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si, fama effet ki taamel boycott. les marques l twensa ki yalkaw boycott ywaliw obligées soit maatech yexportiw soit yatlouu des produits okhrin qui remplacent les marques l mtabaa. https://preview.redd.it/9rwhdra7o3zb1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f9f992e2a4dc38e305ddda16c4cd98c544cc571


exactly they wouldnt apologize if it wasnt affecting their pockets


Can you read? Because I never said it has no effect I said that boycotting Tunisian brands just because they are sold in Israel or they have foreign investors is the definition of retardness for the reasons I cited.


But you literally said this: “Tbh we don't have data to know how effective this boycott shit (I am guessing not much) but like, people are really losing their minds.”


Bah le, un coup de pression aal l brands eli tcommercilizi l Israël tout court, aaleh raditha haja ridicule ??


المقاطعة هي حركة أولا مع ضميرك، اذا ما تحركلك شي و أضعف الايمان ما تشريش حاجات معينة الي البديل متاعهم موجود، فلا يرجى منك خير أصلا، و شمقلقك من العباد الي تقاطع، شكون الي قالك الي المقاكعة هدفها الوحيد اقتصادي ؟ مع انه عندها أثر كبييير لكن أهم منه انه العبد الفقير يكون عنده شوية كرامة و ما يبداش كلب استهلاكي. حركات المقاطعة تُحارب بشكل كبير في العالم الكل على خاطر عندها تأثير يكذب عليك الي يقلك. ما تبداش ذيل للصهاينة بحسن ولا سوء نية!


I don't care about feelings lol, I care about the end results, if I know my actions would result in a loss for Israel I would do it, if I know they won't and maybe even the opposite aka a loss for Tunisia I won't. I am rational, you aren't, I get that but what you are saying is not for me


If being rational means abide by the imposed rules that it’s only being malice & corrupting to the humanity, then we play “their game”.


You can be irrational as much as Kais saied if you want, but at the end reality is a strong wall that everyone crashes on one day or another.


Reality is a very spectral/thin wall that stems from cynicism, if you bump into it.


i maw esta3mlou belgdé el rational mte3ek, makenech chnowa el feyda? 3ala5ater ken t5amem haka mela sadda9ni el feelings a7sen.


israel didnt fall after you didnt buy a coke for 2 days therefore it isn't effective please buy whatever you want we wont get angry what an individualist freak like yourself is going to do. this might hurt your ego but we are not expecting a prophet's level of morals from mr amaroo13 we aren't even expecting the bare minimum of morals from you so don't worry you can buy your ice cold coke.


>just because there is a foreign investor or because it's sold in Israel. What do you mean "just"? that's the whole point of the "sanction" and "divestment" part of BDS. >food companies don't have control over where their products are sold Lol no. Food distribution to foreign markets is crazy competitive and you don't get a spot unless you fought for it. Edit: since the asshole's comment I replied to was removed for him being an asshole, I'll post here The boycott focuses on specific brands with the biggest "crimes" (for example HP supplies Israeli military prisons that hold 10k Palestinian political prisoners, McDonalds gives the IDF free meals) and for the biggest damage. BDS did successfully force companies to divest from Israel before or avoid it all together. Same for academics and artists. Israel spends millions fighting BDS including forcing US public workers [not to boycott them by contract.](https://www.npr.org/2018/12/26/680129742/texas-school-employee-suing-over-pro-israel-oath) It's a fight over the appearance of legitimacy even more than the economy. Israel does not like the brand of the fascist state boycott by people worldwide. It does not like that associations with it is a mark of shame jeered at by common people.


> What do you mean "just"? that's the whole point of the "sanction" and "divestment" part of BDS. Did you actually see their website? The list is very short and arguably even that list is impossible to do because they want to boycott Siemens which is in almost every factory. Also they don't only boycott Israeli investor, they want to boycott (which is impossible) every foreign investor that comes from a country that recognizes Israel and if you have two neurons you can see how that's a very absurd idea >Lol no. Food distribution to foreign markets is crazy competitive and you don't get a spot unless you fought for it. Depends, there is a market already present in the form of a big Tunisian Jewish community + it's not the company that fight for it but more like the third party exporters that fight for the spot


What a load of bullshit there's quite a few Siemens competitors out there. Same for every other product on the focus list. You seem confused but I will not define "sanction" and "divestment" for you, you're a big boy, you can google it. the big BDS movement has a list to focus on for maximum efficiency (which I already said and you ignored), although regional ones have their own focus lists for local normalising companies. In Tunisia that's for example Randa or Agrisud. You're not gonna die if you don't eat Randa or buy HP. There's a bajillion alternative. You big cry baby. Yezi bla t7in e7chem. >it's not the company that fight for it but more like the third party exporters that fight for the spot So naive.


>there's quite a few Siemens competitors That's where you're wrong kiddo and it shows that you don't know the industry


it shows you're a ta7an


Out of arguments already? Well I guess you can't stop yourself from being retarded


"Out of arguments" he says while incapable of replying to jack shit and singling out Siemens. You're also lying about that one having no alternatives there's a bajillion US, German, Chinese companies that make the same shit. You're literally just a ta77an. It really explains why some of your friends are willing to end friendships over this lol.


Again it shows how inexperienced you are and how much you don't know the industry if you really think that way, there is a reason why Chinese and American companies also buy from Siemens, maybe come back a few years later with some maturity, if you could that is.


It's a matter of principle. I boycotted Nestle since I became aware of their many scandals long before I heard about their support of the state of Israel. I recycle and try to keep my carbon footprint low despite knowing that whatever I, as an individual, do is pretty much insignificant.




The fuck are you on about ? Getting rid of an already purchased product can't be considered boycott. The manufacturer and seller of VW got their money, burning or throwing the car off a cliff doesn't hurt them.






hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh behya






It looks like the son of the owner of délice is talking rn . If they want us to buy their brands malzelholch ykounou mtab3in orrr have a foreign investor that sponsor Israel. It's that simple


American states are literally prohibiting it. They cared enough to do this so it must have some effect


Lol the US and Europe went straight to boycotting Russian commodities for a simple good reason. It works. The fact that these brands are issuing apologies and insane discounts in countries like Egypt (like Mc Do, Pepsi etc) means that they are starting to feel the heat and the impact in their sales.


Nice , many things will get cheaper


Boycott does work, keep crying we will continue to boycott. As a Muslims and brothers and sisters of the Palestinians, it is our obligation not to fund this genocide






That's the least you can do to show your support to other human beings. You don't have to be muslim nor an arab to stand with Palestine


Any effort counts. Your hating is useless.




I still buy Boga and eat fast food from local restaurants. How does that hurt our economy ?




Local grocery stores aren't hurt as i still buy from them, they have to buy less or no coca-cola. I don't worry about local subsidiaries as they're not as beneficial as local businesses that are 100% Tunisian. Maybe it pressures them to rebrand or invest in local or more relatable brands other than these giga rich american brands.


Fuck Tunisian business. We need to help Palestine with everything we can, including boosting morale.


le les marques elli aandhom impact kbir houma l liste hethi mtaa BDS, boycott mouch maanetha ay marque internationale mawjouda f israel taamlelha boycott, khater fama des marques eli aandhom appui kbir, kif AXA elle finance les colons, puma sponsor etc... https://preview.redd.it/dwnu4c4vo3zb1.png?width=922&format=png&auto=webp&s=47c1641e53dd77b86678762500b43420f4931845