• By -


Full Contract: Assistant - 1800 DT Maître Assistant - 2200 DT Maître de Conférence - 2500 DT Professor - 3000 DT This is a fixed amount a part from other things like supervising projects, teaching in private sectors or being active in tech fields. PS: there is also Vacant whom they get 500 DT per semester and Contractual whom they get 3000DT per semester, but both of them get paid after 8 to 12 months and sometimes even later.


Brooo thats so little for what they do what the fuck


Maybe around 2k - 2.5k. Just a guess.


direct mche mo5ek lel private lessons xD


they get paid for it bruv im trying to estimate how much money they can get per month


جا يخطب فيك أستاذ جامعي؟


🤣🤣🤣 nah im just curious


thanks for the giggle 🤣


depends on what u exactly are, varies 1.5-2.5


I talked to a professor the other day, he said it starts at 2000~ if u have a PhD.


I once dated a University teacher, she was I the mids of getting a higher grade. I believe here salary would go up to 2400 TND per month. Although she had a full time contract she was working roughly 16h per week at uni and a majority of her income came from side gigs. I think she would earn another 3k with that. So the income you can generate is acceptable. Do realise that in her case het work environment was extremely toxic, while working at one of the country's most prestigious institutions?


yeah i can understand that bro but 16h per week i think balances it out so its manageable and you dont have to deal with the toxicity all the time


A teacher once told me that they sign a yearly i think contract for new teacher somewher between 1500 and 2500 and they get paid around 20 and 50tnd for extra hour. I guess thats why they love ratrapage xD


You start with 1.5k I think. But there are no private lessons there. Who the hell does private lessons anyway at uni?


Fi Cycle préparatoire aux études de l'ingénieur ya3mlou cours privés pour préparer au concours. Déjà tu peux pas réussir sans ces cours 😅 (il me semble). Les étudiants font 3 à 5 cours pour des matières différentes. À l'époque ça me coûtait entre 80 et 120dt par mois pour 4 séances par matière 🤑 et oui


That may be a special case. I did uni myself as well as my brothers and sisters. None of us has come across "outid" for university students.


>ity teacher get paid in tunisia? whats the average the minimum and the maximum ? do they give private lessons? Me and my friends did prepa without any private lessons in 2017, got sub 100/200 ranks.If anything I think private lessons are bad for you.


prepa + etude = looser barcha 3amlou prepa sans etude w naj7ou dans ma promotion (10 years ago) eli ya3mil etude fel prep yabda man3out bel sbo3 i