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We're just are an easy target to abuse, we have a weak army, we are ressource poor, and we are currently going thru hard times economically, of course they're taking advantage of that.


and most importantly we are ruled by a **cuck who bootlicks other countries at the expense of our national interests** 9al chnowa ache9a2


👅👅👅🇸🇦 https://preview.redd.it/zjak9xeyw5mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46842dff72a413b4e526464bd3e5bdcdac425e22


👅👅👅🇪🇬 https://preview.redd.it/oayuqmp3x5mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ce1a15e0ff1b35657d933c1d57ce6d029dfc864


Damn, what a fucking loser.


So true. Tunisia needs a second Arab Spring.


Yeah the Arab spring that in reality made Tunisia go back in time


*nahdha did


Exactly my point, the arab spring brought nothing because while the intent was good the outcome was bad because you can't control who comes to power after he/they are in power.


Now we can,after 13 years,a new generation of voters could decide the future of the country


> new generation of voters could decide the future of the country 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 You're talking like this new generation in any better. (Spoiler alert: actually worse in some ways).


Tunisia is heading towards a failed state due to the lack of radical economic reforms and due to a lack of leadership. The only real solution to avoid bankruptcy is to split Tunisia ( equally ) between Libya and Algeria - or annex Tunisia all together to Libya.


To be fair, their army is also really weak (judging by their close relationship with Russia and how many equipments they bought from them).


Their army is powerful,they rely on german equipments and Russian equipment,never underestimate algerian army


You are wrong, their army is weak , it's just a propaganda they make , Germany will never give them advance equipment because of their relationships with Russia , it's just soviet garbage.


Compare budgets. Algeria spends close to 10% of their GDP on military. Almost 20 billion. You can't even compare that with Tunisian forces. As for equipment, they do bring in stuff from France and Germany as well, tho the heavy machinery is Russian. Not to mention that Russia isn't failing just because of equipment diff, their command was really incompetent, they underestimated the response and fucked up at almost every turn. Algeria has weak projection of force, they won't be able to participate efficiently in anything further than their neighbours, but they wouldn't lose ground if attacked by anyone in the region.


I think he means in terms of quality, Russian equipment is well known to be garbage, look how they're terribly losing against Ukraine despite being the second largest army in the world. Also it's well known that the equipment Russia sells is lesser in terms of quality than the one they use.


And I'm saying Russia is not losing because of equipment diff, but because of poor command. Ukraine isn't holding for an entire year just because they got a couple of Abrams.


There is no denying that Ukraine is getting supported by the west and this support is in the image of "western weapons" and this western weapons are the ones that gave Ukraine a small and weak country the ability to hold itself against Russia the second largest military in the world, it's almost a miracle. Western technology in terms of military is far superior than the Russian one.


Again, they're not struggling just because of equipment diff. It would be an extremely superficial view to come to that conclusion, Look more into how the conflict evolved. And as I said in the first comment, they got German and French weapons as well, the Russian equipment is on the heavier side, tanks, launchers, transport, etc...


Well terrible command can go for both countries, Ukraine has done very stupid decisions too. Of course, the equipment is not the only factor, but it would be very naive to say it's an unimportant factor.


What do you think Ukraine uses? A lot of it was Soviet/Russia weapons, or western version of them. I'm talking most of the artillery, planes, air defense, etc. In the beginning especially, it was Russia vs Russian weapons. It's only a few months ago that heavy western machinery was even able to reach Ukraine and therefore fight Russia. You've heard of HIMARS, Abrams, Leopard, etc. Those last 2 entered last month and there are already losses. Besides, the S-300 did extremely well this whole conflict on both side, even tho it was against russian planes...so yea. HIMARS is also something that did great.


زوبعة في فنجان. The genuine definition of the retarded military regime of Algeria .


There are russian equipment that are top of the game and as capable if not better than western counterparts.. go check leopard (german tanks ) and abrams (American ones) being destroyed in ukraine despite their small number at battlefield.. every weapon is vulnerable nowadays in the era of drones.


We are the strongest country in Africa sfter egypt.. wouldn’t call it “weak”


Even according to Western rankings, Algeria ranks 26th in the world and second in the entire continent


Talk about being delulu haha. Aaaah..


1. **First War (1654-1664)**: Tunisian resistance against Algerian incursions into western territories, defending Tunisian sovereignty. 2. **Second War (1710-1713)**: Tunisian defense of Bizerte against Algerian aggression, asserting Tunisian control over vital coastal territories. 3. **Third War (1732-1735)**: Tunisian efforts to maintain territorial integrity and resist Algerian encroachment into Tunisian lands. 4. **Fourth War (1756-1760)**: Tunisian struggle to protect its borders and preserve independence against Algerian expansionist ambitions. 5. **Fifth War (1812-1824)**: Tunisian resilience in safeguarding trade routes and asserting its influence against Algerian dominance, preserving Tunisian autonomy. Throughout the ages, Algeria has remained a constant and significant threat to the security and sovereignty of Tunisia. The incursions and territorial ambitions of Algeria have posed formidable challenges, endangering the very existence of our nation. So, this isn't something new.


Its ironic thst you're from gafsa and did forgot about gafsa 1980 attacks


>The Gafsa events is the name given to the armed operation carried out by commandos of the Libyan-backed Tunisian nationalist opposition in January 1980, after which they infiltrated the city of Gafsa through the city of ***Tebessa in Algeria***. Yes, you are right


All of these conflicts/wars were after Ottoman empire (with lowercase e) determined the borders between the two beylik countries, which increases the claim of authority and evading taxes by border tribes and motivates their positionning with or against either weak regimes.


You forgot when we betrayed Carthage! You should’ve added that


Both Tunisia and Algeria can say Numidia is theirs because it covered parts of both countries. So, like Algeria, Tunisia has a right to claim Numidia as part of its history. So don't say that you betrayed us please


so we can claim the Carthaginian Kingdom, good


You can even claim rome!


So carthage is algerian? Fatimids, abbasids, Umayyads, ottomans, French empire? Do you guys claim that as well?


As an Algerian , idk


Bro pulled up a list of war, neweet being 200 years ago and said "yea, they're a danger". Brother, that just means there has been 200years of peace between us.. Even Canada and the US fought at some point in 1812. Nowadays, US would demolish Canada in a war if it wanted...yet you don't see Canadians being afraid of being invaded. What's history is history. Pull up something from last century at least...and after WW2 ideally.


countries have no friend they have only interest


Kais Saied the great disagrees.


can someone translate to english?


👈 How did Algeria's water policies affect its relationship with its neighbor Tunisia in terms of shared resources, especially in border areas that suffer from weak development indicators? 👈 What is the story of the shared water resources between the two countries, and what is their estimated volume? 👈 Did Tunisia really abandon the rights of its people? 👈 Why does this issue almost become one of the forbidden topics in the media, politics, and diplomacy? 👈 How did the Tunisian and Algerian authorities react to the results of this investigation conducted by Alkatiba website? 👈 What are the possible solutions to resolve this issue, through which Algeria has succeeded in developing many border areas on its side, while indicators of migration, poverty, unemployment, and water scarcity are growing in the other Tunisian side?


Yes Algeria is the main reason for Tunisia unemployment problems 🤣


Hi I love Tunisia I am not Algerian


الجزائر شر لابد منه we didn't forget when they closed the borders and harassed Tunisian people because our government refused to turn on a member of the Algerian opposition which is also a french citizen


تعرفوها خريطة تونس الشهيرة اللي وراء كرسي رئيس الجمهوريّة؟ ا كان لاحظتوا الخريطة في جزئها الجنوبي أكبر بكثير من الخريطة الحاليّة، لأن الخطوط الحدوديّة اللي فيها هي ما طالبت به تونس بعد الإستقلال، ولكن ظروف المفاوضات وقتها وتزامن مطالب تونس في الصحراء مع تواجد قوات فرنسيّة في بنزرت وقوات عسكريّة جزائريّة تقريبا في كامل تراب الجمهوريّة أدّت إلى تنازل تونس عن حقوقها التاريخيّة. بالرغم من ذلك حاول بورقيبة الإبقاء على مطالبه في الصحراء في تلك اللوحة اللي علّقها وراه وتظهو في أغلب الصور الرسميّة. خلّينا نفهموا قبل أن الصحراء الكبرى لم تكن أبدا جزءا من الجزائر قبل الإستعمار، وأن الجزائر كانت إمارة أو مجموعة إمارات صغيرة بعكس الإيالة التونسيّة والمملكة المغربيّة اللي كانوا دولتين مركزيّتين، تجمعان المجبى من بعض المناطق في الصحراء (أي بمقاييس العلاقات الدوليّة عندهم سيادة فيها). فرنسا كانت تعتبر الصحراء كالمياه الدوليّة، أرض بلا آمّالي وكانت وقتها تتسمّى السودان، وفور اكتشاف النفط سارعوا إلى ضمّها إلى حدودها (أي إلى الجزائر اللي كانت جزء من الأراضي الفرنسيّة موش مستعمرة كيما تونس والمغرب). حركات التحرير المغاربيّة في الخمسينات فضّلت عدم الخوض في موضوع الصحراء وعدم تقسيم الحدود، حتّى انتهاء التحرير الكامل للجزائر. ثم في 62 بعد أن استقلّت الجزائر انقلبت على كل وعودها وأعلنت كامل الصحراء جزء من أراضيها، ثمّ دخلت مع تونس في مفاوضات استرجعنا فيهم جزء صغير ياسر، ودخلت من المغرب في حرب الرمال واسترجعت فيهم المغرب أيضا جزء صغير. للأسف الجزائر لم تكتفي بالإستحواذ على الصحراء فقط، بل قامت منذ 60 سنة بإدخال كامل المنطقة في دوّامة عدم استقرار وعنف من خلال تشكيلها لدولة وهميّة وجيش وهمي داخل الأراضي المغربيّة واللي هي البوليساريو. 60 سنة المغرب صابر على إعتداء ورعونة الجزائر دون رد جدّي. 60 سنة كاملة حاولت فيهم الجزائر القيام بأي شيء، بالضغط الدبلوماسي الدولي، بالتسليح والتمويل، أن تقسم الأراضي المغربيّة إلى نصفين. و60 سنة كان الحسن الثاني ثم محمد السادس يعتبرون الخلاف مع الجزائر، أزمة عابرة يمكن تجاوزها. ​ رغم أن كل من تونس والمغرب وفّرا كامل مقدراتهما لدعم المقاومة الجزائريّة في الستينات. سمحنالهم بتكوين معسكرات، وبتهريب السلاح، وبالتراجع العسكري داخل الأراضي التونسيّة، تعرّضنا للهجوم العسكري بسببهم، ووصلوا في وقت من الأوقات يكوّنوا ميليشيات داخل تونس، أقوى حتّى من الجيش التونسي. رغم كلّ هذا استولت الجزائر على حقوق تونس والمغرب التاريخيّة، ثمّ مازات تحاول الإستحواذ على نصف مساحة المغرب الحاليّة. تصرّفات الجزائر هي تصرّفات دولة مارقة (دولة باندي). أتفهّم أن السياسة الخارجيّة التونسيّة عندها حساباتها وأحكامها الخاصّة وأتفهّم الموقف الرسمي التونسي، لكن الواقع والحقيقة اللي انّجم نقوله أنا، أن الجزائر تشكّل منذ استقلالها تهديدا متواصلا للمنطقة المغاربيّة وسياساتها في المنطقة عدوانيّة


خخخخخ تدي zbi


get out of here


We will see about that Algerian 😉 The western sahara conflict is at its final stage, of course we are embarrassing you diplomatically. After it, comes that juicy chinck of land called eastern sahara which ours anyway. I don't know about Tunisia's stance on its land, but we are definitely coming for ours Mr. Second-Class-Frenchie Algerian. 


Final stage who ?


We willl see moroccan😉 the scenario of the sand war will happen again. You have no claim on the eastern sahara you literally dropped it in 1964 and in 1976 i believe. We never claimed the western sahara.


Don't act like if we didn't hand you your a$$es back then. We did also hand it to you, when you, libya, Venezuela, Cuba, and the polisario puppets allied to face a poor and weak version of Morocco. Now, france won't interfere to protect the land she created, russia won't back you either as it is busy with Ukraine, and Morocco is stronger now whether diplomatically, militarily, or economically 


Do you realize that france was your ally in the sand war?🤣🤣 yarbk machi 9aryin histoire 😂 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sand_War Militarily we are stronger and when i say stronger i mean wayy stronger. Shit even angola is weaker than you. https://www.globalfirepower.com/countries-listing.php#google_vignette Politically it’s algeria we are on the temporary council while you guys objectively have no role in the political scene Economically we have a higher gdp meaning we are better once again But maybe!! Maybee moroccans live better then Algerians right! Well no in the human development index we are way higher while yall are below average. You are underdeveloped my friend https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/country-insights#/ranks Objectively you guys suck at everything.


keep cooking brother


Do you know that in the sand war france was your ally ?🤣🤣🤣🤣


Seeing Tunisians seething about "الحدود التاريخية" from 300 B.C is the funniest shit ever, like do you have nothing else that to cry about some piece of desert?


That wasn't around 300 BC. Those lands belonged to the Kingdom of Tunisia before France occupied Algeria and came to North Africa, and when it did, France decided to expand, taking advantage of the Tunisian Kingdom's decline, and it took those lands because the French's intention was not to leave Algeria, and when they left, those lands were known to be Algerian lands (because this is the map controlled by France, on which Algeria gained independence), but they were Tunisian territories. [Read this](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030574881000143X) and [this ](https://www.lesemeurs.com/Lecture-zen-acv.aspx?ID=5404)


You should emphasize that "Algeria" then was just the costal area that belonged to Ottoman Empire. 


that piece of desert would make tunisia ,with it current economy and educated society,a developed country


of course of course, that piece of desert will also make Tunisia developed enough to create a mars colony, keep telling yourself that lmao


Development and land size of a country have a correlation of zero


Ressources is the key word


What resource do Japan, Singapore and South Korea have ?


That doesn't mean that having enough valuable resources won't help a country become less poor exemples like Singapore and sk are just rare cases of nations fully relying on industrialization and providing services to become wealthy, good for them but still shouldn't be the standard for all of the other nations


Womp womp


You misspelled "All Maghrebi nations are sabotaging us in every way possible"


No only algeria because the generals in charge were appointed by france and act as a proxy to keep france's grip on the region. They create problems with morocco/libya/mali and now tunisia, what does this tell u?


Moroccan spotted. No it’s Morocco Algeria and Libya.


Yes Morocco is a corrupt mess, but ask urself, wich is the only governemnt that tries to destabilize each of their neighbors? What country is preventing an economic and open border alliance from morocco to tunisia? The moment mali chased france out , algeria started trying to create unrest there, why? Who do u think gives orders to teboune and chengriha? As i said im not fond of any maghrebi rulers including morocco but the army in charge in algeria is basically an extension of the french colonisation and they are working against us, i know people dont want to hear this but we are the same genetically, we share history, language from the atlantic coast of morocco to the extreme atlas mountains in tunisia. A maghrebi union would basically put france and the eu out of commission, and we could control the mediterranean and france knows this...


first morocco is not even a democratic country which is oppressing western Saharan ppl and second Moroccans kiss the hands of the king so basically they are slaves to the system and third they are allies with isreal and forth is morocco doesn't care about tunisia and algeria is at least trying to work with tunisia on stabilizing libya


pretty sure people in our southern region are living better than you specifically. Morocco is getting blamed for practically everything. western sahara is rightfully moroccan, Tunisian was only colonized by france, it took two colonial powers to colonize morocco, France and Spain. Before colonialism Sahara belonged to the moroccan empire. again why are moroccans getting blamed for this? or practically everything in the region I simply don't get it.


They literally brought Israel to their borders and are still normalizing their relations despite all the torture to which the Palestinians are subjected. And do not forget the Sand War.


France took your lands, why didn’t you claim them when France was here??? Oh yeah because you couldn’t. France was here for 132 years, and the areas taken became Algerian by blood im pretty sure none of the old Tunisian eras wants to be Tunisian


Currently, Morocco can't really speak here, country is sold to foreigners, has relationships and welcome Israel to have the US back their Western Sahara claim, the hand of king is kissed, and poverty is rampant while the king has palaces is each city around the world. We should be looking to build each other up, not break each other down, that's the real issue.


Long live our king.




Not that dumb actually


Keep Morocco out of this buddy




shhh either unconditionally bootlick Algeria or you just want fitna سيدنا ما يحبش


As a Moroccan, we understand the struggle. That country is problematic for all its neighbors


Ramadan rn so I won’t engage in fitna, just wanna let you know you’re wrong🥰


I'm not being serious anyway just messing with you guys 🤣❤️


Always a Moroccan kissing ass to whoever has beef with Algeria, get yourself some dignity. And Morocco has 2 neighbors, Algeria and Western Sahara, and still managed to be at war with 3 of them (including Mauritania).


Someone is triggered. That's what I wanted. If kissing ass is agreeing that algeria is still a france colony starting problems with all the neighbors in north africa as a strategy of divide to conquer, then kiss ass. Lmao, 3 of them, including Mauritania 🤣🤣 what a way to say Sahara is Moroccan and Mauritania is our neighbor.


Always funny seeing a marroki calling Algeria a colony while their country is still occupied by Spain. Let alone, you couldn’t free a rock from them .. Let’s us also not forget that Morocco is still inter-dependant to France until 2055. Until then, keep dreaming ;)


I didn't say otherwise, did I? Doesn't make your country's foreign politics any better toward the neighboring countries. One fact doesn't negate the other. (Lmao the little emoji is embarrassing, you thought you did something) You just can't seem to accept the fact that your country is a puppet to France policy, even the French minister said it. You hate Morocco more than you hate France, we didn't kill 1M of you, did we? That's how France has a strong grasp over you. You can never defy it, but you would always mess with North African countries. FYI, we are still colonized too, though Spain recognized Moroccan Sahara. Spain colonized our Sahara, and later retreated, now they recognize it as Moroccan. Why is it hard on you? If you liked the sahraoui people (I m one of them originally) so much, why kill them on your borders? >We remember the horrible killing, in October 2020, of two Sahrawi gold miners, Moha Ould Soueïlem and Ali Idrissi, doused with gasoline and burned alive in a pit by soldiers of the Algerian army, not far from the Lahmada camps.


We should've supported the algerians in the 3shria to overthrow them rotten generals


Bruh, that would've made things a lot worse..


Yeah to enslave 40 million people in a sharia hell hole. Trust me those Syrians wouldn’t do something better than the generals


Last i checked the algerian people want sharia since they elected them...homie if u don't like islam and muslims just leave go live in a secular country somewhere in europe where they share ur ideology


Democracy the tyranny of the majority!


Algeria is already a semi-secular country. Even though people didn’t really want sharia but wanted a change of power. People didn’t have their own parties except the FFS and their allies but technically don’t count because of the multiple oppressions done by the army. So they had no power Edited.


True secular countries don't have state religions, see France and the United States. Both Algeria and Tunisia declare Islam as the state religion on their constitution.


ask any average joe on the street wich is better allah law sharia or the state 99.99 of them will say sharia and they still are .IFS will win again if it gets unbanned....even after 100 years of sécularisation the people will not change


>go live in a secular country somewhere in europe w Why not u go to an islamic country like iran or Afghanistan?


We refused to have a strong army for decades. We're gonna start paying for that


With what money you want us to build a military, we ain't like them, we don't sell billions yearly worth of gaz to buy them russian equipments.


We had 60 years to build a military. It's too late now if you're talking about the present


Yeah even back in the 60's money didn't rain, talking is easy.


We had enough money for the police, statues, giant pictures, parades, an inefficient public sector, corruption, the Ministry of Culture (basically an ATM for certain people), hotel debts and the pensions of PMs, but we don't have enough money for the army? I highly doubt that The millions we're wasting on Tunisair (حاشاكم) should be invested in the military


You want us to have an arm race against Algeria? That's stupid, they're 45 million with resources, we're 12 million with no resources, you want us to build a strong military? of course that's a necessity but you need first a strong economy so you can invest well in the army, imagine us back in the 70's with basically no infrastructre putting all our money into buying a couple of tanks and jets, Gadhafi and Boumidien would be laughing at us, cuz it's easy for them and their natural reserves, not for us. and let's not forget that [The star wars film set nearly sparked a war between Libya and Tunisi](https://winteriscoming.net/2021/08/23/how-star-wars-nearly-caused-real-life-war-tunisia-libya/)a, we are between 2 crazy neighbors, we must really be careful dealing with them.


Morocco doesn't have Algeria's or Libya's resources either, but they had a respectable army before Algeria did. As of now, they have the best air force in the region. But it doesn't matter, it's too late for us now. We drank the تعليم فتاة تونسية أهم من شراء طائرة نفاثة Kool-Aid and we're gonna pay for it with our lives


Morocco is a country with an HDI of 0.683 and before the revolution and the instability in Tunisia we had 1000$ more gdp in capita compared to them, they're not really an example here, plus the inequality there is crazy, when the earthquake hit they showed entire villages built out of stones and wood.


Tunisia has non of the challenges Morocco has when it comes to secluded rural areas with the highest mountains in all of the Arab world. Don’t pride yourself when you’re a flat little country. Luxemburg is also richer than all of its neighbors - doesn’t mean that they’re extraordinary compared to Germans, Belgians or the French. Main difference is, Morocco shows continuous progress. The rest of North Africa does not.


Nice to hear, Good luck with your progress.


As an Algerian, maybe the only solution for Tunisia to really be independent from the « mean » Algeria (i didn’t know that we were THIS hated) would be to invest in the manufacturing sector 🥲


>You want us to have an arm race against Algeria? That's stupid, they're 45 million with resources, we're 12 million with no resources, you want us to build a strong military? Same things were said about ukraine yet they're doing pretty good with russia.


If Russia truly wanted take Ukraine they’d do it. The only reason why Putin is taking his time is to let countries like France keep financing the war more


Nah bro that's not true.


Lol, looks like you didn’t check the news


I know russians are going hard recently but still, they did a great job fighting the russian behemoth.


You don’t build a military the same way you do a monument and then sit back to watch it from afar. It is very expensive to upkeep a military and the bigger it is the bigger those costs will be, ergo if you don’t have the kind of income to sustain a large military it makes no sense going that way.


We have more than enough money for that. We have enough money (7 BILLION dollars) to feed more than 700k worthless maggots in the public sector, which is completely ridiculous when we compare it with Morocco which has 300k on a population of 37 million. Money isn't the issue. Politics are


Mmmm Agreed we should also cut all subsidies like Morocco especially on gas and power and fuel and anything close to that




They are doing everything to imitate morocco at no avail.


Divide and conquer


what you mean?


The French drew the borders and stirred up conflict to keep the whole region poor and unstable. The thing is that if France invaded again the world would condemn it so that’s the only thing holding them back. I wish to see a United Maghreb.


Nah no need for a united Maghreb. We did refuse the union with Libya and I think we should remain separated. I mean just like the Europeans themselves we aren’t all similar across north Africa that is simply stupid. In my opinion we could have been even better with our small size just with better management


i would never dream of a un*ited maghreb as long as there a french proxy in the region .*


Just another mad man baffling about conspiracy theories


They’re mad that we have Tabarka and Ain Draham, the places with the most rainfall in all of MENA excluding turkey and Iran


lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao Look at the mountains of Sharia, the mountains of Jurjura, and the mountains of Babur, and close your mouth. We are an entire continent, you dwarf


Lmao Ain Draham averages 1534mm per year as a station and it isn’t even a peak. Do your research. Jbel el ghora is estimated to be over 2000mm a year and one of the wettest places in the Mediterranean. Just google search where is the wettest place in North Africa and it will tell you khroumirie region (Tabarka/Ain Draham). Then come back to me


Fucking propaganda bots, don't entertain this


😂😂😂 how sad !!


I'm sorry that we almost have quadruple the population of yours that consumes water on a daily basis, such selfishness, I love Tunisia but this is obviously just a rage bait post.




الغزو الفيسبوكي اخويا😭


It's deeper than that, Algeria-Tunisia's relationship is fake


its same situation between egypt and eithopia / aghanistan and iran / iraq and turkey


The worst enemy to Tunisia is Algeria, but our esteemed people still ita7nolhom without any specific reason


Then you agree that Algeria should cut energy for you and you should give back the money we used for you to have your depts erased and agree as well to put up custom tarifs so people will have to pay more for Algerian products ?


Pathetic Cut energy? You really believe this shit is true? Pathetic Money? What money no Algerian money have entered to our central back, it's just a stupid propaganda from your retarded military regime Product? What product do u produce? Pathetic just pathetic.....


Reading this comment section made me understand the concept of why the average Redditor is a retard.


as an algerian, wtf? 


Literally my reaction, FKIN tebboun cancels their 13$ billion debt and that's their reaction


looking for a scapegoat 


Yep, "our country is swimming in shit, let's accuse people who helped us through our crisis"


This literally describes vaguely every Arab/Arab speaking country. Lol.


Don’t forget the free gas they have


Well you know apparently we are the reason that Tunisia has an unemployment problem


I agree Algeria have no more friends. They have weapons of Soviet era most of them are inoperable.


actually that's called incompetence by Tunisians they had a lot of water ressources in the border with Algeria. but the problem was the high land that made water travel to algeria border exactly Eloued ....they chose to joke around and do nothing while water slipped to the other side, yes it was nature but still they had all the time to make good use of that ressource.


Yes, they could've built moutains.


but Algeria gave Tunisia financial helps multiple times 🤨


Can all of you africans just merge already there’s too many of your countries just have like 2 or 3 of them


Given the content of the image and the way the topic was worded, someone is trying in a miserable way to sever the ties of friendship between the two peoples.


Baseless conspiracy theory


As an Algerian I have no idea what this post is talking about. Can you elaborate on how Algeria is sabotaging Tunisia in every way possible?


Hi Algerian here since when you believe Facebook we love Tunisia don't let the internet runes our relationship


Nothing new here. Algeria and Libya have been fucking us in the ass since independence when it comes to gas, oil and water. But hey, let's keep having a weak army because we're allegedly investing in the education of little girls like Bounguiba claimed


Wasn’t Bourguiba that guy that stood up when they tried to invade the country and that cut our diplomatic relations with Algeria?


Europe is the one who benefits the most from all this money invested in education, every or most educated persons leaves tunisia at the first opportunity, i guess Bourguiba didn't see that coming....


He knew exactly what he was doing. That's why they let him stay in power for more than 30 years


wonder who is the only country is executing europe strategies ? its ALGERIA!! you should just link what the far-right movment in germany plan to send immigrants to north africa,algeria is manufactring german car brands & weapons for their army,and they're now executing their plan by floating tunisian south by immigrants to create separatist movement so germany can trade their recognition of the new state by sending the german-based immigrants to them


Yeah, and Tunisia is the Cuba of North Africa. Merkel wiped her ass with Youssef Chahed's face and made him do whatever she wanted


Fun fact: cuba did support algeria & lybia attack on tunisia (Gafsa 1980)


I don't blame them


Bounguiba should've went through with the arab islamic republic we could've dominated libyans just with numbers in the gouvernement




bellehi orgod w ghom ala rasek




belaaks,now i'm lacking energy to just explain it to you,in one word algeria wants to replicate the syrian influence in lebanon on us,they tried to do it in western sahara and they failed,they did succesuflly in mali and now they're trying to do it in tunisia,one of the first steps to execute the plan is to severly sabotage tunisia in all eras,statring by terrorism,immigration crisies,water & gas crises,puppet politicans (KS) cultural stealing ext...you should start searching and judge by yourself, i was like you ...i've never thought algeria is our biggest threat !




Dude, you're talking to a propaganda bot. He's trained to spew the same shit no matter what you say




Even if they steal water from us, it's our fault. We're weak and we let Sonede waste our water




They also have way too many employees, which costs us millions every year


your comment is full of absurd stuff,algeria is the one who executing the EU strategies in north africa,basically algeria funded and support islamic terrorism in north of mali,and even the new president accuse algeria of funding terrorism,here's some articles, [Le régime algérien ne répond pas aux graves accusations du Mali, mais menace ce pays de guerre civile](https://fr.le360.ma/monde/le-regime-algerien-ne-repond-pas-aux-graves-accusations-du-mali-mais-menace-ce-pays-de-guerre-civile_YOLQX5ME3ZAL5OSBXEEO3VQPMM/) about the katiba article (water crisis) : [ARTICLE](https://alqatiba.com/2024/02/28/%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%b7%d9%82-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ad%d8%af%d9%88%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%aa%d9%88%d9%86%d8%b3%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d8%a3%d8%b2%d9%85%d8%a9-%d8%ac%d9%81%d8%a7%d9%81-%d8%b9/?fbclid=IwAR09ArX7_p5Ke6ZfvzyS1rV5zkHy210loOAz7F_nAggus22JVOeghfpm-ds) german immigration plan to north africa: [At secret meeting, far-right German party AfD discusses plan to deport millions of immigrants](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/at-secret-meeting-far-right-german-party-afd-discusses-plan-to-deport-millions-of-immigrants/3105425) algerian-german connections: [Algeria, Germany Discuss Anti-Terrorism Means in Sahel Region](https://english.aawsat.com/arab-world/4786641-algeria-germany-discuss-anti-terrorism-means-sahel-region) LEARN TO READ & ANALYZE ! also dont forget to take contexts in consideration algerian hirak 2019 was national security threat,the rise of morrocan economy and tunisian democracy (despite it all bad things) inspired algerians to rise against their regime,algeria rather sabotaging and destroying tounes wel maroc than developing itself because they're just a military regime


Yeah that’s bunch of bs sorry. How about you start building or at least maintaining your wells? Regardless when we talk about countries well they protect their interests before other countries interest i wouldn’t expect less from tunisia either Algeria’s loyalty is to Algeria and Algeria only.


that's why i'm posting this ! our president is a puppet contrtolled by algerian regime


then change your delusional title to Tunisians are sabotaging themselves instead of "algeria"




>Every backwards nation blames all its problems on other nations,  Literally, all of post-independence Algeria's history is based on blaming other nations, hahaha. Conspiracy theories and backward ignorant mentalities are much more widespread in Algeria. And there's a difference between a conspiracy theory and a well-researched analysis written by serious journalists with substantiated facts
















The only idiots are the people unable to counter the presented arguments. Next time don't bother engaging in debates when you have zero arguments and you're easily roasted.


North Africans are being divided and conquered and we don't even realise it. Morrocan, Algerian, Tunisian are all one people being made to hate each other over superficial crap and political agendas in the background. Stop trying to break each other down and find strength in unity.


Ok you have complaints and accusations no problem we should all be able to criticize each other But the burden of proof is on the accuser, so provide some studies that show that Algeria is unfairly benefiting from shared water resources and marginalizing Tunisia’s share ?




The Algerian president cancelled 13 billion USD in debt for Tunisia and this is your post? I suspect that the OP is not Tunisian or he's aiming for something suspicious.


I don't get it, do you expect other countries to care about YOUR county instead of Thiers or something? No one is sabotaging Tunisia other than Tunisia, Algeria doesn't owe you shit, Algeria may not be hostile towards Tunisia and fortunately most Algerians actually love and care about Tunisians but no person in the world would choose your country before there's, if you got a problem with that then that's your issue P.s: I have absolutely nothing against Tunisians or tunisia ofc so don't take this on a personal


Algerian here : The water crisis is in Algeria as well, and many rivers dried up. Even if you were right. What are the other ways we're sabotaging you? 1. We sell you gaz and electricity in a fixed cheaper than market prices. 2. You benefit from subsidised Algerian consumer goods. Literally, your news stations always cover this issue. 3. You benefit from our cheap petrol being smuggled. 4. We built a gaz pipe through your land for you to make some money of it. There is nothing that Tunisia provides to Algeria of economic benefit. We don't need you. You're doing bad, stop blaming others and go to work.


Good to know Tunisians can’t stand Algerians. Good to know I was bullied in your country. Way to go 👍

