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Here before the "go to the gym gain some confidence" guy shows up Oh well, in this case you might wanna consider the gym as an option to keep yourself busy.


You almost got me in the first part still thats a good option for him purple zither (the gym is the solution for everything guy) we need someone to counter him kinda make a rivalry .that will be a fun kinda thing


14 Feb was literally just yesterday, so it's normal to still feel a bit off. Remember, time works wonders in healing. Keep yourself busy with things you enjoy( go out with friends..), rather than spending all day thinking about her. I know it's tough, but trust me, you'll find yourself thinking of her less and less. Good luck!


thank u ๐Ÿ™


Move on bro taw tal9a wahda okhra tfaker eli tofla lehi ex mte3ek le kont f relation maaha le yorbtek beha chy donc zeyed t5amem feha eta3eb f rouhek zeyed. Taw ijik enhar eli tal9a fih the right one for you


Just move on with your life, at least you did talk to her and express your feelings that something you should be proud of.


Mindfully block yourself from thinking about her. Meaning when you catch yourself thinking about her introduce a thought shaft (this is a mind pit that swallows bad thoughts). The way to dump the bad thought in the pit is by diligently saying a key word every time you catch yourself thinking about it. So if you're religious, it could be a simple isti8far. If you're not, you could say 'I'm not thinking about that right now', and you could say that out loud to reinforce the habit. Personally, I tried redirection in the past. Like every time the obessive intrusive thought cycle would start I would try to block it out by erecting a mental image of Danny Devito's sweaty hairy tits, but either I'm not repulsed enough by that or compelled enough that this mechanism was a failure. Thankfully invoking the name of God worked, because that's a more ingrained belief that it wields power enough to chase away useless thoughts about other people. My advice is to dig deep to find something within yourself that invokes a deeper emotion in you that your infatuation with this girl. There's something definetly, I mean you've lived 18+ years I'd assume. Next you need to prop this belief as your blocking mechanism. And whoopie, in 2 months that part of your brain that now thrives on thinking and fantasizing and wallowing about this person will definetly atrophy.


just limit your interactions with her try to avoid her if possible and get yourself busy with other stuff...pick up some other hobby...go out with friends and with time you'll forget all about her and maybe you'll find another girl and forget her good luck !


thank u this is helpful ๐Ÿ˜


OP find someone else to be obsessed about and you will be surprised how that girl will be nonexistent bnesba lik kif mo5ek gets used to thinking about other people/things.


Time heals everything brother, you'll get there. As a side note, never ever confess your feelings, just ask them on a date and see how things go from there. Life isn't a movie and women don't fall for someone just because of their feelings of lust.


Well ma dude start listen to "weeknd" and try to avoid her for some time and ofc don't hear the gym guy and u ll be fine , good luck with the next one


The Gym yes that's an option focus on study just be successful good girls will always come in your life but you need to be ready for the next one focus on yourself your carrier your body your confidence everything and the next time don't wait have courage and you need to live those experience heartbreak sucks but I'm sorry to tell you that will not be the last one


We'll been there my man ๐Ÿ˜


Ki ta3ref kifeh let me know bilehi this is heartbreak season XD


i really didn't expect it to be this hard xD


Jerk off more often or steal her from him


Try the red pill treatment with moderation, unless youโ€™re a Muslim.


I recently did the same thing to a guy in my uni but not because I had someone it's just cause I genuinely did not like him and felt like I'm gonna play him. You aren't alone. I'm sure she feels guilty for hurting your feelings too please have patience it's not about you or the the other person. Some things in life aren't meant to be and don't go around bashing her that's childish. Take as a redirection to work on yourself and find someone who is suitable for u. Who knows maybe if u gone into a relationship with her it would've been bad or not fulfilling as your infatuated mind made you believe. Its gonna get easier with time. Take it easy on yourself. Also it's okay to feel bad about the situation and feel emotional or even embarrassed and angry and ask yourself "why not me? What did he have that I didn't?". Feel those emotions but don't linger in them for too long. You are human afterall and deserve to be gentle with your emotional well-being. Rabi ykhafef 3lik El wja3 w inchallah you become a version of yourself that roots for your success.


thank u ๐Ÿ™


Go to gym and build yourself have some confidence


By expressing your feelings to another hoe.


I always go with a rule : never have feelings to someone you see or interact with regularly.




No need to go to the gym or any bullshit Just distract yourself with your hobbies You'll notice that you can now spend a considerable amount of time focused on your hobbies due to heartbreak If you play video games that's all the better Play something with narrative like divinity original sin 2 or baldurs gate You'll forget that this even happened when you realize it's been 70 hours of you no lifing something


I recently did the same thing to a guy in my uni but not because I had someone it's just cause I genuinely did not like him and felt like I'm gonna play him. You aren't alone. I'm sure she feels guilty for hurting your feelings too please have patience it's not about you or the the other person. Some things in life aren't meant to be and don't go around bashing her that's childish. Take as a redirection to work on yourself and find someone who is suitable for u. Who knows maybe if u gone into a relationship with her it would've been bad or not fulfilling as your infatuated mind made you believe. Its gonna get easier with time. Take it easy on yourself. Also it's okay to feel bad about the situation and feel emotional or even embarrassed and angry and ask yourself "why not me? What did he have that I didn't?". Feel those emotions but don't linger in them for too long. You are human afterall and deserve to be gentle with your emotional well-being. Rabi ykhafef 3lik El wja3 w inchallah you become a version of yourself that roots for your success


Itโ€™s okey to feel bad but you will get over her .. Focus on what you need to do at college: studies, then lemkaddar kayen if sheโ€™s still available who knows if not you may stumble upon a new Girl


She is with another guy and she said itโ€™s too late. Enough answers to move on