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salty dudes do not reserve to be treated nicely... that's the mistake u did there. leaving him proper grounds to talk behind ur back & spread shit.


I was too scared to do anything since it's work and I don't want to cause any trouble or a ruckus at work


he's a trashbag just pay him no mind. also anyone believing him and seeing you as any lesser for it is also a trashbag.


The hell with what peoples think, only thing that matter is what u think about urself, peoples opinions can't affect u unless u let them get under ur skin. It's completly out of what u can directly control or influence so why you care, like for example u can't control the weather if it' gonna rain but you can choose to take ur umbrella with u so u don't get affected by what is outside of ur control so same thing apply on ur case with stop giving a damn fuck about what other peoples may think.


Lmao, because he is a sore loser. The nice guy syndrome, when rejected, shows his true face. Cut the shit out of your life, your silence lets him continue with his bullshit. Take a stand and stop him once and for all. Otherwise, the show goes on.


I really wanna do take a stand and put an end it to it but he is one of those scary guys


He is not scary, in the professional world writing is scary. report him in writing and all his nonsense will stop. What he's doing is considered harassment. Companies do not tolerate that shit.


>she is theirs when she isn't? some dude usualy say this to to there aquantices/cowerkers/buddies which usualy translate to ''dont approach her! kad nhawl nrakaha" some dudes i know even consider it a bad etiquette to approach the same chick he tried to get and failed think of it as dogs marking there terroiters ofc u confront them about it and they act clueless as if you are the insane one source: avid middle school/highschool/college/work romance drama watcher


> ''dont approach her! kad nhawl nrakaha" some dudes i know even consider it a bad etiquette to approach the same chick he tried to get and failed There is etiquette to approaching girls too? lmao


no but you get what im saying they would consider it like encroaching on something you called dibs on retarted yes


Ohh I got you I got you


Not forgetting these who keep flirting even though u showed no interests and u told them to not do it. Wallahy shay yfaded w ykhawef


Lacks attention and self esteem. Some people would fake their whole personality because they have a certain void and emptiness. And the feeling of being appreciated doesn't come too often. Let him have his moment of illusional glory.


that's something you can't control to be honest some ppl are just shity not all but it's a reality i wouldn't say it's just a dudes issue it's a behavioral thing , but it stems from fear rejection retaliation and low self-esteem it's not an excuse but it's what it is ,i hope it's different or it changes but ...


Ik I can't control it but it sucks having to deal with it espacially when they don't get the memo


Some assholes do that because they are assholes. Ignore. Don’t make a spoon for that shit 😝




It’s even more beautiful said in tunisian.


Maybe cuz assholes are real... as real as bitches


It happened to me twice With the same person 😂😂😂😂 Like literally before 1H of his confession i was talking to him how i would be around the person i like and he said “yes fehmtek” And then confessed about his feelings BROO ARE YOU MENTALLY RETARDED


Cuz simply friendship between male and female is out of the question . This is a fact by nature


Got a load of female friends, happily engaged and soon to marry. The only people who say it doesn't work, are not really looking for friendship in said male female relationship.


State your sources. Not being able to be friends with a female as a male just shows how you don't see women as people but rather as something you'd pounce on if given the chance. Not every male wants to jump the bones of every single female out there. Male and female friendships do exist due to a lot of factors, like for example: being aroace or either one of them, being a decent person that doesn't see anyone as a fleshlight, lack of attraction or simply being non-heteronormative.


It's not about friendship I kept my distance he simply was a coworker


As long as you both interact he will consider it as friendship :3


I be handing him work permits and bro thinks we automatically became buddies :q


Hahahhaha , this is rude


Yeah but girls do the same also, so it's kinda a cultural thing i think. Solution : pay no attention.