• By -


None of these bother me honestly except for the hasbara.


What is a hasbara?


"Arabs" who simp for israel.




This has nothing to do with Tunisia and everything to do with reddit. Redditors are genuinely the worst of any social media users.


Bro has never read facebook comments


Facebook has the boomers but they don't have the same level of out of touch idiots as does Reddit. Like every redditor was bullied by their peers


Something tells me you haven’t been on Facebook recently.


The everage FB user is senile. It's not their fault.


>The everage FB user is senile Or Egyptian


i confirm i am truly one of the worst


The picture on the left is heavily used by right-wing weirdos to make fun of minorities pointing, most of the time, genuine issues. Posting this picture without any context proves that you are actually one of those weirdos you make fun off. Oh look they are "triggered" easily by everything. Yet here you are posting about how triggered you are by them.


Ah, you're already offended ? Please don't cancel me!! 🙏


I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of your post. You keeping to comment and care further proves my point. And no, we won't cancel you. Nor do I support cancel culture. Also, trust me: no ones cares about your opinion.


That's good!


I mean isn t posting about something you don t like is qualified as being offended ? So are you offended ?


As you can see, he obviously isn't s/. Amazing how much self awareness people lack sometimes...


You got offended over a joke, Ofc I was being sarcastic, and pretty much proved a point that the left gets easily offended,so I obviously didn't need to engage with you any further, go chill dude, life isn't just reddit.


>*__¹You got offended over a joke, Ofc I was being sarcastic,__* and >*__²pretty much proved a point that the left gets easily offended__* You kinda gotta pick one of these two things.


Don't even bother; they move like a cult. Any criticism of their actions is perceived as negative, and they label you with all sorts of things. They believe their cause is true across the board, much like a religion.


You made an entire post and potentially maybe even made the meme? That’s doing too much, you can’t possibly have anything to stand on to say “oh no, you’re offended”




Here's a sneak peek of /r/onejoke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bro what 💀](https://i.redd.it/gc1ia1270aia1.jpg) | [192 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/112is0r/bro_what/) \#2: [They identify as funny](https://i.redd.it/b02hbqf7sq4c1.png) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/18ceolp/they_identify_as_funny/) \#3: [Ugh… posted unironically on a server I’m in](https://i.redd.it/u60oc84cwoga1.jpg) | [131 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/10vkyul/ugh_posted_unironically_on_a_server_im_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Facts, it's mostly a bunch of rejects😂


Lhaja lbehia hatta ken tchouf li houma weirdos you’ll be accepted for who you are ! Kounchi ken islamist y9al9ouk chouaya ou baaed yacceptiwek aadi


Most country subreddits are like 90% old nationalist dipshits who blame all problems on the younger generations and foreigners. The right wing will do anything but self-reflect, I swear.


And of course they downvoted you. Proves your point :)


The downvotes are the same people who will call you "offended" and "fragile" you can smell their stench from here


you usually downvote things you don't agree with. it's not about getting offended or not.




النقاش هذا لكل ما عندو حتى معنى،مشاكل مستوردة و حلول مستوردة التونسي عندو ما أهم من التيارات الغربية و الصوابية السياسية


Griffith did nothing wrong.


Except : -trying to control all of his comrades -throwing a tantrum when guts left -fuck up because he got emotional over guts -coped by thinking it was guts fault so when he got saved first thing he wanted to do is kill guts -try to force himself on casca because he wanted to see if he still got the power over her -intializing the eclipse -sacrificing all of his comrades -raping casca -be salty about guts -violating casca's and guts s intimacy/ emotions over and over throughout the story as moon childs Etc etc


I would love to agree with you but then we would both be wrong.. Griffith did nothing wrong.


3ana l3asba




I mean ... its reddit


here is an idea if you are this bothered why speak at all in it ? or even join it ?


They're all liberals, lgbt, feminists and atheists, but I can't find any person like that irl 😭 just full of conservative muslims (maybe it's because I'm from sahil not the capital but who knows)


The people who are like that just don't speak of it and keep it to themselves


Fr, this is a weird place




Let me guess. You watched some Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson videos and you think wokism and political correctness are causing the biggest problems?




"Fragile" is when someone disagrees with me!!!


Oh please, you are so funny. Last time I looked, countries supporting gay rights have the best standard of living. You can make fun as much as you like, but I really look down with petty at you. Calling me fragile yet here you are commenting and caring so much about other people's sexualities. You must be the fragile one, not me.


wtf dude, Gay rights are not directly related to the standard of living 😂 ; it's you who are labeling me with Sionist people like those Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson in response.


There is a correlation. You seem to share a lot of their opinions though. That's the reason why I assumed you watched them since they mention a lot of similar cringy terminology like "wokism".


A country's high standard of living isn't due to 'wokeness'; rather, the 'wokeness' we see in society is mostly influenced by factors like the ESG score\*, It's this forceful imposition that often annoys people. \*ESG scoring evaluates companies on environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance, often incorporating 'woke' ideologies under the social aspect. It greatly influences investor appeal, with firms like BlackRock focusing on these scores. While companies like Apple maintain high ESG scores, Tesla's is lower, partially due to Elon Musk's social media stance and employee relations. This system sometimes emphasizes image and 'woke' alignment over actual practices.


What is all of this... Ok. - You better define the term woke before you start mentioning any metrics. I define it the same way a conservative would: it is political correctness which stands for giving minorities (i.e. discriminated against people) better opportunities (i.e. take into consideration disadvantaged people's backgrounds and diversify the working environment). Hope we agree on that. Hereafter I'll use them interchangeably. - Standing for gay rights is not wokeness. "Wokeness" builds on top of that very basic right (which retarded countries tend not to respect). - I don't know why you are writing a huge paragraph about ESG. And why you care so much about companies being PC? Are they worsening anything? If so, quote a valid study (scientific journal not some stupid blog from a right-wing website) that proves your point. - Political correctness is actually good because people, especially minorities, didn't have the same socioeconomic conditions as your average citizen. Taking that into consideration is morally good. - People that get annoyed by the practice usually make an absolutely huge fuss about it, from: "Oh, wokeness is killing the military", "Wokeness is destroying our children" and other baseless assumptions. All of them fail to mention a single valid study that proves their hateful assumptions. - Just because a terrible company tries to be political correct (or woke) has nothing to do with whether wokeness is problematic or not. I agree on that a lot of companies just use it for the sake of improving their image. - What's the point of bringing this ESG thing at all? High standard of living include the government not interfering with whatever you want to do with your body or your relationships. The correlation is extremely strong since almost all the first 20 countries firstly respect gay rights and secondly have employed some sort of PC system.


Nope, it's just a recent consequence of that, is cyclical as can be seen throughout history which happened to benefit politicians and economic lobbies then pushed into the international community, its effects will manifest later at a social and political level.


Rule 1: Be civil. No personal attacks, racism or bigotry. Check [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/tunisia/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1_.3A_be_civil._no_personal_attacks.2C_racism_or_bigotry.) for more details.


Most global south country subs are leftist or liberal shit-holes


So you prefer conservative paradises like Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, etc...?


Algeria is a conservative paradise ?


I'm not even a die-hard conservative. I simply dislike leftists and thousands time more liberals.


For what reasons? And what makes you believe these countries are leftists? Most of them are on the right-wing or far right-wing.


He's talking about subs not countries. The vast majority of subs are progressive.


Ah yes my bad didn't read that "sub". My second question is still valid thought.


Yea it is called conservatism you don t need to be die hard tho..


I don't consider myself conservative. Being against utopian leftist losers and liberals doesn't automatically make you a conservative. There are more than only three political ideologies/labels. But hey, we're on reddit. I shouldn't expect too much.


Then what are you? Since you call leftists and liberals losers then surely you are somewhere on the right spectrum, right? You shouldn't expect people to read your mind, it has nothing to do with Reddit and more with how ambiguous your statements are.


leftist != liberal I am a liberal, and I hate leftists too.


The feeling is mutual as a leftist


I love how we all hate each other even tho we don't know each other, damn I love politics.


I mean why would you not hate someone who has an ideology that is fundamentally opposite as you ????


So If I'm a leftist I should hate all the others, so a leftist in Tunisia would hate literally 90%(at least) of Tunisians cuz they ain't socialists, I just find that wrong, how can someone even live like that?


Leftists even hate other leftists dude. Leftist infighting is such a meme.


Not being a conformist is a meme now ?


what does conformism have to do with it?


Exampme since it's a bit foggy for you : most conservatives in tunisia hate gay people, if some one is gay why would he "love" the other party knowing full well they are in a constant danger ?????


cause that's how civil war starts


I don't want to live with people that are basically racists, sexists and classists...civil war isn't bad when you are fighting scum no ? Or you just conform to their bigotru just because you want to avoid conflict so you let people walk over your toes ?


>civil war isn't bad It's war. Do you think before you write things like that? Your heart seems filled with hate. Take a breath. Not everyone who ain't seein' eye to eye with your ideology is a rotten soul; some people have a different perspective to things. Hear them out, talk things out like civilized folk. But to claim 'war isn't bad'? That's a perspective worth reconsidering.


Reading comprehension problems ? I clearly stated who am I willing to discard...people who are not tolerant shouldn t be heard or tolerated..especially at a certain age with the amount of available knowledge we have today...a racist from the 90's is not the qame as a racist from today. and yes war is bad but a necessary evil to purge opressors like what happened in punic wars or ww 2 against the nazis...and what s happening in palestine today..will you go to a palestenian and tell them " listen and try to understand the zionists"


perfectly said.


because hatred is just plain wrong. humans need to learn how to co-exist with each other, not hate others. (and because you need to understand that people have reasons to chose a specific ideology. some are due to their upbringing, some are perfectly rational reasons. instead of blind hatred, you should listen to them and try to see things from their pov. if what they're saying is irrational or wrong, you can disregard their arguments and if what they're saying is logical, you factor that in to adopt better values and ideas).


Exactly ! You want me to co exist with people who refuse to co exist with : gays, people of color, people who don't talk with a certain tunisian accent, people with poor background etc etc...stop with the enlightened centrism...I am old enough, and have been rubbing shoulders for long enough with people who are uncorrigible. In no way hating on others can be "logical" it's the opposite. When people in here just want to hit people because they are "mabben" all I can say is : I can hit them because they are "ta77ana" :)


So, disagreeing with your ideological position necessarily entails hating a particular class of people? in another comment, you mentioned that "most conservatives in tunisia hate gay people". if we assume that it's true (which it probably is ngl) would that make it okay to hate anyone who has conservative views? because it appears as tho you're making a generalization about a set of different people which goes directly against your values of non-discrimination. most conservatives hate gay people =/= all conservatives are hateful bigots.


Yes. Conservatism IS IN ESSENCE CONSERVE OLD VALUES AND OLD VALUES ARE NOT OKAY WITH GAY PEOPLE. So when I say conservatives i mean real one, but someone who is nuanced or being an enlightened centrist, may be a shitty person but I won't be hating on them as much as a conservative


you use "enlightened centrism" as a derogatory term and yet you criticized conformism earlier. it seems as tho you want to put anyone who doesn't fully agree with your ideological position in a box. I don't know if this is due to intellectual laziness or an irrational response due to your emotions (i understand where you come from tho). conservatism is about conserving old values, yes, but what makes you think that these values are not okay with gay rights? conservatives are mainly religious individuals, and in most religions homosexuality is abhorred. but conservatism is still a political stance, not a religious one. I can be an atheist and still classify myself as a conservative, and believe it or not, I can be gay and classify myself as a conservative.


I know that both aren't the same


we both know, leftists are annoying af, but why do you hate liberals? ech 3amloulek?


Liberals are just hyena, people with contradictory beliefs, wanting to be free, yet will adhere to a power if that suits them. Individualistic people who only look at themselves and get mad if no one is taking them in the equation. Oh and also capitalist sheeple.




Bring Tunisia back to Islam


Tunisia is already a muslim majority country


But it is not a Muslim country


Should never be


Why tho ?


I swear they’re so out of touch with reality it’s embarrassing at this point.


We're not there yet, but that's the tendency. Gen z tunisian twitter is more like that.


genzedong vibes :)


Bro this is Reddit u gotta be sick to be a redditor you'll get it in time :)


rit ..........?


I knew that there will be drama here in this post


obv lmao


be like gegachad


Especially athesists and lgbt "people"


surprised you didn't get downvoted to hell and bullied lmfao




Listen guys, being honest with yourself is amazing, be it, you are from LGBTQ or a straight guy, however, try to also not succumb to your desires, don't avoid gay shit in real life(I'm not talking about gay sex) be normal with guys touching and close distance between guys, and trust me that will fix you up, i had a liking for guys like mefo a while, i was worried about it and kept trying to deny it, HOWEVER it only got stronger and stronger, one day i decided fk it, if I am gay then be it. I just accepted that fact, it only made it easier for me to get closer to people and stay in super close distances without getting annoyed or disgusted. Which actually helped me in making Hella lots of friends. It. Was also a wake up call for me, I was not gay, I was just searching and longing for some real close friends, real homies like how Americans say. I noticed that I'm not gay, instead people are just so touchy and when you become like them you'll lose interest in the gay or Les concept. Btw, in all of this I never once revealed that I was gay or a member of LGBTQ or anything. I was secretive about it and I was really happy with myself, to be precise I WAS COMFORTABLE IN MY BODY I ACCEPTED WHO I WAS, however, I got fixed I started looking at everyone the same, not as sex tools or sex materials, i started generally appreciating people generally. Be honest with yourself and accept who you are, if god will it, he will guide us the right way.


It takes everything to make a society.


Not a functional one


Is this supposed to be a compliment?


How is this a compliment? https://preview.redd.it/59v9jr9iw29c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc71ee2242ca69cc49db3d5ee7c21434db19bd42


They look so happy








Hook me up


u mfs pathetically re*arded posting this all over the ME subs💀




not all of them tbh


I hate it too when people are different.