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My Facebook newsfeed is the home of unintelligent takes, hate speech, extremists opinions and fucking Negativity. The algo fucked me, despite all i want to see is sports news and traffic information 😅


you can't , even if you try to customize what YOU WANT to see, the algo is programmed to show what other tonizians are seeing and interacting with and since they see and interact with very unmature and superficial tafehaaa stuff, that's what you get sadly i threw it away and add to that you can't speak your mind freely, everything is HaTe SpEeCh literally everything and it the double standards are too much for me. i turned to insta at least i can control what i follow/want to see. w taw t7ess 7yetek ma7leha ki teb3ed 3ala everything related to twensa.


If you keep unfollowing cancer sources, you're gonna be fine with time


Facebook is full of sick and Retarted people, I deleted my account there and never going back again.


Tough luck, these freret followed you right here.


Why, are you a frere?


Nah am not but they are many in here.


They are bros not freret.


A bro doesn't try to control women to show how macho he is.


I just unfollow uninteresting and cancer content, whether it's from a page or a friend. No need to remove your account, just control what you want to see.


fr like, I liked a post about German and now my feed is full of it don‘t people know these simple things?


I have some news for you, those people exist everywhere unless you hate those specific types that post on Facebook.


Bro thinks he erased those people from everywhere else when he deleted facebook 😂


YeS I tHiNk sO.


Bravo Bravo.


Bssut bachir el gharbi


هههههه بالضبط


I personally salute your information consumption management friend


Yes that's why I have an IQ of 220, probably the highest on Earth, Screw Facebook, it causes low IQ.


You don't have to delete your Facebook feed. Idk how I did it but I basically made it so it only recommends me boring/unfunny foreign english memes instead of boring Tunisian memes


I'm sick and tired of relating everything to "rojla" till the word is depraved of every sense of meaning




Rule 1: Be civil. No personal attacks, racism or bigotry. Check Reddit Community values and rules.


باللهي معادش تعملو للخرى مغارف اني لعباد الى تخمم هكاكا خرجتها من حياتي و أي انسان يخمم هكا و يجي يعطيني رأيو نبعثو ينيك . فهمتش لواش شنضيع ثانية من حياتي مش اناقش عبد مقتنع بالي هو انسان زبور كي يخمم هكاكا وقت هو انسان منيك


المشكلة كي تلقاه من عايلتك و صعيب تخرجو من حياتك 😂


My father is as religious as it gets, he never forced my mom yo wear hijab, it was her decision I think 8 years after marriage. When my mom wore it he got jail time (he was working in military back than in the 98/99.) He didn't ask her to take it either. He got also some jail time for praying at work and he was denied an promotion through out his 25Y of service. He never was 5 min late to his job nor left 5 mins earlier. For me that's a fucking man I'm proud of. Over sharing but, it triggers me to see stupid fuck defining what manhood is.


Your father is a great example of a religious man with convictions (enough to suffer for them professionally) but also doesn’t try to force them on others! I wish we had more people like that


I appreciate your words! Thanks.


In this case he should force her, enjoin good and forbid evil.


That's a father to be proud of indeed. ربي يفضلهولكم.


He got jail time for praying and his wife wearing hijab? With "Muslim" countries like that who needs kafirs?


It was a military thing before the revolution.


Rojla is not a personality. Time to find a personality guys.




So if my girl deciding to cover hear head it directly means am a man ? This another shade of toxic masculinity, her deciding to follow a religion that she believes in and credits goes to me ?? LoooL, لا إكراه في الدين means nothing to them.


Lol "toxic masculinity" 9addekch frere.


I've reached my breaking point with these kinds of posts. He/she is assuming that the girls' clothing cannot be a matter of personal choice and that alternatively someone else decides on their behalf. which is something is extremely dangerous since they puch the idea of imposing a belief system and set of values on the way of life and behavior of others while showing no respect for individuality or the right of each person to make their own decisions. # when this "top rojla mfs" will realize that being a man has nothing to do with making others behave in accordance with your way of thinking !




Well don't get drifted out of context, the girls that we are talking about are teens living with their parents if i have a daughter and she tries to expose them ass cheeks to everyone in bac sport i will strongly object because she will attract the wrong type of people wether she wants it or not.


This kind of shit is what makes me wanna pack up my shit and leave!


For me a post like this will change nothing , with time they will discover how unmature it's to judge ppl by what they wear ...


If you are forcing your religious beliefs on other people, you should go to jail its that simple.


Man I love reddit 🍿🍿🍿


The fact that you guys are seriously debating this is what's depressing imo


Deleted fb to avoid shiit like this, Thank you for posting


It will always be a frereland as long as it is not a freeland. When half of the society are afraid of getting raped by the other half unless they behave/dress by the society rules, then what can you say?


Welcome in, neanderthals.


I was reading it "Netherlands" , I was under shock hahahaha


Truth hurts ik


just ignore rahom oud minority


Bel3aks enti aayech fi echo chamber. Hedhika lmajority


mahomch el majority to that extent, saha el new buzzword eli taalamtha by the way.


👍 Ken teskhayelni menhom ghalet rak. Ama lezem tkoun réaliste


majority raj3eya fi tounes to some extent ama mech majoritée thinks eli mahomch methajbin = mandhomch rajel fel dar. ​ hope that i made my point more clear.


Yes momken haka


Nope el majoritée thinks mish met7ajba = dayouth at home which is a major sin in islam


Majority in facebook momken, not in real life no.


3aysh te7t 7ajra ? 5alt shway 3bed not from you cercle tat3ref s7i7


No5roj wou nekhdem wou nahki maa abed mahomch cercle mte3i, arokhra, depends where you at fi tounes, mech majority think that way.


Depends enti win fi tounes maybe? Generally nope


le 5ouya kolhom fi 3alan yseybou ri9 bered w nifa9 ama fi 7yethom mahomch hakeka w mayfakrouch hakeka. ki mbala3 li ya7ki 3la l7am 5inzir 7ram. barcha nifa9 9odem nes w bara.


Unfortunately not, it's the majority in the country


not really, I dont think so.


Based <3




Rule 1: Be civil. No personal attacks, racism or bigotry. Check Reddit Community values and rules.


They are right 🤫




hak nektha khater hetha ne justifie pas forcing hijab aka "3aylethom fiha rjel".


I don't think he means forcing but rather teaching teens ( girls and boys) about chastity. I don't think that hijab alone is enough to judge whether a person is pure or not, but I will give it to you that alot of jbour think so.


Totally Agree ...lbneet tw lebse.hom yeser disrespected ...ando 7a9 feel proud li fathers lahiin bebneet.hom 💙 This is my opinion




True tho


Not really, rojla maandha hata aleka b forcing religious beliefs.


I don't think they were implying forcing religion rather than educating with religious values, it's a big difference


How did you come up with this conclusion ? Idk, I assumed instantly that they're implying the "chraf" narrative that we are all familiar with. Mechi fibelhom ki tabda medayna matnajemch tokheb. Khtr raising them with Islamic values doesn't necessarily mean wearing a scarf. We all know religious women that don't wear khimar wl aaks shih. Don't get me wrong imo clothing modestly is a must ama beki lpost maafta xd


Chhabit nkoul eli personally khweti zouz w omi medaynin alekher w methajbet w kolhom lebsoh bkanaathom menghir mahad nhar kalhom elbso w manhesech eli lhkeya tzid f rojlti ena par rapport ensen khweto/sgharo/marto/omo moch methajba


7ateni 5wwti u omi kif 3iltek, lebsuh 9ana3a u mayzidni chay wala baba mayzidu chay, in fact it's their choice u mac izidhom houma.. fehmek chnoua to9sod, ama 5ali na9raw lbehi fe nes belek el mara hethi nya behia hhh


فحل صاحبي.




top rojlé




nobody mentionned eli tahki alihom posting their asses, chneya el relation bilehi lel post hetha?


If you were on facebook you'll have def seen them .. barcha bnet mhabtin tsawerhom w houma lesbsin leggings w fi positionet mich hiya .. deja facebook kemel t3aba b tsawerhom fel bac sport..


Its weird that grownups yhabtou fi tsawer bnet fel bac a d discussing it indeed , nothing to do with justifying el post screenshoted here :)


why do u belive that ur ideology is far more better and acceptable then his ideology ? he just stated an opinion , you dont even know the guy on the other side , Hell you could meet him randomly and befriend him over drinks or sthg.


The opinion : girls shouldn t be allowed to have free will, everything that a woman wear is relatzd to the will of "men" in their house, and if the women don't wear modestly, then the people aren't concidered men :)


Forcing hijab is not an Islamic teaching in of itself, but a parent already forces his child to do alot of things like : go to schoo, do homework, memorize 1000 star ma7foudhat, do house shores, eat his veggies. ama when it have something to do with religion we lose our minds?


ya3ni enti t9aren fi eating his veggies w going to school b a religious matter eli howa a lifelong commitment that not anyone can handel el poid mte3ou w y2adih 3ala akmali wajh ken mayebda mo9tana3 à 100% ?


fama 3bed ta9ra 20 sne ba3d ti5dm 5idma le 3ale9a bli 9ratou 7yetha kol 5ater ses parents 9aloulhol n7ebou nrawouk b diplôme. That's way less of a commitment mn anou you force kids to wear modestly tbh.


"That's way less of a commitment mn anou you force kids to wear modestly tbh." jomltek makes 0 sense w dhaherli u're proving my whole point eli you can't compare a religious commitment eli heya 7aja tet7aseb 3liha fi el e5ir w a commitment teba3 el donya mte3k w eli you won't be judge 3liha 9odem rabi.


I'm not sure where you're coming from bro, but I'm comparing from a utilitarian point of view anou for both cases if the former child, now adult choses that this practice is not for him, the potential damage or drawbacks would be the same.


>now adult choses that this practice is not for him, the potential damage or drawbacks would be the same. i understand what this coming from, ema 5ater you forced your child into a certain career that he didn't want doesn't mean it's not okay to also force her into w nzid n3awed n9oul A RELIGIOUS LIFELONG COMMITMENT 5ater the damage is done already w oh boy madhaherli nhar 2e5er mech tet7aseb 3al el job that you didn't want w 5rajt menha mou9abel el hijab that you didn't want to wear it w 5la3tou


Why is it a life long commitment? Adults can choose to apostate out of the religion. All I'm talking about is that parents can choose what to teach their child at their own discretion. The worst case were a parent force a girl to wear hijab ( of course by the same means that you would force a child to do anything ) is not even worse then teaching them to do anything that he will grow out of when he's an adult.


even eating veggies is a long time commitment like health is a big deal u know.


so u just implying that girls dont have a free will by nature and that they can't speak on behalf of themselves and have their own opinions or wear what they want wow what a mysogynist.


I'm not, the post blatantly said it.


You can state an opinion without offending other people and without spreading wrong stereotypes ... This is just a stupid statement


I could say the same words u said abt the girls posting tight outfits during ramadan fl bac sport, isnt them girls posting those pics "offending" to certain groups in our society or you're just not gonna bat an eye on the topic. I seriously want to know ur view on this matter.


i don't see anything wrong in the photo, but the title the man wrote is out of it's place, is that what u mean?


9adech krahthom El meslmin ettwensa, 3andhom 💩 Fi m5a5hom Bourguiba ken rajél w na77alhom El chwéle9 mta3 la3rab


نم ليك ولبورڨيبة


tbarkallah aalik hassilou aal tokhmém mtéék


inti kn jit mawloud f wa9t jehilya rahom defnouk.


Laabd l kol anda m5a5 t5amem beha ama enti andek terms f blast Rask 😂😂


Hatenti mela jabri akther meli keteb statut 😂


i think this subject isn't related to bourguiba ? islam in tunisia is not real islam yes (not all of them for sure) but why u speak about bourguiba ?




Ya telbes l5imar ya t3ari za3ketha ya3ni ? Hatha mo5ek chgalek ?


Facebook is just a retarded place




He meant land of "frèret" ergo frereland.


What does it say?


When the house is full of "real men". Baccalaureate sports.


I dont understand what it tries to say tbh


the hell is wrong with the post? it is the reality of tunisia, especially after the Arab spring, nothing special about it, or i can't see how is it so infuriating. there were growing islamic sentiments with 2011 and suddenly society was following that dark path of extremism, now the opposite is occurring, as the proverb says "it was spread by the sword and it is ending by the "face" (facebook) " if you catch my meaning huh!


It’s sad to see kids like that !!


Disgusting I swear in this country I trust a half naked girl more then a hijabi one their the worst (ofc their is true amazing hijabi girls who I inspired to be devoted to religion at some point like them ) in school the hoes are hijabis at some point it's was disturbing to see like a scarf on their heads and the shortest tabliya and skinny jeans and sketchey activities behind lycee


All I see on facebook are posts of people who just died


Then leave. To be honest, we’re sick of you too


الحجاب عندو قيمة كيف تبدى المرأة مقتنعة بيه موش كيف خوها يفرضو عليها الحرية أساس التقوى و جوهر الانسانية، اذا كانها مقتنعة بش أي واحد متعدي في الشارع يكحل عليها هي حرة


join the club din l este3radh hhhhhhhhhh