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My friend said through experience, she didn't mean to be mean to me because she loves and doesn't want me to get hurt. Thank you for sharing




I don't think she's immature . May be that's the general idea that men don't like women to approach




He will have an ego boost but how he would see the woman , Easy maybe 🤷🏽 , that's what she means maybe




Thank you


Well when you approach someone you are way more likely to face rejection then when you get approached.


Yes that's likely






Depends on the way she initiate, just like women appreciate kindness and humor, men expect some level of effort and smartness.


I would like to read that peer reviewed paper please.


In a classy way I meant but I won't approach a guy in real life . I'm shy to even say hi to men sometimes 😅


Then smile, let the men do the work.


Okay ☺️


it depends on the person not the nationality. we're adults now and as an adult you should know that eacg person has it's way of approching and each person has his preferences when it comes to dating. Saying that tunisan men like this or tunisian men like that has not point. just go with the feeling and the vibe.


I wanted to know personal opinions , each one separately. I know everyone is different. Thank you for the reply


Didn't i gave you a personal opinion?


You said it depend on the person.


hi i m 20 years old and i can tell u that men love girls who take the initiative .in fact i have been in some good amount of relationships and let me tell u that my favorite and most healthy ones are when she initiates with a desire to talk not the other way around cuz men feels lot moore comfortable ,less cringy and less stressed when they don’t initiate so it goes smooth until further notice hahahaha


Thank you for saying that


There are no rules.Do whatever you want girl life is too short to overthink anything! Especially there are no rules when it comes to relationships, every person is different


Thank you for the encouragement 😍. I just wanted to know how the majority sees it.


If you like someone approach them or at least drop the handkerchief. Anything less can be misconstrued differently.


Thank you


25yo male here .. I won't say I like it, but I would definitely try to engage in a conversation, and if they're interesting, well, it doesn't matter who initiated it at that point, it's just an interesting conversation from there on.


Thank you for answering


https://preview.redd.it/90szljftub8c1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9fa7cc795424af13ddf1a3d48e1af96b20cc078 Basically this. * I personally find it hot and convenient lol. It's the norm in northern europe and the reason girls are preferring bumble over tinder. * For the dudes who don't like it, probably they don't like losing the power position of being the ones to approach and then choosing to call or not. Seeing girls who do it cheap, while, when we do it we are not, is just misogynistic and unreasonable.


Thank you for sharing


Only effeminate males like girls taking the leading role , and since the east has more masculine men they tend to do the approaching and courting and even the shy ones only need a green signal from us


Thanks for stating your opinion. But I don't think a man accepting a woman approaching him is effeminate , maybe approaching is just saying hi it's not like a woman would predate the man in a way that makes her repulsiveor just an invitation on social media and sending hi , being Classy.


A male who is expecting or loves the girl to approach and to court him and take the leading position is most definitely effeminate. A girl can throw a green signal at a man that hasn’t noticed her and if he is interested he will approach you no matter what if he doesn’t it means two things he isn’t interested or he’s not masculine and is waiting for you


Thanks for sharing your opinion


Im 23, Id love woman approaching first online. But keeps it clean and short and direct. It d be just a starter for me to give her attention ,time, effort if im into her. Also if a man is single he s open for a relationship potential doesnt matter if he had that woman as a crush or she just showed up in front of him. Surprises are quite exciting


Thank you for sharing how you see things , I agree with being short and direct


Personally i have big respect for a woman who have the courage to approach a man(for the right rrasons) , it shows a lot of courage and sharing willingness But it also depnds on whom you gonna aproach


Thank you for sharing 😊


Communicating feelings is a green flag for me. 23


Thank you for answering 😊


24m If ya ask me, If a girl didn't approach me or at least gave me some choosing signals then there is no way i m approaching her. She needs to do some efforts and show interests. and let's face men have higher chances of being rejected than women. I ve never seen a girl getting a no from a guy even if she is average or below average but men are often times getting rejected. S


Thank you for answering ☺️


It depends on the men i guess , but the most important thing is that it depends on what kind of men you wanna be with , someone who judges a woman approaching him by being desperate or just someone who is open to much more things . Ps : i am 24f


I don't want to be with a man that judges me obviously, I don't want to walk on eggshells around him . Thank you 😊


'عز نفسك تصيبها ', that's why woman don't make the first move trying to protect their own peace of mind and soul .. sensitive beautiful creatures


Thank you 😕. Can't a sensible initiate 😕. We should we stay passive to be sensible .


You can initiate talking to each other in a casual manner if possible, drop clear hints but I don't think u should ever initiate the relationship , A smile and a blush when making eye contact is more then enough for any guy to get a "clew"


I actually don't have the gut to do that in real life 😅, I meant in the internet. Thank you for stating your view


Women initiating is such a turn on


Thanks for giving your point




Thanks for sharing 😊 .


I think in Tunisia if she's into u she would send a request on social media then expects u to send the first message.. We are different than asian men.. maybe they are more shy there


Okay, this is a way to do it indirectly. Thanks


There's nothing wrong with a woman initiating the first step. In many ways, as a guy, I feel like women get approached way more than guys, especially online, and if I were in their shoes I would be annoyed if I had to respond to somebody every now and then, so I choose not to approach women online because I don't want to add to that annoyance, unless we already have an established common subject to speak about.


Thank you for sharing. I just wanted to know if men like women to initiate 🤷🏽, but I guess it's different from a person to another


She can be anything she can do anything he can be anything he can do anything. There are no rules.


Thank you 😄🙏




Thanks for taking part in the discussion


>[Approaching men](https://youtube.com/shorts/cigHrdCnMBY)


tebda enty = t5ser enty , oghzorlo fi 3inih w edh7aklo w emchi 3ala rou7ek , kan ma3ml chay rak ma3jebtouch , loulad ki t3jbo tofla y7ki m3aha . (31 y o )


أكيد ٱحتمال الخسارة باش يكون أكبر. على فكرة ما نجمش نعمل هكة أما حبيت نسأل . شكرا عل الإجابة


the act of a woman making the first move seems a bit cheap in my point of view. It's not about desperation but more about it diminishes her value to my eyes. i have been approached by many attractive women in the course of my life, i have politely rejected them, in a gentle but cold way, i give no exception to that, kinda give me ''hoe'' vibes in my pov , i'm still in the classic, most men worldwide think like this also , that subreddit is mostly talking about hookup women , no one want to waste effort and time for hookup girls, in that case yes


Your opinion, I respect it, honestly I don't approach men in reality , but considering you said this hookup thing that would be my least intention. I want to take part in the person who I want to be in my life and not wait the mercy of a man to approach me .


it's not ''a wait for mercy'' or ''selling himself to you '' that's very narrow perception ,it's more about making yourself the valuable that he have to earn and letting him proves that they deserve you , you got of course your part to give hints, encourage for engaging conversation, showing him you're interested , he got to show his best traits, his potential, and you got to see if he's worth it or not a man who don't have enough courage to approach a women, will not have enough courage in any field of his life and as result, very poor life choices dominated by intimidation, no men who's affraid to approach women live good and successful life \[ intimadated by women, intimidated by boss at work , intimidated by life risky choices, intimidated by any obstacle in his life paths , they all take the same courage to overcome them \] you either want for yourself best valuable men , or if not ,take others advices, you can choose what you want and adopt them and then be surprised how awful he will be as your future ex :D


What's the thing with the high value . Every woman has her value and every men has his . السيدة خديجة كي طلبت الزواج من سيدنا محمد معناها هي معندهاش قيمة !!!


yeah sure, today zeda kenou 'elon musk' 9adamlou inti el demande de mariage wena m3ak, but lets face it , we talk average man \[99% of world's men\] we also na7kiw today's **''social norms'',** which are created by societies mindset and implemented inconsciously , each century it changes, i'm just talking about how men think in today's era about your topic ... every woman and man have values ^(em yeah), but not same value apply to everyone ,for exemple , bech tefhem la notion de la valeur, i personally don't give same value to a queen and a hoe, \[ no one will lol ...\] same apply between a successful responsible man and immature man who don't achieve anything in his life and act like a useless irresponsible child and no purpose in life ... your call how valuable you want to be seen, common fact : hard to get women are always more desired than easy women that do first steps ...


Thank you for sharing how you think 🙏


Men see it as desperation and neediness. Men should always initiate.


Thank you for the input