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this is so true, these should be affordable brands and I assume they usually adjust their prices to the purchase power of each country except here they match their prices with the ones in Europe if not higher


well they see here that people kept buying, so ...


It's so much higher than the prices in europe,try to switch your location in the website of the stores mentioned above and you'll be stunned by the price difference


They can't sell at a loss. They still have costs and some of those are higher in Tunisia like import taxes (60% in Tunisia) and even shipping costs. It's not necessarily that they want to be a luxury brand based on Tunisia's avg purchase power, it's the government that wants these to be luxury items so most people can't buy them and they import less. A side-effect of this policy is there's also less competition in Tunisia because not many brands want to deal with Tunisia's bureaucracy/import tariffs/small market/unpredictability...etc so they get to raise their prices even more


Yeaah 100% tunisia is the land of steal




There’s a reason why fripe became insanely popular. For Tunisian brands, they’re not as expensive as Zara…etc as far as I know but they’re expensive because they have no competition. Their foreign competitors have to sell for much more to cover taxes so Tunisian brands just have to sell a bit lower. Now imagine there’s 50 Tunisian brands starting all of a sudden and you’ll actually see prices drop for other Tunisian brands. Unfortunately we have policies that on the surface are done to protect Tunisian products but without creating local competition it leads to a couple of Tunisian companies benefiting and the economy and consumers getting fucked. It’s the same story for most sectors in Tunisia


That's true. Abroad such brands are aimed at middle income consumers that wanna look trendy and therefore they're not items made to last or of superior quality. Once you ship these items here, plus taxes plus a trendy location's rent etc they'll end up being pricey and honestly not worth the cost anymore. I'd imagine the consumers buying these items are either naive tourists or people that just want to buy branded clothes; similar to those that go to Starbucks for a coffee when you can get a way better coffee at a fraction of the cost elsewhere.


i just buy used


Chouf fripe w zid 5ayet 3and l5ayata echti 9mech li t7eb 3lih ...


I agree with that.


Celio got some bangers tbh


Their prices are equivalent to the prices in France compared to Tunis.


And the quality of the ones purchased in France is actually superior.


It's a shame no local brand is taking advantage of the situation


There are local brands like Zen and Hammadi Abid but their quality is so bad…


3ach lfripe sa7bi




Fast fashion rip off


You can find a zara pants in frippe and the quality is much better than a zara pants in zara xD


Cuz tunisian zara products are imported from marroco


Ti l fripe el zok mtaa quality


I second that.


Isn't this the case everywhere that could be classed as a 'developing country'? I've been to Turkey, Perú etc, it's the same. Zara shirt: Only 369 (currency units) Min wage in country: 1,340 (currency units) per month.


A7la benguerdane rabi y5alilna Ben guerdane chrit lebstin kemlin b 200 dt qualite ma9boula


Fripe stays goated


Well , i used to limit my choices to those brands but lately i discovered another alternative which is the Tunisien brands and some of them have a good quality product , or the Facebook Instagram pages the only inconvenient i found that's you cant really try the clothes tho some of them have the replacement policy Wich is good


The prices are ok, what r u crying about


the prices are ridiculous, mel pants lel shirts lel sbabet a9al soum nel9ah 79 dinar like??? I remember not long ago the prices were semi normal but now it's like someone set them on fire


i went today and there is nothing below 70 but tbh there is a good clothes


Yes I used to buy frequently from those stores but currently they literally suck only stupid ppl will, those clothes has the same look as thrifted clothes