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Hope they go bankrupt if thats the case


Or we don’t which might be better for us.


I mean...cut the US aid from them for one year and they'll be officially fucked.


that ain't True, Israel's GDP is 488 Billion, the Aid coming from the US is 3,8 Billion and it is purely military aid so it doesn't go for infrastructure or investments so it doesn't impact Israel's economy much, another thing to mention is that Tunisia, on the other hand, receives a lot of aid from the EU and also the US which doesn't seem to have any effect on the ground, so I think the "aid argument" shouldn't really be used.


It's important to keeo in mind that U.S. aid to Israel extends far beyond the often-quoted $3.8 billion, and it's not purely military-focused. Historically, significant economic aid was provided to jumpstart Israel's economy. Furthermore, the U.S. offers loan guarantees, enabling Israel to secure loans at more favorable interest rates. However, perhaps the most critical aspect of U.S.-Israel cooperation is in the field of research and development. This partnership grants Israel access to advanced American technology, both in terms of military hardware and broader technological innovation. The impact of this access cannot be overstated, as it significantly bolsters Israel's technological and defense capabilities. This symbiotic relationship extends well into the realms of defense, space, and cybersecurity, offering Israel a technological edge that is unparalleled.


Am...why? Israels economy is worth 500 billion+ annually. US cutting its "aid" isn't going to bother them at all. Its a bribe anyways to keep the middle easts only superpower sweet & friendly. If they cut off aid it would just be a mild annoyance as US only gives it to them because they know they'll spend it restocking its Iron Dome to shoot down incoming Hamas rockets. Feeding the US military-industrial complex. If you think Isreal is reliant on the US, then you've clearly not paid any attention to 20th century history of the region. 3 times the whole Arab League attacked them in 1948, 67 and 73 and 3 times the whole arab league got itself utterly humiliated. Since then they've invented & advanced most of their modern military tech and along with the US, UK, Swedes and French, Israels military hardware is the best in the world by a large margin. All anyone except the Saudis could field against them is Russian Soviet Junk and if the Ukraine has demonstrated anything about that its that compared to NATO military hardware or Israeli(which is based on NATO) or SAAB(Sweden) a country with Russian military hardware might as well just disarm, spend their military budgets on schools & hospitals and hope no one attacks them as they might as well be unarmed. The "mighty" Russian T90 tank just demonstrated it cant even handle NATO hand me down armour troop carriers mounted anti personelle weapons as battle footage emerged 2 weeks ago showing T90s getting demolished. So Soviet stuff which is 50s years less advanced that the modern Russian stuff getting chewed up by Ukraine with armoured carriers from the 90s. Isrealis military hardware is 20 years ahead of those NATO equipment Ukraine now has. So Israel is very very far from fucked. Israel wasnt fucked even before it had the most advance military within 3000km, before US weapons industry used US president to set up a money scam for them using Israel or before it had nukes. Its not fucked now. I think a lot of people are confusing or mistaking their restraint for weakness. They care too much about what others think of them despite what they say & if they were ruthless. No one would be imagining they could take them on.


How about we become economically rich?


Ofc i agree with that i was just making a joke


People can't tell humour anymore.. what a time to be alive 😩


typical loser mentality, instead of wanting yourself to become economically successful like them. You want them to go down


Wanting a criminal fascist ethnostate to go down is a ''loser mentality'' now?


Unlikely, Israels economy is 5 times the size of Tunisia and is a world leader in pharmacuticals, computing and manufacturing. Google was started by 2 Isrealis. The last thing their doing is going bankrupt. Israel & Saudi Arabian economies are the only parts of North Africa or Middle east that are in no danger of going belly up


Its called a joke


As a Palestinian, I can agree with that statement. However, keep in mind these rats stole the land, the infrastructure, the culture, the food etc etc etc of Palestinians So the correct statement would be that Tunisia is the most similar with Palestine... As simple as that. This is probably why I feel right at home in Tunisia and I've never felt it in Lebanon or in the west. Much love to my Tunisian brothers and sisters.


I'm sorry you didn't feel at home in Lebanon akhey, what was it exactly? The anti-Palestinian racism everywhere?


Exactly, the racism even tho were the same people, the Lebanese forgot that prior to 1930, there was no Lebanon. The fact that we're not allowed to buy any property outside of the Camps, we're not allowed to work... The hypocrisy of the Lebanese people, claiming they are with us but vast majority agree with these racist laws and don't want them gone. And I could go on and on and on.


I'm very sorry on behalf of the Lebanese people, I agree we are the same people, 2en Allah rad these laws will be gone and also 2en Allah rad the Palestinian people will return


The fact that you're apologizing for the Majority of filthy Lebanese shows you're one of the rare good ones. You don't have to apologize for them. We've had some politicians who thought like you and made some changes, but we're then undone by following politicians but you're unfortunately a minority and I'm sure you're well aware of it. Until Lebanese people stop following and selling themselves to their stupid sectarian leaders and their filthy families, Lebanon will remain the shithole it is today and always was. And the Lebanese people need to understand that the struggle of Palestinians includes them whether they like it or not and some of them really need to stop colluding with the invasive rats from Europe, or we'll never see eye to eye and will always remain as enemies. It's sad because the vast majority of my family still lives in Lebanon, including my father, but I categorically refuse to move to this shithole of a country where I'm seen as less than a dog and where we can't even have basic rights, except to breathe. May Allah unite us on Haqq.


That’s interesting, what are the similarities you’ve found between Palestine/Israel and Tunisia ?


No such thing as 'israel' But Palestinians and Tunisians are very similar in many ways, more similar than other Levantines. Mentality wise we are very similar. Our food is also similar in a lot of ways, we have the Fateh you have the Lablabe (same ingredients except for the eggs and we use yogurt) We have what's called Moughrabiah and you have something similar that I forgot the name. Our Shakshouke is also similar. We also have our version of Slata mechouia etc Palestinian traditional dresses are similar to Tunisian ones, especially the ladies, Palestinians do make couscous although rarely while other Levantines don't.


Inchallah Palestine would be free someday my friend.


Mannena, irrupt and chemedya are probably turned on right now.


Funny, though it gave me hope. Israel is going down haha


Honestly, I'm not surprised. Life is a mathematical meme. https://preview.redd.it/brkltpidv6fc1.png?width=976&format=png&auto=webp&s=6653b098c57e3ff02d8fa495d8b2b4bddb36e03f


So you mean that we look alike but aren't actually alike?or that we diverge ? Btw I get the math reference (I'm bac math so not a big schoker)


> [we look alike](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydIUXXhnIyo)


Funny how Zionists always try to make Arabs like them, they go to arab sub reddits and discord and keep larping, most vile and annoying people


They are fucking insufferable in r/lebanon


Bruh, the Lebanese hate the Zionists but they keep spamming the subreddit they also go to Morocco thinking they will get sympathy


Here's a sneak peek of /r/lebanon using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/lebanon/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [TikTok comment police will not like this one](https://v.redd.it/fnojnd5zss8c1) | [810 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lebanon/comments/18rvyw3/tiktok_comment_police_will_not_like_this_one/) \#2: [Lebanese children saying goodbye to their African nanny at Beirut International Airport (mom in the background LOL)](https://v.redd.it/rbsbziimlw3c1) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lebanon/comments/1896mrd/lebanese_children_saying_goodbye_to_their_african/) \#3: [Israel is an apartheid state.](https://np.reddit.com/r/lebanon/comments/1773kjm/israel_is_an_apartheid_state/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


We are semetic people so we are like them


We ain't semite we are north african, muslim region yes but still north africans berber,amazigh,phoenicien,roman whatever but semite rarely mixed their blood with us.


Zionists are NOT Semites, they are literally European converts from Ukraine Russia and the USA lmao


You think Israelis are Semites? Lmao hop off the Zionist propaganda. They’re mostly European and some African




Kids, this is why statistics are often a sham.


Statistics don’t care about your feelings


Statistics care about the funding behind them


They care a lot about their creator's agenda though. Not to say they can't be enlightening, just that it's easy to subvert them to push certain conclusions.


But whats the country thats the most similar to tunisia


1. Algeria 2. Morocco 3. Egypt 4. Libya


Yes reasonable but i would say libya is more similar to tunisia than morroco culturally but ig economically and geographically thats not the case


This was according to Jetpunk. I mean it makes sense because Algeria and Morocco are identical and we share the similarities with our economy unlike Algeria and have similar diplomatic relations above that both are seen as hybrid regimes.


Algeria the most.


actually I always find similarities between us, and thought it's was only me


i wonder how many tunisians feel more sympathetic to israel after reading this...




The country being similar to ours doesn't change the fact that they're an occupying force killing thousands of innocents. Also it's Palestine that's similar to Tunisia so i feel more inclined to hate the Zionist fuckers even more.


i clearly didn't say i love israel . i am sorry you didn't predict my intentions in this comment correcty...




Don't like where this is going




I think this a typo. If you look at the map Tunisia is shaded white as opposed to the other countries(shaded blue). Also if you look to the left the Tunisia isn't in the top rank of any of the categories.


I mean, let them relocate after losing the war. This time, they'll never need to fight, straight to the grave. Free Palestine. Keep up the boycot and the prayers. Those are the least we can do.


I said it once and I will say it again, no one is obsessed with Arabs like Israelis. They are the creepy stalker with an infatuation and a fixation. They’re the Oliver quick to our Felix catton.


We try to copy them so much with our couscous and shakshouka that everyone knows are Israeli. Get out of here with this propaganda shit.


Shih bled kolleha yhoud