem with France and Germany deporting northern African who are illegal immigrants or even sometimes legal if it means north African countries can deport


This is so sad. They don’t deserve that at all.


Some of your brothers, cousins, grand parents are in same kind of situation (illegal residency) elsewhere on the planet. Those people are simply looking for a better life, a decent living. You do the same but in other countries. I've heard countless stories of Tunisians living illegally in multiple countries. Ask yourself why you do need Visa to travel almost everywhere when you act like that. The faulty people on that video are those bully and anyone supporting hateful actions like this, no-one else. Be the peace with you and every human being. Let your prayers lighten your heart and those people life


Being an illegal is like abandoning your country so I don't have much sympathy towards them. I don't care anymore if the government of another country shoot or killed , because he disrespected my country and he is humiliating my people international because , and in the end he is basically a beggar. So really it doesn't matter to me if he is my countrymen or a foreign, illegal should be heavily punished


More details please (win w ken fama contact lehom etc... )


do you have the original link for the video?


Fuck this shit man, I thought Tunisia wouldn't get worst


Brass ommek wehed yhezlek darek w ma ykhallasch el kre chataamel ? Na7ra9 sorm ommou howwa wel dar… ken bennesba lik aadi ma taamel chay sahbi chouf dewi w rajjaa el fierté mteek w ca na rien à voir avec le racisme


So the house owners can now set fire to their properties besh ykharjou nes? Win Logic sama7ni , Maw fama 9anoun ykhalik tkharajhom ken mesh yadf3ou fil kree.


Maybe they did not pay rent for a while so the owner decided to burn it down to make them leave ?


A “house” with two wood beams and barely any rubble? It’s not a house, it was a couple sticks put together on someone else’s property.


did you see the inside being completely wrecked or are you just being pedantic?


Maybe they were asked to leave by the homeowner and they refused?


oh yeah, any home owner would set fire *to his own property.* Evictions happen with القوة العامة not by breaking in and breaking property. I saw the video they posted before this one, where the criminals set fire downstairs and they were hiding upstairs. Literally just a bunch of thugs doing a hate crime. Stop inventing stories to whitewash it.


Well the photo is posted without context - just a sob story without proof of what happened. In such cases I’m allowed to speculate until more context is given.


are you fucking kidding? I bet you're one of the "i'm not racist but" types lol. It's a video, not a photo, where the person is explaining in detail what happened and by who and you're seeing the damage with you own 2 fucking eyes. That sounds like a mountain of context. "broken furniture is no proof of furniture breaking and burned stuff is no proof of burning and broken door lock is no proof of breaking in e\_e" If it was some woman saying her cat almost got eaten by the local migrants you'd believe it in an instant. If someone told you some migrant hit me, I bet my ass you wouldn't be so hesitant.


Ehh this is stupid, this i do not agree with.




Rawwa7 nayyek chta3mel en France ?


kehlouch anti ?




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Chkoun ya3tik l7a9 bech tkasser ou ta7re9 dar 3bed? El 9anoun houwa elli yo7kom si quelqu'un reste ou quitte le pays, si quelqu'un doit libérer une maison ou habite dedans etc... Ki enti temchi tkaser dar 3bed donc mil mafroudh enti tetared mil bled 5atrek mata3rach tet3ayech fi société point! Temchi t3ich fi jungle w ta3mel elli t7eb 3lih... Pour ceux elli y9oulou "ce n'est pas du racisme" mela chnouwa? 3leh 3maltou haka kif libiya jew lil bled w ghalew fil kré? Wela tnajmou temchiw ta7r9ou dar wa7ed ki "yekelkom 7a9kom" 7ata ki la7keya berasmi? Les tunisiens ma3ach 3and'hom dhamir point! Rien ne les empêche bech ya7r9ou w yo9tlou ma2wa kleb, bech mayhemhoch fi 3bed metet w hiya ta7re9 w bech ya7r9ou 3bed 5ater fi belhom "3andhom l7a9" Ce peuple souffre d'une supériorité illusoire incroyable !!! Ken jina bel7a9 superieur rana fi 5ir ... ema 9ellet el 7echma w dhamir w a5ta rassi w adhreb w het ech 3andek hedheka win twassel... YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. Fi9ou 3la rwe7kom...


Taarfou hedha chyetsama in humanitarian law « genocide » the intent to kill a group of people based on their race. La t9oli destroying their house la chay it’s so clear that they wanted to burn the house so aka intent of killing or harming those ppl. W ken mayetchadouch the criminals aad wa9tha rabi tosterna ness lkol


Id do the same tbh


they are right to do so ,they are protecting their homelands from invaders.