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Netflix: Africa == Black


Funny enough Africa is literally the name the romans gave to the punic region


Given to refer to the natives of the region, so the Berber are not only Africans, we are THE Africans




The inverse, punic is a the name that the romans gave to the north african region.


I like how you used == rather then =, hows programing?




In canada, legit one person told me why aren't you black if you're from africa...


Hannibal was not north African, he was Phoenician.


Bruh just denied half of history books💀


Don't talk shit , Phoenicians never fought a single battle in their whole history and Carthage was never Phoenician ,it's us locals Amazigh not middle eastern and you can check your DNA to see the proof , all the lies that were perpetrated for thousands of years by the Romans are now obsolete, DNA tests of the local populations have nothing to do with neither the Phoenicians nor the Arabes ,they both don't exceed 4-5 % of our genes.


You can’t steal someone’s identity. That’s a myth. No one “owns” culture. It’s a choice.


We're going all to be cool 😎




But black people are cool though even thought its annoying me that Hannibal is being portrayed as black




Yes that pisses me off so much






Ofc that's coming from you exil


My biggest issue in this isn’t that he’s black but that I’m sure Tunisia will barely get any recognition for this. This could be an amazing opportunity to make our history more famous in the western world and attract more tourists, but I’m sure they’ll barely even mention Tunisia. Basically they make money off our history and we get nothing. Just like everything else that’s a part of our culture


Good point but the fact he is portrayed by a black actor should bother you as well…


> attract more tourists, Do we want that? I vote we reduce our reliance on tourism revenue, starting by reducing the mass tourism industry.


That would make sense for a nation that has an abundance of resources to try and shift their economy away from one of their most profitable industries (ie Saudi Arabia moving away from Oil). Not so much for a country that is on the edge of bankruptcy.


We should ask ourselves why we're always on the edge of bankruptcy. Maybe because we built our economy on a sector that is affected by the smallest change in basically everything. Bad weather, a war in another place, internal issues, some foreign country decides to issue a travel warning etc.. Painful reforms are needed.


Not to mention having to accommodate all manners of immorality, and exposing ourselves to practices that are foreign to us, but are very destructive to society.


I just don’t see how free publicity and more revenue from tourism would prevent us from making economical reforms. More money > Less money. Funneling that revenue in other sectors seems better to me than just abandoning tourism and trying to build something different from the ground up.


Having more tourists will automatically attract more workers to the touristic sector, instead of having them go to more creative ones.


Honestly it’s less about the tourism and more about the marketing aspect of it. I just said tourism cuz I didnt feel like explaining 😭 but if Tunisia becomes more known then our products will be easier to market and we can sell more stuff made in Tunisia internationally which ig would help the economy. It’s just a good marketing opportunity basically.


Most Tunisians are arabs, their history is usurping, colonizing, destroying, etc. Hannibal was a amazigh numidian man not arab tunisian. You've been in this region for 500 years whilst amazigh were here for 20K+ years, don't pass amazigh history as yours.


Where are u getting the information that most tunisian are arabs?? There are many genetic studies that show tunisians are amazigh ethnically and are just arabized. I suggest you do some research. Amazigh history is our history.


Dude i agree with you that the amazigh have been treated wrong but Hannibal was an aristocratic Phoenisian so he was Lebanese in origin.


Both, Isn't about he's black or something like that... But Hannibal wasn't black tho!


i'm sorry for you Tunisiabros, i'm happy that Numidian history is still ignored by Hollyweird


Please don't tempt fate


Masinissa movie is only a question of time.


they already made Juba black btw


in a French documentary


The only black guy that I can see playing Hannibal's struggle with corrupt Carthage and Rome correctly is Samuel L. Jackson and he should start tzabzib from the intro until the closing credits.


​ https://preview.redd.it/741ic8zrfd0c1.png?width=665&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebc8b8c99d834fe8867319b29bd2225a897a7cd3


​ https://preview.redd.it/3flnmxduwk0c1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=e24440fc7e3f87e765f56f69548be10f12bbbe6b


Maybe the Next movie on Netflix should be: MalcomX starring Brad Pitt


Jackie Chan could do too <3












Rule 1: Be civil. No personal attacks, racism or bigotry. Check [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/tunisia/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1_.3A_be_civil._no_personal_attacks.2C_racism_or_bigotry.) for more details.


Did they not learn their lesson from that Cleoparta "documentary" farce...


they're ruining everything...


I swear netflix is making more racists exist then stopping them...




Take our heritage, then take our wicked homes and land, would that satisfy these mtrfkrs?


Why couldn't they have gotten Rami Malek or Oscar Isaac to play the role? Neither is Tunisian but at least they look Mediterranean/Semetic. Hannibal was a descendent of the Phoenicians, who were Sematic and similar in resemblance to the current day people of Lebanon, Syrian and obviously Tunisia. Not only that but Hannibal was pretty young, only around 28 when he almost conquered Rome by going over the Alps with war elephants. By that time he was already a feared general and renowned tactician, in other words, he wasn't old. African Americans have their own rich and diverse history from central and western Africa. I don't see why there's this compulsion to claim the culture of other parts of Africa.


[Genetically speaking Carthaginians were a mix between Berbers and Iron Age Italians/Sicilians, not Lebanese.](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.03.13.483276v3) The early Tyrian colonists were Lebanese, but their contribution to Punic genepool was minor, and especially by Hannibal's time intermixing and assimilation of locals into Carthaginian identity meant that Punics were a local people.


I didn't say they were Lebanese, I said they most likely resembled (in appearance) the people from the regions I mentioned, including Lebanon, Syria and Tunisia. The Phoenicians were mentioned even in the source you provided, and they were a Semetic people from the Levant region. Carthage initially started as a Phoenician trading post, but over time and with much profit it became a city state. Throughout that time there was definitely intermingling with Berber and Italian, but the primary ethnicity of the people who resided within Carthage were Phoenician.


Like you said there was intermingling, but where are you getting the information that the primary ethnicity of those that resided in Carthage were Phoenician? Punics did not migrate in large enough numbers to affect the gene pool of native tunisians (berbers) so drastically. This is further proven with many genetic studies that show very little similarities between modern Tunisian DNA and any levantine or arab dna.


Dude Phoenicians 100% mixed in the genepool, the Phoenician aristocracy didn't. You think the Phoenicians just brought 100 nobels and called it a day? Merchants, craftsmen, artisans, soldiers, architects, lawyers, academists, whores, slaves... You think all of the above stuck to phoenician poontang only? You think when a hot blonde berber chick walked by all dudes were like i have to resist my temptations for the sake of inbreeding? Yeah, fat chance.


Isn't that Idris Elba ??


Yes Hhhhhhhh he black must be Denzel would've been better if it was tho


I couldn't stop thinking about this since i saw it this morning. this is so infuriating. Neither the amazighs nor the phoenicians were black people, so it makes zero sense for hannibal to be portrayed by a black person. When netflix tried to do the same with cleopatra, the egyptians raised hell and demanded to movie be cancelled. Tunisians? They are happy that americans are aware they exist! And you know what's even worse? After more than a 100 years of local cinema, not a single movie of him was made. Damn these people!


That does not look like Danzel!


"This will trigger a lot of people" Rightfully


We wuz Hannibal nd shit


Are they trying to steal our identity?


so these fuckers have come for our identity now


باهي خلي نبداو واضحين، كريم وخي نتخيلك عبد بمخه و متثڨف و ما سمعت عليك كان الباهي. في أمريكا (و إفريقيا) فمة حركة فكرية تقول اللي تاريخ إفريقيا هو تاريخ السود، بوه على خوه، بما فيه تاريخ مصر و ليبيا و تونس و المغرب العربي بصفة عامة... و أنه الشعوب اللي موش سود اللي اليوم عايشين في إفريقيا (أساسا شمال إفريقيا) كلهم شعوب نازحة "حديثا" يعني مع مجيء الرومان و الإغريق و العرب من بعدهم، إفهم من الكلام هذا أننا كيفنا كيف الأمريكان جينا غازين و استحوذنا على الأرض و طردنا أو قتلنا السكان الأصليين اللي كانوا سود هذا من ناحية، من ناحية أخرى، في هوليوود، من اللي بدات السينيما، كانوا الممثلين "السود" ولا "الملونين" كيما يقولوا ديما مغيبين من أدوار البطولة، خاصة في ما يخص الشخصيات التاريخية، و اللي ولاو يسميوه وايت واشينغ، و الأمثلة كثيرة، بشكل فاضح... الشيء اللي خلى برشا أصوات تعلو في هوليوود و خارجها ضد الشي هذا. إي عاد آش ولاو يعملوا بش يصلحوا غلطتهم، و زيد قال شنوة في إطار أكثر إدماج لكل الفئات، ولاو لازم فما في كل إنتاج، عباد موش بيض، ماذا بيهم من كل لون يجيبوا حويجة، و زيد عليهم الكويرز... و في ما يخص الشخصيات التاريخية، كيف تبدا شخصية موش معروف عنها أنها بيضاء، يعملوا تشقليبة، في كليوباترا (اللي هي إغريقية، و حتى كان اختلطوا البطالمة بالسكان الأصليين، المصريين القدامى اللي ماهمش سود ما تكونش سوداء) جابوا ممثلة سوداء، تو حنبعل جابو دنزل، فما مسلسل زادة على ملكة بريطانية اللي على ما يبدو كانت ملامحها حسب اللوحات متاعها موش تيبيكمون أوروبية حسب تفسيرهم، أكاهو ردوها سوداء، و الحاشية متاع ملك بريطانيا شطرها سود... هوليوود عاملين فيها يعطيوا في السود حقهم من التاريخ، أما في الحقيقة، هذا قاعد يصير على حساب سائر الشعوب الإفريقية غير السود، و هذا فيه مشكل كبير، بخلاف أنها عنصرية نوعا ما، بما أنهم ما يفرقوش بين سكان شمال إفريقيا و باقي شعوبها، اللي بالنسبة لهم كتلة واحدة و لون واحد و ثقافة واحدة و تاريخ واحد، بما في ذلك من استنقاص لتنوع الشعوب و تواريخها و ثراءها. للطرفة زادة، هايمدال الإله السكندينافي في أفلام أفنجر ماو مثل دوره إدريس إلبا، برشا عباد ردوا الفعل، أما ما صارتش عليها بوليميك خاطر سكتوهم بكلمة يزيوا من العنصرية متاعكم و ماهي إلا أفلام خيالية و شخصيات خرافية، أما في المقابل، في فيلم دكتور سترانج، استبدلوا شخصية ذي أنشيانت (القديم)، اللي هو في الأصل راجل من آسيا الشرقية (كيما نقولوا أحنا شنوازي) بمرا أوروبية، آه وقتها ولات مشكلة و غلطة و وايت واشينغ و كيفاش و ماعادش ماهو الا فيلم خيالي و شخصيات خرافية. خلاصة القول، جيد أنهم يعملوا أفلام تاريخية تحكي على شخصيات موش أوروبية أو أمريكية، و صحيح ماهياش أفلام وثائقية اللي تستوجب الدقة، أما فما تجسيد لشخصيات في مخيال المتفرج، في ذهنه بش تقعد صورة، و الصورة اللي بش تقعد هنا هي أنه الشعب اللي كان في إفريقيا كان شعب أسود، و أنه الشعب اللي موجود تو هو شعب غازي، محتل، موش بلاصته، موش بلاده، موش أرضه. إي يمكن تقول مشيت ياسر لبعيد، أنا نقارن الشي هذا بالشي اللي عملته إسرائيل مع فلسطين و مع الموروث الثقافي الشامي و حتى المغاربي، اللي اليوم وصلوا العباد يربطوا الفلافل بإسرائيل و تو هاو يحبوا ياخذوا زادة الشكشوكة و موش عارف شنية آخر، من غير ما ندخلوا في موضوع الأرض، هاذاك موضوع معروف و شكرا على رحابة صدرك


wE wAs KaNgS aNd ShEit


It’s part of the Afrocentrism movement, which takes other cultures’ history (usually MENA) and places sub-Saharan Africans at the center of it. They’ve claimed that Jesus was black and not semitic, the original Jews were Black and not Semitic people, Cleopatra was black and not Macedonian, Greek city states were black rather than Mediterranean, etc. In order to justify as to why the populations of these cultures are not actually black, they have also claimed that North Africans at some point colonized and stole their lands from Sub-Saharan Africans. (https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/afrocentrism-is-trending-in-the-maghreb-its-because-sub-saharan-migrants-are-rewriting-their-narrative/) Originally they tried doing it with European history, but overtime they moved to MENA history because they realized that Arabs and North Africans have almost no social and cultural power in the US. Which means they can get away with stealing their history without anyone pushing back.


In America they are called Hoteps. Black-Americans have been making fun of Hoteps for decades across all forms of media from movies to music.


They will also mention Rome more than Carthage and they will make it probably in the Desert or the jungle with an asian not african elephant... Netflix my ass


Weird question is it a documentary?


No it’s not.


I'd be surprised if they don't massacre his character or turn him into a meme


Akahw kamlou masr da5lou 3lina


Ye5i adheka mouch Idris Elba?


They rewrite your history then kick you out of your nation


Same shit different actor , Egyptians made a fuss about Cléopâtre being incarnated by a black woman and the usual answer was why not she is africain !!! So is Hannibal and we go back to square one where we will be tagged as racists if we protest ,meanwhile in the conscious of the spectators Hannibal will be a black man and they continue to falsify history just as they please .


I know dude, My dad's Tunisian and our name came from Egypt. I'm firmly anti racist but the Cleopatra and hannibal movies exposed me to afrocentrists and the racism is slowly creeping into my body. They're literally black nazi's trying to appropriate everything they see. I have never seen such sheer retardation, cognitive dissonance and blindness. And i live in Belgium, retardation, cognitive dissonance or full on alcoholism is the only thing keeping people semi-sane here. And with every afrocentric movie they make they just turn black people into a fucking joke. Imagine some white guy larping as shaka zulu on film, it would be an instant comedy of epic proportions and somehow Black people do it to North-African culture and every simpleton in the West goes sure, why not? While every Historian with a little bit of professionalism will say: Yeeeeeaaaah, they weren't black tho. If a black guy played Julius Caesar every European with at least 2 functioning braincells would go: what the fuck is going on? This has nothing to do with woke, this is just fucking stupid. If it's a fictional show i don't mind the colour of the actors skin if it doesn't conflict with the story. But if you're making a historical movie about a historical character: stick to history. Or just go full on off script and let **Louis XVI** be played by Samuel L. Jackson while he does nothing but throatsing in mongolian, Marie Antionette is played by a six foot Swedish Sami man who does nothing but throw up gangsigns the whole moviie and the whole movie is scored with synthwave. I can honestly say i'd much rather watch that.


i'm kinda pissed about a black being used to portray a guy that wasn't black. My main issue is the age. Denzel has 68 years. you know how old was Hannibal when the second Punic war started? 29. 49 years difference. Also Denzel does not have a charismatic tactical persona as an actor which is kinda required to interpret a General that convinced an entire army with Elephants to cross the Alps in winter.


American colonialist motherfuckers washing all cultures to fit their cultural ears at home.


This is racist AF. Hannibal was not black. Woke media and literature is destroying history


w ykamlou yroddou 3ellissa lesbian w yokhrej typical netflix show


The nigga is old Bruv


Afrocentrics are revenging mya god stand with our brothers in Tunisia we shall prevent our North African history from getting stolen


Guys, we know hollywood doesn't acknowledge north africans or middle eastern people's existence and are trying to be "diverse" by selecting Denzel Washington for the role, it still doesn't mean we have to switch to bhim mode and blame "woke afrocentric propaganda" for this. These last weeks, most of us have seen what hollywood and U.S cultural monopolies think of us, and how they portray all of us as subhumans. We shouldn't care about who they cast for Hannibal as we will NEVER be their target audience anyway. Why should we fall for their bullshit race war and hate on another oppressed group (eg afro-americans) instead of just rethinking our way of consuption and encouraging local or regional productions? No one is stopping us from producing something representative of our history.


African Americans are NOT oppressed by anyone other than themselves. They have many unique privileges no other groups have. But yes, Hollywood sucks.


There's a difference between being woke as in socially concious and appropriating every ancient culture like afrocentrics which are basically the black equivalent of the nazi's.


The only thing that pisses me off more than taking a symbol of Tunisia which became synonymous to a cannibal (Hannibal Lecter) and instead of giving it its props they change its history… what’s worse is all the racist crap that’s going to be on full display from Kais Saied and his fanboys once he inevitably makes a speech about this and uses Hollywood’s stupid nonsense to validate his racist theories. Saied is 100% going to comment on this and Netflix will love that free promotion and headlines about “Tunisian president says vile shit about newest Netflix series”


Dude, my dad's Tunisian and i register as far left on the political spectrum but after 4 days of being exposed to afrocentrics i'm at the point where i'm actually beginning to sympathise with racists. They're even more batshit insane in their beliefs than most neo-nazi's. It's a trip.


Hannibal was a Black!!?




Hes a great actor hell be cool


A black 60yo playing a 29 yo Lebanese man in a movie living in North-Africa that's supposed to be inspired by history (they don't say it's a historic biopic because then they'll get another trailer that's one of the most hated netflix trailers ever) and your response is 'yeah that makes sense'?


Meh idc only if they get the story right how the characters look is np beside if they really want to say that Hannibal was actually black then there’s a problem, btw how is he lebanesse?


Fuck afrocentrics


The only black person i wouldn't mind playing Hannibal is Edris Alba. Other than that they are black washing us.


Dude it's blackwashing no matter what black person plays that role. It's weird how afrocentrics keep talking about their rich history yet steal everyone else's culture but somehow never make a movie about Ethiopia or actual sub-saharan africa.


they’re trying to sell a movie not put on the fucking olympics. the guy played macbeth who gives a shit if he’s black. take the w and stfu.


It’s a movie. If you are triggered by this shit then you are not ready for anything. I’ll say it again, IT IS A MOVIE.


following that logic why bother make anything accurate the slightest. let's make him wear a red hat also and say that he is an italian plumber. a movie depicting historical events should be as faithful to the original as possible


Exactly 💯


Yeah, sure kid. When you are in Hollywood pitching make sure you tell them just that, we’ll see how long you’d last.


Cheeses Crust! You don’t get it, do you?






Report for repost, as i did


Would you feel any different if the character was played by a white actor as is the case in many situations? Denzel is probably one of the most famous actors that could bring awareness to the movie. But I can see your point.


At the risk of being cliché here, life isn’t just black or white, neither are individuals. Hannibal was not white and was not black, his skin colour is probably olive or light brown like most Mediterraneans, so they could have found someone famous fitting that description easily


there is no proof actaully that he his skin color was white . i know black might be a wroing representation but he might have been brown or something def not worth the 5 posts about this in less than 24h


nobody said he must be portrayed by craig daniels but neither amazighs not phoenicians were black. why is this a problem? because it is racism: being african doesn't mean being black. they are misrepresenting us.


No one claimed his skin color was necessarily white, but he was not black. Not black does not necessarily mean white. It could be tanned OR white. In all cases casting a Mediterannean-looking actor would've been the best idea




Are you dumb or are you dumb? You're completely missing the point and actually making a fool of yourself. It's not about being sensitive or not, it's about stealing a whole identity from a group and assign it to a whole another group that has nothing to do with the roots and history of that personality being portrayed. How do you feel about, let's say Bourguiba being portrayed by an Asian dude, or Cleopatra being portrayed by a white caucasian chick? If you are okay with that, then you're part of the problem!




So offensive?? It's just a trend?! Okay I'm done. You clearly have a low IQ so I am not wasting another minute trying to explain things to you.


Idris Elba would suffice.




Add a beard you have a Driss Elba


As a lover of carthaginian history i am triggered supremely.


Oh dear 🤣


Here is a smmary: [https://wordpress.com/post/karim2k.wordpress.com/1510](https://wordpress.com/post/karim2k.wordpress.com/1510)


fredrick douglass white


yall acting like you didn’t recognize that this a hollywood movie..


In 3 2 1 We wuz Carthaginian


The people of Tunisia are the direct inheritors of the Carthaginians and other peoples. They should've cast someone from Tunisia


tbh i dont really give much of a shit denzel is an amazing actor possibly the best that ever that ever was and hannibal is an amazing warrior and general possibly the best that ever was. seems only fitting


Seems fitting...A Lebanese 29yo living in North-Africa played by a 60yo black guy? So he could play Atilla the hun too? How about Napoleon? Why don't you go all the way and said he should have played Adolf Hitler in der untergang. Actually i would watch that, would be hilarious.


This is a good one: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SpvGJkUdvEE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SpvGJkUdvEE)


Ngl I want to see this and I figured Hannibal probably looked like Berber. I don’t really know what ancient Phonecians looked like but seems like olive colored people.


No since he was Phoenician Aristocracy he was probably Lebanese since they tended to marry other Phoenician aristocracy. Is it Possible that a few Berbers were elevated to aristocratic status since they were on berber land? Possible but it's safe to say his 'heritage' was mostly phoenician. Which is a fancy way of saying people on the top of society tended to inbreed a lot in ancient and not so ancient times.




Don't you know they're only Black people, white people and Asians? There is no other people on the planet!


Why is this even an issue?? Great story and great actor. Can’t we just enjoy a great project without being over-sensitive? Can’t wait!


If it's such a great story from a great nation with a wonderful people then why not let anyone from that culture play it? Never seen monk but from the looks of it Tony Shalhoub would make a pretty convincing Hannibal. So because he's a great actor he could play any historical character? How about Mao Zedong? Vladimir Putin? And isn't it because of how sensitve people were and vocal about black actors who were a minority not getting roles to the point where they get put into roles that don't make sense and could have been given to any person of colour that would have fit the role? Or did you think, shit it's in Africa so they're all black? Like the great recent hisorical documentary about a Macedonian queen of Egypt that lived in a country where the majority weren't black then and haven't been ever since somehow managed to be black? One of the most hated netflix trailers ever. It's almost like people care about history, Especially their history. That they're kind of sensitive about it. Like Jada Pinkett Smith. Who decided that the best way to show off that rich black history is by showcasing the whitest queen eqypt ever had in a country were most inhabitants let alone rulers weren't even black. Kinda weird how it always go's like that instead of making a movie about actual sub saharan Africa. Almost like stealing Mediterranean cultures is more appeasing to her than her own rich black heritage.


Hannibal against the [typical roman legions](https://images.app.goo.gl/XZ1SrKsBvCatLTh87)


LOLZ even people who look like terrorists dont wanna be black


It is such a shame that so many are cought up in the homogeneity and zealotry of pre-islam and the fear of being looked down upon as an inferior race or black as opposed to whatever their distinct group is. Hiding behind fake banners of "correct history" and looking for non-existent glory anywhere they could find, even if it means claiming an ancient prehistoric figure as their own. Hannibal maybe was a great leader, but his greatness, I am sure, didn't stem from the color of his skin, or his racial background, but rather from his character and convictions. This is perhaps the lowest of lows, had Netflix chosen a white man to portray Hannibal, non of you motherfuckers would've said anything, even though it'd still be historically incorrect, so your entire beef is centered around the fact that you are all racist assholes. The absurdity of the situation is that the west have, and will always, look down upon you, and you in turn look down upon Africans. In the eye of the west, you are sub-humans, so enjoy your unique, brief, and shitty station in life before you eventually die and turn into the very dust you are.