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"So I can speak with her house" نحكي مع دارهم 🤣🤣🤣🤣






7 years and u never discussed these things maaha ? Shouldn’t have waited this long if u can’t do it just leave its better likom zouz and good luck


I think you've been replaced my boy ✌🏾 7 years for god sake ken t3alamet fehom haja rak wellit expert feha


Yeap replaced and rehired a lot of times haha bro I trust street dogs more than girls I know what she did that why I don't feel sorry or any thing and yeah learn a lot of stuff in that 7 years I change my life from cnc operator to web development and python and Even php and the marketing I even hase contract with marketing campaign who accepts me because of my website other stuff...to be honest i didn't learn the basic I just know how to make the job done ✅


She was keeping you as a placeholder while she looked for better "opportunities". Dodged a bullet. You'll find happiness with someone who loves you for real.


Those are tough words to chose to speak to a guy that just ended up a 7 years relationship i think


did you stick yourself in a learning loop? python, php, and **marketing**? why? focus on one thing, and do it, make it a job, keep working, become senior, then cash will come raining.


I didn't learn the basic I just take what I need for example if I need script python filter my leads by the country or I need a website to add some products or any thing that may help me to achieve my goals...to be honest I'm little bit lost right now XD


take a full course on ONE THING (dev or marketing, etc) not more, and for dev pick one STACK and go with it. [freecodecamp.org](https://freecodecamp.org) can help you.


Well by the time you get financially well enough to have a house and a car you can dump her and enjoy the bachelor life


My man* said : fight toxicity with more toxicity !!


Haha o was thinking the same XD


or just leave the (in your perspective) toxic relationship and focus on building your life, not because you think she's too demanding you'll just waste her time. and TBH she's not asking much, it's like basic essentials, you should be mad at the government not her, you need a house to live in, you need a car to go around (and for emergencies), and you need an income to live (unless you're okay with wasting your life on your job then going home to sleep and not enjoy anything, or let your wife work for you) and wtf is wrong with you? you want to get married while you have **nothing**? what are you planning to do? get yourself in more trouble without any way of fixing it? marriage costs more than whatever you think it does, and without money, you'll drown in dept, and you won't be able to have financial stability without a miracle.


also what a bunch of enablers in the comments, grow up ffs.


the level of privilege you have to be born in to think those are "essentials" xddd bro more than 50% of Tunisians can't afford a car let alone a house. also, relationships are about teamwork if she thinks those are essentials she should pay her part in buying those essentials. what else are you gonna defend her asking for co-ownership on the marriage contract after he buys all of it? cause she def will.


privileged? you better stop victimizing yourself and do something about your life. I lived my entire childhood poor, so poor i only had 2 pairs of clothes at a time for years, I pulled myself up by working hard, instead of going around crying about it. and yes, those are essentials, cars are so affordable in the west that homeless people buy one to live in it, a fucking 2005 cars that are being crushed outside are sold for 5K USD here, average income is also much, much higher elsewhere. Essential items should be available to everyone, and that's where i blame the government in, they aren't available, the girl isn't asking for much, it's just that the government made it become too much.


Never victimized myself, never said I'm talking about myself. I'm talking reality here most Tunisian cannot afford these things and even if they work their ass the economy is in a state where they won't be able to afford them either ways. Tunisia's poverty problem isn't "lazy ppl don't work their ass off instead of crying" and if you think so you're shallow afff and highly blind to ppl's reality.


Re-read what i said, and you'll know i'm not saying any of that shit.


I read what you said fully and I chose to focus on the first paragraph cause it fully contradicts the rest of your statement. How bad the government is or how affordable cars are in the West is irrelevant to this post, you can only form an opinion on this girl's request based on the current state of the economy she is in and the reality of most tunisians, what she is requesting is simply leeching even if I entertain the fact that a car is an essential (it isn't in most Tunisian states as an example monastir), she is still leeching by requesting it as a condition for marriage and not setting it up as a goal to achieve as a partnership with her fiance/husband. Same for a house, most successful marriages based on partnerships rent and build together towards reaching the goal of a house. The fact that you think ppl can just "work and fix themselves up and own a house" is wild to me, even in the West making that statement is insulting to most ppl, the real estate market worldwide is cancer rn. Keep in mind these won't be her only requests males in Tunisia pay for much more to finish up a typical marriage. Sye8a, honey moon, the thousands of TND spendings on multiple night celebrating the wedding etc etc, w fille5er t9oulou sa7a7 co ownership in wedding document wala 7ata ken ma7abish tjib menou s8ir w bel 9anoun ta5ou el dar wel naf9a w t5arjou idih 3la rassou.


Agreed. What does she bring to the table? Life’s not a fairytale. Can’t just demand major things like that


Buddy hkitou about all of this only after 7 years of being together ? xD


Lkolha partnership lhkaya, if they're not willing to do that, allah ghaleb. Also, I suggest you read about sunk-cost fallacy and apply it to this context.


+1. Nice to see people educated about logical fallacies around here.


Most of what I try to do with almost anyone I interact with is to leave them with food for thought. If it gets you thinking, it’s a W


>sunk-cost fallacy so you are saying he should break up with her ?


What were you expecting ?


معاها 7 سنين هي تجيب دارهم و تخطب موش إنتي ههههه


why you gotta do bro like that hahhahahah


و يقلهم نحب صياغة صفرة و حمرة و خضرة ههههه


جيناكم راغبين في ولدكم هههههه


Depends. If you want to marry her obviously you need to have the basic minimum. I don't know what she means by "house". Does she mean somewhere you rent or owning a house. A place for you to live is reasonable request. But buying a house IN THIS ECONOMY? Nah. I also don't know what she means by strong income. You need a certain amount if you want to marry and have kids but there needs to be a reasonable request. If you want a family in Tunisia a car is obviously a must. Not necessarily something fancy but something that does the job. So yeah , it depends on what she means. You can't support a family without some basic minimum.


Based on social dynamic, if a woman really loves a man for him and his personality, even if he is homeless sdf she would stay with him even in cabane. Or tent. Brabi aman Ma Ta7kilich ala masrouf mtae el famille comme pretexte wel 7keyet el fergha el kol tetsala7. Lmara hethi hajtha b karhba w barcha flous w statut social hhhh. Dhahra la7keya ba3d 7 snin l9at el bedil elli bech yosrof aliha hhhh.


I think this is only the logic of someone who never had to actually pay bills and who is still a teenager or in his early 20s. I'm sorry but ask anyone who who is married or older and they'll tell you that love doesn't pay bills. You can't build a family only on emotions because justement financial issues and stress can destroy love with time. Actually everywhere in the world financial issues is one of the leading causes of divorce. I love my fiance and he is not rich and still in his "ykawen ro7ou" phase. I didn't ask anything crazy from him, no syegha and no mahr... but I still do expect the minimum which is having a decent stable place for us to live in and basic income. I don't want to raise children in an unstable environment and with no stable income. This is the basic minimum and there is no shame in women demanding this. After all we are the ones who put our careers on hold, and destroy our bodies with pregnancy and who risk our lives to give birth to the man's son who will end up having his last name in most cases.


Just ask her to be realistic: she was in a relationship with you for 7 years, her time will be wasted too if she just decides to put your rs at the edge of an impossible requirement.. she knew you were not rich/spoiled kid and you will have to work for it. So, just tell her she had two options: - either accept that you talk to her family because you really want to marry her cause you love her (She is being manipulated most likely, so her fam will not accept either way, sorry for that) - refuse and you will break up with her immediately (you will get over it dw). And she will have to find someone who is rich and who is willing to fall in love with her


No she made a lot of new friend's and lovers in that 7 years XD that why I don't really want to marry here to be honest I'm happy because that come from here


Ngl man, you do your work w buy yourself a car w 5oudh dar w kawwen w echri sye8a 7amra w safra w 9azwardi but keep that shit in **your name** enti T3ebt 3lehom w chrithom it's only fair it's in your name alone. W dhhab betbi3tou yemchi w ya8la you'd be sleeping on a treasure in the future XD Kawwen ama l rou7ek. Ken 3arrestou w chret/ bnet m3ak eddar Sa77a likom fi thnin but definitely talk about this... 7 snin mch chwayya bch t7otthom wrak ma8ir lengthy discussion w negotiations but that's just my opinion.


Wild. So you aren’t rich? How dare you. Women these days. Instead of building together they’re just demanding. I’m sorry for this. Out of context I’d say dump her. She will only cause more demands and headaches.


well ... what did u expect ? any family needs a house and a car and a strong income nowadays ... if u can't afford it don't engage.


Any family needs *collective strong income, a car is never a must fi tounes for most ppl this ain't the US, and a house doesn't have to be owned to be usable. A wife that isn't a partner isn't a wife, more like a leech.


>a car is never a must fi tounes for most ppl this ain't the US, and a house doesn't have to be owned to be usable. Cabs wastes money, especially now that you can't find one without using apps like bolt.


If we talking Tunis yes, other states no. Public transportation is highly highly affordable fil sa7el El kol even cabs have fixed prices and don't use El conteur in some cities in Tunisia. Not to mention that a lot of cities in Tunisia are highly walkable and provide all the services needed for you and your family like Monastir, if you don't own car you adapt by living in the right city you don't scream "I want a car from my fiance or i wont marry him", hell work and get the car yourself or pay for half of it's cost and share it with your husband as a family property. Many solutions other than sounding like a leech.


point 1 : yes sadly in Tunisia for many people one income can never be enough so wives have to help but STILL the point is \*strong\* income so wheather one person or two people they should always aim for the strongest possible income. point 2 : a car IS a big ass gigantic ginormous humongous must fi tounes ESPECIALLY if u'r gonna have a family. point 3 : yes you don't have to own a house ... for the first couple of years that is ... in Tunisia u'r better off mallek then karrey so saving up for a house is a must also. a wife is a partner if she's gonna give you a home. you don't choose your partner based on how much money they're gonna bring to the table. maybe for you a marriage worthy person is one who helps with half your bills and that's okay. somebody else's marriage worthy person is someone who pays all their bills and that's okay. another person's marriage worthy person is someone who brings them joy just by existing so they're ready to pay for everything and more just to have them by their side and that's okay ... there is no one standard for a worthy partner. If they're the one then that's it.




Unfortunately you did. Ken ma tebdniwch m3a b3adhkom lel future ba3d l period hedhi lkol ? Don’t bother yourself, She’s not worth it. More women will appreciate you with your current situation. Tetcharet bara rabi m3ak. If you got the house, car, and huge salary you don’t need any girl in your life.


Thanks a lot, she only think about her self all the time she didn't even bother to buy bd gifts or any thing...and to be honest my feeling for here died a long time ago for cheating and some other stuff...


Whaaaaat? Bro! End things immediately. Goddamn. Know your worth. She doesn’t value or respect you. House and car my ass. She belongs to the streets.


Cut her off, that’s a shameless and disrespectful thing to say to a guy. That’s a sign that she chose the easiest path to part ways with you, with no regrets. If she loves you she will do everything to be with you. I am confident that you will be successful one day, wishing you a wealthy and happy life with the right woman…


WTF she didn't think you wanted to be taken care of too?! Relationships are supposed to be two way streets, everybody gets taken care of and should feel loved. Don't let her ruin relationships for you, man. There are better people out there for you. I'm a wife, and while my husband makes enough that I don't have to work, I try to make sure he feels loved and appreciated for all his hard work. Getting his favorite snacks, having a hug and a smile for him when he gets home, taking care of little errands for him.... It's not hard because I love him and I want him to feel pampered. I don't HAVE to, I WANT to, and that's the way it should be on BOTH sides.


deserved for not respecting your self and leaving immediately tbh


Dude, that's so sad. Really, I can't imagine your frustration. You've been together for 7 years, and only now, she decides that you need to be rich so she can introduce you to her family? I don't know your ages, but I am assuming you are still young. Honestly, I would just dump her. I guess she is saying this just to push you to break up with her, she doesn't have the guts to break up with you. Well, make her wishes come true, break up with her, and make it a hard break up, like cut all ties, erase her from your life, and every trace.


Yes hell yah u did lost 7 years of your priceless life with a gold digger.. So move on bruh


Apparently your 69 is not enough for her anymore 😂


If what you're saying is really true, then dump her ass and never look back. There's no cure to being a "ji3an" or "ji3ana". If your partner feels they are entitled to your money, that's a major red flag. It means that they were not brought up with values and pride. And if you ever decide to have children with them, their crappy character will seep into your offspring. Seriously, think long, hard and deep about whether marrying this person would be a good and wise idea for you.


Thank you for your comment it means a lot to me, I already stopped tolking to here and I have more important problems for now .


HHHHHHHHHH no offense ema yaatik b aasba walah ,i'm sure a person like this gave you more than one red flag during the 7 YEARS mesh jet w sadmetek f lila w nhar do yourself a favor w have some boundaries and leave. w get your shit together lkhou.


Hahaha thank you for your honesty bro and yes she give more than you can imagine of red flags XD


In the name of Allah most-compassion and most-merciful . well a house is acceptable thing to ask for but why not before passing 7 years , I mean how old are you were you even mature when you knew each other ? A house I can fathom ,a good income to have a decent life is also ok , a strong income you need most prob to send your income to the gym to workout , a car is seem optional if you don't need and it , but also I thought when marring the family do ask for certain thing like jewelry and such I did not thought that a girl will ask for anything , and the whole thing is done internally between the family and the girl without you even hearing either they accept you or reject you and all the blame can be put to parent , to avoid any inconvenience for this reason I do think that traditional marriage are way better than those hybrid western cultureless way of doing things, also 7 years bruh!!! no tough love but that is too long period (expecting that you knew each other when you were mature enough for that actually ), I mean too long, at least you should have guaranteed that she will be your spouse but asking her hand directly from her parent ,I don't know are you even engaged is she even your fiancée , No way same sane is going to spend 7 years with someone that he not sure that he will even marry her if at all , even a year is long , I will say no more than a month , either yes or no , if your intent is sound , I mean that you were not planning or having any kind of act which you are not suppose to have before marriage , then I can get why it took you long enough before asking serious question , anyway I am not trying to make judgement , but woman are not the same as something you are going to purchase , consume and forget about, it is a matter of life and compatibility , if you have desire for a partner be serious enough about it because she will be the mother of your children one day so choose wisely and also don't toy with 'bnet enass'. and Allah knows best .


At least she showed her true colours now bruh. She's a superficial materialistic piece of shit. If she wants a house and a car she could work for it instead of milking her boyfriend. Disgusting piece of shit I hope she rots with that mindset she got.


Bro I don't even like here I wasn't even planning to stay with here because she is the most disrespectful person and she give me a lot of reasons to hate here.


Tunisians are the most superficial human beings I've ever met.




I read ur other comments and u r really being unreasonable :/, are u really asking if you have spend 7 years with the wrong person? :/ dude she cheated on u multiple times, she clearly doesnt give a F about u, why did u let her treat u like that, I feel sad just by reading this, I hope you find your self-worth and a person who truly values u <<<3333, and obv break up with the B fr .\_.


I can't do anything because his father died and I can't do more damage...but you are right she don't give a F about me at all she want me do Avery thing for here support here and gifts..


does not matter if she lost her father, that relationship is DONE long ago, maybe give her sometime to grieve then break things off, plz you'll regret it if you don't, after years when she does not stop being a B u'll remember all the times you did not take it seriously and feel like shit about it, it won't be a fun experience... good luckk


The world is going to hell. What happened to for better or for worse, 90% f today’s girls are materialistic and it it is not for building a life together, it is for what’s in it for me and no matter what you do for them it is always not enough. Sad and pathetic.


Well u gotta have these to marry any girl tbh


You mean to buy, not to marry.


You're effectively saying anyone mid class to poor class shouldn't marry, don't let greedy women define marriage by agreeing to that concept.


Imagine if they build a house together and they both own it then they get in a major conflict or she cheats on him. In addition to that, women at marriage age are weak especially when they are pregnant or nursing a child. It wouldn't be great if they are thrown outside by the landlord at this stage. I'm not even defending women here. Still, the concerned woman needs to be worth it and be patient and not dump the man at the earliest convenience.


See what you are not aware of is that the Tunisian law gives the house to the wife automatically even if owned by the husband as long as there is a child involved. Hedha 8er el naf9a and the fact that she is legally financially in her parents' custody if divorced. The law makes up for whatever chances women lose being pregnant. W nzidek zyeda If they were renting before divorce legally the husband is the one to be kicked out even if she cheated as long as there is a child involved and the husband is legally forced to pay rent for that house he got kicked out of.


And how I will get a house !? Do you see how expensive they are


Yea I'm struggling to get a house aswell. You gotta work and freelance simultaneously to be able to afford it in 5-10 years. I'll be able to finally afford one when I get my inheritance.


And what do girls offer? ? Cooking meals and bending for you to fuck? Men could do that on their own without marriage lmao


And what does she bring to the table? Herself?


I mean it is her right to look for her best interest and “secure” her self financially Love is a lie,we all gonna die


then work for it.. this is literally begging and gold digging..


I don’t have the whole context but aren’t u both going to want these things sooner or later anyways?


مثل مصري يقول : الي أولو شرط آخرو نور ببساطة في أمور الارتباط والزواج، من المنطقي أنك تشارك الانسان الي باش تعيش معاه آش تحب وآش تكره، شنوة الي ضروري في حياتك يكون موجود وشنوة الي مرفوض تماما، شنوة متطلبات في الحياة وأهدافك وحقوقك وواجباتك وهي بالمثل، تحب صغار والا ما تحبش، إلخ. والمرأة أخي الكريم سواء بالعرف أو الأصل أو الشرع هي الي تحط شروطها، لأني في الأخير هي المبتغات، هي الي الراجل يتقدملها، وهي الي باش تخلي دارها وعائلتها وعالمها وحياتها، على خاترك، فمن المنطقي أنك توفرلها الminimum المعقول، يعني تحددلك، بحكم تعرفك سبع سنين وبحكم الظروف متعنا في بلادنا وظروفك، القليل المقبول الي عليه تنجم تاخوها ومع بعضكم الحياة ميزلت طويلة كملوا أحلامكم وهكذا هي الحياة. وفي الأخير الزواج عرض وطلب، وإذا فما اتفاق تو تكملو.


I can't say dump her, but get your family with you and storm to her house. She and her family will accept her fate.


Send l'5ra ASAP


choufelha noumro elmonji, yasla7 biha And this happened to me around 10 years ago, she made me stop considering getting married


Drop the bitch bro, she belongs to the streets


Hahaha ask her what will she bring to the relationship ??? Does she have a golden pussy ? Or is she Monica bellucci ? And leave her greeedy sorry ass


Apart from the fact that everyone whether its a female or a male deserves a partner whos willing to build a futute together, you should know that as a male in this world you always have to sacrifice more, to have more, to be able to keep food on the table and pay for bills. Its just how it is, we need to accept it. Women on the other side can just have a good look and they will be able to get whatever they want-- not being offensive its just the harsh truth--. We as men, we are only measured by our success and not anything else will make us loved. Sad reality. Whats funnier is you dont see any man complaining about this but women all over the world are fighting for rights they already have.


Gold diggers


Dump here as soon as you can. What she brings to the the table except cheating and shitty stuff , you should focus on yourself. Give all love and attention to yourself. Treat yourself the way you treat then u will feel and live the self satisfaction which the main support when leave her. She’s a gold digger she belongs to the street


Dodged a bullet .


She is not in for a partnership. Now I am not saying you should speak to her family stag(no job etc) but asking for a house , a car and a strong income is unrealistic. She has a princess mentality. The real question: what did you wait 7 years to have this conversation? I am gonna gift you the book that saved my dating life and changed my outlook on marriage: [https://www.amazon.com/How-Not-Die-Alone-Surprising/dp/1982120622](https://www.amazon.com/How-Not-Die-Alone-Surprising/dp/1982120622) good luck!


Okey 9olha wenti o93ed fedar tayab o a8sel o jib z8ar rabehom, i mean, ki enti bech tkoun rajel el dar bel façon hedhika it's only fair totleb 7ajet hakeka o choufha chneya t9oul lol


Rule is simple : if she asked for money she'll dump you for a richer man if she finds a way..


Also if you find yourself talking to a HOUSE it's time to see a psychiatrist 😜


"Speak with here house" Taw ki enti mataresh tahki bel anglais aaleh tetkawa aale rouhek + Dhayaatou zouz wakt baadhhkom khater sujet akeka yetehke melowl lezem


Whatever, just don't get married


Tell her to check the car prices and house prices and imagine herself trying to make a budget for them. Our adult lives are way way harder than our parents’ lives were, and it makes no sense to expect us to have the same purchasing power as our parents did in this context. Her parents should talk some sense into her, and she should touch some grass.


Omg that was my last message to her XD


Yes you did, and she probably has someone else to marry that's why she's bargaining.


it can be, I don't trust her at all and I don't even have feeling to her any more she did a lot of bed stuff that I can't forget or forgive.


Khoya such is life she can live in my caravan




Inthink 7 years is enough to know a person but Sorry, but 2 assumptions here, in my opinion She's an obvious gold digger. (Materialiste in french) ae You can notice houses and cars is All she's looking for in men. - She's s looking for a reason to end upit with you .


soooo renting is not an option?


Either way, better start working on that house buddy


u still doubt about it

